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A call to the Union of Agartha

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2023 12:30 am
by Deleted User 284
Extract from the Anvers Free Press
By Clive Comeau
March 21, 20XX

Agartha begins a new era. David H. Marasco, candidate of the Unique Antarctic Identity (UAI) and Southern Democratic Alliance (SDA) parties, won Sunday's elections with an advantage of almost 20 points over his rival Francis Meade, of the Democratic Reform party.

Marasco celebrated his resounding electoral victory with a speech in the Senate Palace before hundreds of his compatriots (while being simultaneously broadcast to the thousands scattered throughout the Antarctic territory). "The new national project will seek to consolidate the nation as a solid figure within the global political and economic scheme," said the flag bearer of the coalition for the defense of the homeland. "The changes ahead will be profound, but I am confident that as a society we will remain as strong and united as the eternal ice that lies beneath us."

He also pointed out that he will wage a frontal fight against "corruption that will include his cabinet members, officials of all levels of government and even their relatives", giving with this saying one more blow to the much-questioned outgoing administration. Amid applause, Marasco ended his speech but not before thanking his coalition, the citizens and the opposition for their participation in "a key electoral process for the future of Agartha".

The results, which do not seem to surprise many, mark quite the milestone by representing the first political alternation in the history of the young nation and were made known through the spokesman for the National Electoral Institute just a few moments ago.

A combination of factors such as corruption scandals, rumors of a possible dissolution of the Federation, as well as the sudden (and rumored murder) death of the former prime minister clearly explain, or at least according to this modest journalist, the change of preference of the national electorate.

However, David's triumph should not be misinterpreted, not so much as a reflection of anger or boredom, but as a viable alternative, which fills a small young nation with a great hunger for growth with optimism.

The questions then swirl and keep on the horizon, can he then meet these expectations placed on him? How much will he be able to maintain and guarantee the unity and majority of the parliamentary chamber that he enjoys today? and above all, are we really facing a real change or just another side of the same coin? Only time will tell, and while this reporter can't wait to find out, equally as can be, it cannot be forgotten that today is truly a time of celebration for all of Agarthian, so, just for today, I have nothing left to say but "Congratulations, Mr. Prime Minister, for your sake and that of all of us, from Anvers Island, I wish you every success in your administration."