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Internal Politics

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2023 11:42 am
by Alanston
After meeting with constituents in Semarang, Mahapatih Raharjo would opt to drive back to Surabaya, rather than fly, so he had some time to think about the state of affairs of Nusantara. Ignoring the security guards present, he would look out the window as his mind races through the various possibilities regarding the future of the nation.

What should be my next steps? We have discussions ongoing with the Americans about China, we are planning our bid for the Universal Exhibition, and our space program is almost operational. Not to mention that I am the one to personally oversee the fulfillment of Hayam Wuruk's dream of uniting the archipelago. And yet, what is next? I can only go down from here, it seems. Hmm... Well, the scenery sure is lovely today. Maybe I'll just focus on that for now, and put the affairs of state aside for a while.

With that, he sits back and watches the scenery pass him by.


An hour, just as his car is passing the city of Ngawi, his phone rings. Frowning, at the disturbance from his reverie, he picks it up, looking at the call display. Seeing that it is Slamet, he sighs and picks it up. "Yes, Slamet? ... Oh, right ... Alright, I'll be there in two hours or so. ... Why? ... They can wait two hours. ... Right, I understand. Goodbye."

Hanging up and putting the phone down, Raharjo sighs, looking back out the window. Now Maharaja Subroto had requested a meeting with him and his cabinet, immediately it would seem. Shaking his head he picks up his phone again and makes a call. "Hello, honey, it looks like I won't be home for dinner again tonight. ... I know, it's the fourth time this week. I wish things were different, but you know how it is. ... Yes, perhaps that would be wise. ... It's with my cabinet and the Maharaja. Probably something to do with internal affairs. ... I know, I miss you too. Tomorrow I will be there, I promise. ... You're right, that's not a promise I can make." He sighs audably, earning him a glance from the security guard in the front seat. "Well, I promise to be there as soon as I can. ... Yes, maybe so. How are the children? ..." He continues his call for a good hour and a half, speaking with his wife about personal affairs almost the entire drive back to Surabaya.

Once in the city, he has the security guards take him to the Maharaja's personal offices in the newly constructed parliament buildings. Once there, he would enter into the meeting room, where he would find the rest of his cabinet already waiting, along with the Maharaja. Smiling, he takes his seat and nods respectfully to the others present.

Re: Internal Politics

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2023 9:11 am
by Alanston
With Raharjo present, Maharaja Subroto smiles and nods to him in greeting, before standing and greeting the Patih's of Nusantara. "Thank you again all for gathering, I am glad you could all make time for being here this afternoon. Raharjo, thank you for coming here right away, I know you were eager to see your wife again, but I appreciate your dedication to your office. Now, down to business.

"As you know, our nation is doing quite well for itself. Our space program is proving quite successful, our nuclear program has paid off, and we have set up detection arrays throughout nearby waters for the defense of our nation. Not to mention the recent reunification of the Nusantaran peninsula. Overall, we are doing well. Our economy is strong, our output is strong, and we are in a strong position in the world. I would like to congratulate each and every one of you, you have all accomplished what few before you have done."

Raharjo nods in thanks to Subroto. "Thank you, sir. I speak on behalf of my cabinet when I say that we have done all this with only the pride of the nation in mind. We are honoured by your respect for us, and we hope to continue to impress you in future endeavours." The rest of the Patih's present would nod their agreement, echoing Raharjo's sentiments.

"I am pleased. However we can not remain still. The time has come to look to the future of our nation. I envision a nation that spans the entire South East Asian region, from the Brahmaputra River to the Solomon Islands. Ours will be a great and magnificent nation. But, we must plan wisely for our expansion, or it will all be for naught. We must also finalize the integration of the rest of our peninsula, expanding our military and infrastructure to bring it all up to par. We must also discuss our bid for the Universal Expo. What are your thoughts?" Subroto looks among those present, eager to hear what they have to say on the matter.

Labuh bin Rabu, Patih of Infrastructure, would be the first to speak. "Does this mean I finally have the approval for the increased budget to bring about repairs and the like for a complete revitalization for the recently reunified lands? As they are in desperate need of it. The work done during the reunification process helped, but the lands need a lot more work, and I am eager to begin as soon as possible. Yet I am going to need my approved budget to be at least tripled in order to begin."

Subroto turns to look at Raharjo expectantly. Raharjo nods, "Yes, we can easily triple your budget, in fact I think we will quadruple it for a more favourable outcome. Now that our space program is up and running, and other major projects that were in the works have been completed, we are able to divert funds to helping the revitalization of the reintegrated lands. You have my approval to begin immediately."

"Thank you, sir."

Purwodarminto, Patih of Heritage and Culture, speaks next. "When looking at our proposal for the Universal Exhibition, I would like to propose something surrounding our cultural and religious heritage. More specifically, our ancient temple complexes. In particular, I was thinking of centring our bid around Yogyakarta, and the temples of Borobudur, Prambanan, and Sewu. Not to mention the various other temples and ancient structures in the region. We will prioritize the historic culture of our complexes, demonstrating our ancient past to the world. Further, we will revitalize the temple complexes, polishing them, restoring them, and conducting archeological work on them. Several new hotels, and a grounds venue will be built in nearby in Yogyakarta, with the purpose of facilitating travel to and from the sites. Several new museums will also be constructed to facilitate our cultural heritage at these sites. As a nation with a rich and long history, I believe this proposal is well worth it, as it will go a long ways towards helping increase our tourism, and towards rejuvenating our history. For too long our past has been forgotten, and it is about time that we begin restoring it to prominence."

Subroto smiles widely, "That is a magnificent idea Purwodarminto! I strongly support it. I agree that it is a wise choice, and well suited to reflect the history of our nation. We might do well include something surrounding the multicultural nature of our nation as well, but otherwise I support that proposal. Does anyone have any objections?"

"Something based on science and technology might be a good alternative though, I mean hasn't cultural heritage been a bit overdone these days?" Cahaya Sucianty Indrajaya, Patih of Innovation, Science, and Industry counters.

"Not at all, honestly. In fact, I think STEM has been overdone these days, with everyone focusing on innovations and scientific discoveries. Instead would it not be wiser to focus on our heritage and cultural identity, rather than modernity?"

"Alright, I'll yield the proposal. We can go with a heritage option."

Patih of Foreign Affairs, Angkasa Song, speaks next. "With that out of the way, we should discuss the future of our nation. Personally I think your dream is a bit too ambitious, Subroto. Now, before you get mad, allow me to clarify. Expansion of that magnitude will likely go poorly, especially if we attempt to integrate cultures that have nothing to do with our own, such as those in Burma. Not to mention that governing them as part of the larger Nusantara realm will ultimately fail. We will look like the imperialist states we fought so hard against in the past. Not to mention that this will include going against our neighbours in Siam."

Damarwulan shrugs. "We have a strong army. I say we practice some stronger army diplomacy."

Deputy Mahapatih (Deputy Prime Minister), Slamet, counters. "Or, and hear me out here, we take a different approach. I recently had a dream about a nation known as The United States of Asia, also known as the Asian Republic. This nation was an answer to how to integrate the various regions of South East Asia into one, unified, nation. Rather than a centralized nation, as we have currently, it would be a more decentralized nation. With each region having a certain degree of autonomy, and representation in the national government. It would be a more inclusive way of representing various cultural and people groups throughout the region. Furthermore, with those regions integrated, we would be able to increase our influence and reach in the region, and truly be the powerhouse of Asia."

Song nods agreeably, "I like this proposal, but it still doesn't address our ally in Siam. As well as how we will go about integration of these regions."

"What about ... Stronger Army Diplomacy?" Damarwulan states grandly.

Raharjo shakes his head. "Only if absolutely necessary, lest we become akin to the imperial states of we fought against for so long. Instead, we will take the diplomatic approach, letting our economic and cultural successes speak for themselves. I propose we begin with the Philippines and East Papua/Papua New Guinea, as those regions are closest to us culturally, and from there we gradually reach out to the main land nations and begin working with them, but slowly. As for Siam, we can leave them be. They are our ally, and I think it is only fair that they have their independence protected for now. Perhaps in the future we can look at different options for them. As for the name of this nation, I do like the idea of the Asian Republic, calling it the Alliance of South East Asian Nations, or ASEAN, is also a strong contender. Nusantara could then be an entity within the larger nation, or we can break down our nation into smaller components. Keeping, of course, the Maharaja as our monarch. But we can come up with a name at a later point. For now, I say we reach out to out two neighbours and begin talks."

After a few moments, Subroto smiles and responds to all present. "Very well then, if no one has anything else to bring up, we shall follow through on our proposals. We will reconvene here in a few weeks to discuss how our different tasks have progressed, and to offer advice to that extent. To the future of Nusantara!"

The rest of the meeting is spent going over the specifics of the various discussions and proposals, including expansion and the universal exhibition. Following that the Patih's head home for the evening. The next day they begin to put their plans into action.