Come Fly With Me

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Come Fly With Me


Post by NCR »

Following the successes of the NCR space program, the commercial capabilities of the Little Bear and Heavy Bear rockets are heavily publicized worldwide, as it is the complementary satellite-building offer.
Heavy emphasis is put on how cheaply per Kg of payload the rockets can put the desired mass into orbit, especially if a reusable launch is bought.
Aggressive ad campaigns are conducted worldwide, and videos of the reusable rockets landing are circulated to showcase great technical capabilities.
Additionally, for "sensitive" payloads privacy is expressly guaranteed.

[This thread is ment for both players and NPCs to buy launches (and sats, should they be needed). Players can of course also make their own thread, or put an order as a part of another thread, otherwise using this is fine.]

Little Bear: Payload (max)=20'000 kg to LEO; | Cost per launch=60 millions NC$ (ridesharing allows to pay only a fraction proportional with the bought payload mass);
Heavy Bear: Payload (max)=80'000 kg to LEO; | Cost per launch=125 millions NC$ (ridesharing allows to pay only a fraction proportional with the bought payload mass);

Little Bear: Payload (max)=25'000 kg to LEO; | Cost per launch=120 millions NC$ (ridesharing allows to pay only a fraction proportional with the bought payload mass);
Heavy Bear: Payload (max)=100'000 kg to LEO; | Cost per launch=250 millions NC$ (ridesharing allows to pay only a fraction proportional with the bought payload mass);
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Factbook: viewtopic.php?p=2729#p2729

Re: Come Fly With Me


Post by Alanston »

The military leaders of the Tamil Trifecta reach out to the Californian government, requesting their assistance in launching several military grade spy satellites. They intend to make use of the satellite building offer mentioned. They request that these satellites be stationed primarily over the Indian region, but also over Europe and East Asia. They stress the need for secrecy with regards to their request.
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Re: Come Fly With Me


Post by NCR »

The NCR reassures the Tamil Trifecta that the project will be as secret as possible, and thanks them for their purchase.
Since the request seems limited to those region only, a solution is offered consisting of 3 geostationary satellites (one for each area).
They will be launched with a reusable LB launch into a GTO, which will then be circularized by appropriate on-board propulsion thanks to separate stages on which the satellites will be mounted on.

This of course may change if additional specifications/requests are made.
If no objections or other preferences are specified, and confirmation is given, the work may start.

[hey, do you have any preference on the thread for the needed development? options would be a new one, this one, or mine.]
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Factbook: viewtopic.php?p=2729#p2729

Re: Come Fly With Me


Post by Alanston »

The representative from the Tamil Trifecta requests that the satellites be capable of monitoring nuclear missile launches (including their own), as well as other necessary requirements. The solution offered is acceptable, and the Tamil representative agrees to the terms. They offer to make the payments in installations over a set period of years.

[Perhaps a new thread for developments for rockets and satellites purchased in this thread. Feel free to use the reusable rockets you've already built though. Also, before you agree to it, be aware that the Tamil Trifecta is essentially the North Korea of the forums.]
Moved from Statescraft to RP Archive on Mon Jul 24, 2023 1:15 am by Alanston


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