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Russians in the East

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2023 11:18 pm
by Alanston
Imperial Palace, Nanjing

Standing behind a paper wall in the throne room, Emperor Zheng Yi faces to the side, waiting for the general's arrival. Throughout the room various imperial guards and servants stand at attention. Two advisors recline at a war table in one corner of the room. A table which is, naturally, equipped with the latest technology. Before long, Pillar of the State, General Ren Yahui enters the room, steps onto the raised floor exactly one metre into the room, walks another several metres closer to the emperor's screen, and kowtows before the emperor, kneeling on the ground with his arms outstretched and his face turned toward the ground.

"My lord, I have come as requested."

"Pillar of the State Ren, I have an important request to make of you. It seems that the Russians to the north have yet again laid claim to be the true Russian Government. What are your thoughts on the matter?"

"My lord, we too claim to be the one and only true China. Perhaps we could find a mutual agreement between the two of us?"

"Perhaps we could, but tell me, if they hold land in China, how could we find an agreement with them?"

"As My Lord knows, Lüshun Port has historically been part of Manchuria, not China proper. We could, if you are willing, come to a mutual agreement on the matter? Perhaps discuss mutual border arrangements, or a lease agreement where we give them authority to hold the port? Further, We could leave Manchuria out of our land claims at this time, and leave the region as something we will discuss in the future?"

"I can see the wisdom in that. Very well. Emperor Zheng pauses to consider, before continuing. "Pillar of the State Ren, you are to arrange a meeting with the Russians to the north. You are to arrange a mutual treaty, whereby we will recognize their claims over Russia in exchange for them recognizing our claims over China. We will arrange to help them in exchange for them helping us. We will discuss mutual borders in Manchuria and come to an agreement over a common border. We will discuss Lüshun Port and its status with regards to China, along with that of Manchuria."

"Yes, My Lord, I will leave at once."

"Go with my blessing."

With that, Pillar of the State, General Ren Yahui stands slowly, keeping his face turned towards the ground, before backing out of the throne room. Once he steps off the raised floor, he turns and raises his head as he walks swiftly out of the room. Behind him, the Emperor instructs the advisors to draw up plans for a potential alliance with Transamur.

Later that day, Pillar of the State, General Ren Yahui reaches out to @Transamur to request a meeting, offering to come to Vladivostok to discuss mutual affairs between both states. It is implied that the meeting is in response to the Russians recent statement.

Re: Russians in the East

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2023 7:58 am
by Transamur
Semenov works at his humble desk in his study, reading over his following speech to the Transamur Duma. Reading the written speech twice, the man scowls, erasing a single line and replacing it with quick work from his pencil. A knock at the door would interrupt Semenov's work. With a sigh, Semenov would look up at the door and reply.

"Come in, whatever it is, it better be important."

The door opened, and an officer with a decorated uniform stepped inside.

"Admiral Alexei, what brings you in person? I assume the Duma sent you."

Alexei nods, replying, "Yes, President. Though I wouldn't have had to come in person if you actually turned on your phone."

The President snorts, smiling slightly.

"I prefer some privacy for a part of my day so I may focus on my many duties. One doesn't win elections by sitting around doing nothing. Now, why are you here, Admiral?"

"General Ren Yahu of the Qi has requested a meeting, offering to come to Vladivostok. Your yearly declaration has sparked some interest."

"The Qi? Well, very interesting. Very well, respond that we will gladly accept a meeting; from there, do you think you can handle it, Alexei?"

The Admiral nods in affirmation before Semenov waves the man away, returning to his work as the Admiral leaves the study.
A response is sent back, accepting the requested meeting.

Re: Russians in the East

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2023 12:17 pm
by Alanston
Following the acceptance of the meeting, General Ren Yahui finishes his preparations, sends his flight plan to the Russians, and boards a plane with several other high ranking officials, and heading to Vladivostok for the meeting. Upon arrival he would go to meet the Russian greeting party. His delegation would be carrying several packages, which, if inspected, would contain silks of the highest quality, gold, and jade carvings. Those who inspect them (if they are inspected) would be asked to keep their contents secret for the time being.

Re: Russians in the East

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2023 5:10 am
by Transamur
Russian officers would greet the General before being provided with transport to the Pravitel'stvo Primorskogo Kraya, the current seat of the Russian government. Upon arriving, a Russian Admiral would greet the General and his entourage, smiling and speaking in fluent Mandarin, though slightly accented.

"General Ren Yahui, I welcome you to Vladivostok. I am Admiral Alexei Nikolaev of the Russian Fleet and part of the President's cabinet."

Re: Russians in the East

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 1:01 pm
by Alanston
General Ren would bow respectfully in response continuing in Mandarin, "Thank you Admiral Nikolaev, I am honoured by your acceptance of our request. Please, allow me to show the respects of my nation to yours through these gifts." He gestures to several servants, who would present several ornate chests to the Admiral.

When the Admiral opens them he would find various silks of the highest quality, including a robe for the Transamur President in their national colours. A Transamur flag, made of the silk, would also be included. Along with the silks, the Admiral would also find several paintings, some fine porcelain pots, several jade carvings, and a decent amount of ornately carved gold.

"I hope these gifts meet with your approval. Please, consider them as a sign of respect from my nation to yours." General Ren would reply, inclining his head out of respect. "Shall we begin our meeting today? It is my understanding that you have recently reiterated your yearly declaration of being the one and true Russian State. On behalf of the Qi Dynasty, I am prepared to extend our support for this cause. However, we must first discuss mutual interests in the East Asian region, especially regarding the Manchurian region, and the state of The Middle Kingdom.

"First, shall we discuss Manchuria? I am especially curious with regards to your claims on the region, given your holding over Lüshun Port."