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A Deterrent, Naturally

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2023 10:55 pm
by Alanston
With the established goal of the nation being to reestablish control over the rest of China proper in the near future, Emperor Zheng Yi has given the order for work to begin on the development of a nuclear program, in order to ensure that the nation has a deterrent against any hostile actions or potential intervention by foreign actors. With proven significant uranium deposits throughout the nation, work begins immediately on various facilities in order to begin testing and development of the nuclear weapons. Further, work on extraction for these purposes will begin at a steady pace, with refineries also being constructed in order to ensure the uranium is ready to be utilized when the time comes. Several storage facilities throughout the nation will also be constructed as well.

Meanwhile, a search is underway for a suitable location for testing, with many suggesting it be done either underground or on one of the many islands under Chinese control.

Re: A Deterrent, Naturally

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2023 12:01 am
by Alanston
With a large workforce dedicated to the project, the first laboratories and research labs have been completed. Testing for the nuclear weapons is underway at these facilities, with various simulations being run. Elsewhere, the refineries have also been completed, and the uranium is being enriched and refined at a steady pace. At yet another facility the first prototypes are being worked on, and will soon be ready for testing. Work on further facilities and labs is also underway.

An underground location has been secured for testing the first nuclear device, with another device planned to be tested on Imotojima Island. As an uninhabited island far away from population centres, it is an ideal location to test a nuclear device.

Re: A Deterrent, Naturally

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2023 1:35 am
by Alanston
After much work, the first prototype weapon has been prepared, and is sent to be tested at the underground facility. After all the sensors and equipment is in place, the device is detonated, and the data collected. Due to its location in a more seismically active region, it is highly unlikely that any other nations would have evidence of the test taking place, although some would likely have suspicions. Following this test, the second test device is recalibrated and adjustments are made to it. A short while after the first one, it too would be tested at the underground facility. This test would likely raise more suspicion, but there would still be no definitive proof, due to it being in a seismically active region. This second test would prove to be a success, with the information being gathered coming in line with simulations that were being run. With these tests being successful, and after reviewing historic test data from Pacific island testing, the government decides to scrap the testing on Imotojima Island. Instead, the devices are declared to have been successful, and full scale manufacturing begins.

With the other facilities and labs having been completed, work on the nuclear weapons is able to begin throughout several facilities throughout the nation simultaneously. An initial set of 4 facilities have been completed, each currently able to work on 3 devices at the same time. As such, the first batch of 12 nuclear devices with yields of around 100 kt have been ordered.

Meanwhile, work on another 4 facilities, and the expansion of the initial 4 is given the green light and work has commenced.

Research is currently underway on expanding the yield of the nuclear weapons the nation can produce.

Re: A Deterrent, Naturally

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2023 10:06 am
by Alanston
After many labour intensive days, the first batch of 12 devices with a yield of 100kt has been completed, with a second batch of 12 also having been completed in the meantime. A third batch of 12 is currently underway.

Elsewhere, the initial 4 facilities have been expanded, and are set to open as soon as the third batch of 12 is completed. While another 4 facilities have also been completed. A third batch of 4 facilities is also being worked on, with these 4 being aimed at producing higher yield nuclear weapons. Meanwhile, the second set of 4 facilities are also being expanded to match the production capabilities of the first 4 facilities.

Similarly, the research is nearing completion, and once done, will allow for the production of nuclear devices with much larger yields.

Re: A Deterrent, Naturally

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 9:53 pm
by Alanston
After extensive work, the third and fourth batch of 12 devices has been completed all devices so far have yields of 100kt. This has resulted in a total of 48 nuclear devices, all with yields of 100kt.

The third set of 4 facilities has also been completed, and have been upgraded to match the first two groups of facilities. In all, there are 12 facilities, each capable of producing 3 devices simultaneously. These facilities are spread throughout the country in geographically strategic areas.

Meanwhile, research has been undertaken, with positive results, to allow for the construction and development of nuclear devices with significantly higher yields, up to 500kt.

Meanwhile, work is underway on the development of nuclear bombs with higher yields, still, as well as research into a hydrogen bomb, expected to have yields over 1mt. [top secret]

A further 48 nuclear devices, each with yields of 500kt, have been ordered.

Re: A Deterrent, Naturally

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2023 7:08 pm
by Alanston
Development on the further 48 devices has been completed, with all 48 having been finished. With their completion, they are sent to various secondary locations for storage and armament.

Meanwhile, the development has paid off, with nuclear devices with yields over 1mt being now feasible. Similarly, research into a hydrogen bomb has also proven fruitful, and work has commenced on a test device.

Elsewhere, work on the mining and enrichment of uranium continues at a steady pace. 6 of the facilities are put to work constructing 24 nuclear devices with yields of 1mt, whilst the other 6 facilities are put on hold until the hydrogen bombs have been tested successfully.

Re: A Deterrent, Naturally

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2023 11:22 am
by Alanston
Work on the 24 devices with yields of 1mt is nearly completed, with the devices being roughly 2/3rds along.

The test device for the hydrogen bomb has been completed, with testing set to commence in the near future. The test site is selected as Farallon de Medinilla island, and ships in the region are informed that a nuclear test will be conducted in the area and advised to avoid the area while testing is conducted. Meanwhile, the test device itself, along with appropriate instruments are brought to the Marianas Island chain and the test is prepared to be conducted.

Re: A Deterrent, Naturally

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2023 11:37 pm
by Alanston
Finally, after everything is brought into position, the hydrogen bomb is tested on Farallon de Medinilla Island. The results of the test are collected, and then assessed back in the mainland. Following the testing, and the assessment of the results, work is ordered and commenced on 6 hydrogen bombs, each with yields of 5mt. Research continues on how to potentially increase the yield, if necessary. Investigations are also underway on expanding the facilities to be able to produce more hydrogen bombs, to the same amount as the regular nuclear bombs (3 devices simultaneously).

Meanwhile, the other 24 devices are still being worked on, now sitting at 3/4ths completed.


Re: A Deterrent, Naturally

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2023 11:20 pm
by Alanston
After some intensive work, the 6 hydrogen bombs are completed, alongside the 24 nuclear devices, and the expansion of the other facilities. Following this, 48 hydrogen bombs are ordered, half with yields of 5mt, and half with yields of 10mt.

The construction of an additional 6 facilities is also ordered, with these facilities each having the capacity to construct 6 devices simultaneously. These facilities will focus on devices with smaller yields, specifically in the 50-250kt range.

The current nuclear arsenal is as follows:
48x 100kt devices
48x 500kt devices
24x 1mt devices
6x 5mt hydrogen bombs

Re: A Deterrent, Naturally

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2023 11:12 pm
by Alanston
After a lengthy period of construction and expansion, the various facilities are completed. In total there are 20 facilities, with each being capable of producing 6 devices each. These facilities are spread throughout the nation.

After much work, the nuclear arsenal from the current expansions is as follows:
96x 50kt devices
96x 75kt devices
96x 100kt devices
96x 250kt devices
96x 500kt devices
48x 1mt devices
24x 5mt hydrogen bombs
24x 10mt hydrogen bombs

Naturally work on producing more continues to be ongoing, but for now these devices are sent into active service.

[as per normal, all these numbers are classified]