Do I hear chariots?

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Holy Roman Empire
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Do I hear chariots?


Post by Holy Roman Empire »

Name of Nation: Celtic Federation
Name You Would Like on Map, if Different: Celtic Federation
Preferred Nation Color On Map [HEX code]: Irish Green #009A44
Areas You Would Like to Claim: Total 788,268sqkm, or ~1,000,000sqkm including Sermersooq claim
Green/Yellow: British Isles, Faroe Islands, Iceland, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, the rest of Metropolitan France (Burgundy-Free County, Brittany, Centre-Loire Valley, Great East, Upper France, Island of France, Normandy, Loire Countries)
Red: Jan Mayen, Svalbard, Kujalleq (Southern tip of Greenland), if possible the bulk of Sermersooq (bit of Greenland that is above Kujalleq) excluding the triangle of frozen land formed in the interior from the south-eastern tip of Queqqata to where the border between Sermersooq and the Northeast Greenland National Park meets the sea. (I attempted to use the map calculator for this but mapping Greenland in that is pain, I can claim approx 420,000skq of Sermersooq with my remaining limit, which is 4/5 of the municipality. I mainly want the coastlines for EEZ reasons)
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Re: Do I hear chariots?


Post by Alanston »

Moved from Map Requests to Map Claims Archive on Sat Feb 10, 2024 1:51 pm by Alanston


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