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Courting a Prince

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2023 2:38 am
by Kingdom of Ireland
An airplane lands in Danzig's busy metropolitan airport. This is of course nothing special. Danzig is a bustling Free City, and commercial airlines from across the world land and take off from Danzig at all times of day, every day. This airplane has a specific individual onboard. On the surface he appears to be nothing of note. As he passes through customs, the border guard briefly looks over his passport: Dajad Barsamian, a citizen of Armenia. His papers check out, and he leaves the airport with his bags and heads to his hotel via a taxi.

This is, of course, a fabrication. There is a man who just arrived in Danzig. But his papers are forged, his name is not Dajad Barsamian, and he is not from Armenia. His name is Hanno Shahaf, he is a citizen of Carthage, and he is an operative of Machlakah. He settles into his room, unpacks his belongings, and rests. He will not be doing anything special for some few days, aside from some touristy acts like occasional gambling and sightseeing. All a part of making him appear inconspicuous, even if Hanno was looking forward to the self-guided tour of Danzig anyway. He might as well have some fun on the government's dime, after all.

Re: Courting a Prince

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2023 11:26 am
by Alanston
Elsewhere in Danzig Prince Yusef al-Alawi of Morocco is sitting at the Grand Prussian Casino, currently staring down Yaroslav, a hulking Rus, at the poker table. They had been playing for a while now, and Yusef was getting close to a victory. Several of their friends were gathered around, including several of Yusef's guards, whilst the others are spread throughout the casino. Yaroslav is the first to blink, and Yusef plays the winning hand, taking the earnings. Yaroslav frowns, with tension building as the hulking man flexes his muscles, several people whisper - is he going to fight the Moroccan. The tension breaks, and both men stand and laugh, shaking hands.

Afterwards, Yusef cashes his winnings, and heads to the nearby luxurious restaurant, ordering foie gras with steak, alongside a rich pork stew, and some wine. He would order a side of German cake for desert. Unlike many Muslims from Morocco, including the ruling family, Yusef does not care much for the halal regulations, and eats whatever he feels like. After his meal (which would cost upwards of $800), he would return to his room at the Frederick I Luxury Hotel. The next morning he would begin his daily routine of having breakfast at the hotel, walking along the canal, visiting with friends, having lunch at a different expensive restaurant in the city centre, before returning to the Grand Prussian in the afternoon. His guards would be with him the entire time.

Re: Courting a Prince

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2023 1:17 am
by Kingdom of Ireland
Yusef's body guards are understood by Hanno and the Machlakah as effectively incorruptible. Loyal to Prince Yusef, they would never violate their integrity with a bribe.

The same cannot be said for the workers of the hotel.
Hanno has been going through a reasonably 'touristy' schedule, seeing the normal tourist sights, eating well, and even conducting some technically state-sponsored gambling. Something about working for an intelligence agency must help with having a good poker face, because he ended up making a few thousand at the poker table over the course of the few days he's been here. Anyone watching him would have largely lost interest, as he appeared to be just like every well-to-do businessman blowing off some steam for a couple weeks.

While much of his schedule is just for pleasure and to build his cover, there are a few noticeable caveats. He takes breakfast at a café near the Frederick I hotel, and just happens to be crossing by the hotel and seated by the big window looking out onto the street as Prince Yusef leaves the hotel every morning to go on his usual daily schedule. While Yusef is out, Hanno occasionally eats lunch at the restaurant in the Frederick I. Not every day, or even in regular intervals, but intermittently and seemingly "on a whim". Most people look out of place eating alone at a restaurant, it seems rather odd to the staff and other patrons alike. Hanno, despite eating alone, does not look out of place. He always brings something to do to appear busy, usually some form of reading material such as a book or newspaper. He has gotten rather friendly with much of the staff over the days he has been there, striking up conversations about working in a tourist town, how busy the restaurant and hotel get, and once they discussed that weird Moroccan prince who seems to live out of his hotel room.

After becoming friendly with one of the waitresses, Erika, over the course of a few days of "by chance" arriving at her shift and sitting in her section, he offered her a proposal: As the wealthy businessman he is, he wishes to offer a business arrangement to the Prince. However, he can't manage to arrange a meeting on account of his bodyguards refusing to let any unknown people approach him. He would offer her 2,000 USD to get a message slipped to him at dinner. One half now, one half when he comes back to hear Yusef's response. His message will be sealed, all she needs to do is include it when she delivers him his dessert. She naturally agrees, $2,000 for delivering one small business proposal? How could she refuse?

Hanno meets her the next day, gives her the first half, $1,000 in cash, and hands her a small sealed note. He will be back in 3 days to hear the response from the prince via her. Inside the note, reads the following:

To The Most Noble Prince Yusef,

The waitress, Erika, believes this is a business proposal from a wealthy businessman. This is neither a business proposal, nor is the writer of this letter a businessman. Do not let her become aware of this.

I represent a group of individuals who believe Morocco would benefit greatly from the removal of your father, Mohammed VI as King and you put in his place instead. Your father, as well as much of your family, I dare say hold values which are antiquated to the modern day. Here, in Danzig, you stand little chance of generating support on your own. Write back your response to this proposal and deliver it to the waitress in a sealed letter like this one. Three days from the day you read this I will collect your message. If you are interested, give me a time and location to meet. I will be there. If you are not, don't give her a response. You will not hear from me again.

Re: Courting a Prince

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2023 10:24 am
by Alanston
When asked that one time about the Moroccan Prince, the staff would comment about how he has his own private room and gets special rates. They'd also comment about how some nights he doesn't use the room, but that they don't know where he goes. Most would speak highly of him, being that he is a well respected patron who never behaves poorly and always pays well.

Erika takes the note, bringing it to Yusef the following morning at breakfast (since he rarely eats dinner at the Frederick I hotel). Yusef would take the note and look it over, before asking her who gave it to him. Slipping her some money, she would inform him of the businessman's name, a fake name of Armenian origins (not that she is aware of its origins). Yusef would nod thoughtfully. Pulling out a pen he would write a response, giving it back to Erika with a smile:

To the esteemed businessman Dajad Barsamian,

I received your letter, thank you for it. It is well known that I have no love for my father, nor my elder brother, Prince Hassan. Yet what could you, an Armenian, do about this? Armenia is nowhere near Morocco. That said, I would be willing to meet to discuss this, but be aware, my father has spies, even here, who pay attention to my movements. If you want to meet to discuss this further, meet me for dinner at 5pm tonight at the Grand Prussian, you're paying. During dinner we will only discuss your business proposal. When you get there, ask for The Prince, two of my guards will bring you to my table.


Prince Yusef al-Alawi of Morocco

After breakfast, Yusef would leave the hotel, before continuing along his daily routine, though this day he would seemingly disappear for several hours, only to reappear in the late afternoon when it came time for his evening at the Grand Prussian.

Erika would bring the letter to Dajad when she seems him next, asking for the rest of the money.

Re: Courting a Prince

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2023 10:38 am
by Kingdom of Ireland
Hanno would go back to the Frederick I the next day for lunch again, not expecting any news but instead to watch over Erika's actions and demeaner. This isn't his first time in the field, and he knows how hastily acquired assets like her can sometimes agree and seem calm at first, but become increasingly uncomfortable with the situation as they fully digest it. Instead, and much to his surprise, Erika brings him a response. He reads the response letter while drinking his tea, pondering the situation he has found himself in. He doesn't like to be on the backfoot, having to go to places he has not properly vetted for a meeting. Sure, the Prince is aware of his father's spies, but how careful is he really at avoiding them? He thanks Erika for her help and pays her the second half of the payment. He also jots down all the identifiable information he has gathered on her: name, occupation, physical features, apparent friends at work, and all other details one might gather from a conversation. Machlakah may deem her a liability in the future, prone to a freak accident in her car or some other tragedy. A shame he thought, she seemed rather sweet. But again, this isn't his first time in the field.

Hanno leaves a coded letter in the safe in his hotel before heading out to dinner. The hotel room is paid up for weeks, and if Hanno does not make contact with his handler then they will descend on his room much faster than Hotel cleaning. He brings with him a briefcase, filled with both documents as well as the significant amount of cash he expects will cover the cost of the dinner. He brings his card along as well, but better to not leave a paper trail with these new-fangled credit cards if it can be helped. He dresses in one of the fine suits he has brought along with him, and enters the Grand Prussian and follows the instructions. He asks for The Prince, and waits.

Re: Courting a Prince

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2023 11:57 am
by Alanston
At the Grand Prussian, after asking for The Prince, Dajad is greeted by two burly men who bring him into the coat room. Inside, they would frisk him, carefully checking his pockets and briefcase. Nodding at the impressive sum of cash in the briefcase, they escort him to a table in a far corner of the restaurant. This table would be situated out of view of the entrance, and in a dimly lit section, out of sight of where most patrons visit. There would be two men of Moroccan descent, and two locals at a neighbouring table out of earshot. At the table Dajad is brought to there would be two men and an attractive young woman. The guards would introduce Dajad to Prince Yusef, one of the two men at the table. He would stand and give Dajad a firm handshake, introducing the other man as Jamal, and the woman as Sunna. They would then take a seat at the table, inviting Dajad to sit as well. The guards would then take a seat at a nearby table within earshot. The man introduced as Yusef would then hold up a hand, implying that they wait. Shortly after Dajad's arrival, a waiter would bring two bottles of an expensive Austrian wine. The man would order 4 soups to start them off. Once the wine is served and the waiter has left, the man would begin to speak.

"Tell me, Mr. Dajad Barsamian, what do you think of Danzig? Do you agree with those who think Danzig should rejoin Poland or Germany, or do you agree with those currently in power that believe Danzig is better off as an independent state?" The man begins, taking a sip of his wine.

If Dajad/Hanno had seen recent photos of the prince, he would notice that the man introduced to him as Prince Yusef would look very similar, but would not actually be the prince himself. Most publicly available photos of the prince would be from around 5 years prior, when the scandal broke, and so wouldn't be of much use in noticing the deception.

Re: Courting a Prince

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2023 11:05 pm
by Kingdom of Ireland
Danzig seems to be getting along just fine as it is. Hanno takes a sip of his wine, enjoying the flavor before continuing. If the people here wish to keep their prosperity going I can't say I blame them.

Hanno might suspect a double to be used. Such an idea for an individual who believes he is being spied on and agreed to meet a mysterious man to discuss political changes at home would understandably set off alarm bells. The idea is present in Hanno's head, but nowhere near enough to make him confident and confront the individual in front of him about it.

However, you know it is not Danzig's politics I came here to discuss with you today.

Re: Courting a Prince

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2023 12:45 pm
by Alanston
The man smiles, "True, you mentioned something about a business deal? Tell me more about this, what sort of business were you interested in?" The waiter would return briefly, distributing the soups and taking an order for 4 Königsberger Klopse (made with veal), with a side of Tilsit cheese, before leaving again. The man would then start on his soup as he listens to Dajad.

At the neighbouring table out of earshot, one of the men of Moroccan descent would take a mild interest in observing Dajad, but would not be obvious about it. Their table would order a rack of lamb.

Re: Courting a Prince

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2023 10:15 pm
by Kingdom of Ireland
Yes, our business deal. Sir, I represent a group who wish to assist you in running your family business as you see fit, and taking the control required to do so.
As Hanno speaks, he briefly writes a Sign of Tanit on a piece of notepaper, and taps it to accentuate when he says 'a group' so that "the prince" would hopefully understand he is not in fact Armenian.

Hanno would be aware of the man with the lamb insofar as he is aware of his surroundings.

Re: Courting a Prince

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 12:23 am
by Alanston
"Running my family business as I see fit, huh? Well that could be of interest. Tell me, what sort of experience do you have in taking power in large, family run businesses?" The man would ask. When he sees the tanit on the paper, he would raise his eyebrows, looking at Dajad with a bit of surprise. After a while, the meal would be served, during this time the man would fill the conversation with standard inquiries about stocks and market shares and board members and the like. A short while later, the man would look at Dajad with interest, "Mr. Dajad, what is the weather like in Yerevan this time of year? I presume you have connections there?"

The men at the other table would be savouring their rack of lamb, not really eating much, and just seemingly enjoying each others company.