Monterrey-Republic Aviation unveils next generation air dominance fighter testbed

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California Republic
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Monterrey-Republic Aviation unveils next generation air dominance fighter testbed


Post by California Republic »

Monterey-Republic Aerospace has formally joined the F(X) Program with an upgraded model of the existing F-15A as a competitor for the major defence acquisition, which is being pitched to supplement to fleet of F-15A's and eventually replace them. This aircraft is designated the F-15C.

(F-15C prototype)

Competition to the F-15C comes from the Joint Light Fighter program which is currently has two candidates, an upgraded F-16 and a more devolped version of the XF-17 which has seen limited success in achieving contract success as of yet.

Supporters of further F(X) devolpment cite the success of the F-15A and the advances in engineering capabilities since the start of the F-15 program as arguments for building the F-15C, supporters of the Joint Light Fighter program believe the F-15 is too heavy, technically sophisticated, and expensive, to be be fielded in numbers large enough to effect an outcome in war, and thus the existing fleet of F-15A should be modernized instead of a second production run of hulls.

The F-15C prototype stands at a cost of 88 million, with an expected fly away production cost of 53 million per aircraft, the F-19 would cost 38 million per aircraft, and the F-16 modernization program would cost 22 million per aircraft.

Only one program is expected to receive funding, with all programs currently competing.

All parties involved in the construction of these platforms have signaled an interest in exports sales, and Congress has made no indication it would block such sales.
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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
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Re: Monterrey-Republic Aviation unveils next generation air dominance fighter testbed


Post by The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth »

The aerospace arm of Mitsubishi extends an offer to assist with research and development for the F-15C program, offering their expertise in radar and avionics systems to the program.
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California Republic
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Re: Monterrey-Republic Aviation unveils next generation air dominance fighter testbed


Post by California Republic »

Monterey Republic replies with requesting Mitsubishi Heavy Industries to share a briefing of proposed areas of improvement, cost, and timelines for delivery, while is itself willing to brief Mitsubishi on public data on the capabilities of the test demonstrator. Monterey Republic Aviation sends a request to the Senate Defence Production committee requesting an outline of the feasibility of a joint devoplment program involving the transfer of classified information in two directions with Japan.
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