A Nuclear Proposal

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A Nuclear Proposal


Post by Alanston »

In light of recent nuclear attacks in the Americas, a joint team lead by the Nahuatl Empire and Zaire has approached the Forum of Nations to make an important proposal.

The first to speak, is representative Tizoh of the Nahuatl Empire, as she stands to speak, she looks out silently at the gathered delegates. Her silence lasts minutes as her stern eyes pierce the audience, looking from member to member. She especially pauses on the @California Republic representative and Confederate representative, giving both firm looks. Her expression would be hard to read, almost emotionless, as she looks around. After a good ten minutes of silence, she speaks. "Honoured representatives, a grave disaster has befallen our world recently. A strong nation, representative of democracy and the freedoms of all its citizens, has taken it upon themselves to launch a strong nuclear attack against a foe. This nuclear attack has killed thousands of individuals, left large swaths of the south-western parts of North America an irradiated wasteland, and more. This assault was precipitated by another, less free nation, who thought that the best way to fight back against an enemy was to launch nuclear weapons at them. Though I am told that this too was in response to a nuclear assault, although just not as significant." Here she pauses once more, her eyes making their ways towards both the Californian and Confederate representatives. "Attacks of this magnitude can not go unpunished by the global community! Nuclear weapons are a powerful tool, one which causes untold amounts of death and destruction, as seen by the recent attacks in the Confederacy. Regardless of the conditions leading up to the attacks, nations must find alternative options. Nuclear weapons can not and must not be seen as viable weapons of war!"

She nods to the Zaire delegate, Likulia Bolongo, who continues the speech. "Look at what these nuclear blasts have done! Look at the people who have been killed and the cities that are destroyed by these attacks!" Here he nods to the General Secretary, who plays several video clips of the devastation in several cities, including the complete destruction of Lafayette, as well as the crippling blasts in Ft Myers, Miami, and New Orleans. These clips would show untold destruction, leveled areas of the cities, and more. Each clip would be at most 1-2 minutes in length, with no audio. Following the clips, he continues. "In light of these attacks, and in order to recognize the gravity of the situation, we have two proposals to make today. The first is to announce sanctions against both the Californian Republic and Confederate States of America in solidarity against their nuclear weapons use. These sanctions are economic in nature, and are meant to discourage the continued use of nuclear weapons in combat. I urge all members to vote in support of these sanctions, and to follow through on them! I also warn other nations that should you follow in the Californian and Confederate footsteps, we will also announce sanctions on you as well. Nuclear weapons can not and must not be used in combat!"

Representative Tizoh continues, "Our second proposal is a non-proliferation treaty, with goals towards nuclear disarmament, a nuclear test ban treaty, and a treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons, banning the possession and use of nuclear weapons. We see this as the only steps forward, in light of the recent use of nuclear weapons, and the rapid development of nuclear weapons by other nations around the world. Our proposal is complete economic sanctions against any nations who violate these treaties. In order for these to work, all nuclear nations must be willing to comply with, and abide by, these treaties. We further propose the creation of a joint team from different nations who will supervise the disarmament and disassembly of nuclear weapons."

Bolongo nods, adding, "These treaties do not ban peaceful uses of nuclear technology, such as nuclear energy reactors, but rather encourage their uses and the cooperation of nations towards the development of other peaceful uses of nuclear technology. However we must make it clear that these treaties would strictly oppose nations who use nuclear technology to "further the cause of democracy" and other such means. Can you really call yourself a democratic and free nation if you are willing to bomb your enemies out of existence, just because you disagree with them? A true democratic nation should be willing to listen to all perspectives and to respect viewpoints that disagree with yours. But furthermore, should be utterly against the idea of using nuclear force to support democratic ideals."

"We should note, we are not against other methods of war, nor are we against different causes of war. If you want to invade your neighbour, that's your problem - although we do strongly encourage peaceful solutions to all conflicts. However we are strongly against the use of nuclear weapons, the development of further nuclear weapons, and the possession of nuclear weapons. We believe that all nations, especially democratic nations, should support these treaties. As a measure of good faith, the Nahuatl Empire has already agreed to sign these treaties, and will be one of the first to disarm their nuclear weapons following ratification."

@Atomic Alliance @Union of Soviet Sovereign Republics @Confédération de l'Ohio @Celtic Federation @Argentinisches Reich @Kingdom of Rome @Mitteleuropa @Hasanid Caliphate @The Republic of Japan
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Tokugawa Empire
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Re: A Nuclear Proposal


Post by Tokugawa Empire »

Representative Diego Schmidt of The Argentinisches Reich joins a huddle with other South American representatives. After a short moment he stands and address the room.
"We the people of South America condemn these attacks... but also believe that the need to embargo the California Republic is absurd at best and debilitating at most. And why would we waste paper on the Confederacy when we KNOW that its going to be partitioned after this war. We also belive that nuclear weapons are a deterrent for conventional war. Without them it could open the world to reoccurring blood shed and make war common place. That is why I purpose a different course to this. A limit on yield size of warheads of all kinds and a limit on arsenal size."
He tries to read the room.
Moved from Forum of Nations to RP Archive on Sat Feb 03, 2024 11:15 am by Alanston


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