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The World Order

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2023 3:59 am
by Kingdom of Sweden
In a world crowded as it is, it is growing increasingly important to hold a dialog between the great powers. Leaders from Japan, Byzantium, Burgundy, Argentina, Rome, New England, and Alania are invited to Stockholm to this end. King Carl XVI Gustaf and President Kristersson wish to discuss the state of Global affairs, the potential for an anti escalation treaty, spheres of influence, and to work to insure global stability.

Re: The World Order

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2023 9:51 am
by Grand Serene Republic
King Aurelian X and Consul Maximus Valerius Severus shall come to Stockholm

Re: The World Order

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2023 4:10 pm
by Alanston
Prime Minister Constantine Zonaras and Emperor Joannes Attaliates of Byzantium and President Maxime Ménard of Burgundy agree to come to the meeting, and depart for Stockholm.

Pleased to attend, President Theofeleios Tadesse departs for the meeting as well.

Re: The World Order

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 10:19 pm
by Kingdom of Ireland
The Secretary of State of New England, George H. W. Bush, will attend.

Re: The World Order

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 11:01 pm
by Alanston
Emperor Arabuccha of Mongolia, frustrated at not receiving the initial invitation, would arrive in Stockholm unannounced, declaring that he is there for the "World Order" meeting upon arrival. He is a hulking figure of a man, easily 6'5, and arrives dressed in luxurious fur and silk robes. He is surrounded by 6 guards, each of whom are stout, but less muscular than Arabuccha, and each only around 6' tall.

Several other European powers also express their displeasure at not being invited, stating that their empires were once grand and that they deserve a seat at the table. The Chinese Republic also states their displeasure, mentioning that by inviting the Mongols the Swedish are meddling in affairs they have no business being involved in.

Re: The World Order

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2023 7:57 pm
by Tokugawa Empire
Kaiser Luis Müller Hernández, Leader of The Argentinisches Reich was accompanied by Lady Samaipata de la Selva who is a knighted Representative of The Bolivian State and Sir Ipanema das Praias who is the knighted Representative of the Brazilian State.
All were in the process of introducing themselves to The Roman Delegation when the Mongolia Emperor intruded.
@Kingdom of Rome

Re: The World Order

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2023 9:08 am
by Grand Serene Republic
King Aurelian and Consul Severus would greet the various delegations present at the conference. Both the King and the Consul would find the "entrance" of the Mongolian Emperor quite unpleasant

Re: The World Order

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 10:01 pm
by Kingdom of Sweden
The Mongolian leader is accommodated for as best as can be done in haste, any displeasure at the rude arrival is left unsaid by the Swedes.

Re: The World Order

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 10:59 pm
by Alanston
Japanese Prime Minister Arata Hisanobu, who has been there the entire time, after glaring at the Mongolian leader, would turn to the Swedish President. "Now that everyone is here, shall we begin discussions? I, for one, have issues with my neighbours in Asia." He pauses once more to glare at the Mongolians. "It seems as if their nuclear program puts the entire world at risk. Not to mention their military buildup on our shared borders."

Emperor Arabuccha snarls, "Our military buildup? You are the one building up your military on our border! I urge those present here today to push for an independent and neutral Korea! For too long has the Japanese colonial state oppressed the Korean peoples!"

Prime Minister Hisanobu spits to his side. "Bah! You just want to expand your empire!"

"And your people have refused to move on from your colonial past and are continuing to occupy and oppress the Korean peoples!"

The two continue to glare at each other, refusing to speak.

Re: The World Order

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 11:41 pm
by Tokugawa Empire
Kaiser Luis stands and address the two leaders.
"You two arguing isn't going to solve a damn thing. I suggest a committee be made that would provide oversight and assist with providing Korea a fair and just vote. They deserve to choose where their proud people want to go, free of the influence of you two. I'll send people to assist in the setting up and taking of the votes."

Re: The World Order

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2023 7:17 am
by Alanston
Prime Minister Hisanobu looks over at Kaiser Luis. "I will agree to a committee for Korea right after your government releases its control over the Argentinian puppet states and you let the people of Brazil and Bolivia go free! Korea is an integral part of Japan, not some colonial empire of ours. How dare you suggest such a thing!" He pauses to regain his composure, before looking towards President Kristersson of Sweden. "What sort of global affairs did you intend on discussing with us? Surely it was not that we break down into accusations about colonialism or suchlike things."

Re: The World Order

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 4:08 pm
by Kingdom of Sweden
"Well, its all part of the process. My intention is that we argue here, and so avoid arguments on the battlefield. We all have our real, imagined, and desired spheres of influence, and if any of those overlap with another, that should be dealt with. You're all here because you represent the most significant powers on the planet. What happens here can forge a lasting peace, or bring the world to war. Lets get it right."

Re: The World Order

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2023 9:30 pm
by Alanston
Prime Minister Constantine Zonaras of Byzantium looks over at the delegate from @Kingdom of Rome, before adding his reply. "The Byzantines view all nations in the Balkans and Levant as within our sphere of influence, as well as the Egyptians. Further, we are opposed to any nations that would seek to control trade in the Suez or who would oppress Greek speakers throughout the world. It is also our intention to reestablish our sphere of influence over the Greek colonies in the Americas." At this he turns his gaze towards the Mauritslanders.

President Maxime Ménard of Burgundy also adds his views, "It is our desire to see our territory expand to include Armorica and Neustria. We also view our former colonies as sitting squarely within our sphere of influence."

The Japanese and Mongolians continue to glare at each other.

Re: The World Order

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2023 3:22 pm
by Grand Serene Republic
King Aurelian would remain impassible as the Byzantines would stake their claims. He would however promptly, but calmly react to the Burgundian claims.

"I am afraid Mr President that we have an issue with that: you see the goal of Rome since the middle ages it has been the restoration of our Western Imperial Borders: as such we claim the entirety of Gallia.

Regarding America we place ourselves as the Protectors of All Romans that live there"

Re: The World Order

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 12:40 am
by Alanston
The Burgundian President whips his head to face King Aurelian. "How dare you! Rome is nothing more than a symbol of a bygone era, a nation whose time has come and gone! If you think you can just waltz in and conquer northern France, then you are sorely mistaken! Any attempts to do so will be met with war. Let me tell you this, here and now: back down now, or else!"

The others in the room look on silently, waiting to see how the Romans will respond.