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Archived Major Historic Events

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 12:34 am
by Holy Roman Empire
Was your nation involved in the colonization of the New World (1500s): Yes, the Kingdom of Gaul, the Belgic Republic, the Gaelic confederation, and the Kingdom of Prydain all participated to some extent. After the 1707 Act of Union created the United Kingdoms of Cymru, and the 1803 Act united the island nations with Gaul and Armorica to form the Gallic Confederation most of these overseas empires would be combined.
Was your nation involved in the Reformation (1500s): Yes, as a Catholic nation largely opposed to the separatism of the Protestants, but sympathetic to the demands of reform. This would lead to a soft split between the main Catholic Church and the Celtic church, which still recognised the Pope's authority, but enacted several clerical reforms, translated the bible into Cymric, and allowed the veneration of traditional Celtic saints.
Was your nation part of any Colonial Wars (1500s - 1800s): Many.
Was your nation part of the Wars of Religion (1600s): Yes, usually siding with the Catholic powers but occasionally joining the Protestants for political reasons.
Was your nation a colony that fought for independence, or were they affected by one (1700s on): Colonising nation, was occasionally affected by colonial revolts.
How was your nation affected by a major peasant uprising and subsequent imperial figure attempting to spread liberty and equality in Europe (late 1700s/early 1800s): Yes, failures of the Kings of Gaul saw a revolution which proclaimed a new Republic, a rising military figure from Armorica, Niall Boru, would briefly take dictatorial control of the nation and invade many surrounding nations. Boru would lead the formation of the Gallic Confederation and spread republican ideals to the rest of the Celtic world. He would be killed in battle by a coalition of absolutist opponents, but his reforms would see the other nations of the Confederation slowly reform into Republics, and pave the way for union with Belgica.
Was your nation involved in a major European war between at least two major powers (1800s): Yes, the united Celtic Confederation would fight both the Germans and Romans over border territories, which were largely inconclusive affairs.
Was your nation involved in, or affected by, a conference or war to decide who settles Africa (mid 1800s): Major players of the conferences, took decent parcels of land for themselves.
How was your nation involved in major worldwide conflict #1 Ethnic Tension (early 1900s): Primary figure fighting the Germans, Western Front largely fought within Confederation territory.
Was the ideology of your nation challenged, and if so, did the ideology take over the nation (1900s): The Great War saw significant democratic reform for the nations of the Confederation, extending universal suffrage for all over 18. The shared suffering of the war and the costs of reconstruction saw a large push for federalisation, which occurred in 1926 following the drafting of a federal constitution.
How did the economic depression in the years following the war affect your nation (~1930s): The Great Depression was a major blow to the Federation so soon after federalisation and the Great War. It would lead to a severe economic downturn and the emergence of radical agitators. Sound economic policy and the leveraging of industrial might allowed the nation to mostly recover by the end of the decade.
How was your nation involved in major worldwide conflict #2 Radical Ideology (mid 1900s): Firm defender of democracy.
How was your nation involved in decolonization (mid-late 1900s): Some small wars to hold on to colonies before a large-scale decolonisation plan was enacted. No colonies would remain after 1965.
How was your nation involved in the cold war between capitalism and communism/fascism (late 1900s): Firm defender of capitalism.

Re: Major Historic Events

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2023 1:13 pm
by Alanston
Was your nation involved in the colonization of the New World (1500s): No.
Was your nation involved in the Reformation (1500s): As a primarily Orthodox nation, Alania did not get involved in the Reformation. Although at one point the church did send priests over to learn more about the Reformation, but once they saw the beliefs the Protestants had, they deemed them too far gone, and returned home.
Was your nation part of any Colonial Wars (1500s - 1800s): No, Alania did not have any colonies.
Was your nation part of the Wars of Religion (1600s): No, Alania had other wars to worry about, such as against Steppe powers.
Was your nation a colony that fought for independence, or were they affected by one (1700s on): No.
How was your nation affected by a major peasant uprising and subsequent imperial figure attempting to spread liberty and equality in Europe (late 1700s/early 1800s): Protected by natural mountainous borders in the west, and a system of towers and walls along the northern borders, Alania managed to successfully fend off any attempts at invasion, staying out of the conflicts.
Was your nation involved in a major European war between at least two major powers (1800s): No, although still involved in occasional conflicts with powers in the Steppes, Alania was not heavily involved in many conflicts in Europe.
Was your nation involved in, or affected by, a conference or war to decide who settles Africa (mid 1800s): No.
How was your nation involved in major worldwide conflict #1 Ethnic Tension (early 1900s): Alania was allied with Byzantium during the conflict, and as such was dragged into the war through their alliances. Alania saw very little fighting in their territory, but did send troops to the front line, fighting side-by-side with the Byzantines.
Was the ideology of your nation challenged, and if so, did the ideology take over the nation (1900s): Democracy really took off during the early 1900s, with a series of reforms being passed, ushering in a more democratic nation.
How did the economic depression in the years following the war affect your nation (~1930s): The economic downturn caused a big hit to the nation, which was primarily agricultural based at the time, with the economy falling significantly. This caused several protests, and the decision by the government to institute a series of economic reforms, effectively modernizing the economy. It was around this time when significant oil and gas prospecting began, alongside the investment in manufacturing and an industrialized economy.
How was your nation involved in major worldwide conflict #2 Radical Ideology (mid 1900s): As a new democratic and industrialized nation, Alania joined the war in favour of democracy, in order to build relations and reaffirm their democratic ideals.
How was your nation involved in decolonization (mid-late 1900s): As a nation without colonies, Alania was not involved at all.
How was your nation involved in the cold war between capitalism and communism/fascism (late 1900s): Alania firmly believe in capitalist ideals, although neighbouring several more communist leaning countries, did adopt several socialist values. Despite this, Alania is firmly on the side of democracy.

Re: Major Historic Events

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 2:30 pm
by FR Jugoslavija
Was your nation involved in the colonization of the New World (1500s):

Was your nation involved in the Reformation (1500s):
Most of Yugoslavia's Republics are Majority Christians, with exception of Bosnia and Herzegowina and Albania. The Christian Reformation affects Yugoslavian Culture quite largely

Was your nation part of any Colonial Wars (1500s - 1800s):

Was your nation part of the Wars of Religion (1600s):

Was your nation a colony that fought for independence, or were they affected by one (1700s on):
Not a colony, but the lands that was Yugoslavia was under Habsburg Austrian Empire's rule

How was your nation affected by a major peasant uprising and subsequent imperial figure attempting to spread liberty and equality in Europe (late 1700s/early 1800s):
Yugoslavia was a Subject of Austria Hungary since the 17th Century. And the first Idea of a Yugoslav Nation was a movement made by Intellegentsia of the time in a Movement called the Illirski Pokret / Illirsko Gibanje. This movement includes what was considered "Illyria" from Ancient Times

Was your nation involved in a major European war between at least two major powers (1800s):
Yes, The entire conflict that erupted in 1910s - 1920s and the Nadir before World War 1 happened were started in Yugoslav's land. Among them were Assasination of Franz Ferdinand and King Peter's takeover of the Serbian Throne.

Was your nation involved in, or affected by, a conference or war to decide who settles Africa (mid 1800s):

How was your nation involved in major worldwide conflict #1 Ethnic Tension (early 1900s):
Yugoslavia manages internal ethnic conflict between Balkan nations, and created a united identity. Ethnic conflict in Trieste and Albania happened around this era thanks to Habsburg occupation, And conflicts between Monarchists and Communists groups.

Was the ideology of your nation challenged, and if so, did the ideology take over the nation (1900s):
Technically, The current Yugoslav government "Challenged" the former Imperial Austrian Government that took over Kingdom of Yugoslavia and installed Protectorate Regimes such as in Slovenia, Croatia and Albania

How did the economic depression in the years following the war affect your nation (~1930s):
Devastation from both great wars severely impacted Yugoslavia so much that the Current ruling Socialist Government are still enacting projects and plans to recuperate from it

How was your nation involved in major worldwide conflict #2 Radical Ideology (mid 1900s):
Yugoslavia was a committed Eastern Bloc Nation, Until Stalinism took over Soviet union, creating Anti-Stalinist sentiments among Yugoslavs. Yugoslavs now leads on being a Non Aligned, Socialist state that is very much distancing itself Ideologically and Socially from the Soviet Union

How was your nation involved in decolonization (mid-late 1900s):

How was your nation involved in the cold war between capitalism and communism/fascism (late 1900s):

Before 1948, Yugoslavia are fully commited on securing Communism within the Eastern Bloc, after 1948, Yugoslavia split from the Eastern Bloc and stands as a Non aligned state. However said, Yugoslavia is still committed on assisting other Communist and Socialist nation states (with some known exception in South and Central America, especially in terms of Arms Supplier)

Re: Major Historic Events

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 7:59 pm
by Rhineland
How was your nation involved in major worldwide conflict #1 Ethnic Tension (early 1900s): This conflict led to the creation of Rhineland. The soldiers on the frontline held a Christmas Truce, and refused to return to fighting when the day ended, mutinying against their home nations and taking control of the areas around the front line to hold of reprisals.
Was the ideology of your nation challenged, and if so, did the ideology take over the nation (1900s): The military leadership developed an ideology of a "Soldier's Heaven", which quickly spread to virtually all of the foreign born soldiers.
How did the economic depression in the years following the war affect your nation (~1930s): It was a trying time, and was an impetus to the government growing the military further to increase the number of jobs in war industries, and making extensive use of army engineers for infrastructure projects.
How was your nation involved in major worldwide conflict #2 Radical Ideology (mid 1900s): Rhineland secured its own borders and sent "Expeditionary Forces" abroad to participate in the conflict.
How was your nation involved in decolonization (mid-late 1900s): It wasn't, really.
How was your nation involved in the cold war between capitalism and communism/fascism (late 1900s): It technically remained non-aligned, taking steps to secure itself from infiltration by either side. Expeditionary forces assisted in proxy wars on both sides of the conflict depending on "perceived national interests".

Re: Major Historic Events

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 9:25 pm
by Kingdom of Ireland
Was your nation involved in the colonization of the New World (1500s): No
Was your nation involved in the Reformation (1500s): No
Was your nation part of any Colonial Wars (1500s - 1800s): Yes, both Opium wars
Was your nation part of the Wars of Religion (1600s): No
Was your nation a colony that fought for independence, or were they affected by one (1700s on): Small concessions in major cities, as well as trade ports such as Hong Kong & Macau
How was your nation affected by a major peasant uprising and subsequent imperial figure attempting to spread liberty and equality in Europe (late 1700s/early 1800s): N/A
Was your nation involved in a major European war between at least two major powers (1800s): Yes, the Opium Wars
Was your nation involved in, or affected by, a conference or war to decide who settles Africa (mid 1800s): No
How was your nation involved in major worldwide conflict #1 Ethnic Tension (early 1900s): Some laborers under the Qing Dynasty were sent to aid the entente
Was the ideology of your nation challenged, and if so, did the ideology take over the nation (1900s): The Chinese Civil War saw the collapse of the Qing, the Chinese Civil War, and the founding of the Republic of China
How did the economic depression in the years following the war affect your nation (~1930s): The Depression stifled Chinese Economic growth during the Nanking Era
How was your nation involved in major worldwide conflict #2 Radical Ideology (mid 1900s): China became associated with the allies following the invasion of China by Japan. China's civil war paused during most of WWII to focus on the Japanese incursion.
How was your nation involved in decolonization (mid-late 1900s): China regained what few treaty ports and small colonies remained from the western powers
How was your nation involved in the cold war between capitalism and communism/fascism (late 1900s): Modern China leans against the communist ideology, but largely seeks a pragmatic foreign policy and is much more interested in cultivating its own sphere of influence than falling into another one.

Re: Major Historic Events

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2023 11:34 pm
by The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Was your nation involved in the colonization of the New World (1500s): Yes, most territory of the coastal regions of the United States were once colonial holdings of major European powers.
Was your nation involved in the Reformation (1500s): Only insofar as many people of persecuted faiths in Europe, namely Quakers and Puritans made up some of the earliest settler populations on the East Coast.
Was your nation part of any Colonial Wars (1500s - 1800s): The original colonies took part in the French-Indian war, followed by The United States securing its independence from the British Empire in 1783, fought the War of 1812 seeing a victory in which the United States maintained permanent control over Toronto and its surrounding lands, then later fought the Spanish-American War and passed off the territories it secured to Mexico.
Was your nation part of the Wars of Religion (1600s): No.
Was your nation a colony that fought for independence, or were they affected by one (1700s on): Yes, see above.
How was your nation affected by a major peasant uprising and subsequent imperial figure attempting to spread liberty and equality in Europe (late 1700s/early 1800s): The United States formed from one of the uprisings, establishing the oldest Constitution in effect and being the first nation to be founded on the principles of government by the consent of the governed.
Was your nation involved in a major European war between at least two major powers (1800s): The Spanish-American War, ending in an American victory.
Was your nation involved in, or affected by, a conference or war to decide who settles Africa (mid 1800s): No
How was your nation involved in major worldwide conflict #1 Ethnic Tension (early 1900s): The United States involved itself in WWI early on by providing material aid to the Entente, joining the war in full in 1917.
Was the ideology of your nation challenged, and if so, did the ideology take over the nation (1900s): The United States remains the single longest-lived Federal Republic in history, and has remained relatively consistent in its core ideology.
How did the economic depression in the years following the war affect your nation (~1930s): The Great Depression was crushing for the American economy, though it began recovering in the late 1930s.
How was your nation involved in major worldwide conflict #2 Radical Ideology (mid 1900s): The United States entered WWII following the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor, was responsible for most of the Allied action in the Pacific theater of the war, and ended the war with Japan following the deployment of two Atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
How was your nation involved in decolonization (mid-late 1900s): The United States mediated many disputes between colonial powers and their colonies, and has provided financial and material aid to developing post-colonial nations in the hopes of creating stable, functional states to increase global trade broaden American influence.
How was your nation involved in the cold war between capitalism and communism/fascism (late 1900s): The United States remains diametrically opposed to both communism and fascism, maintaining one of the largest and most professional armed forces in the world to both contain and destroy these ideologies, as it views them as inherently inhuman and destructive to the well-being of the Human species.

Re: Major Historic Events

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2023 4:53 am
by Kingdom of Sweden
Was your nation involved in the colonization of the New World (1500s): Yes, the Mexican Empire is, in the opinion of the state, the direct decedent of the Spanish colony of New Spain.
Was your nation involved in the Reformation (1500s): For the most part, no.
Was your nation part of any Colonial Wars (1500s - 1800s): The colony of New Spain fought several wars on behalf of the Spanish Crown against Britain and France, including the War of Jenkins' Ear against the British, siding with the French and Americans during their war of independence, and eventually fighting its own war of independence to become Mexico. After its independence, Mexico fought multiple wars with France, including a brief occupation by French forces before becoming the Empire it is today.
Was your nation part of the Wars of Religion (1600s): No
Was your nation a colony that fought for independence, or were they affected by one (1700s on): Yes
How was your nation affected by a major peasant uprising and subsequent imperial figure attempting to spread liberty and equality in Europe (late 1700s/early 1800s): Mexico's independence was itself inspired by the American and French Revolutions, and the current ruling dynasty was installed by Napoleon III of France at the request of Mexican Conservatives seeking a royal ruler for the country.
Was your nation involved in a major European war between at least two major powers (1800s): Yes, many.
Was your nation involved in, or affected by, a conference or war to decide who settles Africa (mid 1800s): No
How was your nation involved in major worldwide conflict #1 Ethnic Tension (early 1900s): Not directly
Was the ideology of your nation challenged, and if so, did the ideology take over the nation (1900s): Very shortly after taking the throne of Mexico, Maximilian I instituted many liberal reforms to maintain power and avoid another revolution.
How did the economic depression in the years following the war affect your nation (~1930s): Still very codependent with the United States at this point in its history, the economy of Mexico was hit hard by the depression, however, this economic downturn spurred many to travel to the Mexican colonies seeking new opportunities. This migration eased strain on the economy on the mainland, and significantly boosted the development and integration of the Mexican colonies.
How was your nation involved in major worldwide conflict #2 Radical Ideology (mid 1900s): Mexico entered the Second World War against the Japanese after the attacks on the Philippines. Though not involved directly with the war in Europe, Mexico supplied the allies throughout the duration.
How was your nation involved in decolonization (mid-late 1900s): Due to the previously mentioned colonial migrations, Mexico did not experience the same push for decolonization as many other nations.
How was your nation involved in the cold war between capitalism and communism/fascism (late 1900s): The Mexican Empire is ideologically opposed to the systems of fascism and communism, but has entered into a soft rivalry with the United States, making its situation somewhat complicated.

Re: Major Historic Events

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2024 1:41 pm
by The British Commonwealth
Was your nation involved in the colonization of the New World (1500s): Yes, as puritans made up some of the first ships to attempt to colonise the New World, but with more official support, settlements like Jamestown managed to sustain themselves far longer than projected.
Was your nation involved in the Reformation (1500s): Joined alongside the Protestant lines with the Church of England’s formation.
Was your nation part of any Colonial Wars (1500s - 1800s): Fought in South Africa and alongside rebel factions in other colonial states, lost control of Caribbean possessions to Mexico.
Was your nation part of the Wars of Religion (1600s):
Was your nation a colony that fought for independence, or were they affected by one (1700s on): Lost their American colonies to revolution, as well as their northern holdings in Canada, but did retake them.
How was your nation affected by a major peasant uprising and subsequent imperial figure attempting to spread liberty and equality in Europe (late 1700s/early 1800s): Fought alongside them in their efforts to spread equality, but fully turned on them once said figure started to push more imperialistic
Was your nation involved in a major European war between at least two major powers (1800s): Yes, as a Naval power, they leveraged their fleet to enact blockades.
Was your nation involved in, or affected by, a conference or war to decide who settles Africa (mid 1800s):Refrained from being involved in the Africa after devastating losses against the Zulu.
How was your nation involved in major worldwide conflict #1 Ethnic Tension (early 1900s): Fought on the side of the allies, lending their fleets and newly developed airforce in the conflict.
Was the ideology of your nation challenged, and if so, did the ideology take over the nation (1900s): A brief Civil war (The Second British Civil war) took place post WW and economic depression, which almost lead to the shattering of the commonwealth.
How did the economic depression in the years following the war affect your nation (~1930s): See above
How was your nation involved in major worldwide conflict #2 Radical Ideology (mid 1900s):Joined the Allies again, focusing on Naval and Air power. Fought the Battle of Britain that made the British Air Force a formidable foe. Perfected their use of Paratroopers once the fight was taken to the mainland
How was your nation involved in decolonization (mid-late 1900s): Actively supported Decolonization efforts through its former territories, while attempting to reinforce their commercial interests.
How was your nation involved in the cold war between capitalism and communism/fascism (late 1900s): Refused to take sides, fearing becoming a puppet of either due to its position between the two bastion of those Ideologies.