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Communist Catholics

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2024 1:10 am
by Alanston
In accordance with what he discussed with the Tlatoani, Huitzilin reaches out to the @People's Holy Tai Empire, inviting their representative to Tenochtitlan to reaffirm discuss relations and trade between both nations. Huitzilin makes certain to note that the purpose of the meeting is not the spread of socialism in the Americas, but rather trade relations, and that he does not wish to discuss the finer points of either theology or socialism with the Tai representative.

Re: Communist Catholics

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2024 2:09 am
by Tokugawa Empire
The representative to Tenochtitlan by the name of Natee Prinya responds quickly.
"It will be an honor to discuss these matters with you. I also assure you that we do not seek to spread these ideals to your nation. Its for the people to decide and I hope you agree. " She responds and begins getting travel arrangements made.

Re: Communist Catholics

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2024 5:00 pm
by Alanston
Huitzilin would provide the Tai with the appropriate travel information for their approaching trip, including an itinerary that includes a visit to Teotihuacan.

Once the trip is made public, the Tai would receive a message from Vukubcane, the leader of the Mayan Socialist Party. He praises the Tai on their adoption of true socialism, and invites them either the capital of Mayapan or the ancient city of Chichen Itza after the Tai meet with the Nahuan.

Re: Communist Catholics

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2024 8:58 am
by Tokugawa Empire
Natee Prinya would send a message to Vukubcane about the nature of the meeting.
"It's a pleasure to hear from you, but does the Nahuan government know about you reaching out to us?"
She would have the message sent over.

Re: Communist Catholics

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2024 2:53 pm
by Alanston
"The Nahuans allow us freedom with regards to our own government. Why should we discuss with them matters that pertain to internal Mayan affairs? We are not planning to break free from their rule, nor are we planning to violate any terms of our vassalage beneath the Nahuan Empire, thus there is no need to seek approval from them. Would be the reply that the Tai receive back.

Re: Communist Catholics

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2024 6:47 pm
by Tokugawa Empire
"I was just making sure that no issues would be caused. I will have a representative meet with you parallel to the meeting with Nahuan leadership. Chichen Itza would be lovely for a meeting." She responded, happy that the meeting wouldn't cause issues.