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Blood & Snow

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2024 12:50 am
by Tokugawa Empire
---0400---: just South East of Fort Collins, Colorado

A usually lush and beautiful forest this time of the year has instead been marred by months of continuous bombardment of artillery and bombing runs. A light snow falls gently on the motionless hell scape until a disturbance breaks the silence. A wooden cover is moved out of the way to reveal a hidden foxhole with a rocket battery aimed out towards the base.
Other foxholes are revealed quietly as soldiers in winter camouflage fatigues that have the Mormon Deseret Flag emblazoned on their arm man their positions.

Shortly after 0405 every foxhole, a total of twenty in total fire upon the base with a mixture of rocket and mortar fire. After the first rockets leave their tubes the base goes on high alert just in time as the first rounds impact in and around the base. The decision is made to get all six fix winged aircraft and four AH-1 SuperCobra attack helicopters into the air. Two of the fix winged aircraft are F-16 Fighting Falcons equipped for Air to air and light ground attack while the other four are F-14 Tomcats with ground attack load outs that were supposed to fly missions later in the day.

The four AH-1 SuperCobras take off as guns on the perimeter of the base begin to come to life. Mormon soldiers in the wood line fire AT rockets at fortifications and fire at figures moving within the base. The Cobras spit in pairs before they begin to strafe the woods with their rockets and chain guns. An F-16 and F-14 take off away from the combat and swing around as another of each take their places behind them and follow them up. The other two F-14s follow up and hit their afterburner.

As they take off they get hits on their radar, three fast movers heading towards the base. Chatter between the pilots concludes with the possibility of them being Mormon F-16s. The F-14s hit their airbrakes to slow a little as the F-14s gun it towards the approaching Fighters. In a matter of seconds both aircraft have locks and are locked themselves, both fire their Aim-7s and take evasive maneuvers. Dropping flairs as they notch to avoid Aim-7s themselves. One of the enemy Fighters takes a direct hit with no chute deployed. The other two spilt and start heading South East.

The two Diyin Dine'é Nation F-16 get locks and fire... right before the two Mormon F-16s enter Plains Confederacy airspace. One takes the hit and ejected out and the other notches to avoid it.
The Diyin Dine'é Nation aircraft will turn back to continue the fight at home.