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Posted: Wed May 15, 2024 12:58 am
by Alanston
Al-Andalus (الأَنْدَلُس)
Capital: Cordoba (قرطبة)
Demonym: Andalusian
(Derogatory: Moor)
Official Language: Andalusi
Recognized Languages:
Mozarabic, Amazigh, Basque,
Judeo-Arabic, Amerindian
Population: 254,884,000
Sunni: 85%
Jewish: 7%
Catholic: 5%
Other: 3%
Parliamentary Semi-Constitutional
Current Caliph:
Makki Ibn Asim bi-llāh
Current Prime Minister:
Qasim Al-Hamdani
Currency: Andalusian Dinar (ADI)
Time Zone: UTC
Driving side: Right

Put brief history statement here



Overseas Regions & Vassals

Posted: Sun May 19, 2024 12:31 pm
by Alanston
There are three overseas regions in al-Andalus: al-Battuta, al-Qahrib, and al-Azuhur. These regions have increased autonomy compared to the mainland in Europe and Africa, but are still considered core parts of the Andalusian nation. Each of the three regions is ruled by a local Rais (رئيس), who is elected from the local population, and approved by the Caliph, to represent their region.

Al-Battuta (named after Ibn Battuta) - #7F0000
Al-Qahrib (land of the Carib) - #3F497F
Al-Azuhur (land of flowers) - #0094FF


There are also two overseas vassals in al-Andalus: Brunei and Java. These two autonomous Sultanates have significant autonomy and self-governance, and recognize the Caliph of al-Andalus as the rightful head of all Islam. In exchange, the Caliph pledges to protect them, honour their local languages and customs, and respect favour their regions. Each vassal is ruled by a local Sultanate who owes fealty to the Caliph. The Sultanate of Java is the most populous Island in the world, at roughly 91,270,000.

Brunei - #FCE300
Java - #DD2324



Posted: Sun May 19, 2024 12:31 pm
by Alanston


Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2024 6:12 pm
by Alanston

Sunni: 85%
Jewish: 7%
Catholic: 5%
Other: 3%

Sunni: 98%
Christian: 1%
Buddhist: 0.5%

Sunni: 65%
Christian: 30%
Buddhist: 5%

Andalusi - Andalusi is an Arabic language that has been heavily influenced by the Romance languages in Iberia, and is a majority language throughout Andalusia. Andalusi is occasionally known as Andalusi Arabic.
Mozarabic - Mozarabic, or Andalusi Romance is a Romance language that has been heavily influenced by Andalusi Arabic over the years. Historically Mozarabic had bilingual status with Andalusi Arabic throughout Andalusia, losing its status around the 13th century when a strong campaign of conversion occurred, with a shift towards Andalusi Arabic being used as the sole official language. Although Mozarabic still survives to this day, it is primarily used by the Mozarabs and is considered a minority language. Mozarabic is written with the Arabic script, and retains some recognition and minority language status throughout the nation.
Amazigh - Amazigh is a collection of languages native to northern Africa predating the arrival of the Arabs. Today they are heavily influenced by Arabic, but still retain distinct language status. They are written with both the Tifinagh script and Arabic script, although the Arabic script is most common. After the Berber crisis of the 14th century, Amazigh was given minority language status, alongside Mozarabic.
Basque -
Judeo-Arabic -
Amerindian Languages -

Java - Javanese, Sundanese
Brunei - Malay

Andalusi - Many people in Andalusia identify as Andalusi, primarily due to the adoption of the cultural identity by many Muslims in Andalusia over the years. Historically there were two distinct groups of Muslims in Andalusia - Arabs and Muladies, with the Muladies being local Iberians who converted to Islam. However after the campaigns of conversion occured in the 13th centuries, many Muladies began adopting an Arabic identity, and over the subsequent centuries the two groups merged into one, with Andalusi becoming the predominant ethnic group in Andalusia. There are distinct differences between Andalusi and Arabs in the Middle East, with many Andalusi having lighter hair and European traits, but with distinct Arab features mixed in. The Andalusi culture is often referred to as Andalusi Arab. Andalusi Arabs speak Andalusi Arabic, though some are also fluent in Mozarabic. Andalusi make up around 65% of the population
Mozarab - Mozarabs are local Iberians who did not convert to Islam. They live predominantly in the hills and mountains of the north of the country and primarily speak Mozarabic, but are also usually fluent in Andalusi. Mozarabs enjoy a wide breadth of rights and freedoms, including religious rights, although need to pay the Jizya tax. Mozarabs make up around 5% of the population
Berber/Amazigh - The Amazigh are the native people of northern Africa, predating the arrival of the Arabs. The Amazigh people are almost entirely Muslim, and speak the Amazigh languages, but are also fluent in Andalusi Arabic. Amazighs comprise around 15% of the population.
Jews - Jews enjoy a large breadth of rights in Andalusia, with many having historically held positions of power in the nation. Jews are also subject to the Jizya tax. The Jews speak Andalusi Arabic and Judeo-Arabic. Jews comprise around 7% of the population.
Amerindians - Amerindians are the Indigenous people of the Americas, and like the Mozarabs and Jews enjoy a wide breadth of rights and freedoms, including religious rights. However, unlike the Mozarabs, many Amerindians have converted to Islam. Amerindians speak their native languages and Arabic. Amerindians comprise 8% of the population.


Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2024 6:12 pm
by Alanston

Current Caliph: Makki Ibn Asim bi-llāh (M) | #006634
Current Crown Prince (Emir - أمير) : Ziyad Ibn Asim (M) | #66A385
Current Prime Minister (wazir - وزير): Qasim Al-Hamdani (M) | #40FFBF

Current Minister of Foreign Affairs: Safya Al-Haddad (F) | #008080
Current Minister of Trade & Economics: Achikam ben Shaviv (M) (Jewish) |
Current Minister of War: Xano Cuyar (M) (Mozarabic) | #FF0000
Current Minister of Development:
Current Minister of Agriculture:
Current Minister of Religious Affairs:


Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2024 6:13 pm
by Alanston

Jizya tax - a tax that all non-Muslims have to pay, 2.5% of a non-Muslim's total wealth and savings beyond what is deemed as the local standard of living. The original purpose of the Jizya was to be a payment to Muslims for protecting the non-Muslims, but today serves the same purpose of the Zakat, being to help the poor and needy. The Jizya is collected by the state and used towards social welfare projects benefiting non-Muslims, overseen by non-Muslim religious authorities.
Zakat tax - a tax that all Muslims have to pay, 2.5% of a Muslim's total wealth and savings beyond what is deemed as the local standard of living. The Zakat is to be donated to the poor and needy, and is one of the five pillars of Islam. The Zakat is collected by the state and used towards social welfare projects, overseen by religious authorities.


Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2024 6:13 pm
by Alanston

Total troops: 1,725,000 troops 100,000 restricted to the Americas, 25,000 restricted to Panama region, 300,000 restricted to Asia
Total airforce: 1,016 aircraft 32 restricted to the Americas, 24 restricted to Panama region, 48 restricted to Asia
Total tonnage (navy): 1,325,000 tonnes 100,000 restricted to the Americas, 75,000 restricted to Panama region, 250,000 restricted to Asia
Starts with a nuclear arsenal of 250 nuclear devices, ranging from 5kt to 250kt


Air Force:
