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[NPC Event] The Battle for Aegyptus

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 10:32 pm
by Tokugawa Empire
Date: October 10, 1978
Location: Grand Mosque, Capital of the Arabic Caliphate

The Grand Mosque is filled to capacity. The air is charged with anticipation as thousands of citizens, soldiers, and clerics gather to hear their leader, Caliph Muhammad Al-Rashid. The speech is broadcast live across the Caliphate and allied nations, reaching millions of listeners. The Caliph stands at the podium, surrounded by his advisors and high-ranking military officials.

"In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

My beloved brothers and sisters, citizens of the Caliphate, and faithful followers of Islam, today we stand at the crossroads of destiny. For too long, the lands of our ancestors have been defiled by the presence of those who seek to undermine the glory of our faith and our people. The time has come for us to reclaim what is rightfully ours and to purge the land of the corrupt influences that seek to poison our hearts and minds.

For centuries, we have endured the injustices inflicted upon us by the West and their puppet regimes. The so-called state of Aegyptus, founded by a rebellious minority, stands as a blight upon our sacred lands. It is a nation that dares to defy the will of Allah and impose its Western, infidel values upon our people. It is a state that seeks to divide us, to weaken us, and to destroy the unity that binds us as one Ummah.

We have shown patience, hoping for a peaceful resolution, but our patience has been met with contempt and aggression. The rulers of Aegyptus, in their arrogance, have continued to oppress our Muslim brothers and sisters, denying them their rightful place in society. They have aligned themselves with the enemies of Islam, allowing Western forces to establish a foothold in our lands. This cannot, and will not, be tolerated any longer.

Today, we declare a holy struggle, a Jihad, to liberate Aegyptus from the tyranny of its illegitimate rulers. We will march with the strength of a united people, supported by our allies in the Maghreb and backed by the righteous hand of Persia. Our armies, armed with the courage of the faithful and the justice of our cause, will cleanse Aegyptus of its corruption and restore it to the fold of the Islamic world.

To our soldiers, I say this: You are the sword of Allah, the defenders of our faith, and the liberators of our people. Fight with honor, fight with bravery, and fight with the knowledge that you are on the side of righteousness. Victory is assured for those who walk in the path of Allah.

To the rulers of Aegyptus, I say this: Your time is over. The will of Allah will prevail, and your regime will crumble before the might of the faithful. Surrender now, and spare your people the suffering of war. Resist, and face the full wrath of the Caliphate.

May Allah grant us victory, may He strengthen our resolve, and may He guide us to triumph in this noble endeavor. Together, we will forge a future where the light of Islam shines brightly over all our lands, uniting us in peace, prosperity, and faith.

Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!"

The crowd erupts in chants of "Allahu Akbar" as the Caliph raises his hands in a gesture of divine invocation. The broadcast ends, leaving the nation and its allies galvanized for the impending conflict. The message is clear:
The Caliphate is committed to a holy war to reclaim Aegyptus and restore its perceived rightful place in the Islamic world.


In the early hours of the following morning, Aegyptus early warning systems blared as multiple ballistic missile launches were picked up from within the Arabic Caliphate and from the west on the border with Maghreb. The order is given to get every Airframe possible in the air and ground forces to disperse to defensive positions.

Due to rising tensions with their neighbors, Aegyptus has had constant air patrols on their borders. Now supported by the massive amount of Airframes being dispatched do to the alarm. Early warning aircraft from Aegyptus begin to see massive waves of aircraft heading towards major civilian populations. Mig-23's and 27's cross the border by the dozens as the first ballistic missiles crash into military and civilian targets across the country.

From the west comes sporadic Grad and Artillery file as small amounts of motorized infantry attempt to break through Aegyptus hardened border with Maghreb.
A handful of Mig-21 Fishbeds shoot east to assist in the massive air battle over the southern border.

Caliphate ATGMs slam into Aegyptus amor to make way for T-72s, T-80s, and massive amounts of troops. As they blitz into the Sinai. Overrunning Aegyptus defenses that had been battered by artillery and airstrikes with ease they execute those who surrender while pushing west.

In the Red Sea, Aegyptus naval assets attempt to intercept Caliphate missiles that had been launched in mass. Many frigates are exhausted of interceptors which leaves them open to anti-ship missiles from the south. The Aegyptus navy in the Mediterranean begins to pepper the Sinai to slow down the Caliphate.

Re: [NPC Event] The Battle for Aegyptus

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2024 1:05 am
by Alanston
Provincial Palace, Barcelona

Caliph Makki Ibn Asim bi-llāh sits in his chambers, shortly after the meeting with France, when the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Safya Al-Haddad, bursts into his chambers, followed by several guards and two servants. Ibn Asim looks up, frowning at the interruption, "I gave strict orders not to be disturbed."

Al-Haddad kneels before him, "Forgive me, most esteemed one, but it is urgent." Standing, she nods to the servants, who turn on the television, switching it to the foreign media channel. The last half of Caliph Muhammad Al-Rashid's speech is seen by all present in the room.
"Today, we declare a holy struggle, a Jihad, to liberate Aegyptus from the tyranny of its illegitimate rulers. We will march with the strength of a united people, supported by our allies in the Maghreb and backed by the righteous hand of Persia. Our armies, armed with the courage of the faithful and the justice of our cause, will cleanse Aegyptus of its corruption and restore it to the fold of the Islamic world.

To our soldiers, I say this: You are the sword of Allah, the defenders of our faith, and the liberators of our people. Fight with honor, fight with bravery, and fight with the knowledge that you are on the side of righteousness. Victory is assured for those who walk in the path of Allah.

To the rulers of Aegyptus, I say this: Your time is over. The will of Allah will prevail, and your regime will crumble before the might of the faithful. Surrender now, and spare your people the suffering of war. Resist, and face the full wrath of the Caliphate.

May Allah grant us victory, may He strengthen our resolve, and may He guide us to triumph in this noble endeavor. Together, we will forge a future where the light of Islam shines brightly over all our lands, uniting us in peace, prosperity, and faith.

Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!"
Ibn Asim yells in a rage, crossing to the television and turning it off. "That upstart in Baghdad thinks he can just declare a holy war for Egypt on behalf of all Muslims!?! Who does he think he is? The pretenders in Arabia have been a thorn in my side for so long! And now they go disturbing a stable nation in the name of "Allah"? No. We act now, and we act swiftly. Get my son and Xano Cuyar here immediately. I want you to put a spin on this news, portray Caliph Al-Rashid as betraying Islam and sacrificing the values of Allah in favour of political gain. I want a statement put out reassuring our non-Muslim population of their safety and protection within Andalusia, and I want a clear statement that we oppose the invasion of Egypt. Bring these statements to me for approval before releasing them." Al-Haddad nods, before swiftly leaving the chambers with the servants.

About 15 minutes later Emir (Grand Prince) Ziyad Ibn Asim enters the room, while Minister Xano Cuyar is brought in on a conference call from Cordoba.

"Gentleman, I assume you are aware of the situation developing in the east?" A more calm Ibn Asim asks, sitting at his desk.

"I was just made aware, yes." Minister Cuyar replies in accented Andalusi.

"Father, personally I do not see how this concerns us. It's widely known that many in the Islamic world view Caliph Al-Rashid as the legitimate spiritual leader of all of Islam. This is something we've been trying to fight for years, but the best we seem to have been able to do is a tense understanding, one where we just do not talk about the issue of the title of 'caliph', and treat each other as Muslim nations. If we intervene now, then I'm afraid that we could make enemies of the entire Muslim world. Especially if they have the backing of Persia." Emir Ziyad states.

"Not to question you, but if we do not intervene then we risk alienating our connections in Europe that we have worked so hard to establish over the years." Cuyar counters.

Ibn Asim lets out a deep sigh. "Cuyar, where do we stand militarily with regards to the Caliphate?"

"We have a strong military, bolstered by our oil and gas industry, but if we are faced with the full force of the Caliphate's army, then we would not stand a chance."

"Do we know how many of our people might try to answer the call to this Jihad?"

"Luckily very little, we have well established our different interpretations of Islam, and through our funding we have been able to ensure that these interpretations are widely accepted throughout our nation. I believe several Islamic nations in Asia also follow our interpretations."

"Praise Allah for small blessings. Ziyad, do you have any suggestions?"

"I do not see an easy way out of this. If we openly oppose the Jihad then we risk alienating the rest of the Islamic world, and if we do nothing to support Aegyptus then we alienate our European neighbours."

"What about this part? The Caliph says they are supported by our allies in the Maghreb and backed by the righteous hand of Persia. What if we reach out to those allies and speak with them directly? Perhaps offer trading privileges, listen to their concerns, and maybe present ourselves as an alternative to the Caliph in Baghdad?"

"Hmm, and perhaps quietly speak with France, the HRE, and the Hanseatic League as well? Maybe they could be convinced to support your bid for the Caliphate in Baghdad as well?"

"Let's not be greedy here. But perhaps they might be willing to assist our invasion of Arabia, in exchange for some territorial concessions. We can at least negotiate with them to see what they have to say. Cuyar, I would like you to order a full scale mobilization, but do not pledge troops for any reason." Ibn Asim pauses as Minister Al-Haddad re-enters the room. "Ah, Al-Haddad, good. Do you have the statements I requested?

She nods, handing them over, "Here you go, sir. These statements outline our support for our non-Muslim populations, the general statements of how Caliph Muhammad Al-Rashid is betraying the true values of Islam by launching his invasion - signed by several high ranking Imams within Andalusia, and a statement opposing the invasion of Aegyptus."

"I don't know if we want to make such a clear statement opposing the invasion."

"What do you propose then, Cuyar? If we say nothing we lose any support we might gain from the Europeans."

"What if you state that you oppose the jihad, saying that Caliph Al-Rashid's interpretation of the Quran is flawed. That the Jihad was never meant to be a holy war, but rather a peaceful struggle towards the betterment of Islam, and that invading and forcibly converting non-Muslims is not in line with those understandings. I can probably find several Imams who would support you in this regard."

"I like it, make it so. We will release a statement as soon as possible, and I want our state news agencies putting a positive spin on this as soon as possible. Ziyad, reach out to the other European powers and request a quiet meeting to discuss the situation. Cuyar, reach out to the Maghreb and Persia quietly, see if their leaders will meet to discuss the situation. I also want our full forces mobilized immediately."

The meeting continues for another half hour, going over the fine points and details, before finishing, with all four going about on their various tasks.


About three hours after Caliph Muhammad Al-Rashid's speech is broadcast to the world the following events occur:

The full mobilization of the Andalusian forces, being 1,000,000 troops, 900 aircraft, and ~900,000 tonnes of naval vessels

Caliph Makki Ibn Asim bi-llāh makes a public address from the Grand Mosque of Barcelona, broadcast live via the state media agency and several international agencies.

"Good Evening, as I am sure many of you are aware, a few hours ago Caliph Muhammad Al-Rashid called on all faithful Muslims to engage in a holy war against the Republic of Aegyptus. This was called due to perceived slights against the Muslim population living within the nation, supposedly done by the Christian population of Aegyptus. Caliph Al-Rashid has called this war a "Jihad", viewing it as a holy war on behalf of all of Islam against non-Muslims. To this I have several things to say, but first, let me make it abundantly clear to all living within Andalusia. Your beliefs are respected and protected, regardless of whether you are Jew, Christian, or Amerindian. This conflict in Aegyptus does not change the state of affairs here in Andalusia, our nation was founded on the principles of religious and cultural tolerance, and this has not changed, nor will it change. We will support you and protect you.

"Now, for Al-Rashid's "Jihad," I have spoken with our top Imams and spent the last hour studying the Quran, seeking to understand the religious basis for this holy war. What I discovered, is that there is no foundation to it. The idea of calling a holy war a "Jihad" and using it to invade a non-Muslim nation, and to cleanse it from non-Muslims, is a flawed understanding. There is no basis for this in the Quran. When the Quran talks about the idea of a jihad, it is referring to a peaceful struggle towards the betterment of Islam. This can come in many forms, be it the struggle against one's evil inclinations, the invitation of pagans to Islam, and the betterment of the Muslim community as a whole. The Quran itself also encourages us to allow People of the Book to follow their own religions without interference, a practice that is alive and well here in Andalusia. Therefore, but launching this "Jihad", Caliph Al-Rashid is disregarding the very holy book he claims to follow, therefore doing a disservice to the very Islamic people he claims to lead. Not only this, he is betraying the Quran and the true understandings of Islam by launching this invasion.

"The age of full scale religious invasions in Europe and the Middle East ended almost 400 years ago. To the Muslims of the world, I ask you this: Do you really want a man leading you who disregards the Quran and established theological understandings, all in favour of political gain? Do you want to follow a man stuck in the Middle Ages, who launches surprise invasions with little-no prior warning? I speak honestly to you, the man who leads the Faithful Muslims of the world should be one supported by proper interpretations and understandings of the Quran. Not one who makes up interpretations whenever they please him. I urge you to reconsider where your loyalties lie. Do not let yourselves be caught up in faulty interpretations of the Quran.

"Effective immediately, vessels from the Arabic Caliphate are prohibited from transiting the Straits of Gibraltar and the Panama Canal, and will be seized accordingly. Vessels destined for the Arabic Caliphate, but not belonging to the Arabic Caliphate will see all goods destined for the Caliphate seized as well. We will no longer permit economic activity supporting faulty Quranic interpretations. Signed statements, supported by high ranking Imams throughout the nation, have been made available to news agencies, and faxed to several international organizations. These statements provide specific Quranic references and details, supporting the details I have already provided.

"May Allah have mercy on the souls of those who die in this ill-fated war."

Following the speech, the signed statements are shared, with news broadcasters going over them in detail.

A discrete invitation is sent to the leadership of the Maghreb and Persia to meet with Emir Ziyad Ibn Asim to discuss the invasion of Aegyptus. The leaders are invited to the border city of Timbuktu in the south. [start a branch thread if they accept the meeting]

Re: [NPC Event] The Battle for Aegyptus

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2024 7:19 pm
by Grand Serene Republic
After recieving the news of the Invasion of Aegeptus the General Secretary of the Communist Party and Premier of the Union Enrico Berlinguer has made a statement

"It is with great sadness that we witness war showing once again it's ugly face to the world. The USCR has made a vow to the peoples of the world to do whatever it can to keep peace to allow it people to prosper in solidarity. As such we not only condemn the invasion of Aegyptus but also, effectively immediately, put an embargo on the Arabian Caliphate. We shall also support the people of Aegeptus to ensure their sovereignty is respected. I shall gather bithe the General Staff of the Union and the People's Commission on Defence to see what actions are necessary to punish such unwarranted aggression"

Re: [NPC Event] The Battle for Aegyptus

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2024 7:40 pm
by English Channel Union
Commissioner Hubert received the news of the incident from his Palace, letting a sigh be heard across his common room as the assistant delivered the news, he convened his War Council.

Atomic Marshal Gerald, Fleet Marshal Ramish and Field Marshal Regan accompanied by Wing Commander Trudeau, will convene at the Palace with Commissioner Hubert, entering the room they will see a disgruntled commissioner

Hubert Asserts
I cannot believe I hear talks of a war, I need a brief on what is going on and who we should be speaking with

This statement will set the tone of the meeting, the Marshals will provide a brief on the situation to the commissioner and provide options. After some time, Commissioner Hubert will call for a press conference to provide the nation's position on the invasion,
Today, as Commissioner of this esteemed council, I stand before you with a heavy heart and a resolute spirit. Our world is beset by conflicts that ravage communities, fracture societies, and leave a trail of devastation in their wake. The scourge of war knows no boundaries, respects no ideals, and spares no innocent lives. As leaders and global citizens, it is incumbent upon us to rise above the clamour of violence and embrace the imperative of peace.

He pauses, looking amongst the crowd of his people and announces firmly,
War is not the answer. It never has been, and it never will be.

Taking a sip of water,
Let us draw inspiration from the countless examples of reconciliation and peacebuilding that have emerged from even the most protracted and bitter conflicts. Let us remember that peace is not merely the absence of war, but the presence of justice, dignity, and hope for a better future. Therefore, I call upon all those involved to establish a cease-fire and seek discussion.