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Major Historic Events

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2022 12:56 am
by Alanston
Just like in our world there were major events that occurred in history. These events may not have happened like in our world, they may not have involved the same nations, or even during the same time periods, but they are likely to have happened. These events are listed below, and are based on major real world events that occurred in history. Events before the 1500s have not been included, as they are more vague and less likely to have influence in the world overall.

Players are encouraged to reply to this thread listing which of the major events your nation participated in. Your nation does not have to have been involved with any of them, or it could have been involved in all. The extent of your involvement is up to you. Players can reply with a simple 'yes' or 'no', or can go into depth with their involvement. For the more recent events, players are encouraged to say how they were involved/affected. Players may use these events as a base for building the history of their nations in their factbooks if they would like.

Code: Select all

[b]Was your nation involved in the colonization of the New World (1500s):[/b]
[b]Was your nation involved in the Reformation (1500s):[/b]
[b]Was your nation part of any Colonial Wars (1500s - 1800s):[/b]
[b]Was your nation part of the Wars of Religion (1600s):[/b]
[b]Was your nation a colony that fought for independence, or were they affected by one (1700s on):[/b]
[b]How was your nation affected by a major peasant uprising and subsequent imperial figure attempting to spread liberty and equality in Europe (late 1700s/early 1800s):[/b]
[b]Was your nation involved in a major European war between at least two major powers (1800s):[/b]
[b]Was your nation involved in, or affected by, a conference or war to decide who settles Africa (mid 1800s):[/b]
[b]How was your nation involved in major worldwide conflict #1 Ethnic Tension (early 1900s):[/b]
[b]Was the ideology of your nation challenged, and if so, did the ideology take over the nation (1900s):[/b]
[b]How did the economic depression in the years following the war affect your nation (~1930s):[/b]
[b]How was your nation involved in major worldwide conflict #2 Radical Ideology (mid 1900s):[/b]
[b]How was your nation involved in decolonization (mid-late 1900s):[/b]
[b]How was your nation involved in the cold war between capitalism and communism/fascism (late 1900s):[/b]

Re: Major Historic Events

Posted: Mon May 27, 2024 10:46 am
by Holy Roman Empire
Was your nation involved in the colonization of the New World (1500s): Not directly, though Habsburg holdings, mainly in Spain, did participate.
Was your nation involved in the Reformation (1500s): Ardent opponent of Protestantism.
Was your nation part of any Colonial Wars (1500s - 1800s): No.
Was your nation part of the Wars of Religion (1600s): Yes, leader of the Catholic League, the eventual peace saw the northern portions of the HRE lost to Protestantism, and the Empire itself effectively reduced to the Catholic highlands.
Was your nation a colony that fought for independence, or were they affected by one (1700s on): No.
How was your nation affected by a major peasant uprising and subsequent imperial figure attempting to spread liberty and equality in Europe (late 1700s/early 1800s): *Shudder*, the fight against Napoleon nearly broke the Empire, with all but the Habsburg core in Austria and Bavaria falling to the Republican menace. The subsequent reclamation and revocation of traitorous princes' titles inadvertently helped centralise the domain.
Was your nation involved in a major European war between at least two major powers (1800s): Yes, frequent fights against neighbours in an attempt to regain HRE land lost to all neighbours, or defend against attempts at domination or sundering.
Was your nation involved in, or affected by, a conference or war to decide who settles Africa (mid 1800s): Yes, hosted the conference, but did not claim any land due to the landlocked nature of the Empire.
How was your nation involved in major worldwide conflict #1 Ethnic Tension (early 1900s): The death of the heir, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, kicked off the whole fight. The rough border terrain helped maintain the Empire's territorial integrity, and few gains were made either way.
Was the ideology of your nation challenged, and if so, did the ideology take over the nation (1900s): No, some "democratic" changes came about during the 19th century and post-war, but the Empire remains predominantly an Autocratic imperial state.
How did the economic depression in the years following the war affect your nation (~1930s): Pretty horribly, this was perhaps the greatest crisis faced by the Empire. Socialist revolts erupted that attempted to overthrow the ancient regime which were put down harshly. the Kaiser, with popular and military support, was able to leverage increased taxes and restrictions on the nobility. The sale of seized noble lands and assets helped fund major infrastructure projects which began the economic rebound.
How was your nation involved in major worldwide conflict #2 Radical Ideology (mid 1900s): Radicalism is a scourge that must be eradicated. Maintained armed neutrality.
How was your nation involved in decolonization (mid-late 1900s): Not involved.
How was your nation involved in the cold war between capitalism and communism/fascism (late 1900s): Generally maintained neutrality, favoured capitalists generally (or fascists if they're the pro-monarchist kind).

Re: Major Historic Events

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2024 6:58 pm
by Aksum
Was your nation involved in the Reformation (1500s): No, like other Orthodox churches the Orthodox Tewahedo Church was unaffected.
Was your nation part of any Colonial Wars (1500s - 1800s): Aksum conquered the islands of Socotra and established trading posts in coastal Yemen during this period, though the trading posts were short lived Socotra was held continuously for several centuries.
Was your nation part of the Wars of Religion (1600s): No.
Was your nation a colony that fought for independence, or were they affected by one (1700s on): No.
How was your nation affected by a major peasant uprising and subsequent imperial figure attempting to spread liberty and equality in Europe (late 1700s/early 1800s): Aksum has no interest in European affairs in this time period. The invasion of Egypt was watched with cautious interest until it was clear that wasn't going to lead to any interference in Aksum's sphere of influence
Was your nation involved in a major European war between at least two major powers (1800s): Depends on if the Eastern Roman Empire was still around, if yes, Aksum would have lent them minor support in defensive wars.
Was your nation involved in, or affected by, a conference or war to decide who settles Africa (mid 1800s): Aksum was not invited, a rather serious oversight. Attempts made to colonize the Horn of Africa were resisted with great vigor, though limited success. The Kingdom of Medri Bahri (Eritrea), which was a satellite of Aksum was eventually conquered by a colonizer. The Neighboring allied Kingdom of Zeila (Djibouti and Somaliland) and rival Kingdom of Adjuuran (Somalia proper) were also divided amongst the colonizers. For a time Aksum retreated into militant isolation in the highland core of the Kingdom.
How was your nation involved in major worldwide conflict #1 Ethnic Tension (early 1900s): Aksum briefly hoped to use the war as an opportunity to strike at the Neighboring colonizers but they all were on the same side of the Great War so no opportunity presented itself. Aksum did emerge from isolation and normalize relations with the Neighboring colonial powers. Trade resumed and the Kingdom began an urgent program of modernization.
Was the ideology of your nation challenged, and if so, did the ideology take over the nation (1900s): Aksum has slowly liberalized starting in the beginning of the 20th century, but no major challenge was made to the Monarchy in the early half of the century.
How did the economic depression in the years following the war affect your nation (~1930s): Aksum was relatively unscathed, mostly due to being only lightly tied into the global market at the time.
How was your nation involved in major worldwide conflict #2 Radical Ideology (mid 1900s): The colonial power holding Medri Bahri and Adjuuran repudiated their recognition of Aksum and invaded. Aksum fought valiantly but it's forces were slowly pushed back until they held only a few mountain fortresses. Once the War expanded however the enemy swiftly lost control of the seas and any way to supply it's forces in Aksum. Aksumite forces swiftly retook their country, officially joined the Allies and sent forces to fight in other fronts of the Africa campaign.
How was your nation involved in decolonization (mid-late 1900s): Post war Medri Bahri was federalized with Aksum as an autonomous zone while Adjuuran was added to the holdings of the Ally who already held most of Zeila. Aksum attempted, semi-succesfully, to arbitrate between it's new allies and the independence movements which were springing up across Africa. As the colonial powers withdrew Aksum provided as much aid as they could to the newly independent states. Unfortunately despite the best efforts of the Aksumite Kingdoms most of their new neighbors were unable to maintain stability.
How was your nation involved in the cold war between capitalism and communism/fascism (late 1900s): A foreign funded communist insurgency was active in Aksum for quite a few years before ultimately being driven underground. As such Aksum now is staunchly opposed to communist powers as "destabilizing forces". Modern Aksum is a trading nation with strong links to the global capitalist system.