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The Commonwealth of Malaya

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2022 1:49 am
by Hellaskratia
Name of nation: The Commonwealth of Malaya
Capital of nation: Maynilad
Population: 201,892,046
GDP: 4.986 trillion US dollars
Currency: Malayan Yùwẽ
Languages: Riktan
Time zone: UTC +8
Drives: Right
Atheist or Unaffiliated: 61%
Buddhist: 14.8%
Christian: 11.1%
Islamic: 7.5%
Hindu: 3.2%
Other: 2.9%
Government type: Bicameral Republic
House of Farsòñs: 26 Senators
House of Chyàlùtar: 429 Statesmen
President: Kiruma LaMancha
Summary of Malaya:
The Commonwealth of Malaya is an efficient yet individualistic nation, led by President LaMancha, and known for its rich cultural and just generally historic past. The hard-nosed populous of 201 million Malayans enjoy great social equality as well as generally well-off lives compared to its neighbors.

The Government itself generally focuses on Education, with healthcare, and subsidized industry also being top priorities. The Economy itself is quite diverse & modernized, with Information Technology, Retail, and Manufacturing the top industries.

The History of the Commonwealth
Dating back to the 3rd through 4th centuries, Kingdoms such as Langkasuka and Kalma (Located in modern-day Malaysia and South Vietnam respectively) had started to form, with various city-states coming out of the Malayan Archipelago during this same time period. As such, relations were quickly made, and a sort of trade triangle connected the kingdoms.

It wasn't too long in fact before royalties were established, with various Malayan nobles marrying others in Kalma and Langkasuka. In 425 AD specifically, a royal marriage between Prince Teno of Malaya and Lady Lymer of Langkasuka saw the countries united via personal union. However, because of this, there were calls to have Kalma join the personal union. One must keep in mind that at this time, all three nations had developed incredibly close ties, with an exchange of cultures already present.

In 501 AD, Emperor Boji Dai, with no heir to the throne, agreed to be integrated into the Kingdom of Malaya. However, nobles from the northern part of the Kalma had risen up and fought over the decision. In fact, the War of the Lotus was specifically fought due to the uproar. Within three years of fighting, though, the nobles of the lands gave up, surrendering to King Teno II at the Battle of Baigaur, which saw the execution over of 300 various noble figures due to charges of treason against both the former Emperor Boji Dai, and the Current ruler.

However, even with this, King Teno II did his best to mend relations between the now united areas by lowering taxes and investing in infrastructure to strengthen ties within the country. He also established a meet and greet program (to put it simply) where government-sponsored trips would take place, which led to populations in all three regions of the Kingdom moving and integrating into other parts, effectively melting the various cultures slowly but surely over the course of centuries. By the end of the 10th Century, various texts and scrolls from scholars of the time described how distinct yet familiar this new culture of the nation was. This was of course due to multitudes of reasons, but with a lot in part due to observations such as, 'even though these regions have distance, they function relatively efficiently, with the people in say Maynilad holding the same values, same tastes, and same celebrations of someone in the city of New Kalma or Langka'.

However, one thing all historians agree on is that the foundation of Riktan, the language of Malaya and was created as a sort of mush between all three regions during the 9th & 10th centuries, and was the main basis that helped unite the nation under a common identity in some sense or another.

Continuing from there, the Kingdom of Malaya continued to develop as a nation, up until 1293, when, along with Song China, the Kingdom of Malaya had received word that the Mongolian threat was now nearer than ever before. Armed to the teeth, the armies of Malaya had heard about the tactics used by the Mongols, and thus did what they could to counteract it, making the terrain that was already bad for horse riding even more unforgiving. All of this culminated in several battles in which the armies of Malaya and the Mongolian horse archers would go head to head, with the Malayans having success as they kept to their formations and such.

During these years, the Malayan Army kept massive amounts of soldiers at the ready, with the Kingdom relying on its ships to harsh the hordes' attempts as well as its trade, where it could of course. During this period of constant anxiety, in the 1470s, the Kingdom was introduced to firearms in a big way. Within months to years, the government started to sponsor the manufacturing of these weapons.

In the later years, specifically 1638, once the Mongols were already spiraling downwards, the nation was able to finally lower its guard, if only a little. Due to the increasing presence of European merchants and explorers sailing through the Malayan sea, the doctrine of Naval sovereignty and supremacy, instituted by King Ereto Teno, saw a dramatic increase in Naval development, with warships being developed like that of Europe.

There would be incidents along the way, like the skirmish in 1565, Spanish soldiers attempted to set up a settlement near the city of Wunwuñ (modern-day Cebu) but were met by Malayan naval ships and soldiers mere days into their occupation. It took a while before eventually an accord was written, with Spanish ships allowed to go into port, but with certain restrictions and fees associated with it.

In 1664, unrest had started to grip the nation as the current ruler of the time, King Toji Teno, had enacted multitudes of policies & laws that saw multiple revolts across the entire country. And in fact, the massacre of Tanito Market, which saw 283 civilians killed, triggered a revolution. Within months, with all of the King's men surrendering and often turning on the King himself, King Toji Teno was hanged on the steps of the Maynilad Commons, or what is now known as the Maynilad Parliament building.

The entire nation celebrated as the King was beheaded, but now, the question of what to do from here was left in the air. While others argued for an elective monarchy, in which they could retain elements of the old system, a majority argued for a Republic. With that in mind, on August 21st of 1665, the Commonwealth of Malaya was formed officially, with President Nuwa Latupa elected as the first president, and with the first elections for parliament members also in full swing. With it, all those of Malayan descendent were considered citizens and eligible to vote.

During the later years, such as the 18th & 19th centuries Malaya had unofficially sponsored and supplied several independence movements that it could get away with. And during this time as well Malayan maritime tradition rose to new heights, as various explorers such as Yalin Patrite and Sojh Resi went on various expeditions of properly charting out the nation and its surrounding neighbors before going off and exploring other parts of the world.

At the same time, the President of the time, Lumit Noyo, started an initiative in 1886, in which the government of Malaya hired hundreds to thousands of engineers, architects, and general titans of industry to start introducing the same machines in the Commonwealth. And thus what happened over the course of decades was an explosion in production and population, with the Government doing all it could to keep up with the times. Even various laws and regulations that are instrumental to ensuring success for the modern-day person and business were first passed during the Noyo Era of growth, as it's known.

At the turn of the 20th century, the Commonwealth started to express its disagreements with various European powers holding territory in want it considered to be her region of influence. All of this stemmed from people such as Monda Prata of Fantuka and the chyàl movement, which saw the entire nation protesting, not due to anything internally, but rather how the Malayan Commonwealth had allowed for such powers to occupy such areas without conflict. This in turn started the process of Malaya advocating for independence for colonized nations around the world, but especially in South-East Asia.

However, all this was quickly subsided by the first great conflict during the 1910s, which saw the Commonwealth take a neutral stance, but nonetheless impacted the nation as a whole.

Afterward, the 1920s and early 30s saw even more tremendous growth as the Nation picked up work where others couldn't due to war or other reasons. However, when the stock market crashed in the Americas during the late 1930s, many industries were left to crumble, with the government only able to do so much. Because of this, the Commonwealth elected President Huat Rilo, which saw the government take a massive initiative to reenergize the nations and simulate it.

But then, World War two struck. In the first few months(and even before then), Malaya had grown extremely wary of the Japanese Empire, mustering all the forces it could. in fact, in the summer of 1940, the Japanese Empire declared war on the Commonwealth after the initial invitation of both joining the Axis and the GCPS was both denied (Thus it was seen that both sides would eventually go to war). In the following years, fighting would be harsh and heavy, with battles and massive bombings taking place on the Northern part of La Union State on Luzon Island, with the Naval forces focusing on holding the Japanese out of the Malayan Sea (West Philippine/South China Sea). In addition, where it could spare, the Commonwealth of Malaya sent thousands of soldiers to help out the Chinese. This sort of stalemate would devastate the country during the time of the war. However, the Japanese were kept at bay.

What happened next would be a massive recovery period for the nation as it took loans from wherever it could, with former Vice President Poli Garrta (President Brast Lita had died fighting in the Battle of Maynilad) taking charge via starting reconstruction projects almost immediately, while also helping various upstart companies to gain traction. With that, combined with incredibly organized and efficient plans from the government, as well as a patriotic spirit of unity taking over the nation, the nation had rebuilt from the ruins of war to a newer height.

In the late 1940s and 50s, it saw Malaya align itself closer to the West as it grew from the ground up.

The 60s and 70s were when a bulk of Malaya grew into the nation it is today, with a Golden Era of technology and culture, in general, enabling the nation to rise as a regional power with general prosperity. In addition, this was the period that saw a proper establishment of Malaya as a manufacturing and retail hub for all of Asia, with plants and malls, though not as numerous as some would think, would be grand in size.

In the 80s and 90s, what some have considered the peak of the Golden Era of growth saw the nation's GDP rise to over a trillion in 1986 in addition to the growing tech industries that were rising from the nation.

From the 2000s onward, the Commonwealth has been on a steady trajectory up, with the lives of those within the nation seeming always changing for the better as innovation continues to drive the nation