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[Event Branch] The Kidnappers

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 1:26 pm
by Alanston
European Republic wrote: Fri Sep 23, 2022 12:46 pm At the same time, discrete messages are sent to Bulgaria, Abkazhia, Rostov, Crimea and the Seljuks. If the kidnappers are smart they would be able to decipher the messages in which an offer of aid is sent, in which all the various expenses for the... Job would be paid and that they would be paid a quite nice compensation of several billions if they accept the offer
Shortly after the kidnappers arrive in Redacted, they receive a communication forwarded to them from Redacted. Their leader would look it over, very intrigued by this opportunity. Although a little suspicious of foul play, he would reach out to the @European Republic to discuss this offer of aid. Meanwhile their mode of transportation would be refueled in preparation for the next leg of their journey.

Re: [Event Branch] The Kidnappers

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 3:17 pm
by Grand Serene Republic
Using the same channels the agents of the ER send the location of a small apartment block in Trapani,Sicily where to meet with the kidnappers

Re: [Event Branch] The Kidnappers

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 3:32 pm
by Alanston
After some debate, the kidnappers decide to take the offer. As their mode of transportation is fueled, 4 of them switch to a private jet, along with the prince. They inform the ER that they will be flying to Aeroporto di Trapani “Vincenzo Florio”, and request discreet transportation from the airport to the apartment block. They would purposely avoid flying over the lands of other western powers.

Meanwhile, the officials at Redacted are bribed to turn the other way, and forget that this plane ever departed. The other kidnappers depart around the same time in their original mode of transportation continuing along their prechosen travel plans.

Re: [Event Branch] The Kidnappers

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 6:16 pm
by Grand Serene Republic
Once the "guests" arrive at the airport they are transported in quite a mundane car to an apartment in Nubia, a small village on the outskirts of Trapani.

There they would be greated by Jean-Baptiste Roussillon who was waiting for them with a smile on his face and a cigarette in his mouth

Re: [Event Branch] The Kidnappers

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 6:25 pm
by Alanston
The lead kidnapper smiles coldly as he greets Jean-Baptiste. "'Ello, are you the one who made this offer of 'elp? If so, 'ow are we to know we can trust you?" His accent would seem off, as if he were purposely dropping the 'h' in his words. The others around him would shift nervously, but would be confident in their leader. The baby prince would be sleeping quietly, as if drugged.

Re: [Event Branch] The Kidnappers

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 6:55 pm
by Grand Serene Republic
The smile of Jean-Baptiste would become even wider "Oh you can't but that's what makes this job beautiful, it is all based on Mutual Distrust which in my opinion works better then trust but, since my superiors felt about given you reassurances" he says as he gestures to a man who would provide a laptop ,which has or course a top noch security connection, "We can immediately open you an account with 10 billions euros with the West Indies Bank, and it you watch the news you guys now that those sleaky bastards know how to keep quiet"

He would then take a puff from his cigarettes as he sit back on the cheap sofa in the house

Re: [Event Branch] The Kidnappers

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 7:08 pm
by Alanston
The lead kidnapper's cold smile would quickly turn warm. "'This looks acceptable to me. What would you like?" He asks, looking over the new bank account to ensure everything is in place. He would show it to the other kidnappers, who would nod approvingly.

Re: [Event Branch] The Kidnappers

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 7:45 pm
by Grand Serene Republic
"That depends on you gentlemen, I want that you guys succeed in overthrowing the Emperor, so since we are helping each other here, what is your plan?"

He says as he finishes up the cigarette

Re: [Event Branch] The Kidnappers

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 8:02 pm
by Alanston
"'Err..." The leader of the kidnappers looks at the others, before shrugging and continuing. "'Well, our plan was to return to Redacted, and wait out the week from there. If the Emperor hadn't stepped down by the end of the week, we would cut off the toes of his son and send them to him one at a time, each hour, until he agreed to step down. If that didn't work, we would start with the fingers, and go from there."

One of the others speaks up. "Truth be told, we haven't thought it through too much. But the Varangians are very corrupt, and we figured that worse case we could bribe them to look the other way, and then we'd just slip in and assassinate the Emperor. I think the people would probably support us as well, they've got to be tired of the nation switching trade partners every few months, just like we are. Not to mention the random bribes the Varangians inflict all the time."

Re: [Event Branch] The Kidnappers

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2022 2:57 pm
by Grand Serene Republic
"Considering the situation gentlemen I say the best course of action is to blame all of this affair on the Varangians, arm some fringe groups and that should stir the pot nice and well, and when it is boiling the Republic will swoop in"

Re: [Event Branch] The Kidnappers

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2022 9:41 pm
by Alanston
The lead kidnapper grins widely at that suggestion. "'My friend! That is an amazing suggestion! Do you know how easy it was to bribe those Varangians? They only care about money! We must definitely put the blame on them, and I know just how to do it!." The guard pauses for a moment, as if catching his breath. "'It is simple, really. We contact Redacted and give them a hefty bribe to say that the boat we took belongs to the Varangians. During this, we also drop a few hints in Constantinople that it was the Varangians who were responsible. No doubt they've beaten that poor fisherman who saw us leaving with the baby. We just casually suggest that their beating was to force the fisherman to put the blame on someone else, and voila! As for arming the fringe groups, I trust that you could take care of that for us?"

Re: [Event Branch] The Kidnappers

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 6:16 pm
by Grand Serene Republic
"Well it seems we have a plan then! As i said if you need additional resources we will be more then happy to provide. Aside from that I say it is time to getting to work gentlemen, and don't worry the Anti-Imperial group in Byzantium shall receive their weapons in no time"

Re: [Event Branch] The Kidnappers

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 11:30 am
by Alanston
The kidnapper nods, "I think we would need, say, a couple million euros, more than 100 at lease, to offer to Redacted. As for spreading rumours against the Varangians, I think we could probably figure something out. We have a couple people in Istanbul, across the bay from Constantinople. If you can provide some funds, we will contact them and send them to Constantinople to get started. If we can get the Varangians to beat one of them up after making the accusations, that will give our plan even more authenticity. As for his highness," He gestures to the sleeping baby. "Is there a place we can keep him where he will be safe for now? It will not serve our plans for anything to happen to him."

Meanwhile, one of the other kidnappers would contact Redacted, the country that sent them out, and share the information for the West Indisch bank account with the 10 billion Euros. Redacted would then take this money and discretely use it to bolster the economy, leaving 500 million for payment for the kidnappers.

Re: [Event Branch] The Kidnappers

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2022 9:04 am
by Grand Serene Republic
"We can easily provide you with the funds for your operation, make sure to leave something for our investigators so that they can publicly accuse the Varangians.
Regarding the prince leave him to us, we shall keep him safe and hidden"

Re: [Event Branch] The Kidnappers

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2022 6:39 pm
by Alanston
"Excellent! We shall leave the prince with you, and my friends and I shall begin making our plans. And do not worry, we shall thoroughly ensure the blame is placed solely on the Varangians."

Following this, the lead kidnapper contacts Redacted, bribing them to claim the boat was tied directly to the Varangians. They also contact their 'friends' in Istanbul, bribing them to cross over and start laying accusations against the Varangians.

[To be continued in the main thread]