Opperation Righteous Fury

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Tokugawa Empire
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Re: Opperation Righteous Fury


Post by Tokugawa Empire »

In response to the South African and Rhodesian governments fortifying their coast lines and mobilization of their full military might I would do the same. My long range "Hydra" SAM systems (Argentinian S-300s) would be put on alert and the Coastal defense forces would be put on high alert especially in The Falklands. Air patrols would be flown to get a reading over the horizon to see what South African and Rhodesian Naval assets are doing.
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Kingdom of Sweden
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Re: Opperation Righteous Fury


Post by Kingdom of Sweden »

With Ohioan forces mobilized on the confederate border, an ultimatum is given to the confederate government. Cease offensive operations against Nahuatl and California, or face war with the Confederation. They have 24 hours to respond to this demand.

Meanwhile, the main bulk of the Ohioan military is mobilized to the eastern side of the Appalachian mountains making ready for a coastal push south. Mirage 4 bombers are fueled and loaded with armament ready to depart their airfields in case of a inbound strike. They carry an as needed assortment of tactical and strategic nuclear weapons, conventional bombs, and air to surface missiles. Regular armed patrols of Mirage 4000 aircraft prowl the border, and Rafale interceptors are put to the sky armed with conventional and nuclear tipped air to air missiles. Mirage 2000s are configured for strike fighter duties, and Lynx ground attack aircraft are moved to lower risk airfields to avoid losses before air and missile threats are neutralized. Sentinelle AWACS continue their observation of Confederate skies. The Iron Range carrier group prepares for offensive operations, while keeping a close ear for submarines. Super Etendards are made ready to strike Confederate naval assets, and E-2 Hawkeyes monitor for airborne threats. The Pontiac battle group is put on the highest alert, with regular active sonar searches for submarines carried out by her escorts. In Puerto Rico, air assets are made ready to defend the Island, with Mirage 2000s and Nike Hercules missiles providing a layered defensive screen. The government of Japan is invited to set up operations on the Island, and is informed of the ultimatum, as is the Government of Mitteleuropa, whos aircraft may see action sooner rather than later.
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Re: Opperation Righteous Fury


Post by Alanston »

With several bright blue blasts being seen in the skies from Quebec to Argentina, President Samuel Lee, who is currently in a bunker beneath the Confederate capital of Charlotte, would realize that his strikes were a failure, before word even reached him of their loss. In the following minutes he would be informed of the EMP blast in the upper atmosphere caused by the explosions, which he counts as a success, with Confederate news agencies reporting about a successful nuclear attack against the Californians.

Barely before word goes out about the Confederate successes, the Californian nukes strike. Although the silos in Lafayette, Biloxi, Crestview, and Panama city were all just outside the cities, each being hit with 3-4 800kt ground burst nuclear warheads is enough to completely destroy each city, as well as kill or severely injure most people living there. The following 14 20kt airburst nuclear weapons striking the military bases of Moss bluff, Layette, Ft Myers, Miami, New Orleans, and Pensacola do much less damage, but would still be enough to cripple all of the mentioned cities, as well as killing many people and injuring many more. Layfette, hit with a double blow is basically completely levelled, with very few survivors. All the slaves that had been sent to these key strategic locations are also killed, being in the centre of the blast radius. The 24 Suffren-class frigates and 32 Hamburg-class destroyers stationed at New Orleans are also destroyed. Around 25,000 troops are also killed in the attack.

Word of the death of these slaves at the hands of the Californians is publicly shared.

With the destruction of several major Confederate cities being reported, President Lee would be furious, and would ensure video footage of the destruction is made and shared with the world. With a remaining arsenal of only 5 250kt, 15 100kt, and 20 10kt nukes, located mostly at silos near the Ohio border and along the Nahuatl border in Arkansas and Missouri, President Lee begins to weigh his options. On one hand he ponders the wisdom of launching them all at major Californian cities, whilst on the other hand he knows that they are his last best option of defense. Fearing that the Californians have more nukes than him, he holds off and does not order their launch for the time being, lest even more Confederate cities be destroyed. Though he does give the order that if any attacks are detected against those silos, the nukes within are to be launched immediately at key Californian and Ohioan cities.

Nuclear bomb drills would be held in schools and cities across the nation.

The Ohioan ultimatum is ignored.

The 48 Mirage F1's and 32 MiG-31's sent to the Caribbean engage the Californian planes and ships directly, firing and dropping bombs as soon as they are within range. When the declaration of war against the Japanese is announced, they would also begin targeting the Japanese.
Qi Empire wrote: Tue Aug 22, 2023 1:13 am Around the same time, the submarines in the Caribbean (32 Type 205 submarines) would target any Californian vessels in the Caribbean and engage them. All vessels that had entered the Caribbean previously would provide reinforcements in this engagement (24 Suffren-class frigate's, 1 Clemenceau-class aircraft carrier, and 12 Type 205 submarine's coming from Miami. And 24 Suffren-class frigates and 12 Hamburg-class destroyer's coming from New Orleans)
The vessels that had engaged the Californian vessels continue their assault against the Californian fleet in the Caribbean. With the declaration of war by the Japanese, the vessels would also begin targeting Japanese assets in the Caribbean.

The 250,000 troops that rushed California, having faced little resistance, would successfully take Albuquerque, killing many blacks and Asians in the city, before splitting up, with half heading towards Phoenix and the other half heading towards Denver. The 24 Mirage F-1's and 12 MiG-31's that went with them would split as well, continuing to cover the troops.

The extra 150,000 men that are being recruited is progressing at a steady pace, with around half that number currently reporting to military bases in the interior of the country. Around 15,000 worth of men were killed in the Californian nuclear attack.

Noticing the increased Ohioan military presence, 200,000 men are sent north and spread along the Ohioan border. The remaining 75,000 men are stationed in the cities of Montgomery, Atlanta, and Charlotte.

The planes engaging the Atomic forces would chase them out of Confederate territory, but would not enter Ohioan land. Further S300 missiles would be launched at the Atomic planes as needed, until they leave Confederate airspace.

Meanwhile, with news of the sacrifice of slaves being reported, a group of slaves at a plantation outside of Milledgeville, Georgia, rise up against their owners, killing all of them and setting the property alight. Currently they are disorganized, and remain on the property, arguing amongst themselves.

Elsewhere in the Confederacy, in the cities of Tampa, Orlando, Jacksonville, and Mobile, Confederate civilians begin protesting against the war, due to the massive destruction caused by the Californian nuclear blasts. They protest strongly against the use of nuclear weapons, as well as the use of slaves to 'protect' the military sites, stating that using their slaves to protect military bases is nothing but a loss of income, and the Californians didn't even care anyways.

South African and Rhodesian mobilization is complete, and troops are sent to defensive positions throughout the country, but especially the western coastline, to prepare against potential Argentinian assaults.

Any Argentinian patrols that enter within range of South Africa would be fired upon, with the explanation being that it is in retaliation against Argentinian piracy in the Atlantic.
Celtic Federation wrote: Tue Aug 22, 2023 1:17 pm The Celtic Federation also extends an invitation for Tutu to reside in Santseamus (Santiago) to deliver his speech and gather support against the Apartheid regime.
Tutu takes up the Celtic invitation, and boards a plane to Santiago to deliver his speech.

Having not received any word from the Californians, the Nahutal government decides to ignore California, and instead declares war on the Confederates, sending 250,000 troops across the border into Confederate territory. 50,000 head towards Lafayette, 50,000 towards Shreveport, 50,000 towards Conway, and 100,000 towards Memphis. The invading forces would engage the spread out Confederate forces (50,000 troops), driving them back.

The 300,000 troops remain near the Californian border, but the Nahuatl government declares their land closed to Californians, and states that Californian forces are not permitted to enter Nahuatl territory.

Nahuatl aircraft are also prepared for an engagement into Confederate territory.

The Nahuatl government strongly denounces the use of nuclear weapons.
Moved from Statescraft to RP Archive on Sat Feb 10, 2024 4:34 pm by Alanston


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