New User Guide

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Factbook: viewtopic.php?p=2729#p2729

New User Guide


Post by Alanston »

This guide is for those new to the forums to help you navigate setting up your first nation and getting started on the forums.

  • Making a claim:

- Navigate to the Current Map thread.
- Read the instructions and navigate to the Map Requests board.
- Make a new topic following the instructions provided in the Current Map thread, making your new claim. The title of the thread is up to you.
- A moderator will look at your claim and approve or help you adjust it if needed.
- Once approved, you can go to your profile and update your username to that of your nation, and add your nation's flag as your profile picture. This helps users identify you and also helps add depth to the forum.

  • Making a factbook

- Navigate to the Factbooks thread.
- Start a new topic. The title is up to you, but should include the name of your nation.
- Include whatever information about your nation that you want in your topic. Some suggestions include: your nation's history, culture, language(s), military, and more. Add multiple responses to your main post as needed. There is no minimum or maximum requirements for how detailed your factbook should be, save that it needs to include your military information (once your military has been approved). A more detailed factbook will make it easier for moderators to assess your unrest traits.
- A sample factbook can be found here

  • Defining your military

- Navigate to the Military Traits Info thread.
- Read the Military Traits guidelines and navigate to the Military Traits thread.
- Make a reply following the guidelines provided in the Military Traits Info thread.
- A moderator will look at your traits and post a review in the Military Traits Reviews thread, mentioning you (@).
- If needed, make the necessary adjustments to your traits and repost them in the Military Traits thread. A moderator will then approve your traits.
- Add your military info to your factbook.

  • Making your first RP

- When you are ready to make your first RP (a reminder that this needs to be done within the first 7 days of your claim being approved or your nation will be voided), navigate to either the Statescraft or the International Incidents boards.
- Start a new topic describing your RP. This can be about anything that you want, and can be internal (potentially involving just yourself) or external (potentially involving others). If you want to involve others, use the (@) function to mention them.

  • Declaring war

- When you are ready to declare your first war, navigate to the International Incidents board. NOTE: New players have a grace period of 3 weeks and can not be attacked or invaded during their grace period unless they expressly state otherwise. It is unwise to go to war during your grace period unless you are absolutely ready.
- Start a new topic describing your declaration of war, or your intentions to go to war.
- A nation only has 15-20% of their troops active at any given time. The exact value is up to you, but needs to be detailed in your factbook.
- To utilize more than 15-20% of your troops, you need to mobilize your military. You can specify how much you are mobilizing, but you need to do mobilization through an RP. Mobilization takes 2 turns, meaning you can move your military on the third turn (1 to announce, 1 for it to complete, then you can move them on the following turn).
- When you declare war on another player you need to mention (@) the player you are going to war with. If you are declaring war on an NPC you need to make a request in the NPC Requests form.
- When you are doing your war RP you should be as specific as possible for where the troops are going, and you can only launch attacks according to your capabilities. This means stating where your troops are going, usually specifying the highways or coordinates (both can be found on google maps).
- War is turn based, meaning that after your first post declaring war, you must wait until the other player responds. However there is a 48 hour rule for warfare. This means that if a player does not respond within the first 48 hours, the attack is considered to have been successful.
- Warfare is done via detailed RP between players. This means that each player describes the engagement between other players in an RP, describing how the battle goes between them and their opponent.
- When at war players are encouraged to use the Roleplay Discussion board to discuss the conflict in OOC. This helps eliminate any potential confusion.
- Ensure you pay attention to the rules when going to war.

  • War being declared on you

- It is possible that war may be declared on you by another player. If this happens while you are still in your grace period, inform a moderator about it, and we will deal with it. If it happens after your grace period, you have several options at your disposal.
a) Engage the enemy and fight back.
b) Negotiate for peace. It should be noted that if this option is chosen the nation declaring war may demand more land than they might otherwise get if the war proceeds.
- If you choose to proceed with option a) you will go through the same list of steps as if you were declaring war yourself.
- If you choose to proceed with option b) you can then engage in diplomacy with the other player to see what their terms for surrender are. This can be a useful option if another players' military is significantly larger than yours, or if you do not think you can win the war. The military of another nation can be found in their factbook. If you decide their terms for your surrender are too harsh, you are always able to switch to option a) and fight the war at any time.

  • NPCs

- If you want to interact with an NPC you would start a topic just like normal, except in this case you would address it to an NPC nation.
- Once you have posted your topic, you will need to navigate to the NPC Requests thread and make a request. Another player will pick up your RP as the NPC in question. The details of the NPC nation are up to the discretion of the player doing the RP.
- Proceed with the RP as you would any normal RP.
- Replies (on both sides) need to be detailed and at least 3 sentences long.

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