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Archived Approved Military Traits

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 11:46 am
by Grand Serene Republic
Qi Empire wrote: Sat Jul 29, 2023 11:59 pm Name of nation: Qi Empire
Link to Factbook: viewtopic.php?p=1879#p1879
Link to original Military Traits Application: viewtopic.php?p=1876#p1876
Link to RP: viewtopic.php?p=2014#p2014

Total troops gained: 275,000 troops
Total airforce gained: 250 planes
Total navy gained: 348,800 tonnes

Expansion Approved

Re: Approved Military Traits

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 12:43 pm
by Grand Serene Republic
Qi Empire wrote: Wed Jun 07, 2023 12:12 pm Name of nation: Qi Empire
Link to factbook: viewtopic.php?t=336

Total troops: 400,000
Total airforce: 200
Total tonnage (navy): 300,000
Unrest (out of 10): 3

Yellow Zone

Conscription: Mandatory +30,000 troops
Population: 342,852,400 +25,000 troops, +18 aircraft
Tech Level: Developed
- The Qi Empire has invested significantly in development throughout the years, especially in order to remain competitive with various Western nations in the region. Not suffering from various one-sided treaties or Western-influenced rebellions has further allowed the nation to develop at a steady pace, and has thus allowed the Qi Empire to become a developed nation today.
Coastal +50,000 tonnes

Positive Traits:

Koxinga's Legacy The Qi Empire was founded by Koxinga when he successfully took Nanjing from the Qing in 1656. Koxinga was a legendary strategian, and was famous for his many feats against the Qing Empire and the Dutch, both on land and by sea. During the 1600's, Koxinga controlled much of the Chinese navy, allowing him to easily intercept Dutch fleets, alongside getting supplies from the Chinese coast and outmaneuvering the Qing forces. +100,000 troops, +150,000 tonnes, +100 aircraft

Mandate of Heaven The Qi Dynasty holds the Mandate of Heaven, justifying their right to rule. The Mandate of Heaven is the traditionally held belief that the emperor has the divine right to rule. Through various propaganda campaigns and the cultural heritage of China, the Mandate of Heaven is fully accepted by the populace and supported. This effectively increases the loyalty of the population towards the government, thus allowing for a larger military force. +150,000 troops, +100,000 tonnes

One China Policy The Qi Empire propagates a policy of there being only one China - the Qi Empire. As such, the government has secured significantly more funding to support the military in order to uphold this policy. +150,000 troops, +82 aircraft

Negative Traits:

A Southern Empire The Qi Empire is based solely in the south of China, with the north having broken away in the early 1900s due to foreign interference in the nation. As such, there is a noticeable decrease in the size of the army. -55,000 troops

Economical Traits:

Centres of Trade The Qi Empire holds several major centres of trade, including Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Taipei. This allows for an increase in trade throughout the nation, as well as setting the framework for an easier expansion of the navy and airforce. These centres of trade are further bolstered by rail lines connecting the entirety of the nation together. Easier to expand the navy and airforce, increased economic production throughout the nation, starts with a series of well established rail lines throughout the nation

Chinese Capitalism The Qi Empire utilizes a unique blend of controlled economy and capitalism, known as Chinese Capitalism. This unique economic system has allowed the nation to develop at a fast pace compared to other nations in Asia, and continues to provide benefits, allowing the economy to regularly increase substantially. Easier to invest in development projects throughout the nation, including transportation and economic projects

Centre of Innovation and Research The Qi Empire has a long history of education through the Imperial Examination system. This has led to the nation being a hub of innovation and research, with many new technologies and developments coming out of the nation on a regular basis. This is due to the investments of the government, and the high productivity of the population. Easier to develop advanced research and simulation centres throughout the nation, and to develop technologies related to these centres

Metals The Qi Empire is rich in metal reserves, including copper, zinc, tin, iron, silver, gold, tungsten, manganese, and rare earth metals, among others.
Uranium The Qi Empire has significant uranium deposits throughout the nation. Starts with a nuclear arsenal of 250 nuclear devices, ranging from 5kt to 250kt, with the capability to easily create more
Fossil Fuels The Qi Empire is rich in coal deposits, natural gas deposits, and petroleum

Unrest Factors:

China Divided China has been divided for many years, with the Qi Empire not holding Beijing, or ever other significant cities such as Wuhan and Xi'an. For years there have been cries by many to reconquer the rest of China, which is seen as rightfully belonging to the Qi Empire. These lands were lost to foreign interference in the early 1900s. Risk of higher unrest and protests if something is not done soon to begin restoring the rest of China to Qi rule.

Chinese Heritage The Qi Empire has a rich Chinese heritage, one that stretches back thousands of years. This heritage is one that binds the Chinese people together, and keeps them united towards a common goal and cause. Similarly, it is a source of support and strength for the Qi Dynasty, one that is used to support their rule and over the people. Further, the unique form of governance is seen as being a key component to the Chinese identity, being how China has always been ruled, causing many to support it without question due to its historic legacy. Although the people support the spread of new technology and ideas, many also share a belief in the importance of cultural traditions and heritage, with both fitting hand in hand for the good of the nation. Lower unrest for ethnically Chinese populations, less likely for ethnic Chinese to revolt so long as traditions are upheld, higher unrest if a non-ethnic Chinese takes power. Natural support towards the imperial dynastic model of governance, which is seen as the traditional way China has always been ruled, leading to higher stability (lower unrest), despite the nation being Yellow Zone

Chinese Imperial Democracy The Qi Empire reintroduced the Three Departments and Six Ministries system in the 1660s, a system which implemented checks and balances against the Emperors power, whilst also distributing power to the educated elite. Over the years this system has been modified, and in 1927 a series of reforms was implemented, expanding the ministries, redistributing powers, and implementing fair and free elections. This system is known as the Imperial Democracy, and although not the same as Western liberal democracies, has been recognized as being an effective democratic system. Natural support for the existing democratic system, making it more difficult for liberal democracies to spread their ideas of 'freedom' (liberal democratic ideas) due to the people believing that their system already meets those requirements. Potential for calls for less government restrictions depending on how the population is managed.

Re: Approved Military Traits

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 10:00 pm
by Alanston
Approved @Union of Soviet Sovereign Republics
Union of Soviet Sovereign Republics wrote: Mon Jul 31, 2023 1:45 am Name of nation: USSR
Link to factbook: viewtopic.php?t=357

Total troops: 2,500,000 Military, 500,000 Internal Troops
Total airforce: 2,000 'High-end Aircraft', 3,000 'Low-end Aircraft'
Total tonnage (navy): 1,000,000 Tonnes
Unrest (out of 10): 5

Red Zone

Conscription: Mandatory
Population: 262,084,654
Tech Level: Developed

Positive Traits:

Modified Soviet Army Size: +2,500,000 Troops +500,000 Internal Troops. Internal troops may only use APCs and are of a lower training quality.
Modified Soviet Air Force Size: +2,000 'High-end Aircraft'*, +3,000 'Low-end Aircraft'**
Modified Soviet Navy Size: +1,000,000 Tonnes

*Incl: MiG-29, MiG-31, Su-27, Tu-22M, Tu-160, Yak-38. Aircraft with special rules follow high-end numbers
**Incl: All other aircraft w/o special rules.

Negative Traits:

Superior Socialist Engineering: The Soviet Union espouses the prowess and efficiency of Soviet military engineering and production. Being self-sufficient in this manor is a major factor of Soviet Propaganda. Beginning military technology must be IRL Soviet technology. Any import orders must be RP'd and all technological developments not done IRL must be RP'd

Economical Traits:
Perestroika: The economic reforms of the past 14 years under Premier Gorbachev's Perestroika program has seen the Soviet economy greatly expand and quality of life expand significantly for the average Soviet citizen. Loosening of restrictions have allowed citizens to gain greater wealth. Increased foreign trade in exports have brought wealth into the country while an increase in imports have allowed the consumer economy to fill demand, something which plagued citizens of the USSR under the Stalin and Khrushchev eras. At the same time, the economy would generally be classified as "Mixed", and the state still holds a great deal of influence over the markets.


We want for nothing!: The USSR has the world's largest proven reserves of natural gas as well as coal, iron ore, timber, gold, manganese, lead, zinc, nickel, mercury, potash, phosphates, and most strategic minerals. Additionally, the USSR has significant oil production.

Uranium: The USSR has significant Uranium deposits across the Russian SFSR, Siberian SSR, and Kazah SSR

Unrest Factors:

A New Era: Perestroika has been a massive success for the Soviet Union. GDP Per Capita is up, shortages are down, and housing is easier to access and higher quality than ever. Cultural expression in all forms are encouraged, and for once the fact that different areas are broken up into SSRs actually seems to matter, as genuine federalism and a distribution of powers have been conducted to the constituent Republics. Sure there are still restrictions, but if the One-Party State can make life worth living, why bother to oppose it? Base Unrest of 4

KGB: The Committee for State Security, or KGB, is the intelligence and security arm of the State. It's job domestically is to root out dissidents and eliminate them. While Perestroika has broadened the realm of acceptable political beliefs, those who stray outside those boundaries into counterrevolutionary thought are brought down by the KGB with startling efficiency. +1 Unrest, Significantly harder to gain unrest through events

Re: Approved Military Traits

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 10:01 pm
by Alanston
Approved @Confédération de l'Ohio
Confédération de l'Ohio wrote: Fri Aug 04, 2023 3:51 am Name of nation: Confédération de l'Ohio
Link to factbook: viewtopic.php?t=359

Total troops: 250,000 (+80,000 National Guard reserve Forces, +10,000 Legionnaires)
Total airforce: 266
Total tonnage (navy): 395,000 (+Pride of the Fleet, +50,000 Great Lakes Fleet)
Unrest (out of 10): 4

Green Zone

Conscription: Optional Mandatory
Population: 136,272,000
Tech Level: Developed

Positive Traits:

The Home Fleet: The Great lakes are an area of extreme geo-strategic importance for the Confederation, they account for a significant amount of maritime trade and economic activity and additionally make up a significant portion of the border with potential rivals. As a Result, the "Home Fleet" so named because it is one of the few navies on the planet to operate almost entirely within its home countries national borders, was created. This group of small warships plays a critical role in policing, customs, and security activities for the Republic. (+50,000 tons of warships that are to be based in the Great Lakes, or otherwise be restricted in size insofar as they can transit the St. Lawrance river.)

Ohio Foreign Legion: The Foreign Legion is a small, but elite corps within the Army made up entirely of Foreign volunteers. Legionnaires are highly trained soldiers and the Legion is unique in that it is open to foreign recruits willing to serve in the Ohioen Armed Forces. The Legion is known today as a unit whose training focuses on traditional military skills and on its strong esprit de corps, as its men come from different countries with different cultures. (+10,000 Legionnaires)

Colonial Empire: The confederation is global colonial empire, with territories in the Caribbean, North and South America, and Africa. These disjointed territorial holdings require a navy capable of reacting to threats in an exceptionally large theater. (+150,000 tons)

Troupes coloniales: The Troupes coloniales are an expeditionary and amphibious force meant primarily for actions overseas, primarily intended to defend and expand Ohio's colonial holdings abroad. (+90,000 troops, +90,000 tons, +50 aircraft)

Shield of the Republic: The Republic sees itself as the defenders of liberty globally and in the North American continent, while there are no punishments for refusing the call to national service, military culture is deeply rooted to the culture of the Republic, and values of the Confederation are in line with those of national service. (+130,000 soldiers, +190 aircraft, +50,000 tons)

Steel Belt: The capacity to make quality steel and other alloys in large quantity is significant to both aerospace and naval production, in both a civilian and military sense. The Confederation contains within it one of the largest steel production hubs in the entire world, the only thing preventing dominance of the global market is the lack of control over the Mississippi/St Lawrence rivers, and the Germans own Rheinland. (+120,000 tons, +82 aircraft)

Pride of the Fleet: The Warship Iron Rain is the newest, most sophisticated and largest warship ever built in Ohio, her existence is a matter of national prestige to the confederation, For a society that values its military so highly, it is beyond question politically to retire such a ship. (One ship designated the pride of the fleet is free, the ship must be no larger in tonnage the the Ford Class (Largest warship ever built), and if lost in battle this trait disappears, the pride of the fleet can be moved to a different ship but the former pride of the fleet either must be scrapped or will cost)

National Guard: A system of provincial military administrations which allow for a ready reserve force or disaster release force. (+80,000 National Guard reserve Forces)

Negative Traits:

Contested Mississippi: Without firm dominance over the mighty Mississippi the Confederation is at a strategic disadvantage in its capacity to import goods from the Caribbean and through the Canal zone, until an agreement with the Confederate States, or control over the river itself, the capacity for the Confederation to grow. (-18 aircraft, - 15,000 tons)

Lack of aluminum: One of the only major resources the Confederation lacks is a native supply of aluminum, with only its African colonies producing any meaningful ammount. Being a major component of aircraft construction, this lack of supply does hamper Ohios ability to produce aircraft, especially if foreign imports are stopped. (-50 Aircraft)

Economical Traits:

Eastern Ports: The Confederation contains the most economically viable ports on the US eastern Coast, allowing for significant access to the Trans-Atlantic Market.

Manufacturing Giant: Few nations can compare to the industrial output of the Confederation, with a significant share of global manufacturing happening in the Great Lakes region, including a massive proportion of the worlds most productive factories.


The Confederation has large reserves of iron, copper, tin, platinum, coal, notable reserves of shale oil, and access to Uranium. The only major resource it lacks and requires importation of is Bauxite, without which the Aluminum mills of the Confederation would grind to a halt. (Starts with 500 nuclear weapons, and the ability to make more. (350 are low yield tactical weapons, 20kt or less)

Unrest Factors:

Colonial and Racial Unrest: With no clear majority population and clear ethnic tensions between the French and Native populations who have good reason to practice animosity and mutual distrust, while additionally having roughly equal shares of the population. (+4 unrest)

Re: Approved Military Traits

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 10:03 pm
by Alanston
Approved @Argentinisches Reich
Argentinisches Reich wrote: Wed Aug 09, 2023 5:24 am Name of nation: The Argentinisches Reich
Link to factbook: viewtopic.php?t=388

Total troops: 275,000 Troops (30K from Mandatory Yellow service and 20K from population. 225k from traits)
Total airforce: 324 Airframes (+312 from traits, +12 from population.)
Total tonnage (navy): 270,000 Tons (50k from coastal, 220k from traits.)
Unrest (out of 10): 6

Yellow Zone

Conscription: Mandatory
Population: 81,866,128
Tech Level: Developed

Positive Traits:

Combined Military Build-up: From the time the first Germans reached Argentina their goal was to turn the bleak Argentinian military, airforce, and navy into something that would be feared. Without a second warld war the Argentinisches Reich's army would become a major player in South America.
(+ 120,000 Troops and 200 Airframes.)

Kriegsmarine Oversight In Argentina: Upon taking control of the navy many ports were upgraded to deal with the ideas and production need of the new Navy. (+ 100,000 tons)

Chilean Incorporation: Chile was more that happy to join the main body of Argentina in the early years as long as they got the same benefits. (+ 30,000 troops, 25,000 tons, and 25 Airframes)

Uruguayan Incorporation: Just like Chile, Uruguay was keen on becoming part of something bigger.
(+ 10,000 troops, 20,000 tons, and 12 Airframes. )

Buffer State: Flangalist Southern Bolivia (FSB)
Allied to the cause and helpful in keeping the Western flank buffered. (+15,000 troops, 25,000 Tons, and 25 Airframes.)

Buffer State: Integralist Southern Brazil (ISB)
The right arm and main force in the buffering of Central
South America. (+ 50,000 troops, 50,000 tons, and 50 Airframes.)

The Hammer Of The Gods: The development of nuclear weapons has come to fruition. Ballistic missiles are based in the mountain ranges in the Mid-west of the country.

Negative Traits:

Superiority Complex: As the world advanced slower than us we soon became complacent to our standing in the world. Thinking that our advanced technologies could null the need for larger armies. Especially with the way South America operated... but that time is now gone. (Much smaller ground forces due to lack of retainer initiatives. Can be fixed by holding new programs to bring those who have served back into the fold.)

Internal Power Struggle: There are no fewer than five factions at work behind the scenes in the military, some helping the nation while others seek unification with their neighbors. (Sever leakage of equipmentad documents to Southern neighbors and guerilla groups. RPing out peace deals or purges are needed. Attempt to cap military where it is.

Economical Traits:

Nationalized Industry: The state runs most corporations and farms. Thus allowing almost absolute control over prices and distribution.

Argentinian Autobahn: The first Führer of The Argentinisches Reich began to modernize all roads, highways, and bridges in the country. Bringing them upto par for mass mobilization if needed and the new automotive project designed to give every family in the Reich an affordable car.
[Allows for fast cross country movements of goods and troops. Increased building of factories]

Agricultural Bloom: The majority of The Argentinisches Reich is used as fertile farming land. Tons of crops and farms. All run by the state.


The Argentinisches Reich has access to oil, natural gas, iron ore, uranium, lead, zinc, silver, copper, manganese, and tungsten.

Unrest Factors:

An Uncertain Future: Dissatisfaction with the Junta, with clashing ideological differences being prevalent. Something must be done to appease the masses.(3)

The Hate Grows: Even after the deaths of the Old Guard, the hate they held for the indigenous Argentinians spreads through the German pure. Who bide their time in the shadows. (3)

Re: Approved Military Traits

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 10:03 pm
by Alanston
Approved @Mitteleuropa
Mitteleuropa wrote: Sat Aug 19, 2023 4:19 am Name of nation: Mitteleuropa
Link to factbook: viewtopic.php?p=2215#p2215

Total troops: 250,000
Total airforce: 192 Aircraft
Total tonnage (navy): 275,000
Unrest (out of 10): 3

Green Zone

Conscription: Mandatory
Population: 151,328,634
Tech Level: Developed

Positive Traits:
Eye of the European Political Storm: Located in the middle of Europe, sharing borders with many different neighbors, from Democracies to Monarchies to Socialist nations, Mitteleuropa must maintain a large military, ready for conflict in any direction. Though the Mitteleuropa has long been neutral since the Weltkrieg, it has very much been an armed neutrality, balanced with a flexible foreign policy. Military readiness isn't simply a political position held by some, it has become a necessity with any stable administration. +175,000 Troops, +114 Aircraft, +150,000 Tons

Prussian Militarism: Though Germant has since diched the monarchy in favor of a democratic republic, old Prussian Militarism lives on today, especially among the more hawkish on the political spectrum, such as the far right populists, conservative liberals, and even the otherwise mundane Zentrum. The Legacy of Prussia within German culture will remain for some time. +75,000 Troops, +24 Aircraft

Baltic Sea Guardians: With only the Soviets and neutral Finland to contend the Baltic sea, and with Mitteleuropa holding the keys to the North Sea via the Danish Belts, defense strategy prioritizes uncontested naval and airspace dominance over the Baltic Sea, with anything short of this seen as unacceptable. +150,000 Tons, +48 Aircraft

Negative Traits:
Calm Before the Storm: Since the Weltkrieg, Germany has abandoned any foreign policy goals involving the projection of hard power (military force) beyond the Baltic and North Seas. Sweden and Denmark both avoided involvement in the Weltkrieg, and entered the Mitteleuropan Federation among a long period of peace. Poland, while willing to support a strong military, hadn't the funding required for this task. Czechia, while a strong international arms exporter, had kept its own military of moderate size, owing to a friendship with all bordering nations. Together, Mitteleuropa has the funding and support for a military suited for interventionist foreign policy, but a significant buildup will be required first. -50,000 Troops, -36 Aircraft, -50,000 Tons

Cautiously Patriotic: The Germans have developed a strong sense of patriotism for their new Democratic Germany, especially after surviving the 1933 Nazi Putsch Attempt, and enjoying the later 1940s economic miracle. However, ties between the Nazis and Monarchists of Germany's past, leaves the Liberal establishment cautiously soft-footed about the German military, very much conscious of the potential dangers that a powerful military could cause to other nations if left unchecked, or worse, to Germany itself. -20,000 Troops, -12 Aircraft

Shadows of the Weltkrieg: As a result of the Post-Weltkrieg military restrictions on Germany, many troops were forced into retirement, many capital ships given as war prize, and temporary restrictions regarding the manufacturing of naval vessels and mechanized army equipment. Though these restrictions have since lapsed, and a new generation of Germans born, the lasting legacy of the demilitarization are still clearly visible. -25,000 Troops, -75,000 Tons

Not one Military, but Multiple: With less than 10 years as a federation under its belt, the Mitteleuropan military has not yet fully integrated the militaries of all member states into a single cohesive force. Though all members had standardized on the same rifle caliber and other logistics standards, many states entered the federation with their own models of fighter jets, main battle tanks, APC's, Rifles, ships, etc. While all of these militaries were designed to be self sufficient, thus giving the new federation an incredible surplus of equipment, the Federation will have to rely on equipment with overlapping capabilities until a full inventory of new equipment can fully stock the military. +50,000 Troops, +36 Aircraft, +50,000 Tons, Personel have limited training with weaponry used by other states in the federation

Economical Traits:
Birthplace of Nuclear Fission: In December of 1938, German Chemists Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman discovered Nuclear Fission, and blew the lid off an entirely new study of science, relating to the Energy potential of Nuclear Fission; For good and bad. Though the German state has reactors for science and education, as well as some reactors for national energy production, Germany is under-utilizing it's knowledge and experience in this field, with Mitteleuropa holding no Nuclear warheads, and limited energy production outside of Germany. Any future Nuclear Emergy or Nuclear Weapons programs will be easier to complete

Energy: Germany is home to large Coal reserves, which has powered Germany for decades and remains a very common source of energy. Norway contains much oil, especially offshore in the North Sea. Germany has about 225,000 Tons of Uranium deposits, as well as more within Denmark and Sweden, largely left unused due to a lack of nuclear weapons, and small nuclear energy sector. May increase nuclear energy output, as well as begin nuclear energy production, without depending on imported Uranium.

Steel: Germany is home to a world-leading steel production industry, which continues to fuel one of the worlds strongest Automotive and Military Arms industries. Germany has more than enough steel production to build a world class military, if it so desires. For now, the Steel industry supports a moderate ship building demand, alongside their usual Arms Export and Civilian contracts.

Unrest Factors:
A Young Federation: The Mitteleuropa Federation was originally a defensive alliance between Germany, Poland, Denmark and Czechoslovakia, growing with the membership of Norway and Sweden, as well as shifting into an economic union, and eventually into a federated nation in the 1970s. Many of those living in Mitteleuropa are old enough to remember their states as independent nations, and associate themselves first with their state, and as Mitteleuropan second. As citizens slowly transition their identities from 'German' or 'Polish' into 'mitteleuropan', which should take years to cement, disagreements and clashes between state governments are sure to be common and troublesome for national unity. +3 Unrest

Peace In Our Time: Germany's Foreign Policy for the previous 20 years has been one of Armed Neutrality, supporting peace efforts wherever possible. A war on European soil, regardless if its Mitteleuropan soil or otherwise, is seen as a failure on Germany's part to prevent it, as a world without war, is a world that plays into the economic benefit of Mitteleuropa. Citizens are increasingly concerned about war on their continent, with memories of the Weltkrieg not forgotten. +1 Unrest for every ongoing war in Europe

Re: Approved Military Traits

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 10:03 pm
by Alanston
Approved @California Republic
California Republic wrote: Tue Aug 22, 2023 6:55 pm Name of nation: California Republic
Link to factbook: viewtopic.php?t=363

Total troops: 80,500 (+62,000 Nouvelle-Caledonie Gaurd)
Total airforce: 422
Total tonnage (navy): 670,000
Unrest (out of 10): 5

Green Zone

Conscription: None
Population: 46,863,000
Tech Level: Developed

Positive Traits:

National Defence Authorization Act, 1978 The current 1978 NDAA diverts resources from the Army towards Research and Devolpment, Airpower, and Seapower, in order to better meet the defence goals of the Republic. [-2,500 Soldiers, +211 aircraft, +150,000 tons. This is building off of economic factors bellow to achieve these numbers]

Incredibly large defence budget The Republic has a very high defence expenditure as a percentage of its economic output, and it has a very large economic output as a raw figure. This is justified by the Republic considering itself first among equals in the defence of liberal democracy at a global scale, and never reduced defence spending as a result of the Pacific War. The Defence budget under the 1978 NDAA is disproportionately used for naval funding, aerospace funding, and r&d, with the Army seen as a secondary focus. [+63,000 soldiers, +211 aircraft, +425,000 tons]

Joint Base Pearl Harbor The Pearl Harbor naval facility posses a significant number of mothballed ships which can be restored to active service, of the Republics Fleet, it's largest class of surface combatant, the Yosemite, was originally launched in 1939 and served in the Pacific War, it was modernized in the 1960's and 70's to be re activated, this cost cutting exercises allowed a number of high tonnage vessels to be brought into service at a fraction of the cost of constructing a new vessel. [+45,000 tons, 2/3rd the cost of the Two re-activated ships in the fleet to represent cost savings of modernization of these ships over constructing new warships, in the future warships that historically where mothballed after WW2 at Pearl harbor, such as the Alaska class used above, can be reactivated at a 2/3rds tonnage discount, but must contain only minor modifications to the historical ship to retain this cost discount, the Republic Class in service was historically the USN Alaska Class that fought in WW2 and was retired at Pearl.]

Nouvelle-Caledonie Gaurd The Nouvelle-Caledonie Gaurd was established in 1886 to defend the interests of Nouvelle-Caledonie, an autonomous territory of California. The Gaurd is under the jurisdiction of the Nouvelle-Caledonie Government, with California providing material aid, logistical support, and air support for the Gaurd. The Guard is comprised of 62,000 personel)

Irreplaceable assets: The high technology nature of the Republican Force means that any losses are irreplaceable, complex supply chains and production methods means that lost assets can take a significant time, often beyond the duration of the scope of planned conflict, to replace. compounding pilot shortages and other issues mean that the Aerospace Force is most impacted. [Aircraft lost in combat do not regenerate during peacetime, any aircraft lost is a permanent reduction from my capabilities (aircraft limit) until an RP for their replacement is completed. Ships sunk have the same limitation, soldiers and army equipment is exempt.

Negative Traits:

Overstressed Shipyards the Shipyard capacity of the Republic is too heavily engaged in the maintence of the large and technically sophisticated existing fleet to also build new warships, it would be very difficult to replace ships as they age out of service with newer designs, or increase the size of the fleet, without significant expansions to the ship building capacity of the Republic. [The Navy cannot expand in size without significant, prolonged, expensive expansions to the production capacity of the Republic likely requiring territorial expansion, as dictated by the moderation staff]

1975 Space Exploration Act In 1975 a significant portion of R&D for the Aerospace Service was split into R&D for the peaceful exploration of Space, as a result, the devolpment and production of new combat aircraft has slowed due to a now shrinking budget. The effects of this legislation have compounded due to the high technology nature of the Republics air force, and the resulting pitfall in production led to the shuttering and consolidation of the defence aerospace industry. While this did not effect the current size of the Aerospace service, it will slow the production of aircraft significantly. [The total number of aircraft in the Republic cannot be increased without abandoning the Space Shuttle program and removing any existing shuttle prototypes from service.]

Pilot Shortage The Aerospace Service has more aircraft than pilots, and without significant reform to the education system, or reducing requirements for pilot certification, it's unlikely the situation will ever change. [significant reforms will be required to increase the number of pilots and end the pilot shortage, this shortage prevents the expansion of the number of active duty combat aircraft untill it is addressed to the current amount]

Lack of Silos Due to the 1975 space exploration act, the funding for the Army land based Nuclear deterrent was re-directed to devolpment of space launch vehicles, as a result, despite being a nuclear power and having an advanced aerospace sector, the Republic does not have the ability to produce land based ICBM's, nor would it have the ability to store land based ICBM's as the republic has no silos suitable for their storage or use. This limits the nuclear deterrence of the republic to the system devolped in 1960 under the Air/Sea Nuclear Strike Policy. As a result, the only nuclear delivery vehicles of the Republic are based in air and naval assets. [The Republic cannot use ICBM's without first constructing land based Silos, the Republic cannot produce ICBM's without cancelling the 1975 Space Exploration Act.]

Nike-Spartan Program: Funding for the radically expensive, ambitious, and technically sophisticated Nike-Spartan program required significant cuts to other areas of the defense budget, as a result all development of TBM, SLBM, IRBM, and all other Ballistic Missile developments was cancelled in 1962. While the Republic can produce the shorter range Aero-Ballistic Missiles and deck launched Short Ranged Ballistic Missiles for its surface ships and bomber force, production of a surface-surface ballistic missile would require production lines, industry, and expertise that was dismantled and no longer exists within the Republic. (A prolonged RP to restart the capacity to produce ballistic missiles, including restarting "from the ground up" in terms of technical research, would be required if California is ever to produce an ICBM, SLBM (Sub Launched), IRBM, or TBM type missile, as the Republic has not funded such programs for decades and the industry no longer exists, the two missiles in Service are older designs and do not fit this catagory.

Economical Traits:

Global Technology Manufacturing center The State of Alta California, which holds within it the San Fransisco Bay, and inside that the Silicon Valley, which itself contains a majority of the global design, engineering, and production, of electronics, computational equipment, aerospace technologies, and Nuclear research. The first experiment which successfully proved nuclear fusion occured at Stanford University in the Bay, and the research and high technology based economy present has provided the Republic with a significant base which can be mobilized to acheive national security ends, while attracting talent and further concentrating the comparative advantage of doing high technology research within the Republic.

Agricultural Giant A majority of Fruit, Nuts, and Wine on the north American continent is grown in Alta California. This includes an overwhelming majority of the planets supply of almonds, a significant share of wine products in the western hemisphere, and a dominate share of citrus products on the continent. The Republic of Hawaii also produces a significant amount of Coffee beans which cannot be produced in North America typically.

West Coast Imports A majority of the port capacity of the North American Continent is present in the Republic of California, and a majority of imports into North America from the Indo-Pacific region arrive in the two major port cities of San Francisco and Los Angeles, from where they can then be distributed via rail.

Ship Building The Republic of Hiwawii and the San Fransisco Bay both contain extremely large shipyards capable of outproducing most other ship biulding centers on the planet. During the Pacific War, which lasted 6 years, 45% of all the tonnage of global ship building on the planet was produced in the San Francisco Bay, with a total of 140 vessels, including 30 large cruisers and 18 aircraft carriers, was completed in that timeframe. Combining the output of San Francisco and Hiwawii represents nearly half of global ship building capacity.


The Republic of California has no major resource deficiencies, possessing large stores of Uranium, Oil, Natural Gas, Gold, Platinum, Mercury, Lead, Iron, Coal, and essentially every other resource needed from a modern supply chain. The only significant resource California often lacks is fresh water during drought periods, which can last decades and be destructive to the economic output of the region.

Unrest Factors:

Racial Injustice: the year the Republic was born was the same year as the passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act, which enabled removal of citizenship status from Californians of Chinese Decent, the 1852 Asiatic Exclusion Act expanded these policies to Korean and Japanese Californians. The last Chinese slave laborer was set free in 1862, but the Chinese and Asiatic Exclusion acts where not repealed untill 1937. While Citizenship was restored to Californians of Asian decent in the same year, significant racial inequality at both a legal and civil level exist within the Republic and have not been fully addressed. [+4 unrest]

Military spending The expansive military budget is generally popular, but still leads to protest and conflict with minority wings of both parties, notably the Republican isolationists and the Social Democrats of the RNC and DNC respectively. [+1 unrest, can be nullified by reducing military spending and loosing benefits from heightened spending trait]

Re: Approved Military Traits

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2023 3:35 pm
by Alanston
Approved @Republic of Indonesia
Republic of Indonesia wrote: Tue Dec 26, 2023 12:23 pm Name of nation: Indonesia
Link to factbook: Republic of Indonesia

Total troops: 175,000
Total airforce: 312 aircraft
Total tonnage (navy): 375,000 tons
Unrest (out of 10): 4

Yellow Zone

Conscription: Mandatory +30,000 troops
Population: 114,727,977 +20,000 troops, +12 aircraft
Tech Level: Developing
Coastal +50,000 tons

Positive Traits:
Military State: +50,000 troops, +96 aircraft, +75,000 tons
Despite being an officially democratic nation, the military of Indonesia imposes an enormous level of influence on the country's politics with most large political parties having strong ties to the armed services, with the sitting President Soeharto himself having risen to power as a stabilizing military leader who ended the instability of the mid 1960s and solidified the military's role in Indonesian politics. In line with this a great portion of national resources is directed to the military.
Island Nation: +96 aircraft, +250,000 tons
The nature of Indonesian geography both demands and enables a relatively powerful naval force, with countless natural harbors provided across the countless isles of Indonesia to house a large navy. The navy has traditionally received the most attention of the Indonesian armed services
Nusantara: +50,000 troops, +96 aircraft, +100,000 tons
Our nation is fractured, and the government in Jakarta has donned on itself the responsibility to reunite Nusantara in the name of its rightful owners. With the power of our neighbors, we require a military force both offensive and defensive in nature to allow for the great reunification and ultimate fulfillment of the Indonesian National Revolution to be achieved.
Golkar: +75,000 troops, +48 aircraft
The rise of General Soeharto to the Presidency following the Supersemar brought into power his Golkar political party. The party, closely aligned with the Indonesian Army, espouses staunch anti-communist, national conservative values and places preference on a unitary order in the Indonesian archipelago. Golkar's leadership has lead to an increase in the influence and resources of the Indonesian Army in comparison to the Navy over the past decade, while simultaneously allowing a rise in military resources in general due to the ruling party's skepticism of certain communist neighbors.
Ketuhanan yang Maha Esa: +25,000 troops
Ketuhanan yang Maha Esa, translated as 'Belief in the one and only God,' is the first of five tenants of the Pancasila doctrine that forms the founding philosophy of Indonesia. The principle emphasizes Indonesia's place as a Muslim nation, devoted to belief in the God Allah and his prophet Muhammad, which has often been used by the military to drive recruitment, particularly among more rural populations of the country, by presenting itself as an army of Jihad in a world where sin and heresy slowly enclose us from all sides.

Negative Traits:
Golkar: -50,000 tons
While Soeharto's Golkar succeeded in stabilizing Indonesia and establishing a formidable military presence which will serve as the basis for the fulfillment of the Reovlution, it came at a cost. Soeharto's harsh crackdown on Indonesia's communist population - including Indonesia's large Chinese minority, which was considered to be closely aligned with the defeated Chinese Communist Party caused almost as many rifts in society as it mended, antagonizing many of Indonesia's more liberal-minded patriots, particularly those with federalist sympathies in the upper ranks of the Navy, who didn't and do not take kindly to Golkar's pursuit of unitary presidential rule.
Extreme Diversity: -50,000 troops
The extremely diverse nature of Indonesia serves as a cultural strength but military weakness. Many refuse to enlist in voluntary service due to the extreme cultural differences between members of the military, as well as the traditional "elite" status of Javanese in the military who typically fill most of the officer positions.
Developing Economy: -25,000 troops, -36 aircraft, -50,000 tons
Indonesia's developing economy hinders to a certain extent the expansion of the armed forces due to an occasional lack of funds.

Economical Traits:
Mixed Economy:
Indonesia has a mixed economy that relies heavily on both industry (textiles, electronics, automobiles, chemicals) and agriculture, as well as having a strong tourist industry. The country hosts large mineral wealth in the form of oil, natural gas, coal, bauxite, tin, nickel...
Ekopan, an abbreviation of Ekonomi Pancasila translated as 'Pancasila economics' is the governing economic model of the Republic of Indonesia and devotes a controlled market economy similar to that of the Gaullist model of dirigisme which emphasizes a generally capitalist market economy combined with a significant degree of state control in strategic economic sectors, as well as state direction of national economic focus, which has allowed for rapid expansion of Indonesia's middle class and its economy as a whole in the period since independence.

Oil and Gas Wealth:
Indonesia controls sizeable reserves of oil and natural gas off the coasts of Brunei and East Timor as well as in the Java Sea
Metals and Strategic Resources:
Indonesia is one of the top producers of coal, bauxite, nickel, tin...

Unrest Factors:
Ketuhanan yang Maha Esa: +1 Unrest
While an emphasis on Indonesia's Islamic faith has allowed for growth of our armed forces, it has also served to provoke some of our smaller religious minorities such as the Buddhists, Hindus and Christians who make up around 10% of the Indonesian population.
Javanese Dominance: +1 Unrest
While Indonesia's population consists of over 1,200 ethnic groups, by far the largest is the Javanese, who make up roughly 40% of the population and have traditionally exerted dominance over most of Indonesian society. This naturally serves to antagonize many of the minority ethnicities in Indonesia's borders.
Inter-Service Rivalries: +2 Unrest, potential to rise unless situation is resolved or outside circumstances temporarily unite the rival parties
The power of the military in Indonesian politics opens the door for feuds between the branches of the military to influence the political climate of the nation. The ruling Golkar party has traditionally been aligned with the Army, while the PDIP has traditionally been the party of the Navy. The Air Forces tend to have a split between the two. As elections approach and the popularity of Golkar among the population declines, many have begun to worry if the Army would be ready to concede to a peaceful transition of power in the event they lose the elections to the more liberal and federalist PDIP, which seeks to usher in large scale reforms to the constitutional order of Indonesia. A failure to address the tensions in the country could lead to chaos, while a "distraction" that temporarily unifies the country's political and military fronts could provide enough breathing room to solve the issues at home.

Re: Approved Military Traits

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2023 3:36 pm
by Alanston
Approved @Republic of China
Republic of China wrote: Wed Dec 27, 2023 8:50 pm Name of nation: Republic of China
Link to factbook: viewtopic.php?t=357

Total troops: 2,115,000 Troops
Total airforce: 1,000 'High-end Aircraft', 2,000 'Low-end Aircraft'
Total tonnage (navy): 175,000 Tonnes
Unrest (out of 10): 4

*High End Aircraft are combat aircraft having capabilities such as the MiG-29, MiG-31, Su-27, Tu-22M, Tu-160, Yak-38 or western equivalents. Aircraft with special rules follow high-end numbers.
*Low End Aircraft are all other aircraft w/o special rules.

Yellow Zone

Conscription: Optional Mandatory +15,000 troops
Population: 975 million +100,000 Troops
Tech Level: Developing
Coastal +50,000 Tonnes

Positive Traits:
The Great Military Modernization Program: +2,000,000 Troops, +100,000 Tonnes, +1,000 'High-end Aircraft', 2,000 'Low-end Aircraft'
The Chinese Military has been greatly modernized in the wake of the civil war. With the creation of large scale industry, China finally has the opportunity to change its military to mimic modern militaries of the day. This has seen a drastic decrease in size of the former ~6 million strong army to about 1/3 of its former size, and a large aircraft modernization program to remove obsolete equipment and ensure combat readiness. The Navy has seen the purging of outdated ship designs and technology but is lacking from a major expansion, instead only keeping the Navy to a somewhat decent size.
Tensions in the South China Sea: +50,000 Tonnes
The South China Sea is a contentious place. Three nations claim the sea and islands which rightfully belong to China. While the army of China is strong and incredibly large, the Chinese Navy has historically been limited in size and scope. With the threat to Chinese lands in the South China Sea, this can no longer be the case.
China Resplendent: +100,000 Troops
The cultural believe in a national rebirth of China combined with the rapid economic growth of the past few decades since the end of the Civil War has filled much of the population of China with support for the government and a belief in the future of China.

Negative Traits:
Entrenched Corruption: -100,000 Troops, -50,000 Tonnes
Despite their many benefits, while Shiang Kai-Shek and his son Chiang Ching-kuo were in control of China, corruption expanded in the bureaucracy to a massive level. With the ascension of president Hu Jintao an attack on this corruption has begun, but there is a long way to go before the bureaucracy is purged of the corruption leaching money and time from the governmental process.

Economical Traits:
Party-State Capitalism: +25,000 Tonnes
Party-State Capitalism is the unofficial economic system used by the Kuomintang. It is a mixed-economic model, characterized by three tenets: Party-state encroachment on markets, Blending of functions and interests of state and private ownership, and Politicized interactions with foreign capital. These together allow the party-state to old significant influence over the private sector, keeping private industry in line with the national interest while gaining the benefits of modern industrialized private industry.

China possesses large quantities of coal, petroleum, rare earth minerals & elements, natural gas, and uranium among many other natural resources

Unrest Factors:
The Century of Humiliation is redeemed!: Base Unrest of 3
With the end of the Chinese civil war and the proclamation of the Republic in 1949, Chiang Kai-Shek declared a new era for China and a national redemption for the Century of Humiliation. Looking to the future as a new prospect, free from the shackles of the past, government approval is almost as high as the optimism of the Chinese people
Zhonghua Minzu: -1 Unrest
Zhonghua Minzu, meaning Chinese nation, is one of the components of the ideology of the ruling Kuomintang party. It focuses on rejecting the racial identity of 'China' as being only for the Han and instead incorporates all minorities as members of the 'nation' of China. In modern usage, it is generally associated with inclusion of minority customs and ceremonies as part of a greater Chinese culture.
Dang Guo: +1 Unrest, Unrest is harder to increase from events
Dang Guo, meaning Party-State, is one of the central components of the ideology of the ruling Kuomintang party. It states the need of one main political party for the nation to be ruled by. While discourse is allowed and encouraged among members, the party's broad but defined political positions act as an artificial overton window, restricting discourse to within those lines.
Accusations of Empire: +1 Unrest
Despite the multiculturalism espoused by the party, some of the minorities, particularly in Outer Mongolia, Tibet & Xinjiang, will not accept anything less than independence

Re: Approved Military Traits

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2023 3:36 pm
by Alanston
Approved @The United States of America
The United States of America wrote: Thu Dec 28, 2023 4:42 am Name of nation: United States of America
Link to factbook: WIP

Total troops: 1,735,000
Total airforce: 1,618 (100 must be strategic bombers, and at least 200 must be modern fighter aircraft)
Total tonnage (navy): 1,550,000 Tons (600,000 tons must be dedicated to carriers and submarines)
Unrest (out of 10): 2 During Peacetime, Potentially up to 6 During Wartime depending on the war's casus belli and progress.

Green Zone

Conscription: Mandatory +10,000
Population: 225,300,000 +25,000 troops, +18 aircraft
Tech Level: Developed
Coastal +50,000 tons
Positive Traits:
Where Free Men Shall Stand: (+1,000,000 Troops, +500,000 Tons, +800 Aircraft.) The United States is the single most successful democratic nation on Earth, drawing in millions of immigrants annually and boasting one of the most developed industrial, technology, and manufacturing sectors in the world. The American Economy following the end of the Second World War experienced a period of explosive growth, granting the current generation an unparalleled amount of spending power compared to those that came before. With the ongoing cold war and the lingering ideals of American Exceptionalism still finding root in the stable nation, military service rates have well exceeded even the most liberal expectations year over year.

The Land of Plenty and Opportunity: (+500,000 Troops, +150,000 Tons, +400 Aircraft.) The vast natural resources of the United States has allowed for the production and maintenance of a staggeringly large inventory of military equipment. The booming population of the United States serves as a more than adequate workforce to produce this equipment at scales sufficient to maintain the large standing military of the United States.

Uranium Fever: (+600,000 Tons (Restricted to Carrier-weight vessels and submarines), +400 Aircraft (100 of which Restricted to strategic bombers), Base unrest of 2 during peacetime.) Following lessons learned from World War II, the United States has made great effort to expand the carrier fleet's capabilities with the Nimitz-class nuclear powered aircraft carrier, as well as the strategic bomber fleet of the US Air Force to ensure that the US' nuclear umbrella is constantly at the ready for a retaliatory strike. Similarly, the past few presidential administrations have made a large push for the nuclearization of the U.S. power grid, providing a stable, clean source of energy to millions of Americans for a fraction of the lifetime operating cost of traditional fossil fuel power plants.

Reaffirmed Monroe Doctrine: (+300,000 Troops, +150,000 Tons, +200 modern aircraft). The recent administrations of the United States have reaffirmed a commitment to the preservation of sovereignty for the Western Hemisphere, building up a modern fighting force to keep the Americas relatively independent from foreign colonial action. Older generations of warships, aircraft, and other heavier equipment is actively being phased out in favor of newer designs with far greater capabilities, such as the relatively new Nimitz-class Supercarrier, F-15 Eagle, F-14 Tomcat, and M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank.

Mexican-American Naval Arms Race: (+300,000 Tons). An ongoing 'friendly rivalry' between the United States and Mexico has seen a sort of naval arms race due to both nations hosting a strong naval presence in the Caribbean. For the moment, U.S. Shipbuilding facilities have allowed the nation to retain an edge over their Mexican counterparts, though the gap seems to be closing slightly. This has spurred the creation of several new shipyard facilities on the West Coast and in the Gulf of Mexico.

Negative Traits:
Embedded Media System: (Unrest can rise as high as 6 during wartime if wars are deemed illegitimate or too costly by the public). The American Media empire has proven to be a blessing and a curse for the armed forces. While the presence of 'warscribes' within combat units during wartime to bring news from the front back home can be a great benefit for public morale during a righteous war such as WWII, it can just as easily turn public opinion against ongoing US foreign policy if the going gets rough.

Legacy of the Reformers: (-100,000 Troops, -200 Aircraft). During the initial stages of the cold war, the U.S. Military Industrial Complex was heavily influenced by a group of military acquisitions officers belonging to a reformer faction within the Pentagon, advocating for low-tech solutions to warfighting problems, such as the 'titanium bathtub aircraft with a single 20mm cannon'. Recent administrations have pushed back against this, causing a temporary shrinking of the effective size of the Army and Air Force specifically while they work to replace old, borderline useless equipment that was shoveled into the armed forces' inventory in the 50s and 60s.

Economical Traits:
Abundant Resources: The United States hosts large reserves of oil, Uranium, copper, cobalt, iron, and other resources that are required for the functioning of a modern state.

Abundant Ports: (+100,000 Tons). Bordering both the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, the United States has ample port facilities for both a large military and merchant fleet, massively boosting the economic power of the coastal regions of the nation and drawing in millions of immigrants each year.

Developed space infrastructure: Ever since the mid 1960s, the United States has been continually expanding its presence in outer space. Following the successful Apollo program, the United States has shown no sign of slowing down developments in this sector. There are talks for semi-permanent human habitation on the lunar surface, the establishment of a space station in lunar orbit, and the continued expansion of American communications, observation, and scientific satellites in Earth orbit, giving the United States a massive edge in geospatial intelligence and communications.

It's America, so yes.

Unrest Factors:
Embedded Media System & Uranium Fever (resting peacetime unrest of 2, can go as high as 6 during wartime if certain conditions are met)

Re: Approved Military Traits

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2023 4:19 pm
by Alanston
Approved @Mexican Empire
Mexican Empire wrote: Sat Dec 30, 2023 6:04 am Name of nation: Mexican Empire
Link to factbook: viewtopic.php?t=452

Total troops: 1,065,000
Total airforce: 792
Total tonnage (navy): 1,200,000
Unrest (out of 10): 3

Yellow Zone

Conscription: Optional Mandatory (+15,000 troops.)
Population: 139,246,973 (+20,000 troops, +12 aircraft)
Tech Level: Developed
Coastal: (+50,000 tonnes)

Positive Traits:
Mexican-American Naval Arms Race: (+280,000 Tons). An ongoing 'friendly rivalry' between the United States and Mexico has seen a sort of naval arms race due to both nations hosting a strong naval presence in the Caribbean. For the moment, U.S. Shipbuilding facilities have allowed the nation to retain an edge over their Mexican counterparts. In order to continue to close that gap, port infrastructure and shipbuilding industry has seen significant investment, especially in Cuba and Florida.

Pacific Colonies: (+210,000 Tons, +100 Aircraft, +190,000 Troops) Mexico is one of the last truly colonial powers in the world, and has far flung Pacific holdings that must be protected potentially at any moment. As such, the Mexican government keeps a strong federal force in the region at all times, making a larger force necessary to maintain deterrence in North America.

Legacy of New Spain: (+210 Aircraft, +290,000 Troops, +230,000 Tons. Max unrest of 4 when fighting an ex Spanish colony) Since its independence, the Mexican Empire has viewed itself as the successor to the old Spanish Empire. This ambition has guided Mexican foreign policy for the last century, and has brought the Empire to war on more than one occasion.

Strong Heavy Industry: (+190,000 Tons, +230 Aircraft, +260,000 Troops) Mexico has a long history of manufacturing and metal working, and both industries contribute significantly to the Mexican economy. Because of this, the Empire is able to leverage that infrastructure in military procurement.

Panama Canal Zone: (+240,000 Tons, +290,000 Troops, +300 Aircraft) The Panama Canal is the single most important strategic asset in the Empire. Not only economically, but as a vitally important passage for the Mexican Navy to quickly move between the Pacific and Caribbean theaters. However, the canal exits right at the fringes of the Empires territory, and as a result is considerably more vulnerable to attack and blockade, something the Empire literally could not afford.

Colonial Guard: (+300 Outdated Aircraft, +500,000 Lightly Equipped Troops, +20,000 Tons of patrol craft. 3 Base unrest, 6 if used in an offensive war. Can only be used in and around the Philippines.) Based primarily in the Philippines, the Colonial Guard is tasked with defending the Empires colonial holdings overseas. Exclusively a home grown force, and equipped lightly, and with largely outdated equipment, the force exists to maintain local control, and to act as a reserve force in the event of a war.

Negative Traits:
Underdeveloped Aircraft Industry: (-60 Aircraft) The Mexican aircraft industry is one aspect of the nations mighty industrial sector that hasnt seen significant growth in the last half century. While still maintaining an industry capable of building capable air frames, it cannot make them in as large a number as nations of similar size and development.

Economical Traits:
Diverse Economy: Mexico is a modern, western style capitalist economy with strong manufacturing, agricultural, mining, and tech industries. Limited government intervention in the free market, and simple geography (the Panama Canal) has positioned Mexico as a global leader in trade.

Colonial Trade: (+50,000 Tons)

Colonial Trade: Mainland Mexico and its overseas colonies maintain very close trade relations with one another, a relationship that has benefited the mainland more than the colonies in the recent past, but is growing more equal as the economy liberalizes.

Mexico and its colonies have significant deposits of copper, nickle, iron, tin, uranium, aluminum, oil, gas, and more

Unrest Factors:
Colonial Guard: Base 3, 6 max.

Legacy of New Spain: Max 4 unrest if at war with a former Spanish colony.

Re: Approved Military Traits

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2023 7:19 pm
by Alanston
Approved @Rhineland
Rhineland wrote: Sat Dec 30, 2023 7:10 pm Name of nation: Sovereign State of Rhineland
Link to factbook: viewtopic.php?t=476

Total troops: 330,000 troops
Total airforce: 136 aircraft
Total tonnage (navy): 190,000 tons
Unrest (out of 10): 6

Yellow Zone

Conscription: Optional Mandatory: 15,000
Population: 59,993,633 +15,000 troops, +6 aircraft
Tech Level: Developed
Coastal +50,000 tonnes

Positive Traits:
An Army with a State: +300,000 troops, +100,000 tons, +80 aircraft
Rhineland isn't the first country to be described in this way, but never has it been as true as it is for them. In opposition to the cruel indifference of those who sent them to die, the first soldiers of Rhineland banded together, and found their own home. Rhineland's government is its armed forces: a government of its soldiers, for its soldiers. As such, its armed forces are always a major priority, and it has always been heavily militarized.

A Soldier's Heaven: +100,000 troops, +40,000 tons, +40 aircraft
The Sovereign State of Rhineland was made for those soldiers who have become disillusioned, and who have realized that their governments see that as little more than expendable tools. When cast aside by all else, forsaken by the nations they served, Rhineland is the final haven for those who live, or have lived, their lives on the battlefield. Foreign volunteers, almost all with prior military experience, make up a substantial portion of its armed forces. Even better, with them already having experience, resources that would normally go to training a recruit can be devoted elsewhere.

Negative Traits:
The Usual Priorities: -50,000 tons, -50 aircraft
Rhineland's army certainly isn't the sum total of its armed forces, but it's definitely the largest part, by a wide margin. It was an army that created the state in the first place, after all, and that's where most of the focus winds up going.

Civil Disconnect: -100,000 troops
The first army of the Sovereign State of Rhineland carved out a home for itself, and naturally, there were already people living there. While the locals have come to generally tolerate the new State, most aren't exactly lining up to join its army, to say the least.

Economical Traits:
Grand Ports of Europe: +50,000 tons, +60 aircraft
Some of the greatest ports in all of Europe lie within Rhenish territory. Trade flows like lifeblood itself in and out of its coast, bringing valuable resources, luxuries, and prosperity. All of which can be taxed, tariffed, and so on.

Free Civil Markets, Mixed Military:
The Sovereign State of Rhineland is perfectly content for the free markets to operate as normal, for the most part. Parts of their territory have been centers of trade for centuries, so why mess with a good thing? Industries connect to military matters are another thing though, and in that case the State takes a much more involved approach, all to make sure its supplies, arms, etc. keep coming.

The Rhineland contains iron deposits, natural gas, petrolium, and construction materials. Uranium reserves exist within its French territory, though they're less than ideal.

Unrest Factors:
Patchwork Nation: +3 Unrest
There isn't really a Rhenish nation, save maybe those soldiers and descendants of soldiers who've come to heavily identify with their home. For the Belgians, the Dutch, the French, the Germans, however? No, they still have their old national identities. Rhineland isn't smoothly fit together, and sometimes, it can show.

Home of More than Soldiers: +3 Unrest
While Rhineland's government has democracy at its highest levels, that democracy exists for its soldiers, and the country certainly has a lot of people in it who aren't soldiers. Many of those people would quite like to have their sovereignty back, especially since it hasn't quite faded from living memory just yet.

Pulling the Passed Torch +2 Unrest
Generations have passed since the creation of Rhineland. Its original leaders have passed. So have some of those who came after. The world is changing, and the men who first led Rhineland are no longer around to clarify their vision. Serious disagreements have begun to rise about the State's ideology, and that disagreement has begun to turn into discontent among those who fear the wrong path will be taken, or has already been taken.

Benign Neglect: -2 Unrest
The Rhenish military recognizes the situation it's put the original people of its new home in. They aren't conquered subjects to the State, more... people in an unfortunate position. While the military is the ultimate governing body in Rhineland, the regional governments, which, in the case of the Benelux are more or less direct continuations of what was there before the war, continue along as the institutions the locals have always been accustomed to. The Rhenish state largely avoids imposing itself unless necessary, and this has frankly made the whole thing much more palatable for the average civilian.

Re: Approved Military Traits

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2024 10:41 am
by Alanston
Approved @People's Holy Tai Empire
People's Holy Tai Empire wrote: Sat Jan 06, 2024 4:33 pm Name of nation: The People's Holy Tai Empire
Link to factbook: viewtopic.php?t=471

Total troops: 1,370,000 Troops
Total airforce: 1,530 Airframes (of which only 900 Airframes are modern.)
Total tonnage (navy): 700,000 Tonnes
Unrest (out of 10):

Red Zone

Conscription: Mandatory +40,000
Population: 305,941,983 +80,000 Troops + 30 Aircraft
Tech Level: Developing
Coastal +50,000 Tonnes

Positive Traits:
Army of The Tai People: +1,000,000 Troops, 250,000 Tonnes, and 1,000 aircraft
Created to ensure that the Tai people would be free of outside elements and forge their own future.

Followers of the teachings of Christ: +250,000 Troops, +250 Aircraft
Believing to be the truest forms of Christians with Capitalist being followers of the Sin of Greed.

Naval Policing Doctrine: +100,000 Troops, + 200,000 Tonnes, and 250 Aircraft.
Taking on a heavy responsibility to keep trade lanes open and safe from piracy and hostile actors.

Negative Traits:

The Buddhist Question: -100,000 Troops

Economical Traits:
Major Ports of Asia: +50,000 Tonnes
Major trade centers in the Indian and South China Sea.

Oil, coal, natural gas, Iron, Bauxite, other raw material, fish, wood, and Uranium.

Unrest Factors:
Anger of Minorities: +3 Unrest
The Buddhist, Islamic, and cultural minorities are upset with unfair treatment of their people in their eyes.

The Opium Trade: +3 Unrest
Groups of drug traffickers grow and move Opium through Asia. This causes conflict with the government who is trying to curb the groups.

Tai Uniformity: -2 Unrest
During the early founding of the country and subsequent expansion the Tai speaking populations from neighboring nations moved to the empire and soon became the majority population.

Re: Approved Military Traits

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2024 12:22 am
by Alanston
Approved @The British Commonwealth
The British Commonwealth wrote: Wed Jan 24, 2024 3:21 pm Name of nation: The British Commonwealth
Link to factbook:

Total troops: 301,000
Total airforce: 920 Aircraft
Total tonnage (navy): 998,000
Unrest (out of 10): 2

Green Zone

Conscription: None +0 Troops
Population: 60 Million +15,000 Troops, +6 Aircraft
Tech Level: Developed

Positive Traits:
Britannia Rules the Waves: A legacy of Naval superiority through the 17th and 18th centuries has instilled a national identity with naval power being the core of the nations military might.

Airborne Pioneers: The Historical firsts of the British Flying Core have lead to an industry leading group of aircraft production companies and R&D houses. Not to mention a natural affinity towards outside the box design choices and implementations.

Quality over Quantity: A focused on the army as a preemptive or surgical force as opposed to a standing military has lead to the British Army being far smaller in size compared to other nations, but with a focus on special operation training and aerial insertion, this has lead to both reduced manpower but fair higher standards for training.

Negative Traits:
Uranium Blues: Refusing to become deeply aligned in the ideological conflict of the modern age, the British Commonwealth has rejected any use or desire to use Nuclear weapons or limited Nuclear powered craft. The British commonwealth will never become a Nuclear armed power and it will remain as such.

VOTL or Bust: With such a focus in VOTL aircraft in any manner possible, the Airforce in of itself is replacing its traditional fighter/cas craft which has left the airforce itself in a traditional state. Reducing the effectiveness of their aircraft in traditional roles.

Seadogs: With the Navy and Airforce being the main focus of the British Military, the Army has become almost a dumping ground for soldiers of the other branches. Marines and Paratroopers fall under their remit, as do special forces but outside of those groupings, the Infantry, Tank and artillery crews are using older equipment and lessen force from the Government.

Economical Traits:
Legacy of Empire: Despite its republican history, the British commonwealth practiced colonialism like most European powers of the eras, and while it practiced de-colonialisation following the second global conflict as did most other nations, its influence in those nations is still felt, as is the cultural history many nations share.

Alternative energy: With many mega-projects and focuses on energy independence via Nuclear and renewables, most of British Gas and Oil stocks are sold on the global market, which has lead to them being one of the major players in the fossil fuel market.

Political Isolationism: A refusal to interact mean fully in European affairs has lead to the British holding lesser sway in most other nations, which has lead to the majority of British industries to operate in country, with the Anglosphere being their only consistent trading partners outside of Gas, Oil and Arms.

coal, petroleum, natural gas, iron ore, lead, zinc, gold, tin, limestone, salt, clay, chalk, gypsum, potash, silica sand, slate, arable land

Unrest Factors:
Commonwealth: Being a union of nations with differing goals, a United front within can struggle to reconcile with each other. Politically the nations disagree on many aspects and their Parliament can take far longer to react to crisis or situations.

Religious Legacy: While secluar, the Puritan history from Cromwell is present in many institutions inside the Commonwealth, which often conflicts with the smaller religious populations inside the nation.

History of Victory: Ever since the Civil War, the Commonwealth has fought countless battles and wars, having only lost a handful of them but never having another power set foot in their home isles further emboldens their national spirit.

Re: Approved Military Traits

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2024 4:16 pm
by Alanston
Approved @Federal Republic of South Africa
Federal Republic of South Africa wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2024 4:06 am Name of nation: Republic of South Africa
Link to factbook: viewtopic.php?t=357

Total troops: 320,000, +20,000 (Heavily Militarized Police), +5,000 Troops (Executive Outcomes), +150,000 (Commandos), Plus puppet armies listed below.
Total airforce: 456 Aircraft + 100 Dedicated Helicopters, Plus puppet air forces listed below.
Total tonnage (navy): 300,000 Tonnes, Plus puppet navies listed below.
Unrest (out of 10): 4

Yellow Zone

Conscription: Mandatory +30,000 troops
Population: 33,536,800 (Full Citizens) +15,000 troops, +6 aircraft
Tech Level: Developed
Coastal +50,000 Tonnes

Positive Traits:
Our Way of Life: South Africa is a unique place in the world. A nation with the highest population of European ancestry in the old world outside of Europe itself, and a mixture of a unique Anglo-based culture and that of the Boers has given South Africa a unique outlook on itself, its region, and society. The Boer's belief of armed defense, liberty and cultural preservation have influenced the populace for a belief in military service as an obligation and honorable path in life, both reinforcing the existing conscription laws as well as pushing many to stay in after their required term is up. +200,000 Troops

Huge Military Budget: Being historically isolated in international affairs, the prevalence of communism on the African continent, and domestic & nearby foreign insurgencies have forced South Africa to invest heavily in its defense. High pay rates for enlisted & officers, as well as large acquisition budgets for the Navy and Air Force help ensure technological superiority and sufficient manpower. +150,000 Troops, +200,000 Tonnes, +250 Aircraft

Military-Industrial Austerity Complex: In response to sanctions in the early 1960s and the looming concern of additional sanctions potential to be enacted, South Africa has developed a strong domestic military industry. The vast majority of procurement for the South African military is through these companies, such as ARMSCOR, Atlas Aviation, Atlantis Diesel Engines, Reumech OMC and Sandock-Austral among others. These companies have formed a military-industrial complex with the South African government and military whereby South African military procurement is almost entirely via these defense contractors, and even totally foreign designs are imported via contractors or constructed domestically under license. +100,000 Tonnes, +200 Aircraft

The Speed of Warfare: Operating on the vast open deserts and savannah of southern Africa is not easy to do, particularly across the vast size of South Africa. The military's response to this is one word: speed. Fast moving land units requiring as little maintenance as possible, and a heavy emphasis on air assault. Helicopters, by extension, are integral to the war effort of South Africa for rapid troop transport & deployment, as well as airborne infantry support. The Army keeps a large standing quantity of transport helicopters to rapidly deploy large amounts of troops across the nation. +100 Aircraft (Helicopters)

Northern Puppets: South Africa wields significant influence over its three neighbors to the north. South African military forces helped establish UNITA rule in Angola and RENAMO rule in Mozambique, as well as stabilization efforts in the Central African Federation. Loans, access to South African capital and forming a defense agreement & trade bloc have given South African companies access to their resources while they in turn have access to South African goods. These nations all have standing militaries, but in comparison to South Africa are poorly equipped and even more poorly trained. Puppet militaries listed below. All equipment is restricted to being produced 1965 or earlier or uses antiquated technology if made after 1965, and troop quality will be considered Underdeveloped.THESE UNITS ARE UNDER FOREIGN COMMAND, RP MUST OCCUR TO USE THESE OUTSIDE OF PUPPET IN QUESTION
ANGOLA: +100,000 Troops, +70 Aircraft, +25,000 Tonnes
MOZAMBIQUE: +100,000 Troops, +70 Aircraft, +25,000 Tonnes
CENTRAL AFRICAN FEDERATION: +100,000 Troops, +70 Aircraft

South African Police: Much of the South African Police are heavily militarized by the standard of "police" worldwide, and often operate in concert with the military for counterterrorism and counterinsurgency activity. While capable of being militarized for emergency situations, their training is extremely poor compared to military quality as to be expected. +20,000 (Heavily Militarized Police)

Commando System: The Commando system is a modernization of a traditional Commando system in practice from the old Boer Republics. It operates similar in function to the National Guard of the United States, but in an even more reserved capacity. The Commando system is a part-time volunteer force which exists to protect communities, and falls under the jurisdiction of the Army. Members attend some training with army reservists per year but are considered largely untrained and effectively militia. Commando units are only required for service in their local area, though may be requested for a voluntary redeployment in the event of national emergency. +150,000 Commandos (Restricted to local areas across South Africa)

Executive Outcomes: Executive Outcomes is a Private Military Contractor based in Cape Town, South Africa. While operating as a private venture and taking contracts unassociated with South Africa, it is secretly aligned with South Africa and will operate with its interests heavily, and the South African government is Executive Outcomes' main customer. +5,000 Troops (Executive Outcomes)

Negative Traits:
Boer Nationalism: Many Boers have acclimated to the state of affairs under the Republic of South Africa, but a minority of them still yearn for the days of the independent Boer Republics. With the end of hardline National Party rule, many of the more radically conservative Boers elect to end their service as soon as possible. -25,000 Troops

Unpatriotic New Citizens: Some of the newly enfranchised Black African community in South Africa have not become patriotic alongside their newly found rights and privileges. Despite being what the government considered 'assimilated', many still do not hold a degree of allegiance to the state that corresponds to voluntary military service -50,000 Troops

Naval Neglect: While the military budget is high, the investment into the navy is not seen as a priority. The Navy is largely seen as a defensive force, protecting South African shipping & supporting land-based combat rather than conducting entirely independent operations. -50,000 Tonnes, outside of Carriers, max vessel tonnage of 20,000

Economical Traits:

Volkscapitalisme: Under the United Nationalist Party, the country has embarked upon a dirigiste program of economic expansion involving the creation of several state-owned enterprises (or “parastatals”), including Iscor (steel), Sasol (synthetic fuel), Eskom (electricity), and later Transnet (rail), and Telkom (telecommunications). These grew in tandem with state-controlled entities such as Volkskas (banking), Sanlam (insurance) and Naspers (media)

South Africa holds the world's largest reported reserves of gold, platinum group metals, chrome ore and manganese ore, and the second-largest reserves of zirconium, vanadium and titanium, as well as significant quantities of uranium, as well as significant deposits of iron and other mineral resources. While no oil exists within South Africa's borders itself, Angola has significant amounts of oil which are pumped across southern Africa.

Unrest Factors:

The Semi-Democratic Haven: South Africa has a mixed political model, with a party that is in control over the government almost absolutely, but still conducts free and fair elections. The government is authoritarian towards opposition straying in a large way from the party line and has heavy control over the media and news, but still respects personal freedoms and has some of the most lax gun laws outside of the United States. Base Unrest 4

The Spear of the Nation: uMkhonto we Sizwe (Spear of the Nation in Xhosa, Zulu and Ndebele) is a left-wing terrorist group and the militant wing of the political party African National Congress. They conduct terrorist operations on symbols of apartheid in an attempt to gain reparations and the abandonment of cultural policies by the government. Much of their support exists in Natal and Rhodesia, where there is the highest concentration of ethnic Africans in the nation. Unrest of 6 in Natal & Rhodesia, with occasional spillover

Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging: The Afrikaner Resistance Movement, or AW is a far-right Afrikaner nationalist and neo-Nazi terrorist group and militant wing of the Herstigte Nasionale Party. They conduct terrorist operations against the government and African communities in an attempt to bring back the old Apartheid system, an independent Boer state, or the forceful removal of non-Europeans from the territories of South Africa. Unrest of 6 in Transvaal and Orange Free State, with occasional spillover

SWAPO / PLAN: The Southwest African People's Organization and the People's Liberation Army of Namibia are an illegal political party and militant group respectively attempting to gain the independence of Namibia, in accordance with the original Mandate's goals of 1919. The military and police have pushed them into the rural areas of Namibia, particularly in the north away from much of South Africa's infrastructure. Unrest of 7 in rural northern Southwest Africa, potential spillover into the rest of Southwest Africa

Godless Communists: Both Angola and Mozambique have active communist insurgencies, with the MPLA in Angola and FREMILO in Mozambique. While they have largely been pushed into the undeveloped jungles of these respective nations, they still pose a significant security risk to the region and tempt spillover into neighboring countries.

New Nation Blues: While the Central African Republic has no active insurgency, their political system provides all the instability they need. Communism sees some support in the nation without any seats in government, and the corruption combined with political radicalism in their legislature often results in deadlock. Without any political culture, the CAR is constantly on the verge of government shutdowns and the collapse of the democratic system.