Archived Military Traits

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Tokugawa Empire
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Re: Military Traits Applications


Post by Tokugawa Empire »

Name of nation: The People's Holy Tai Empire
Link to factbook: viewtopic.php?t=471

Total troops: 1,370,000 Troops
Total airforce: 1,530 Airframes (of which only 900 Airframes are modern.)
Total tonnage (navy): 700,000 Tonnes
Unrest (out of 10):

Red Zone

Conscription: Mandatory +40,000
Population: 305,941,983 +80,000 Troops + 30 Aircraft
Tech Level: Developing
Coastal +50,000 Tonnes

Positive Traits:
Army of The Tai People: +1,000,000 Troops, 250,000 Tonnes, and 1,000 aircraft
Created to ensure that the Tai people would be free of outside elements and forge their own future.

Followers of the teachings of Christ: +250,000 Troops, +250 Aircraft
Believing to be the truest forms of Christians with Capitalist being followers of the Sin of Greed.

Naval Policing Doctrine: +100,000 Troops, + 200,000 Tonnes, and 250 Aircraft.
Taking on a heavy responsibility to keep trade lanes open and safe from piracy and hostile actors.

Negative Traits:

The Buddhist Question: -100,000 Troops

Economical Traits:
Major Ports of Asia: +50,000 Tonnes
Major trade centers in the Indian and South China Sea.

Oil, coal, natural gas, Iron, Bauxite, other raw material, fish, wood, and Uranium.

Unrest Factors:
Anger of Minorities: +3 Unrest
The Buddhist, Islamic, and cultural minorities are upset with unfair treatment of their people in their eyes.

The Opium Trade: +3 Unrest
Groups of drug traffickers grow and move Opium through Asia. This causes conflict with the government who is trying to curb the groups.

Tai Uniformity: -2 Unrest
During the early founding of the country and subsequent expansion the Tai speaking populations from neighboring nations moved to the empire and soon became the majority population.
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The British Commonwealth
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Re: Military Traits Applications


Post by The British Commonwealth »

Name of nation: The British Commonwealth
Link to factbook:

Total troops: 301,000
Total airforce: 920 Aircraft
Total tonnage (navy): 998,000
Unrest (out of 10): 2

Green Zone

Conscription: None +0 Troops
Population: 60 Million +15,000 Troops, +6 Aircraft
Tech Level: Developed

Positive Traits:
Britannia Rules the Waves: A legacy of Naval superiority through the 17th and 18th centuries has instilled a national identity with naval power being the core of the nations military might.

Airborne Pioneers: The Historical firsts of the British Flying Core have lead to an industry leading group of aircraft production companies and R&D houses. Not to mention a natural affinity towards outside the box design choices and implementations.

Quality over Quantity: A focused on the army as a preemptive or surgical force as opposed to a standing military has lead to the British Army being far smaller in size compared to other nations, but with a focus on special operation training and aerial insertion, this has lead to both reduced manpower but fair higher standards for training.

Negative Traits:
Uranium Blues: Refusing to become deeply aligned in the ideological conflict of the modern age, the British Commonwealth has rejected any use or desire to use Nuclear weapons or limited Nuclear powered craft. The British commonwealth will never become a Nuclear armed power and it will remain as such.

VOTL or Bust: With such a focus in VOTL aircraft in any manner possible, the Airforce in of itself is replacing its traditional fighter/cas craft which has left the airforce itself in a traditional state. Reducing the effectiveness of their aircraft in traditional roles.

Seadogs: With the Navy and Airforce being the main focus of the British Military, the Army has become almost a dumping ground for soldiers of the other branches. Marines and Paratroopers fall under their remit, as do special forces but outside of those groupings, the Infantry, Tank and artillery crews are using older equipment and lessen force from the Government.

Economical Traits:
Legacy of Empire: Despite its republican history, the British commonwealth practiced colonialism like most European powers of the eras, and while it practiced de-colonialisation following the second global conflict as did most other nations, its influence in those nations is still felt, as is the cultural history many nations share.

Alternative energy: With many mega-projects and focuses on energy independence via Nuclear and renewables, most of British Gas and Oil stocks are sold on the global market, which has lead to them being one of the major players in the fossil fuel market.

Political Isolationism: A refusal to interact mean fully in European affairs has lead to the British holding lesser sway in most other nations, which has lead to the majority of British industries to operate in country, with the Anglosphere being their only consistent trading partners outside of Gas, Oil and Arms.

coal, petroleum, natural gas, iron ore, lead, zinc, gold, tin, limestone, salt, clay, chalk, gypsum, potash, silica sand, slate, arable land

Unrest Factors:
Commonwealth: Being a union of nations with differing goals, a United front within can struggle to reconcile with each other. Politically the nations disagree on many aspects and their Parliament can take far longer to react to crisis or situations.

Religious Legacy: While secluar, the Puritan history from Cromwell is present in many institutions inside the Commonwealth, which often conflicts with the smaller religious populations inside the nation.

History of Victory: Ever since the Civil War, the Commonwealth has fought countless battles and wars, having only lost a handful of them but never having another power set foot in their home isles further emboldens their national spirit.
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Kingdom of Ireland
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Re: Military Traits Applications


Post by Kingdom of Ireland »

Name of nation: Republic of South Africa
Link to factbook: viewtopic.php?t=357

Total troops: 320,000, +20,000 (Heavily Militarized Police), +5,000 Troops (Executive Outcomes), +150,000 (Commandos), Plus puppet armies listed below.
Total airforce: 456 Aircraft + 100 Dedicated Helicopters, Plus puppet air forces listed below.
Total tonnage (navy): 300,000 Tonnes, Plus puppet navies listed below.
Unrest (out of 10): 4

Yellow Zone

Conscription: Mandatory +30,000 troops
Population: 33,536,800 (Full Citizens) +15,000 troops, +6 aircraft
Tech Level: Developed
Coastal +50,000 Tonnes

Positive Traits:
Our Way of Life: South Africa is a unique place in the world. A nation with the highest population of European ancestry in the old world outside of Europe itself, and a mixture of a unique Anglo-based culture and that of the Boers has given South Africa a unique outlook on itself, its region, and society. The Boer's belief of armed defense, liberty and cultural preservation have influenced the populace for a belief in military service as an obligation and honorable path in life, both reinforcing the existing conscription laws as well as pushing many to stay in after their required term is up. +200,000 Troops

Huge Military Budget: Being historically isolated in international affairs, the prevalence of communism on the African continent, and domestic & nearby foreign insurgencies have forced South Africa to invest heavily in its defense. High pay rates for enlisted & officers, as well as large acquisition budgets for the Navy and Air Force help ensure technological superiority and sufficient manpower. +150,000 Troops, +200,000 Tonnes, +250 Aircraft

Military-Industrial Austerity Complex: In response to sanctions in the early 1960s and the looming concern of additional sanctions potential to be enacted, South Africa has developed a strong domestic military industry. The vast majority of procurement for the South African military is through these companies, such as ARMSCOR, Atlas Aviation, Atlantis Diesel Engines, Reumech OMC and Sandock-Austral among others. These companies have formed a military-industrial complex with the South African government and military whereby South African military procurement is almost entirely via these defense contractors, and even totally foreign designs are imported via contractors or constructed domestically under license. +100,000 Tonnes, +200 Aircraft

The Speed of Warfare: Operating on the vast open deserts and savannah of southern Africa is not easy to do, particularly across the vast size of South Africa. The military's response to this is one word: speed. Fast moving land units requiring as little maintenance as possible, and a heavy emphasis on air assault. Helicopters, by extension, are integral to the war effort of South Africa for rapid troop transport & deployment, as well as airborne infantry support. The Army keeps a large standing quantity of transport helicopters to rapidly deploy large amounts of troops across the nation. +100 Aircraft (Helicopters)

Northern Puppets: South Africa wields significant influence over its three neighbors to the north. South African military forces helped establish UNITA rule in Angola and RENAMO rule in Mozambique, as well as stabilization efforts in the Central African Federation. Loans, access to South African capital and forming a defense agreement & trade bloc have given South African companies access to their resources while they in turn have access to South African goods. These nations all have standing militaries, but in comparison to South Africa are poorly equipped and even more poorly trained. Puppet militaries listed below. All equipment is restricted to being produced 1965 or earlier or uses antiquated technology if made after 1965, and troop quality will be considered Underdeveloped.THESE UNITS ARE UNDER FOREIGN COMMAND, RP MUST OCCUR TO USE THESE OUTSIDE OF PUPPET IN QUESTION
ANGOLA: +100,000 Troops, +70 Aircraft, +25,000 Tonnes
MOZAMBIQUE: +100,000 Troops, +70 Aircraft, +25,000 Tonnes
CENTRAL AFRICAN FEDERATION: +100,000 Troops, +70 Aircraft

South African Police: Much of the South African Police are heavily militarized by the standard of "police" worldwide, and often operate in concert with the military for counterterrorism and counterinsurgency activity. While capable of being militarized for emergency situations, their training is extremely poor compared to military quality as to be expected. +20,000 (Heavily Militarized Police)

Commando System: The Commando system is a modernization of a traditional Commando system in practice from the old Boer Republics. It operates similar in function to the National Guard of the United States, but in an even more reserved capacity. The Commando system is a part-time volunteer force which exists to protect communities, and falls under the jurisdiction of the Army. Members attend some training with army reservists per year but are considered largely untrained and effectively militia. Commando units are only required for service in their local area, though may be requested for a voluntary redeployment in the event of national emergency. +150,000 Commandos (Restricted to local areas across South Africa)

Executive Outcomes: Executive Outcomes is a Private Military Contractor based in Cape Town, South Africa. While operating as a private venture and taking contracts unassociated with South Africa, it is secretly aligned with South Africa and will operate with its interests heavily, and the South African government is Executive Outcomes' main customer. +5,000 Troops (Executive Outcomes)

Negative Traits:
Boer Nationalism: Many Boers have acclimated to the state of affairs under the Republic of South Africa, but a minority of them still yearn for the days of the independent Boer Republics. With the end of hardline National Party rule, many of the more radically conservative Boers elect to end their service as soon as possible. -25,000 Troops

Unpatriotic New Citizens: Some of the newly enfranchised Black African community in South Africa have not become patriotic alongside their newly found rights and privileges. Despite being what the government considered 'assimilated', many still do not hold a degree of allegiance to the state that corresponds to voluntary military service -50,000 Troops

Naval Neglect: While the military budget is high, the investment into the navy is not seen as a priority. The Navy is largely seen as a defensive force, protecting South African shipping & supporting land-based combat rather than conducting entirely independent operations. -50,000 Tonnes, outside of Carriers, max vessel tonnage of 20,000

Economical Traits:

Volkscapitalisme: Under the United Nationalist Party, the country has embarked upon a dirigiste program of economic expansion involving the creation of several state-owned enterprises (or “parastatals”), including Iscor (steel), Sasol (synthetic fuel), Eskom (electricity), and later Transnet (rail), and Telkom (telecommunications). These grew in tandem with state-controlled entities such as Volkskas (banking), Sanlam (insurance) and Naspers (media)

South Africa holds the world's largest reported reserves of gold, platinum group metals, chrome ore and manganese ore, and the second-largest reserves of zirconium, vanadium and titanium, as well as significant quantities of uranium, as well as significant deposits of iron and other mineral resources. While no oil exists within South Africa's borders itself, Angola has significant amounts of oil which are pumped across southern Africa.

Unrest Factors:

The Semi-Democratic Haven: South Africa has a mixed political model, with a party that is in control over the government almost absolutely, but still conducts free and fair elections. The government is authoritarian towards opposition straying in a large way from the party line and has heavy control over the media and news, but still respects personal freedoms and has some of the most lax gun laws outside of the United States. Base Unrest 4

The Spear of the Nation: uMkhonto we Sizwe (Spear of the Nation in Xhosa, Zulu and Ndebele) is a left-wing terrorist group and the militant wing of the political party African National Congress. They conduct terrorist operations on symbols of apartheid in an attempt to gain reparations and the abandonment of cultural policies by the government. Much of their support exists in Natal and Rhodesia, where there is the highest concentration of ethnic Africans in the nation. Unrest of 6 in Natal & Rhodesia, with occasional spillover

Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging: The Afrikaner Resistance Movement, or AW is a far-right Afrikaner nationalist and neo-Nazi terrorist group and militant wing of the Herstigte Nasionale Party. They conduct terrorist operations against the government and African communities in an attempt to bring back the old Apartheid system, an independent Boer state, or the forceful removal of non-Europeans from the territories of South Africa. Unrest of 6 in Transvaal and Orange Free State, with occasional spillover

SWAPO / PLAN: The Southwest African People's Organization and the People's Liberation Army of Namibia are an illegal political party and militant group respectively attempting to gain the independence of Namibia, in accordance with the original Mandate's goals of 1919. The military and police have pushed them into the rural areas of Namibia, particularly in the north away from much of South Africa's infrastructure. Unrest of 7 in rural northern Southwest Africa, potential spillover into the rest of Southwest Africa

Godless Communists: Both Angola and Mozambique have active communist insurgencies, with the MPLA in Angola and FREMILO in Mozambique. While they have largely been pushed into the undeveloped jungles of these respective nations, they still pose a significant security risk to the region and tempt spillover into neighboring countries.

New Nation Blues: While the Central African Republic has no active insurgency, their political system provides all the instability they need. Communism sees some support in the nation without any seats in government, and the corruption combined with political radicalism in their legislature often results in deadlock. Without any political culture, the CAR is constantly on the verge of government shutdowns and the collapse of the democratic system.
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Tokugawa Empire
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Re: Military Traits Applications


Post by Tokugawa Empire »

Name of nation: Diyin Dine'é Nation
Link to factbook: viewtopic.php?t=522

Total troops: 463,100 Troops
Total airforce: 282 Airframes
Total tonnage (navy): 325,000 Tonnes
Unrest (out of 10): 7/10


Conscription: Mandatory + 30,000 Troops
Population: 7,579,436 +5,000 Troops
Tech Level:Developing
Coastal +50,000 Tonnes

Positive Traits:
The Great Migration: During fall of The United States many indigenous tribes came together to strengthen numbers and reclaim lost territory. (Base Population Growth)

A call to the Naabaahii: Following the subjugation of the tribes under the new Mormon state a group of the most well trained Fighters from all the tribes would begin to shape an army under the pretenses of taking back their home. (+300,000 Troops)

Allied with those in need: Many minorities suffered under Mormon rule and those who craved freedom quickly joined the ranks of the Naabaahii. (+175,000 Troops and 85 Airframes.)

Spoils of Ana'í: Following the war many political and religious prisoners were released and many found ways into the ranks. Alot of military equipment was also seized and incorporated into service. (+26,500 Troops, 250 Airframes, and 275,000 tonnes.)

The Colorado Arsenal: Taken with the most blood spilt was the Cheyenne Mountain Complex which holds the most advanced early warning systems in North America. It also holds a few hundred ICBMs and few dozen tactical nuclear weapons. (+340 Nuclear warheads of various sizes.)

Negative Traits:
Liberation and Loss: The quick strike against the Mormon government is effective but not bloodless. (-73,400 Troops and 53 Airframes)

Economical Traits:
Pacific Port City: Los Angeles has major implications as a major stop for trade on the West Coast and as a major technological hub.

People of The Harvest: Major labor force dedicated to farming within the Diyin Dine'é Nation helps produce a wide variety of crops.

Resources: Natural Gas, Oil, Tungsten, Uranium, Fish, Wheat, variety of fruits and vegetables, cattle, lumber, and assorted metals.

Unrest Factors:
A war not yet finished:The Mormon government, while removed from power has only taken to fighting in the mountains and plains. Seeing the now ruling government as terrorists they carry out shelling of towns and urban centers. Occasionally airstrikes on military and civilian centers.
We fight them where we can, but this will be a long and brutal campaign. (+7 Unrest)
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New England
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Re: Military Traits Applications


Post by New England »

Name of nation: Commonwealth of New England
Link to factbook: viewtopic.php?t=505

Total troops: 295,000
Total airforce: 1,000
Total tonnage (navy): 1,100,000 Tonnes
Unrest (out of 10): 3, 5 in Lawrence

Green Zone

Conscription: None
Population: 52,170,509 +15,000 troops, +6 aircraft
Tech Level: Developed
Coastal +50,000 tonnes

Positive Traits:

A Well-Funded Tradition: New England has within its borders storied, well-funded and prestigious military academies in the New England Military Academy at West Point, the Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut, the New England Naval Academy in Kings Point, New York, and the New England Air Force Academy in Kingston, Ontario, New England's military service is integrated into life in all social classes. While naval service offers its pragmatism to the New England government & economy, all services hold a position of prestige in New England society. ROTC programs are prevalent among campuses across New England, and to prevent an oversaturation of the officer roles, enlisted pay rates (particularly NCOs and upward) almost rival officers in competitive pay. While not the largest military in the world by a sizable margin, the New England Armed Forces have a reputation for dedication and significant funding. +200,000 Troops, +100,000 Tonnes, +500 Aircraft

The Military-Industrial Complex: New England has developed a military-industrial complex with its many defense contractors. Sikorsky, General Electric, Bell Aircraft, Grumman, Canadair and Colt are among the most well-known. The vast majority of New England defense spending goes to these companies, keeping spending "in-house" and efficient. +200,000 Tonnes, +600 Aircraft

The Great Naval Yards: New England possesses some of the largest and productive Naval Yard infrastructure in the Americas, most notably the Brooklyn Naval Yard but also including the Boston Naval Yard & South Annex, the Davie Shipyard, Bath Iron Works, and the Electric Boat Company as a forefront of Submarine construction. +400,000 Tonnes

The Beacon of Liberty: New England has in the past and continues to utilize its military and economic influence to espouse liberty. While not on the level of a superpower, New England still has sway in international politics and will rarely shy away from expeditions across the globe to fight tyrants and human rights abusers. This philosophical desire to protect the rights of man inspires many domestically for a career with a purpose greater than themselves or the bottom line. +100,000 Troops

Negative Traits:

Je me souviens: The French-American population in the state of Lawrence have a rebellious streak. While most Lawrencians are not particularly anti-New England, a minority are vocal and popular enough to affect our enlistment goals in the State -20,000 Troops

The Progressive Movement: Recently, the Progressive Party has been gaining traction among the populous of New England. While espousing social program increases and other social democratic principles, it also maintains a more pacifist international approach and a commensurate decrease in defense spending. While not popular enough to cause dramatic effects, military spending is curbed by their influence. -100 Aircraft, -100,000 Tonnes

Economical Traits:

A Free Trade World: New York City is one of the biggest and busiest ports in North America, importing goods from across the world and exporting both raw and manufactured goods from North America, especially from Minnesota and The Midwest. This lifeline is integral not just for the New England economy, but the economies of much of North America as well. +500,000 Tonnes


Post-Resource Life: New England has little in the way of natural resources. While things that help the populous not have their bills too high like power and agriculture have large shares of the economy, things such as oil & gas are rare while other resources like uranium are totally nonexistent.

Unrest Factors:

Nunquam Libertas Gratior Extat: The national motto of New England, Nunquam Libertas Gratior Extat, meaning Never Has Liberty Appeared In A More Gracious Form, exemplifies the mission of the existence of New England. A Democratic Republic with a culture of social liberalism and acceptance. Known for its tolerance, especially in the more metropolitan areas, immigration to New England has often been spurred on from intolerance or lack of opportunity elsewhere. As a result, multiculturalism and a cosmopolitan society are as Yankee as Apple Pie. Base Unrest 3

Je me souviens: The French-American population in the state of Lawrence have a rebellious streak. While most Lawrencians are not particularly anti-New England, a minority are vocal and popular enough stage protests which descend into the occasional riot. Unrest 5 in Lawrence
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Factbook: viewtopic.php?p=2729#p2729

Re: Military Traits Applications


Post by Alanston »

Name of nation: Al Andalus
Link to factbook: viewtopic.php?t=531

Total troops: 1,725,000 troops 100,000 restricted to the Americas, 25,000 restricted to Panama region, 300,000 restricted to Asia
Total airforce: 1,016 aircraft 32 restricted to the Americas, 24 restricted to Panama region, 48 restricted to Asia
Total tonnage (navy): 1,325,000 tonnes 100,000 restricted to the Americas, 75,000 restricted to Panama region, 250,000 restricted to Asia
Unrest (out of 10): 4

Yellow Zone

Conscription: Mandatory +30,000 troops
Population: 254,884,000 +30,000 troops, +24 aircraft
Tech Level: Developed
Coastal +50,000 tonnes

Positive Traits:

Umayyad Legacy Al-Andalus is the direct successor state to the Umayyad Caliphate, and is not shy about ensuring their citizens know of this fact. In accordance with this legacy, the Andalusian government has ensured extra funding goes to the military to ensure a military that brings honour to the Umayyad Dynasty. +400,000 troops, +64 aircraft

Battle of Tours Al-Andalus was victorious in the Battle of Tours, pillaging southern France, before firmly establishing themselves in Iberia. This victory allowed Al-Andalus to take control of the entire peninsula, and to have their authority recognized by the European powers. The memory of this victory lives on today, and is reflected in the Andalusian military. +250,000 troops, +56 aircraft, +125,000 tonnes

There Can Only Be One In the 10th century Emir Abd ar-Rahman III established himself as the Caliph of Cordoba, effectively opposing the Abbasid Caliphs in Baghdad. This title has been kept over the years, with the rulers of Andalusia being seen as the rightful rulers of the Muslim community, although only within their borders and immediate neighbouring nations. Today a strong sense of rivalry exists between Andalusia and the Arabic Caliphate in the Middle East, with the government diverting significant funding to the military to directly challenge the Arabic Caliphate. +500,000 troops, +448 aircraft, +250,000 tonnes

YOU SHALL NOT PASS! Andalusia holds the Pillars of Hercules, being both sides of the Strait of Gibraltar, and as such, effectively controls trade through the region. Although they allow all nations to pass through without incident, a large naval presence is required in order to deter piracy and ensure the safety of all vessels passing through the region. +164 aircraft, +250,000 tonnes

The (Black) Spice Must Flow Andalusia's overseas region of Al-Battuta is rich in petroleum and natural gas reserves. These resources are managed by the central government, and shared throughout the entirety of the nation to ensure wealth and prosperity for all. In order to protect these resources, the government has invested extra in the military. +125,000 troops, +164 aircraft, +200,000 tonnes

Defying the Odds Andalusia has existed as a Muslim nation in Europe for centuries, resisting Christian attempts to conquer them, and establishing a wealthy state despite having no true allies in the region. This legacy has led to a natural dedication and devotion to the nation's military for the preservation of the nation. +175,000 troops, +32 aircraft, +75,000 tonnes

American Dreams Following the discovery of the New World by Basque sailors, Andalusia sent several expeditions, eventually establishing three main colonies around the Caribbean region. Over time the colonies were integrated as proper regions into the Caliphate, and today they have increased autonomy and full rights within the nation. These three regions pay into a joint military fund, establishing a local military force to protect the regions, in addition to the main Andalusian military. +100,000 troops (50,000, 25,000, & 25,000), +32 aircraft (16, 8, 8), +100,000 tonnes restricted to the Andalusian regions in the Americas

Asian Sultanates Andalusia holds the Sultanate of Java and Brunei in vassalage, with both Sultanates recognizing the Caliph as the true leader of Islam. These Sultanates have significant autonomy and local rights, akin to the American regions. Java and Brunei each have their own military forces, which are intended for the protection of both Sultanates, but can be sent abroad at the discretion of the local Sultans. Being the most populous Island in the world, Java is able to field a significant military force. +300,000 troops (225,000, 75,000), +48 aircraft (32, 16), +250,000 tonnes (200,000, 50,000) restricted to Asia unless detailed RP is done to send them elsewhere

Negative Traits:

The Space Between Us The Andalusian regions in the Americas are separated by the mainland by the Atlantic ocean, which causes some delays in communication, culture, and and transportation. In essence, the logistics of staying in contact with a region across the sea has resulted in some resources being diverted elsewhere. -60,000 troops, -40 aircraft, +50,000 tonnes

Religious Exemptions One of the core teachings of Islam that is followed by Andalusia is religious tolerance and recognition. However, in accordance with this teaching, military service for non-Muslims is voluntary. Although many non-Muslims still choose to participate in the military, there is still a significant number that decide not to. -150,000 troops

Economical Traits:

Panama Canal Andalusia's overseas region of Al-Battuta holds the Panama Canal, and the Andalusian government has invested significant funding in protecting the canal from potential opposition. +25,000 troops, +24 aircraft, +75,000 tonnes restricted to the Panama Canal region

Andalusian Enlightenment Over the years Andalusia has employed a policy of recognizing talent and technological understandings, beyond what many Muslims might consider acceptable under Islamic law. This has resulted in the nation being known for its intellectual prosperity and technological advancements. The nation also prided itself in its high literacy rate, establishing libraries and places of study rivaling those in Baghdad and Damascus. These policies have enabled Andalusia to become a highly developed and successful nation over the years. Easier to develop advanced research and simulation centres throughout the nation, and to develop technologies related to these centres. Easier to invest in development projects throughout the nation, including transportation and economic projects. Easier to expand the navy and airforce, increased economic production throughout the nation, starts with a series of well established rail lines throughout the nation.

Dry and Desolate Lands Andalusia holds much of the western Sahara, which can be difficult to traverse and supply significant military movements. Takes an extra turn when moving the military to the southern parts of the nation. Can be removed by investing heavily in infrastructure projects traversing the Sahara

Metals Through its American lands, Andalusia is rich in iron, silver, gold, copper, gemstones (diamonds and emeralds), tungsten, lead, zinc, nickel, and manganese. With further metals being in its African and European lands, including iron, gold, manganese, tin, copper, lead, zinc, tungsten, mercury, silver, and diamonds, among others.

Black Spice Andalusia contains around 310 billion barrels of oil reserves in Al-Battuta, 124 million barrels in Al-Qahrib, and 38 million barrels in Al-Azuhur, with another 200 million barrels being found within their European and African holdings. This provides Andalusia with some of the largest proven oil reserves in the world, providing the nation with significant financial income. Andalusia also has significant natural gas and coal reserves, further bolstering their financial revenue. These funds have helped the nation to field a larger than normal military force. Starts with a larger military force than might be expected

Uranium Andalusia is home to around 70,000 tonnes of uranium reserves throughout the nation, both in the Americas and in Europe/Africa. Starts with a nuclear arsenal of 250 nuclear devices, ranging from 5kt to 250kt, with the capability to easily create more

Unrest Factors:

Basque Identity The Basque people are a unique ethno-linguistic group in northern Iberia, and have a long history of being subjected by various nations. Today many are Muslims and the Basque language has special local recognition within Andalusia. However, ever a fierce and proud people, the Basques are not afraid to let their thoughts be known, and some among their people dream of an independent Basque nation, however unlikely that is. Minimum unrest of 4 in the Basque region, risk of severe protests if Basque language rights are ever taken away or infringed upon.

American Dreams Although the overseas regions have local autonomy and increased rights, there are still some among the regions who would prefer to see them gain independence, or at least further independence. Although the situation is handled fairly well, there is always a risk of unrest simmering beneath the surface. Minimum unrest of 5 in the American regions, risk of protests and independence movements if autonomy is revoked or rights are infringed upon. Investment and development in the region will mitigate the situation and decrease the likelihood of protests occurring.

Andalusian Tolerance Andalusia has a long history of being tolerant to many different religious and cultural groups, including ones often persecuted elsewhere in Europe, such as the Jews. Similarly, Andalusia has long tolerated, and even welcomed, many practices considered immoral by other nations. As long as Andalusian Tolerance laws are accepted, unrest between a 4-5 is considered as a 3. Less likely to suffer unrest due to cultural and religious differences.
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