Dealing with a Thorn

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Dealing with a Thorn


Post by Alanston »

Late one afternoon, during a regular GWC meeting in the chambers of the Heeren XIX in Mauritsstad, Minister Bastijn Groothaar takes the floor to discuss a concern with the council.

"Gentlemen of the GWC, as you are aware recent events have transpired, leading us towards trading relations with the Malay in Asia. These events were requested by myself, under your guidance, as previously discussed. However, I have some concerns that I wish to discuss with you." Minister Groothaar begins, taking the time to look at each of the other eighteen members in turn.

"What are the nature of these concerns?" The member from Nieuw Utrecht, Hiram Bos inquires.

"Of a more personal nature, I believe." Groothaar replies, choosing his words carefully.

"Then perhaps we should break for a short rest period, and reconvene in the inner sanctum in half an hour? This way we could discuss them in a more personable setting." One of the members from Salvador, Reginaldo Hamada suggests.

"I believe that is acceptable, my friends. Let us break and reconvene in half an hour in the inner sanctum." Groothaar agrees, after a moments consideration.

With that, all nineteen board members of the GWC make their way out of the main meeting chambers, along with their guards and aides, and head for their offices or the nearby cafes. When the half hour is nearly up, the nineteen members make their way into the inner sanctum: the oldest part of the structure, made of imported marble from the mid 1700s. Unlike other parts of the building, which are from the mid 19th century, after much of the building was damaged in an explosion, this room has thick walls, and no electricity. Several aides have gone ahead to light candles to provide lighting for the meeting. Also unlike other rooms in the building, no aides or security guards are permitted in the room, with all members being thoroughly checked before being permitted entrance. Similarly, there are no security cameras or microphones in the room, and discussions that take place within the inner sanctum are not recorded.

Once all members are present, Hamada speaks. "Well then Groothaar, I believe you had some concerns?"

"Indeed, yes. I am concerned that Stadtholder Florentijn van Augusto is not on board with our goals. He seemed very reluctant to initiate trade with the Malay, and furthermore, he was extremely reluctant to even permit the GWC to become involved in this trade. Therefore, I think we should consider the possibility that he might be working to undermine our position in the nation."

"That's going a bit far, don't you think?" Hamada asks.

"Not at all. He seems to be on to us, and definitely against us. If we do not do something, I fear that we may lose all that we have worked so hard to maintain over the years."

"Well, we should off him then." Hiram states plainly.

Murmurs break out throughout the inner sanctum at this suggestion, though no one initially objects.

Hamada is the first to speak once the members quiet down again. "And how would you propose going about this? The last thing we need is to receive the blame for such an action."

"If I may, Florentijn goes for a hike through the woods outside of Mauritsstad every weekend. I suggest we find a way to knock him over the head with a rock, and throw his unconscious body into the river. He'll drown within minutes, and everyone will think he just tripped and fell into the river. Any evidence of foul play will be lost to the river." Groothaar suggests, explaining his plan.

"I think you're forgetting one fact Minister, namely that Florentijn has several guards who travel with him everywhere he goes. What will we do about them?" Hamada counters.

Coughing, Hiram is the one to offer the solution. "We do have several guards in our pay. All we'd have to do is pay them to lag behind the Stadtholder, just enough for our man to do the deed."

"What if we just hired one of them to do the deed? Less people who could potentially be involved, and less to go wrong."

"That could work, though how will we ensure that our men are the ones selected that day?"

Hiram shrugs, "It would be easy enough to modify the roster for that weekend."

Stefano van Maurits, a member from Mauritsstad speaks up. "Or, we can just find a day when our men are on the roster, less chance of us being found out that way."

Hiram looks at Hamada, who nods agreeably. "Well, I think that is an acceptable option then. We just don't want to wait too long." Hiram states, turning back to Stefano.

"Don't worry, I think we should be able to get it done pretty quickly after Florentijn's return."

"Just ensure that no one becomes aware of this. The last thing we need is to be found out." Hamada warns, looking at each member in turn.

"I do not think we have anything to worry about, Hamada. But I do agree, each of you need to be careful to ensure no leaks a word of this. Stefano, we are trusting you to get back to us with the roster as soon as possible. The sooner we can get this done, the better." Groothaar states with a hint of warning in his voice.

"I won't let you down." Stefano states boldly.

After looking around to ensure no one else had anything to say, Hamada stands to address the gathered members. "If there is nothing else, I am dismissing this meeting. We will meet again in the inner sanctum tomorrow afternoon at 4pm. I would like you all to prepare lists for potential replacements for Florentijn by tomorrow's meeting, so we can vet them and prepare them to run. And remember, not a word of this to anyone."

After that, the members gradually get up and slowly make their way out of the chambers. Stefano would then head off to speak with his contacts, along with Hiram, whilst the rest would make their way to prepare suggestions for the future position of Stadtholder.

[The park Florentijn hikes in is the Corredeiras do Capibaribe.]
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Re: Dealing with a Thorn


Post by Alanston »

After a full day has passed, the Heeren XIX return to the inner sanctum for their follow-up meeting. Stefano would have with him 19 pieces of paper, carefully folded and placed within a special envelope to ensure secrecy. Reginaldo Hamada brings with him a list of several names, also within an envelope. As is protocol, all members would place their cell phones and smart watches in a bin outside the room before entering, and go through a metal detector to ensure no technology that could potentially be used to spy on them is present in the inner sanctum.

Once everyone has gathered, Minister Groothaar begins the meeting. "Welcome back everyone. Stefano, I believe you have a roster of guards for us?"

"That is correct, here you are." He would pull out the 19 pieces of paper, and pass them around. Each paper would outline the roster of guards, with an asterisk next to some of the names. "You'll note that the guards in our employ have been marked with an asterisk."

The others look over the roster for a few minutes, before Reginaldo Hamada speaks. "Look here, our men are the two guards on this morning, the Saturday after Florentijn is scheduled to return from the Malayan Commonwealth."

Hiram notes the date and nods. "That would work well. Stefano, I trust you to contact them discretely to discuss our plan?"

Groothaar speaks up then. "Perhaps it is best if we clarify what our plan is once more, to ensure we are all in agreement."

"Agreed. The plan is to have one of the guards strike Florentijn on the back of the head with a rock near the river, before pushing him into the river. The guards will then wait a couple minutes, before calling for help to initiate a search for the Stadtholder. The idea being that he slipped or tripped, and fell into the river and hit his head on a rock. Enough time should have passed for him to drown in the river. His death will trigger an election, and we will then sponsor a new Stadtholder who is much more aligned with the GWC." Reginaldo outlines, before looking around at the others.

"Shall we vote on this plan of action? Remember, if we are caught it is treason for all of us." Hiram states, looking each of the other nineteen in the eye.

"Let's. I vote 'aye'." Stefano replies.

The vote goes around the room, with all remaining 17 gentlemen also voting 'aye'.

"Very well then. Let us set this plan in motion. Stefano, you are to contact the two guards and ensure they are on board with our plan. Offer them, say..." Hiram pauses to consider an amount.

"5 million each?" Groothaar suggests, to which several others nod in agreement.

"Five million Guilders each, for their service and silence." Hiram finishes, agreeing with the amount.

Jacob Semach, a member from Mauritsstad speaks up then. "How are we going to wire the money to the two guards without it being discovered?"

"Did you have any suggestions?" Reginaldo asks, looking at the Jew.

"Well, what if we expand our banking system? We're always talking about the benefits an expanded banking system would bring, and if we expanded the banks to offer privacy of bank transfers and the like, and allowed people to open an account regardless of citizenship, we could easily become one of the preeminent banking systems in the world." Jacob suggests.

"What about taxes? No one would put money in our banks if they have to pay taxes on their funds. And how would we make money on this?" Groothaar inquires.

"We would not charge taxes for those who have more than 2.5 million Guilders in our accounts, or any other currencies. And we would allow the opening of accounts in other currencies as well. We would not report these funds to any government or entity. As for making money, we would charge either a flat fee per or percentage per month to maintain the account. But we'd keep it cheap enough in order to ensure customers stay with us. Perhaps have a loyalty system? Where the longer they're with us the cheaper it becomes. We would also offer safety deposit boxes, and establish an elaborate security system to ensure their contents are safe and protected. And since we want these banks to be used by the wealthy, we'll charge larger monthly fees the less money you have in them, going down to nothing over 5 million Guilders." Jacob explains, outlining his suggestions.

"And I suppose you would run these banks?" Stefano asks.

"They are the GWC banks, or better yet, the West-Indisch Banks, they'd be run by the company." Jacob explains carefully.

"This sounds good to me. Though how do we get it past the Council of Governors?" Hiram asks.

"Don't worry about that. I can ensure they approve of the banks without issue." Groothaar states.

"How would you do that?" Reginaldo asks suspiciously.

Groothaar shrugs. "I'll simply point out how much it would benefit our nation, and how it would help drive up our currency. Plus they owe us a few favours. That, and a few well placed threats, and they'll accept without pause. I doubt it'll come to those threats though."

"And do you think we could get this set up before Florentijn returns from his trip to the Malay?" Hiram asks, directing his question to both Groothaar and Jacob.

"Definitely, I will approach members of the Council tonight, thus ensuring it is the first item on tomorrow morning's agenda." Groothaar states with confidence.

Jacob nods. "As soon as approval is given, I can begin the opening of the banks. Much of the software is already there, we are just lacking a physical building, or buildings if we want multiple. We can start with the digital bank and begin construction on several physical buildings throughout the nation shortly afterwards. I believe we could have the digital system online within 24-48 hours of approval being given."

"That's good enough for me. Shall we put this to a vote?" Hiram asks, nodding to himself.

"Yes, let's vote on this." Reginaldo agrees.

The vote thus goes around the room, and although two members abstain, the rest vote 'aye', thus approving the measure.

"Alright then, Groothaar, I am trusting you to get the measure approved for tomorrow morning. Jacob, I am trusting you to get everything set up for the bank, starting now, to ensure it is operational as soon as possible. Stefano, you will promise the two guards payment through our new bank system, ensure they are aware of the secrecy features of the bank." Reginaldo pauses, ensuring each man is aware of what their tasks are, before continuing. "Gentlemen, I know that we had discussed bringing forward a list of potential replacements for Florentijn during this meeting, but I believe it is best that we postpone that discussion until a later time. This will allow us to gather information on potential candidates. We will reconvene here in two days time, hopefully with a new banking system established, the West-Indisch Bank, and two guards purchased. I shall see you all then." With that, Reginaldo stands, signaling the end of the meeting.

The other nineteen slowly stand and make their way from the inner sanctum, each off to fulfill a task. For Groothaar it is to wine and dine several influential members of the Council of Governors, for Stefano it is to bribe two guards, and for Jacob it is to begin establishing De West-Indisch Bank (The West Indies Bank).
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Re: Dealing with a Thorn


Post by Alanston »

Two days later, after the West Indisch Bank has been established and opened to the public, the Heeren XIX reconvene in the inner sanctum. Stefano would come confident in the knowledge that the guards are bought out and on board with the plan. Reginaldo would have two names to put forward, whilst Minister Groothaar would have just a single name. None of the others would really have any names.

After all members have gathered, and the security procedures have been practiced, Minister Groothaar begins the meeting. "As previously discussed, we will discuss whom we shall endorse as a replacement for Florentijn during this meeting. I would like to put myself forward as a replacement. I am well versed in politics and trade, a member of the Heeren XIX, and am relatively well liked by the populace."

"Absolutely not!" Hiram exclaims standing up and raising his voice. "We have not had a member of the Heeren XIX as ruler of Mauritsland since before the British occupation! I categorically oppose this idea, it is nothing but a power grab, and the entire world will see it as such. No way."

Groothaar smiles slyly as he replies. "Come now Hiram, this would just be the next step in ensuring GWC supremacy in Mauritsland. Just think, with me as Stadtholder we won't have to go to the Council of Governors for anything, for I will be able to pass our views and push our agendas without worry about interference in any way."

"Bah! You would also ensure our nation's official collapse from democracy! If you think the people, or even our neighbours will stand for this, you're crazy! No, absolutely not!" Hiram states, crossing his arms.

"Hiram, look at the state of the world. Everyone is too focused on events in Europe to pay any attention to us. All eyes are on the French, they'd hardly notice us. And the people, well we'd just lower prices and they wouldn't bat an eye. What's a couple thousand dollars less in our paychecks in exchange for full control of the country."

Up until then Reginaldo would have been silently observing the situation, yet now he would stand to say his piece. "Minister Groothaar. Need I remind you that your position on this council is dependent upon your appointment as trade minister of Mauritsland? We need only say the word and you will be replaced. However, we will consider your name as Stadtholder. Though by no means does this mean that you will stay as a member of this council should you be elected. I would like to put forth two names myself. The first is our trade representative who went to the Malay: Ubirajara Hagels, he is a reliable and trustworthy man, loyal to the company. I think he would be well off to represent our cause. The other name I wish to put forth is Maurits Storm van Nassau-Siegen, descendant of Johan Maurits, for whom our nation is named. Who better than the heir of our greatest ruler."

Stefano laughs. "You will recall, Reginaldo, that the last time we had a van Nassau-Siegen as Stadtholder, the office became hereditary, and our nation was their own personal kingdom in the Americas? Not to mention that Maurits Storm isn't even loyal to our cause. I think we would have a hard time getting him on board with our agenda, not to mention that he would be more difficult to control than Florentijn is now."

"You raise a good point Stefano, whilst we could put for Maurits Storm, and he would likely win the election, there is no guarantee that he would be loyal to us. This would pose a great risk to advancing our plans and desires. I believe that Ubirajara Hagels might just be our best bet, unless anyone else has any suggestions?" Jacob asks, looking at the other members.

"I still think I would be the best bet!" Groothaar states proudly.

"Shut up Groothaar, you've already made your point." Stefano calls from across the room.

"Are there any other suggestions for candidates for Stadtholder to be sponsored by the GWC?" Reginaldo asks, looking out at the various members in the room. When none respond, he nods to himself and continues. "Very well then, we shall put it to a vote. Our three choices are: Minister Bastijn Groothaar, Ubirajara Hagels, and Maurits Storm van Nassau-Siegen. The one with the most votes will be our candidate. All in favour of Minister Groothaar?" Three members call out their Aye. "All in favour of Ubirajara?" This time nine members call out their Aye. "And those in favour of Maurits Storm?" Seven members call out their Aye. "This brings the total to 3 for Groothaar, 7 for Maurits Storm, and 9 for Ubirajara. Therefore, by matter of having a majority, we will work with Ubirajara Hagels as our candidate for the position of Stadtholder. It is him who we will sponsor and fund for the position. If, for whatever reason, he refuses the position, we will turn to Maurits Storm. Does this sound acceptable to everyone?"

"Well, I-" Groothaar begins, before being cut off.

"Everyone, besides Minister Groothaar." Aside from Groothaar's grumbling, the others would voice their agreement. "Very well then, I shall reach out to discuss this with Ubirajara in a discrete manner. Stefano, I trust you will see to it that matters in the forest are done discretely once Florentijn returns?"

"Absolutely Reginaldo."

"Then we are dismissed. I will reach out to meet with Ubirajara once he returns from the Malay."

"Remember, Reginaldo, he has to be the one to announce his intention. Once he has done that, we can publicly announce our intentions to back him. We can not do so until he has announced his intentions to run, or we will run afoul of the election laws." Hiram warns.

"Have no fear, my friend. It's all under control." Reginaldo replies with a smile. "Until next time, my friends." With that, the members of the Heeren XIX stand and gradually make their way from the chambers.

Shortly after the delegation returns from the Malay Commonwealth, Reginaldo meets with Ubirajara and speaks with him at length about whether he might consider running for the position of Stadtholder during the next election. Ubirajara informs Reginaldo that he has indeed considered it, and that he believes it to be a good idea, and that he will indeed run, and will stay loyal to the GWC throughout his term. Reginaldo then reports this to the other members. Stefano would prepare the plot for that coming weekend.

[Presuming that the meeting with @Malayan Commonwealth is over at this point]
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Re: Dealing with a Thorn


Post by Alanston »

On the Saturday morning after his return to Mauritsland, Stadtholder Florentijn van Augusto, along with two of his guards, head for the Corredeiras do Capibaribe park for his weekly walk. As they are walking along, one of the guards falls behind a bit. Once they near the water, Florentijn pauses for a second to admire the river, as he often does. It is at this moment when the guard, who is wearing gloves, strikes him on the back of the head with a large rock. The Stadtholder immediately losses consciousness and falls into the fast moving waters of the river. The guard tosses the rock into the river, and waits a few moments as he watches Florentijn's body being swept away by the river. Then, he yells out in shock, prompting the other guard to rush forward. Panicking, the two guards radio for help. Around this time both guards would find themselves 5 million Guilders richer, in new accounts under their names in the West Indisch Bank.

[All events up to this point are secret, and no one would have any knowledge of them.]

A search team is assembled, and within half an hour arrives to search for the Stadtholder. The testimony of each guard is taken, separately, and they learn that one had fallen behind briefly, whilst the other had been around a corner when he heard the Stadtholder cry out. Running forward the one guard saw the Stadtholder's body disappearing into the river. He immediately called for the other guard, and they radioed for help before beginning the search. Another three hours later, Florentijn's body is discovered by some kids playing near the river on the outskirts of Mauritsstad (around the Ponte Sobre o Rio Capibaribe). A team is rushed in and the body is positively identified. It is determined that Florentijn must have fallen into the river, hit his head on a rock, and been swept downstream, during which he drowned. Counsellors are called in for the children.

Later that evening the death of Stadtholder Florentijn van Augusto is announced to the nation. A formal statement regarding the details of his death is provided, as well as the announcement that the current minister of foreign affairs, Karlijn van Pesch, will be granted temporary Stadtholder powers, with a new election to be held in 7 weeks' time. Statement's of mourning and loss come in quickly over the following days, with the local Catholic Church holding memorial services in Florentijn's memory that Sunday. The GWC also provides an official statement paying their respects, recognizing Florentijn as a great man whose only desire was to serve his nation.
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Re: Dealing with a Thorn


Post by Alanston »

After several days, a list of candidates for the position of Stadtholder have been announced. Although more people may sign up to run in the runup to the election, it is unlikely that anyone else will gain enough support for most people to care about.

The first candidate is Bastijn Groothaar. He is the current Minister of Trade, and by default also a member of the Heeren XIX (Nineteen Gentleman), one of the board members of the GWC. His official platform is the expansion of trade policies, local production, and the internationalization of the GWC. Unofficially, however, many people expect that if he were to win the race the GWC would have complete control over the government once more. Something which would undoubtedly mark the end of foreign competition within the nation. When asked, he informed reporters that by 'internationalization' he intends to establish more trade agreements with other nations, establishing branches of the GWC throughout several other countries throughout the world. Groothaar is well known thanks to his position as Minister of Trade, and has an support rating of around 23%.

The second candidate is Ubirajara Hagels. He is a relatively unknown GWC employee, who is low down in the company. He has served Minister Groothaar and the former Stadtholder on several foreign diplomatic missions in the past, but has otherwise not been involved in politics. His first language is Potiguara, making him unique amongst the candidates, who are otherwise predominantly Dutch speakers. His platform surrounds the expansion of public transportation and investments in the local economy. A relatively unknown candidate, Hagels has a support rating of around 12%.

The third candidate is Maurits Storm van Nassau-Siegen. He is a direct descendant of Johan Maurits, the man after whom the nation is named, and whose rule directly influenced much of the modern nation of Mauritsland. His platform is one of expansion, with the goal of directly reestablishing the GWC's holdings, starting initially with Amazonia and Suriname, but ideally expanding further beyond that afterwards. However, he has made it clear on several occasions that he intends to maintain a strict separation of powers between the GWC and the elected government. How he will do this when the Trade Minister is on the board of the GWC, is unknown. Maurits Storm has a support rating of around 19%. Some people have expressed concerns that Maurits Storm may seek to reestablish dynastic rule in Mauritsland if he were elected, such as was seen during the 1800's.

The fourth candidate is Karlijn van Pesch. She is the current Minister of Foreign Affairs, and current temporary Stadtholder. Although not illegal for the temporary Stadtholder to run for office, it is unusual for them to do so. Her platform is one of pan-Americanism, talks regarding the unification of Mauritsland, Amazonia, and Suriname, and the permanent dissolution of the GWC. Her campaign office has described pan-Americanism as a goal of cooperation and unity amongst all American nations, including a pan-American alliance, free trade organization, and mobility agreements. Her argument for the dissolution of the GWC is that the company has become too decadent and wealth, and that by dissolving the company into many, smaller entities, the nation will be able to better prosper, and wealth will be better redistributed. There has been some debate as to whether van Pesch is a socialist, or even possibly a communist, due to her comments about redistributing the wealth, as well as the dissolution of the GWC, the main entity (and employer) within the nation. Her support is sitting at around 25%. This is mostly owing to the longstanding movement within Mauritsland to unite with Amazonia and Suriname, something that had been attempted in the 1960's but failed due to outside factors.

The first public debate is set to take place in 1 weeks time, with all four candidates posed to compete. Some standard questions will be asked, but people are asked to submit questions to be asked during this debate in an online form, and the best ones will be chosen to be asked. These questions can be specific for one candidate, or all of them, and they can relate to a specific issue plaguing the nation, or be more general.
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Re: Dealing with a Thorn


Post by Alanston »

After the first debate, several of the former GWC holdings, including Suriname and some Caribbean islands, held referendums and joined with Mauritsland. Although official reasonings are unknown, some speculate that this is due to Maurits Storm's answer that he would use whatever means necessary to reintegrate those regions. As a result of these regions joining the nation, Maurits Storm has announced that he will no longer be running for Stadtholder, and has instead placed his support behind Ubirajara Hagels.

Following this turn of events, the second debate that took place two weeks after the first was arguably even fiercer. During the debate Bastijn Groothaar was yelled at by the crowd, accusing him of destroying the country. Meanwhile, Karlijn van Pesch is charged with being communist, especially after a copy of the communist manifesto is supposedly found amongst her belongings. Despite this, most people have little to no opinion on Ubirajara Hagels, with much of the media focuses solely on the other two candidates.

In the final days before the election Groothaar and van Pesch are each sitting at around 40% support in the polls, with Hagels sitting at less than 20% support. People are lining up to see what the outcome of the election might be, with many debating whether the nation will descend into a dictatorship run by the nation's largest company if Groothaar wins, or if it will descend into a communist dictatorship if van Pesch wins. On election night the people head out to vote, with several mostly peaceful demonstrations being carried out throughout the day.

In a surprising turn of events, Ubiragara Hagels wins the election with almost 60% of the popular vote, whilst Groothaar and van Pesch each get around 20% of the vote. One week later Hagels is sworn in as the new Stadtholder of Mauritsland. As his first actions, he fires Groothaar as trade minister and van Pesch as foreign affairs minister. In their place he appoints Maurits Storm van Nassau-Siegen as the new foreign affairs minister, and Álvaro Rezende as the new trade minister.
Moved from Statescraft to RP Archive on Mon Jul 24, 2023 1:24 am by Alanston


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