An Expansion of Trade

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An Expansion of Trade


Post by Alanston »

Early one morning Florentijn van Augusto, Stadtholder of Mauritsland, is sitting at the desk of his office in the Vrijburg Palace going over some paperwork, when there is a knock at the door. Frowning, he looks at the clock above the door - 8:31am, far too early for anyone to be disturbing him. Pressing a button on his phone, he speaks to his secretary. "Mrs Sien Wagt, why is there someone at my door?"

"Terribly sorry sir, but he insisted."

"Who did?"

"Minister Groothaar."

van Augusto sighs. "Thank you Mw Wagt." He ends the call to his secretary, before tidying up his papers briefly. "Enter." He finally announces. When Minister Bastijn Groothaar enters the room, van Augusto remains quiet until the minister takes his seat across from him. "How can I help you Minister?" van Augusto finally asks, once the trade minister has taken his seat across from him.

"Well, you see sir, I was speaking with the Heeren XIX, and we would like Mauritsland to open trade negotiations with the Malay."

"I see." van Augusto replies slowly, turning to a globe and spinning it until the South East Asian region is facing towards him. Putting a finger on the Commonwealth of Malay, he turns the globe back to Groothaar. "Notice how the Malay are here, in South East Asia? And notice this city here, Jakarta, or Batavia as it was once known?" He moves his finger to point to the former capital of the VOC. "This part of the world is under the purview of the VOC, not the GWC. Why should I permit the GWC to initiate trading relations there?"

Minister Groothaar frowns and quickly shakes his head. "You misunderstand me sir! The GWC think it would be best for Mauritsland to initiate trade relations with the Malay. We respect the authority the VOC once had in the region, but we also need to accept that the VOC are no more. So we believe that Mauritsland should step in to take their place. If we do not act, someone else will."

van Augusto nods slowly. "Minister Groothaar, you and I both know that Mauritsland opening trade relations is the same thing as the GWC opening trade relations. Our nation is strongly interconnected with the GWC, which is why you part of the Heeren XIX. Still, you do have a point about the VOC. Though I do not think that is reason enough to open trade with the Malay. Aside from gaining access to the Asian markets, and the obvious benefit the GWC would gain, why would you recommend opening trade relations with them?"

"Simple, we can help fight communism. You know as well as I that the Malay border the communist Northern Vietnamese. By establishing trade relations with the Malay, we are sending a message to the world that we are against communist dictatorships, and that we are in favour of democracy and free trade." Groothaar points to the communist states of North Vietnam as he makes his case in favour of democracy.

van Augusto is silent for a good ten minutes as he contemplates this. "Hmm... I suppose you have a fair point there. I will bring it up in the Council of Governors." He finally says, nodding reluctantly. "However I make no guarantees."

"That is all I ask. Good day, sir." Groothaar states with a smile, shaking van Augusto's hand before standing and leaving the Stadtholder's office.

Watching him leave, van Augusto shakes his head, wishing the Council of Governors had chosen a different trade minister. Perhaps one who wasn't so persuasive and ambitious.

Later that morning van Augusto brings Groothaar's proposal of trade with the Malay to the Council of Governors, who, after a brief debate, approve the proposal. However not before adding two addendums. The first is a recognition of the VOC's historic purview over the region, and an acknowledgement that the GWC will not be permitted to be directly involved in any trade deals in what is considered to be the 'East Indies', also defined as east of Cape Town and west of Hawaii, nor will the GWC be permitted to establish trading operations in that region. Despite these assurances, everyone knows that the GWC will still strongly influence Mauritsland's trade in the 'East Indies'. Regardless, van Augusto is instructed to open discussions with the Malay regarding trade relations at his earliest convenience.

The following day Stadtholder Florentijn van Augusto reaches out to the @Malaya Republic, requesting a meeting in a location of their choosing to discuss trade relations.
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Re: An Expansion of Trade


Post by Hellaskratia »

Maynilad, Malaya
12:00 PM

The entire Parliament building was in an utter upper roar as both sides of the chamber hurled various insults relating to the bill. With some saying how the bill was a completely underhanded attempt to grab power by one side, with others spouting something absolutely horrendous.

"Mr.Apuri, you will give the gentlemen the floor, do you understand me?!"
"Mr.Mondo can have the floor when he finally decides to listen to a quality argument"
"That's rich, what have you been doing this entire time besides flapping those gums of yours, Mr.Apuri?"
The reigning Statesmen ẽnfòchyẽkĩ (judge) quickly grabbed at his hammer before slamming it down. As he did, the entire chamber quickly silenced itself. "I will have order in this chamber! Now, Mr.Apuri of the People's party, and Mr.Mondo of the Kañoñ party, if neither of you can hold your tongue, I will have the guard help you do so outside of these Chambers, do I make myself clear?!" pointing his hammer at both of the Statesmen.

Reluctantly both nodded as they sat down, with their respective party members following as well.

"Now, because of how much hogwash has been thrown around in just the last hour, I will remind the distinguished representatives here today what we are discussing. The nation of Mauritsland, on the South American Continent, has extended an invitation to initiate trade with our nation. Now, this is not a complicated topic one would hope. At the very least, not enough to warrant hours of discussion!"

"Enfòchyẽkĩ, I agree with this sentiment and move for the motion to open trade to be voted on"
The Enfòchyẽkĩ looked around the chamber before saying in a bit of an exhausted tone, "Do we have anyone who would like to make one last remark, or have we finally reached a point to a vote?"

Murmurs zipped across the columns of chairs before a disjointed 'I' was said.

"All those in favor of the trade motion with the nation of Mauritsland, say yea". Around 300 or so statesmen stood up and raised their hands before sitting back down.
"All those in favor say nay" the rest of the statesmen let out a disjointed nay as the Enfòchyẽkĩ slammed the hammer down.
"With a vote of 312 yeas and 116 nays and one abstain, the motion passes. Now onto bill 15-"

Within an hour a message is sent back from the President, extending an invitation to Maynilad to discuss the opening of trade relations.
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Re: An Expansion of Trade


Post by Alanston »

van Augusto is sitting in his office with Groothaar once more, discussing the recent turn of events.

"Well, they accepted."

"I told you they would. And now Mauritsland can open trade into Asia!" Minister Groothaar exclaims.

van Augusto frowns. "I thought you said we were doing this to stop communism."

"Communism, increased trade, same thing, really. As long as the GWC-er Mauritsland, can make money off this, and we can get access to more resources, that's all that really matters."

"I'm sure. Well, I'm off to Asia. Anything in particular you want me to focus on?" van Augusto states as he glances at the clock, before standing and moving to guide Groothaar from his chambers.

"Not particularly, the Heeren XIX want to wish you a good time, and all the best with your trade relations. As for my office, I will be sending along Ubirajara Hagels as an aide during your trip. He is a bright young man, and shows much promise." Groothaar states simply, walking to the door with van Augusto.

van Augusto smiles, before opening the door and reaching to shake Groothaar's hand. "Although I doubt that he is there as just an aide, I welcome Ubirajara's presence. I'm sure he will have some insights into things to consider during our trade negotiations. Take care, and I will see you when we return."

"Of course, until your return." Groothaar states, shaking van Augusto's hand, before leaving his office.

van Augusto shakes his head, before returning to his desk to finish any last minute things that need doing. A few hours later he is at the airport, boarding a plane to Maynilad. The Malay are informed that the delegation will consist of the Stadtholder, Florentijn van Augusto, a trade representative, Ubirajara Hagels, three aides, and 4 guards.

[Feel free to skip to arrival.]
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Re: An Expansion of Trade


Post by Hellaskratia »


As the envoy arrived, a thick line of reporters right on either side of the road would take pictures, with news stations and the general public right on the sidewalks leading towards the Congressional building.

With this, the delegation would be led by a couple of aides into the Parliament building. Inside they would see various artifacts from hundreds to thousands of years ago, and paintings of both famous figures as well as historical battles. And after a few minutes, the aide would lead them into a room with an oval table, with President LaMancha and Trade Minister Diowe both standing up and bowing as they said,

"I am President LaMancha and to my side is our Trade Minister. It is an honor to have you come here to discuss trade relations between our nations"
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Re: An Expansion of Trade


Post by Alanston »

As they travel through the city, one of the aides would be discretely taking a few photos. Once they arrive they would follow the aides into the Parliament building and towards the meeting room.

A little confused by the bowing, Stadtholder van Augusto would shrug and bow awkwardly in return. After being elbowed by the Stadtholder, Ubirajara would bow as well.

"It is a pleasure to meet you President LaMancha. I am Stadtholder Florentijn van Augusto, and this is our trade representative, Ubirajara Hagels. I am pleased to be here with you today. I must say, I am impressed by the artifacts displaying the history of your nation. I believe that preserving such artifacts demonstrates a certain respect for the past."
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Re: An Expansion of Trade


Post by Hellaskratia »

Cups of Iced tea would go around the room as the President replied "Ah yes, there's actually a bit of a Malayan proverb that I like to say when it comes to our past. What was it again?"

"Oh you mean 'It is one thing to know about one's history, it is another to actually learn from it', correct sir?"

"Ah yes, thank you me dear friend" the President says as he takes a sip of tea. "Anyways, let's get down to business, Stadtholder Van Augusto. Of course, nations these days trade with one another both directly, but mostly indirectly. However as it was pointed out, neither of our nations has direct ties in terms of trade. As such, what is it exactly that your nation of Mauritsland seeks with the Commonwealth of Malaya in terms of trade?"
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Re: An Expansion of Trade


Post by Alanston »

van Augusto nods thoughtfully upon hearing the Malayan proverb, before taking a sip from his iced tea as he listens to what the President has to say.

When the President has finished, he turns to Ubirajara, "Yes, what is it that we wish to talk about in terms of trade?" He asks softly in Potiguara, which Ubirajara's mother tongue, and which would not be likely to be translated. But Ubirajara just looks at him expectantly.

Shrugging, the Stadtholder turns back to the President and smiles. "Well, it has been pointed out that Mauritsland is lacking in trade ties to Asia. Now, I know that this was something that was historically under the purview of the VOC, or the Dutch East Indies, but with them not around any more, and with Mauritsland as an independent nation, I think it would be wise if we established some trade of our own. I understand that you have a strong tech sector here? Perhaps we could arrange something..." His voice trails off as Ubirajara slides some paper in front of him. "Ah, sorry, to get started on discussing trade, I was wondering if we could discuss tariffs and the like, as well as perhaps arrange a tour of some of the tech buildings? To perhaps learn more about them." van Augusto corrects himself quickly with a brief cough, sliding the paper into his folder.
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Re: An Expansion of Trade


Post by Hellaskratia »

Both the Trade Minister and the President gave each other a confused as neither understood nor could hear very well what they said. But as the Stadholder looked back and spoke, the Trade minister quickly got out a notepad, with the President fully focused on Von Augusto.

"Ah yes, I'm glad our technology reputation has not gone unnoticed. But in terms of trade, we can certainly look to lower tariffs between our two nations, allowing free commerce to flow more freely...", the trade minister tapped the President's shoe underneath the table.

The President would look at the Trade minister before leaning in and muttering in Riktan, "Are we all set?"

The Trade Minister would give off a smile, and for those paying close enough attention, there was a hint of anxiety behind as he whispered back in Riktan, "Code TS2"

The President nodded as the Trade Minister left the room, "I am sorry for my Trade Minister's sudden leave, there was a family emergency he had to attend to. Anyways, tariffs are always something we are willing to discuss, even perhaps a free trade agreement. And also-" and aide quickly walked into the room before bowing towards the President while handing him a somewhat thin file. "And a tour can be arranged depending on if you wanted to visit something like Ròno Pẽmo(combo of Dell and Microsoft) or sùprò̃mùñò̃r (Apple/Samsung equivalent). Of course, those are some of the bigger ones."

As the Trade Minister leaves the building, he quickly starts making a few calls.
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Re: An Expansion of Trade


Post by Alanston »

van Augusto smiles understandably as the Trade Minister stands and leaves the room. "Of course, I understand completely. I think a free trade agreement..." His voice trails off as Ubirajara begins whispering fiercely into his ear. Coughing, he continues. "Would likely not work the best for us, but we are open to discussing the reduction of tariffs, to a certain degree. We would be willing to discuss the reduction of tariffs on manufactured goods imported into Mauritsland, in exchange for you reducing potential tariffs on our agricultural goods imported into the Malay Commonwealth. Perhaps we could also agree on a common standard for agricultural produce? To that end, I have brought along several documents outlining our current agricultural standards and products, for you to look over." van Augusto opens his folder, carefully ensuring the note stays hidden, before pulling out several documents and handing them over to President LaMancha.

""As for the tour, I would appreciate it if you could arrange one for us tomorrow? Perhaps those companies you mentioned would be acceptable to visit? I know we would also love to see your city. Perhaps you could arrange for us to see some of the sights as well?"
Agricultural products:
  • cashew nuts
  • cocoa
  • sugar cane
  • cotton
  • tropical fruits
  • coffee
  • vegetables

[Agricultural standards are equivalent to IRL EU standards]
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Re: An Expansion of Trade


Post by Hellaskratia »

As the President put on his glasses and started to mumble as he read the documents, he quickly pulled out a couple of papers from his own file. The papers themselves went over a summarized version of Malayan manufactured goods, as well as a certain list of goods of interest: Computer hardware, electronic devices, medical equipment, machinery

After a few minutes, President LaMancha would look up and say "These procederes are quiet detailed, but I can't see any reason why our nations can't establish a common standard for our agrilculture standards, we'd just have to account for different terrains and such. As for a tour, that can be arranged for tomorrow. With that in mind, we'll probably have the Trade Minister be your tourguide for the majority of that, as he's been in that type of industry before. And don't worry, you'll be able to see plenty of sites along the way"
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Re: An Expansion of Trade


Post by Alanston »

van Augusto smiles upon hearing the President say so. "Excellent! I was hoping we could find an arrangement that worked for both of us. As for terrains, that is not a problem, so long as the base standards are met. We both know there are differences in procedures and the like, depending on the terrain. But the important thing is that they are up to a high standard. I don't want to be importing foods from your nation, only to find out that the water being used was contaminated, or that sort of thing.

"I am looking forward to the tour tomorrow. And perhaps this evening we might sample some local cuisine? We could then sign off on the trade agreements, and anything else you wish to discuss the day after tomorrow then? Or as we say in Dutch, overmorgen."
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