Operation Krakatoa

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Operation Krakatoa


Post by Alanston »

After observing certain seismic data in a region that rarely ever sees earthquakes, Defense Minister Damarwulan reaches out to the @Atomic Alliance via secure channels to request a meeting to discuss their recent earthquake near Lake Athabasca.
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Re: Operation Krakatoa


Post by English Channel Union »

The Atomic Allied Command will relay a message back via secure communication, accepting a meeting with the delegation and extending an invite to the city of Saskatoon at the Ministry of Atomic Research, they will meet with Captain Pierre and Defense Minister Pearson.
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Re: Operation Krakatoa


Post by Alanston »

Minister Damarwulan would accept the invitation and board a flight to Saskatoon.
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Re: Operation Krakatoa


Post by English Channel Union »

Once Minister Damarwulan arrives in Saskatoon he will be greeted by a single Security Officer who was waiting at the gate for him. Once they make contact the Officer will provide the delegate with an iPhone shaped device that withholds his Delegate ID and Security Passes during his stay in the Alliance.

Welcome Minister, the delegation is anticipating your arrival at our ministry, please follow me to your vehicle and if you have any questions please ask away.

If there are no questions for the Officer, he will escort the Minister to the vehicle and the Atomic Ministry where the delegation is awaiting just inside the lobby.
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Re: Operation Krakatoa


Post by Alanston »

Damarwulan would follow the security officer to the vehicle, where he would observe the vastly different landscape and buildings, before following the officer into the Atomic Ministry.
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Re: Operation Krakatoa


Post by English Channel Union »

Once the Minister enters the Atomic Ministry Captain Pierre and Defense Minister Pearson will be awaiting directly in front of a large golden atom with two stairways that wrap around it and lead into the Reception Hall.

Welcome, Minister
Pearson states with a gleeful voice, approaching Damarwulan
Pearson will reach her hand out, handing Damarwulan a pin of an Atom
A Gift from the Alliance to yourself Minister, I am sure you have some pressing questions so please follow me and if you have anything you would like to know about the building or our alliance on the way, just ask.

Captain Pierre will be standing behind Pearson during the introduction, once the Minister leads the foreign delegate away the Captain will dismiss the officer and quickly follow behind. During the walk to the minister's office they will pass a portrait of the General Secretary(L), Commandant(C), and herself(R) the Defence Minister who will be situated behind the Reception Desk, Maps, and other paintings would be seen in the hallways leading to the Office, these paintings mainly depict past Canadian Battles from all provinces. Once they reach her office, Pearson will open the door allowing Damarwulan to enter first.

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Re: Operation Krakatoa


Post by Alanston »

Damarwulan smiles, bowing respectfully, as is the culture in Majapahit. "Thank you, I am pleased to be here. This is a wonderful pin, I appreciate the gift. I believe my government may be interested in the nature of your alliance, especially with regards to their views on international relations?"

As they walk along, he would take time to admire the photos, as well as the various paintings. Once or twice he would ask about key battles depicted by the paintings. When they get to to the office, he would nod his head in thanks, before entering ahead of Pearson.

[If you follow the same history, these would be paintings of the Red River Rebellion and North West Rebellion, or their equivalents for whatever your history is.]
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Re: Operation Krakatoa


Post by English Channel Union »

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Pierre will close the door, remaining outside
International Relations? Our Alliance seeks to form as many International Relationships with fellow democratic institutions worldwide, our primary goal in these relationships is to seek closer economic cooperation along with education and defense through large events. Major research projects, Joint Operations, and overall the ability for our people to travel more freely in our democratic institutions when compared to other regimes worldwide that may not preserve the same values. I hope I am right in presuming you are visiting our alliance today to discuss some form of cooperation with our militaries.
Pearson will take her seat, not behind her desk but rather in front of the window with another to its right and a coffee table in front facing the window
Would you like anything to drink, Water? Tea or Coffee?
Pearson will begin to pour a cup of Green Tea for herself, which was pre-made in her office
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Re: Operation Krakatoa


Post by Alanston »

Damarwulan would take a seat in the opposite chair. "Some green tea, please. Yes, today's visit has to do with cooperation with our militaries, specifically with regards to major research projects, and hopefully some joint operations."
He would then pull out his cell phone, and turn it off, before setting it on the coffee table.
"If I may be candid with you, it has come to my government's attention that you have recently tested a nuclear weapon. That or you suffered an unfortunate earthquake in an unusual location. Going with the presumption that it was a nuclear test, I have been requested to arrange this meeting today. As you know, Majapahit is a strong nation that sits at a major crossroads in Asia. Several of our neighbours are nuclear powers, including the Feng Empire and the unstable Tamil Trifecta. To this extent, it is in the best interest of my government to develop our own nuclear program, in order to provide better defensive capabilities. We also believe that having our own nuclear weapons would, due to their nature, serve as a deterrent against the aforementioned powers.

"I have come to your nation, as I hope to discuss the potential for developing a joint program, one where Atomic and Nusantaran scientists work together to develop nuclear weapons, and where Majapahit is able to procure a steady supply of weapons grade uranium for our own use in regards to weaponry. We are currently conducting exploratory operations to determine if there are any uranium reserves in our nation, but we are not certain how much there is at this time. Thus my visit to the Alliance today. My government is willing to sign a non-aggression pact, and to pay handsomely for this arrangement.

"However, I must stress the importance of keeping any arrangements we make confidential."

[He is actually turning his phone off, not trying to make any recordings or anything.]
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Re: Operation Krakatoa


Post by English Channel Union »

Pearson would pour a cup of Green Tea for Damarwulan, once he turns his phone off she would become very intrigued for what would follow. Once listening to his statement she would provide a little chuckle for “That or you suffered an unfortunate earthquake in an unusual location” before providing her response with a smile

Well, I believe your assumptions may be accurate when comparing to historical seismic data, the Council would be glad to hear another nation has adopted a doctrine that is similar to our own, the Atom is the ultimate protector of Democracy and we are consistently open to assisting other democracies in establishing their defensive capabilities.
Pearson will stand and approach her desk, grabbing some files and then returning to Damarwulan
In regards to supplying weapons grade Uranium we can provide anywhere from 75-90% U235, we can produce 80-95% Pu239 but this will cost less since the process occurs in our reactors more often, depending on your intended yield I’m sure we can arrange a sale between the commission and your government, confidentially of course.
Pearson will place one file onto the table, beginning her next statement
In regards to a joint research venture the Atomic Ministry would be interested in such an agreement, the Alliance could send some engineers and scientists to liaison with yours and your nation does the same, with this in mind we will have to establish an encrypted communication method so our two teams can continue to communicate during the development. Naturally I believe this would warrant a Non Aggression Pact, I don’t believe there will ever be a need for our nations to face each other as we are both fighting for the same thing, a safe world for democracies.
Last edited by English Channel Union on Thu Mar 09, 2023 12:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Operation Krakatoa


Post by Alanston »

Damarwulan nods. "I am pleased to hear that you would be interested in the proposed agreement. I agree that an encrypted communications method would be best to coordinate development. We are currently constructing several research facilities, one of which is for nuclear research, and I am certain that we would be more than happy to facilitate Alliance engineers and scientists once it is complete. Similarly, sending our own engineers and scientists to the Alliance would not be a problem either." He pauses to think for a moment, before continuing. "I think that the slightly lower grade uranium would potentially work better to start with, but we can always look into the higher grades in the future, if needed. Are there any other terms you wish to discuss, or shall we draw up an agreement?"
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Re: Operation Krakatoa


Post by English Channel Union »

Yes, First in regards the use of any Atomic Uranium or Plutonium within a design that has the capability of detonating in a chain reaction through the use of sustained fission or fusion shall not be used against any democratic state unless the aforementioned state has utilized Uranium or Plutonium based weapons in a first strike manner. Second, the Exportation of WGU/WGP will halt if the purchasing state attacks a non-hostile democratic state.
Pearson will place the shortlist in front of Damarwulan
We don't have many demands, we support Majapahit's right to defend itself in an atomic environment, I do not even believe those terms need to be said as I have not heard any authoritarian traits about your state and believe we will sustain a comfortable relationship into the future. These terms will be included in a separate agreement from the Non-Aggression pact but reference this agreement so we may keep this between our states, in regards to you developing a Facility our engineers could assist in its construction and send our scientists later, many have been involved with the construction of Atomic Reactors/Refineries, some have worked in our mines and research ministries. Once you have a facility completed, I will have a team of leading Atomic Scientists attend your state with some documents enclosed on an encrypted device for our research.
Pausing for a moment, Pearson will her tablet to check the information
For the enrichment, U235 would cost 90$/SWU, based on our system (uxc.com) with a Feed Assay from Natural Uranium at 0.711, Tails Assay of 0.25 (U235 Lost in UF6 Gas) and Product Assay of 75 (U235 left in UF6 Recovery), Uranium is selling at 51$/lb and costs 172$/KgU of UF6 and a conversion cost of 39.50$/KgU UF6, this would total 41,841$/KgU of 75% EUP.
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Re: Operation Krakatoa


Post by Alanston »

"What if the nuclear weapon is used in a preemptive strike against a non-democratic state? Such as the Tamil Trifecta. I ask as their actions have a history of being somewhat... Erratic at times. Beyond that, I find the rest of the terms agreeable. Where would testing for our nuclear devices take place?"
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Re: Operation Krakatoa


Post by English Channel Union »

Yes, strikes against Non-Democratic states would not violate our agreement, states that fail to establish democratic institutions and respect the rights of their people including the existence of other democratic states are deemed as undemocratic and do not fit into our society therefore action must be taken to bring freedom to its people.

Currently, as I am sure you are aware we have a facility that can monitor the data produced from these devices, however as we expand our research our alliance seeks a more remote location, if you have one in mind that is completely/nearly isolated from society, we can share the cost of drilling and supplies to create the testing location so that we may both utilize it.
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Re: Operation Krakatoa


Post by Alanston »

"Excellent. We would only use it as a last resort, or if it was needed to protect democracy, naturally.

"Due to the nature of our nation, and our location in the Ring of Fire, the only locations we could propose are on various smaller islands. Which, as I'm sure you can understand, would not be ideal for nuclear tests. We can, of course, help offset any costs you might incur by testing the weapons here in North America."
Moved from Statescraft to RP Archive on Mon Jul 24, 2023 1:18 am by Alanston


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