Coming Back Again

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Kingdom of Ireland
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Coming Back Again


Post by Kingdom of Ireland »

The Republic of South Africa requests a meeting with the government of Namibia. A reason is not given.
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Re: Coming Back Again


Post by Alanston »

Chancellor Wilhelm von Lettow-Vorbeck of Südwestafrika, agrees to the meeting on the condition that the South African President, Marthinus van Schalkwyk, travel to Windhoek to speak with the Chancellor in person.
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Re: Coming Back Again


Post by Kingdom of Ireland »

State President van Schalkwyk readily makes the journey to Windhoek in order to meet the Chancellor.
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Re: Coming Back Again


Post by Alanston »

[skip to meeting]

President van Schalkwyk would be taken to the Chancellor's private office upon his arrival in Windhoek. There, Chancellor von Lettow-Vorbeck would personally greet the President. "Guten Tag! Welcome to Windhoek, my friend. Please, sit. I am pleased that you agreed to come here today. I understand that you wish to meet with me, this wouldn't be about those pesky Zulu again, would it?" The Chancellor would take one of the seats in the lavish office, gesturing to another seat for van Schalkwyk. There would be some German beers sitting on a nearby table, with several glasses, along with some water and Austrian wine.
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Re: Coming Back Again


Post by Kingdom of Ireland »

Van Schalkwyk takes the opportunity to pour himself a glass of wine, before sitting down. At the mention of the Zulu, he chuckles.
"No, Chancellor. Thankfully they have been keeping to their own. Today, I want to discuss a much more interesting matter, the matter of our mutual futures."
Van Schalkwyk takes a sip of his wine, then sets it down.
"I am sure you are facing issues continuing to govern under the current system. Do not mistake my intention, I of course readily support Southwest Africa's goals of maintaining one of the few civilized nations on this continent. However, I am sure the issue of manpower and funds have become increasingly tight over the past few decades. Since the end of the Cold War, we have both seen an increasing shunning from the rest of the civilized world for our goals of maintain a western standard of society. Of course, in the past half century we have both seen an increase in the ease of access to modern weaponry by those who would wish to undermine our goals. I've been informed the cost of purchasing AK-pattern rifles for so called "freedom fighters" is astoundingly cheap. I am also sure that the realities of the situation have not been lost on the civilized population of Southwest Africa. Both the concerns over the uncivilized people within your borders, as well as hostility from the other uncivilized places nearby, particularly the Bantu to your north. Should Southwest Africa have access to the support of South Africa, I suspect all of these issues would rapidly diminish. The border would easily be covered, your people would be more secure and also have access to a larger array of goods and economic possibility."
Van Schalkwyk stops to take another sip of his wine, before continuing.
"I am sure you can understand what I am leading towards at this point."
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Re: Coming Back Again


Post by Alanston »

Von Lettow-Vorbeck, drinking German beer himself, would nod as van Schalkwyk explains the situation. "I believe I get the gist of it. We have noticed some... concerning tendencies amoungst our uncivilized populations, though we had believed it was nothing more than some insurgents from across the border. This information makes me realize that it is perhaps much more then that. What sort of support are you offering? If our way of life is to continue, then I do agree that we must work together. For, indeed, we are the ones who are responsible for upholding civilized culture on this continent."
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Re: Coming Back Again


Post by Kingdom of Ireland »

"I wish to see our lands politically unified. Of course, this is a concern which I could not fathom you have the capacity to agree to immediately. I wished to bring this up in a private meeting to discuss what you perceive the possibility of such a unification being, in any sort of form. Should you, your government and your citizens be determined to have an interest in such a mutually beneficial prospect, we can begin to determine the specifics of what such a union may look like."
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Re: Coming Back Again


Post by Alanston »

Von Lettow-Vorbeck pauses to think for a few minutes, before responding. "As you said, this is not something one should agree to right away. However, I am willing to consider the possibility. We are, after all, like minded nations who must stick together. What did you have in mind for the terms of this agreement? Let us start there, and then proceed with the negotiations."
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Re: Coming Back Again


Post by Kingdom of Ireland »

"Due to the population, all of Southwest Africa would be incorporated as one province within the Republic. All of those who are currently citizens within Southwest Africa would of course have that citizenship transferred into South African citizenship, and those who do not would retain their... certain status. The Southwest African military would be incorporated into the South African Military, alongside the Southwest African military enlisted & officer corps. Culturally, such an influx of German speakers would undoubtedly result in German becoming a national language to reflect another large group of the civilized peoples of the nation. The current Southwest African Government would most likely be simply shifted down into a subnational government with a new election held for national representation in the Senate and National Assembly. Additionally, I suspect a man such as yourself would easily be able to gain enough... political clout to attain the position of Prime Minister in the Assembly."
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Factbook: viewtopic.php?p=2729#p2729

Re: Coming Back Again


Post by Alanston »

"Hmm, and German would become a national language? As long as those who do not have citizenship retain their current status, and our laws implying such are respected, I believe I could agree to such an agreement. I would, naturally, have to run it through parliament first, of course. Would you be willing to expand your national rail network to connect with ours, and in turn improve the light rail network here in Windhoek?"
Moved from Statescraft to RP Archive on Mon Jul 24, 2023 1:20 am by Alanston


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