[Event Branch] Caribbean Migrants

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[Event Branch] Caribbean Migrants


Post by Alanston »

San Romolo wrote: Sun Mar 26, 2023 8:32 pm The Sanromolese Government would take a collective sigh of relief, despite the Economic slowdown the Republic avoided a repeat of the dreaded 85 Crash the worst crisis in Sanromolese history.

However not all was well given the mass of migrants that were reaching the shores of San Romolo , especially those of the Fiorita Peninsula. Already the more right-wing parties were calling for tightening immigration and to grant more extensive powers to the Coast Guard, the most vocal of these being the Fratellanza Imperiale Patriottica a far right monarchist organisation.

The government had a difficult task in front of it....

(I will make a separate Topic in which San Romolo shall handle to Immigration Crisis)
With the economic situation in the Caribbean increasing, more immigrants would continue to attempt to enter the nation. The regional government of the Bahamas would do nothing to stop them, with Nassau quickly becoming a hub of migration.
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Re: [Event Branch] Caribbean Migrants


Post by Grand Serene Republic »

Various hotspots are opened in various coastal cities of San Romolo, with the major exception of Nea Zena, in those structure first aid would be delivered to the migrants as well a thorough catalogation and registration process. A tiered system is established in which priority is given to the educated, the young, and families with children under the age of 14.

This privileged categories would have easier acces to San Romolo, still they still have to go under the long assimilation process to make sure that they learn and adopt both the San Romolese language and most importantly values.

For this reason special education facilities are created inside the hotspots as well special sections of the Ministry of Labour.

For young uneducated men a particular offer is also made: service in the military for faster qnd guaranteed entry and eventually citizenship for them and their close family.

Despite the titanic effort of the government the far right Fratellanza Imperiale Patriottica ramps up the anti-migrant rethoric to build consensus in the populace, only time will tell if they succeed.

Meanwhile the Foreign Minister of the Republic would contact the Caribbean Federation
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Re: [Event Branch] Caribbean Migrants


Post by Alanston »

Most of the migrants would go accept the first aid, and agree to go through the tiered registration process. Many families and young children would manipulate the system to ensure they received a favourable outcome, especially with regards to receiving access to education and other benefits found in San Romolo. They would have no qualms about learning the language or national values.

Many of the young men would agree to the offer for service in the military, and head to recruitment centres to join up.

Once the Fratellanza Imeriale Patriottica ramps up their anti-migrant rethoric, however, several protests would arise amongst the migrant communities, believing that San Romolo does not want them. A couple of these protests would turn violent, with a few shops being looted and smashed.

Caribbean Minister of Foreign Affairs, Easton Taylor-Farrell, would respond to the communique, offering to come to San Romolo for the meeting. Meanwhile, he would prepare to bring his entire family with him.
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Re: [Event Branch] Caribbean Migrants


Post by Grand Serene Republic »

All the various migrants that complete registration process would then be redistributed on the entirety of the National territory.

Various NGOs would also offer their aid to the migrants, chief among them is San Giacomo Assistenza per i Migranti (Saint James Aid for Migrants), an NGO founded by San Giacomo's Mayor Hartman. The SGAM would especially focus on legal assistance to the migrants.

Meanwhile the Police would do it's best to minimise the damage made by the looters and arrest them, trying to single them out from the peaceful protesters.

Meanwhile the FIP would see a slightly increase in consensus in the more conservative areas, although,unbeknownst to anyone outside the party , a shadow war for leadership is happening between the openly racist and esoteric Gregorio Meyer and the more pragmatic and Catholic Giorgio Missini
Foreign Minister Easton Taylor-Farrel would be invited to a meeting in Tegesta (IRL Miami), the matter of the meeting being the "Stability and Prosperity of the Caribbeans"
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Re: [Event Branch] Caribbean Migrants


Post by Alanston »

The migrants would appreciate the assistance, utilizing it to the best of their ability. Though they would begin demanding jobs and financial aid, seeing as those are the reasons they came to San Romolo in the first place.

It is highly likely that several of the peaceful protestors would also be arrested, which would sour relations between them. Meanwhile the peaceful protests continue, with many of the migrants actively questioning whether they are even valued in San Romolo.

Minister Taylor-Farrel would board a plane to Tegesta, intent on hearing what the San Romolese have to say. [Feel free to skip to meeting]
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Re: [Event Branch] Caribbean Migrants


Post by Grand Serene Republic »

The Ministry of Labour would direct the migrants to the Employment Offices were they would be helped in searching for a job, meanwhile alongside the Government various NGOs would offer financial aid to the migrants.

Hernando Flores-Spinola , a wealthy banker living in Fiorita, would open up a bank which main purpose is to help the migrants: The Charitable Bank of Fiorita (La Caritatevole Banca di Fiorita). This bank would offer various services to the migrants mainly very low interests loans and also basic course in personal financing.

Foreign Minister Roatta, back from his meeting with the Californians, says to Taylor-Farrel

"Mister Taylor-Farrel, i shall be quite frank with you: my government wants to bail out the Caribbean Confederation; the price being the integration into the Republic of San Romolo. I invite you to ponder on such an offer"
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Re: [Event Branch] Caribbean Migrants


Post by Alanston »

Many of the migrants would work hard to take whatever jobs are offered, though some display disgust at taking more menial labour jobs, wanting jobs that require higher education (many of the migrants do not have the education necessary).

Many migrants would begin utilizing the new banking service, though some would be scared of the bank crashing again. This causes many to open an account, and then withdraw all the money as cash, with them using only cash to make their day to day purchases.

Taylor-Farrel's entire family, who were on the plane, would disembark once the minister is at the meeting, attempting to leave the airport to migrate into San Romolo.

At the meeting, Taylor-Farrel takes some time to think about the offer, before responding. "I see. This offer has some merit, I will give you that. However the Caribbean Confederation is a very diverse nation, comprised of various different people groups. Not to mention that some of the islands have full autonomy, such as the Bahamas, the ABC islands in the south, and Puerto Rico. Those regions would have to vote separately on integration. However, there are some obvious benefits to joining. Tell me, aside from being bailed out, what would we gain from joining San Romolo? What would joining do for us?"

[The capital of the Caribbean Confederation is Santo Domingo]
Moved from Statescraft to RP Archive on Mon Jul 24, 2023 1:15 am by Alanston


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