Hey... what's going on here?

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Hey... what's going on here?


Post by English Channel Union »

Recently, if the Government of Alberta was diligently watching their international entries, they would see an increase of Atomic Citizens visiting northern remote airports, many of these new citizens would be claiming they just wish to explore "Other northern regions of this beautiful continent", all their documentation would be legitimate. However, increasing numbers, 1 for every group arriving would have Non-Atomic citizens entering these groups, many with passports of other North American countries or European counties, using the same reasoning as the others. Finally, One in every 3rd arriving group would have individuals holding Albertan Passports, at the Primary Inspection Line they would appear confident and state they are arriving home from visiting friends/family/tourism, and they would have their passports ready along with declaration cards.
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Re: Hey... what's going on here?


Post by Alanston »

Noting a clear increase in the arrival of Atomic citizens, the border guards at these airport would subsequently increase surveillance of these arrivals, with many being pulled aside for 'random' security checks. These would result in lengthy wait times in holding rooms, with some occasionally being sent home for various (often contrived) reasons. Those with international passports, provided they are not in large numbers, would not encounter the same issues. Some international passport holders from Europe would face a few rude comments, and each of them would be required to show proof of a return flight out of Alberta before being allowed into the country.

Those arriving with Albertan passports and IDs would find themselves facing increased scrutiny. First, their passport and ID numbers, along with their names and photographs, would be checked against the Albertan database. Finding that their numbers do not exist in the database, they would find themselves quickly facing arrest for using forged documents.
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Re: Hey... what's going on here?


Post by English Channel Union »

After some time the Albertan Database would log each of the Atomic Citizens who entered the country to leave at some time within their tourist stay, either back to the Alliance or to other surrounding nations. However, alarmingly 8 of the Foreign Citizens who entered the country for Touism were never documented departing the country at any authorized border, they would not be spotted in any major cities or towns that would have CCTV and if Alberta was to contact the nations of these 8 Passport holders they would learn that their passport No. does not exist.

Those who had Albertan Passports would plea stating there was a man at the airport who was selling these for a "Better Life", they are all acting extremely scared and nervous now. However, one would have an ID contravening the Albertan which belonged to an Atomic Citizen "Alex Murphy" age 25, and a phone number written on the back of it "519-555-5199". No other IDs would be found
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Re: Hey... what's going on here?


Post by Alanston »

With 8 'tourists' reported as missing, the government would immediately being a phased search for the citizens. The first phase would include sending police to the cities where these people had landed, and speaking with all car rental companies within the cities. They would then pursue any leads provided, chasing down the missing rental cars. If that failed, the second phase would be to send alert notifications to all Albertan citizens, providing photos of the 8 'tourists' and requesting anyone with information to contact police, under this phase the photos would also be circulated on the television. Banks would also be contacted with photos, and if any of these 8 people's faces showed up on ATM cameras, police would be immediately dispatched to arrest them. Border crossings would also be watched, and if any of them came near the border crossings, they would be arrested. The same goes for airports (big or small) throughout Alberta.

The man with the contravening ID would be sent on a plane back to the Atomic Alliance. The remaining people would be split into various groups. Some would be asked (separately) which airport this man was located in, and why they bought the passports from him. They would also be asked what they were so scared of, and what sort of 'better life' they were seeking. One or two of them would be asked to describe this man while sketch artists drew pictures. Others would be told that their friends had ratted them out, and that they were going to be in worse trouble if they didn't confess now. Another three would be questioned as if the officers didn't believe their story. A final one of them would be handed a (monitored, but unknowingly) cell phone.


One of the officers would call the number listed, seeing who answered the phone.
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Re: Hey... what's going on here?


Post by English Channel Union »

In the first phase, they would discover that one of the tourists would have rented a Box Truck from something similar to uHaul at the closest location to the Airport, however, the staff would inform them that the GPS has not moved since they first stopped after renting it, this would be located just outside Fort Mckay. The payment used was a Visa with a name contravening the passport issued by the Atomic Alliance. the remaining 7 would have boarded a bus with cash.

During the Second Phase, some would report sitings of individuals who match the photos, however, these sightings are only ever "Walking on the street" or "Sitting in a Pub/Restaurant" but once the Police Arrive they would no longer be the location. None would enter government buildings or banks at any time and would avoid cities with extensive CCTV/Outside Connections. However, once it is broadcasted on TV suddenly the Albertan Reporting Centres would be flooded by hundreds of bot calls from various numbers.

None would reappear at any borders.

Once the man is on a plane back to the Atomic Alliance and lands he will be greeted by Atomic Security Forces who will place him in cuffs in front of any escorting Albertan Officials, stating he is under investigation for the legitimacy of his Atomic Citizenship. The remaining would state that they spotted this individual in Saskatoon, Regina, Winnipeg, and Toronto and they purchased the passports so they could seek a better life in Alberta, stating they are scared the officers will punish them and the "Better Life" is Financial Stability and a Loving Community. They would describe the person as a White Male, 6 Foot, Black Trenchcoat, and a Black Briefcase wearing a Black Fedora.

Two persons who were told their friends had ratted on them simply begin to cry uncontrollably and state they were sent to smuggle narcotics. However, their luggage would have no indication of controlled substances.

When the officer calls the number written on the back of an ID, a woman will answer who sounds like she has been crying
Alex!? Is that you? Is everything ok?
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Re: Hey... what's going on here?


Post by Alanston »

Police would immediately be dispatched to the location of the GPS for the box truck. Once there, they would secure the truck and scour it for clues. The visa company to which the card belongs to could also be contacted by police. With the company informed that the card holder is involved in a federal crime, and being requested to have over the personal information for the card holder - an official court order would be provided to the company to this extent. The Atomic Alliance would also be contacted via official diplomatic channels and all information pertaining to this individual would be requested.

As there are CCTV cameras at the various bus terminals throughout the country, the 7 who boarded busses would be tracked from their departure to their destination cities/towns. When these locations are found, check stops would promptly be established at the entrances and exits of the towns, with police checking all entering and exiting vehicles.

In the cities and towns where sightings of the individuals would be reported police would establish checkpoints in and out of the cities, with all cars being searched for photos matching these individuals. Inside the cities, police would begin random patrols on the streets, checking IDs randomly and keeping keen eyes out for the missing people. If they are spotted, they would be arrested on sight. Using the CCTV of the various restaurants/pubs, along with traffic cameras, they would further track these people down.

The bot calls coming from outside the country would have a difficult time getting through, due to spam filters on the police networks. The few that do make it through would be tracked back to their origin, before the numbers would be reported for spam.

The men being questioned would then be asked if they had any proof of residency for the Alliance. The guards would make notes about this man in a black trench coat and fedora, sending them to the Alliance, along with a list of cities he had been spotted in.

The two men who state they were sent to smuggle narcotics would be arrested on the spot and charged with intent to smuggle, and given the option between 8 year sentences in jail without possibility of parole, or being sent back to the Alliance. Their luggage would be returned to the Alliance regardless, alongside their photographs.

"Hello ma'am? This is Officer Notley. Alex is unavailable at the moment. May I ask you some questions about him please?"
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Re: Hey... what's going on here?


Post by English Channel Union »

Once arriving the truck would now be empty but clear markings of barrels would be seen from where they were sitting, and no fingerprints or DNA would be present in the vehicle. VISA would provide the client's information as "Benjamin Alter" DOB: 1990-01-01, Born Toronto General Hospital (If you want more lmk), when relayed to the Atomic Alliance they would inform the Albertan Government their Criminal Database does not have a record of this individual.

These other 4 taking a bus would be seen arriving at High-Level Alberta, CCTV at this station would show these individuals quickly separating onto different streets, not speaking with each other at all, each would rush out of the sight of CCTV and make their way out of the town via Hitchhiking with truckers claiming to be Oil Workers, this would be prior to the expiration of their Tourist Visa (They chose the longest legal option) and by the time the Albertan Government would notice their failure to departure these 4 individuals would have made their way to extremely remote locations in Northern Alberta living with persons who do not have access to society on an easy basis mostly keeping to themselves and covering their faces during expeditions.

The remaining 3 would have been seen on CCTV arriving in Fort McKay and hitching with oil truckers in the region into more remote cities without CCTV.

Due to the previous information, some callers would begin to inform the Albertan Government (Truckers) that they saw one person matching the photo heading towards Chipewyan Lake, and another would report a sighting at Fox Lake.

The Cities and Towns would show no positive sightings (Excl. Airport and Bus City) as they are not in these large areas anymore.

Bot Call locations would show from Atomic Alliance, Albertan, Great Lakes, and Salish numbers (All purchased through apps with pre-paid visas)

Those who informed the Albertan Government about the Trench Coat would claim they are not Atomic Citizens but rather from Europe (Various Poor Countries) but they are good Blue Collar Workers and thought the Albertan Oil Fields would be a good fit for them.

Those who admitted to smuggling would immediately stop crying once the cuffs are applied and go silent, no drugs are found in any luggage or person. If questioned again, they would insist they were told their suitcase was lined with cocaine. No other ID would be found on these persons.

Oh Fuc.... BANG
Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt... Beep Beep Beep.

The line is disconnected.
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Re: Hey... what's going on here?


Post by Alanston »

The truck would be impounded as part of an ongoing investigation. The visa company would be thanked for their help, and the customers information would be recorded. Officials would request that the Atomic Alliance send officers to his home address as part of the ongoing investigation [presuming they also included his home address].

One of the 4 in High Level would not be picked up by any truck drivers, but would be picked up by a Catholic priest on his way to Fort Vermilion, where the man would be offered a place to stay with the priest, and a job as a janitor.

With police unable to find anyone in High Level [it's got a population of ~4,000, it wouldn't take long to scour the community], they would spread out and search nearby communities, but ultimately would not find any evidence of the missing people, due to how far they had travelled.

Fort McKay, being centred in the oil community, would be full of CCTV and government surveillance everywhere, with the truckers refusing to pick up hitchhikers due to the increased government surveillance over what is seen as the primary Albertan resource. [Truck drivers in the area have security cameras in their trucks and regularly face random inspections.] However the 3 people would be able to find some local people willing to take them to either Fort Chipewyan (1), or Fort McMurray (2). From Fort McMurray the two people could find drivers willing to take them to Lac La Biche and Wandering River. From Fort Chipewyan the man (if he took initiative) would be able to buy a cheap used car and drive further north to Fitzgerald, just near on the border with the United Council of Inuit Peoples (NWT).

Police would dispatch small planes to the remote communities to investigate the sightings.

The Albertan numbers would be tracked down, whilst the others would be blocked. Once the Albertan numbers are traced, they would be shut down and stopped. Any robot calling agencies in Alberta would find themselves promptly raided and shut down by police.

The guards state that they can not just allow people to enter because of what they claim. However they offer to write down their information and make note of it. That said, they inform the people that there is no choice but to send them back to their countries of origin. The people would be, however, given information on how to apply as immigrant workers, once they return to their home countries. Tickets would be secured, and the people would be kept in holding cells for the night, before being placed on planes back to their home countries the following day.

With the smugglers no longer talking, they are 'charged' with smuggling and sent to a court house, where a judge would find them guilty and sentence them to 8 years in prison. From there they would be taken to the Drumheller correctional facility. There would be no jury, and the two men would not be given lawyers.

Following the reaction of the woman on the line, Officer Notley would look up the area code, before phoning the local police service in London ON, and sharing the information she had on Alex Murphy. She would ask police officers to check on the home in question. If Alex is located in a different city or town in the 519 area code region, she would call their police station instead, and ask the same questions.
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Re: Hey... what's going on here?


Post by English Channel Union »

Upon investigation by Atomic Authorities they would report back to Alberta that the address belonged to a condemned two-story dwelling and had no indications of inhabitants, city records show the property was last owned by Ellies Nail Service.

The one picked up by a priest and offered a job and housing would agree, indicating to the priest he is happy to start work. Once this individual starts his job he will never complain or argue with the priest and refrain from discussing his "Business" with him. He will, however, start by engaging all the patrons in the church very kindly and learning who they are, he will always avoid causing any level of disturbance to the patrons. The remaining 3 will seek other methods to travel into more rural/remote regions, by either purchasing a car or snowmobile

One in McKay would accept the ride to Chipewyan, once in the area, he would obtain survival gear by either buying it from a store or a person, during these interactions he would be wearing a scarf covering his facial details. He would also make an effort to approach residents who had a vehicle for sale and make an offer in cash, this would, of course, involve some bargaining as all sales do but ultimately he will not push the possible seller too far.

The other two would turn down the offer to McMurray but thank the drivers anyways, since they cannot obtain a ride elsewhere they will search the region for a vehicle they could purchase in cash, and if possible they will make this deal and drive towards Chipewyan Lake

During the aircraft searches, not many indications of the tourists would directly show. However, when passing over some areas South-East of Zama City, North of Rainbow Lake, East of Slavery Creek, or West of Lutose, they would spot some smoke coming from the forest trees, this would not be thick but rather appear as oven smoke emanating from a cabin. This would resemble any other residents' smoke released from wood ovens/campfires. Operatives in the region would be assembling a log cabin in remote areas outside of these cities, after 1-2 weeks they would cautiously make their way into the nearest town to check if Police are present, if a high number of aircraft are present still they would delay their trip.

No Atomic Agencies are established in Alberta, they were simplifying using purchased app phone numbers based in Alberta (Similar to TextNow). All information inputted would be falsified names

Once they arrive in the various European Countries, the nations would be unable to confirm their Passport No. or any other tombstone data. Due to this, they would likely contact Alberta and inform them of the situation while also securing the prisoners in their own cells.

Those in jail would begin to interact with Albertan Prisoners, attempting to establish credibility in the penal system.

Atomic Officers would agree and attend the woman's residence connected to the phone number, upon answering and questioning about the phone call, she would state she has no idea what the officers are referencing and show them a different phone number active on her line. This information would be relayed back to Officer Notley.
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Re: Hey... what's going on here?


Post by Alanston »

Atomic Authorities are thanked for their help, and asked if they can contact Ellies Nail Service as part of the investigation to see if the company has/had any connections to Benjamin Alter.

Those in Fort Vermillion who the new janitor engages with would be hesitant at first, but slowly open up to him. Their comments would be basic, including things such as there not being a lot of options in their community, the high cost of living, the lack of care by the government, the fact that it took several months to repair flood damage, but that they are fiercely proud of their independence and their country. After a while, if he kept up his friendly and engaging attitude, the priest would offer him the opportunity to be a greeter for the church services, seeing as he is so well liked by the people. He would also start being invited into people's homes due to his friendliness.

The other three would not have any issue purchasing a snow mobile, though might find decent cars difficult to acquire. With the snow mobiles, they would be able to travel to more remote communities in the north as they pleased.

The man who took the ride to Chipewyan would not find it very difficult to get survival supplies, and would be able to acquire a cheap car for a decent price.

The two who remained in McKay would eventually be able to purchase a vehicle and drive to Chipewyan Lake without issue. Though the longer they lingered, the more likely it would be that they were spotted on CCTV, and the vehicles they purchased would ultimately end up being recorded by police (though they wouldn't be digitally traceable due to their age and condition).

The areas the smoke is spotted in would be recorded, and a ground force would be sent to investigate, due to the previously reported sightings. These police would be arriving via snowmobile or car. [Let me know what they find]. When the people in these cabins visit the nearest towns, they would find one or two police casually wandering the streets. If they paid close attention they would notice the police looking closely at people and occasionally asking those with scarves or masks to remove them briefly.

The app phone number providers in Alberta would be the ones being raided and subsequently placed under surveillance. Due to the use of these companies for robot calls (which would violate their terms of service), the companies would begin a thorough review of all their customers and provide a complete customer list to police. Police would then compare the list to a list of Albertan residents, any who didn't match would be flagged and officers would be dispatched to the addresses on file for these people. If the addresses were made up (falsified) the police would flag the account for deactivation. For the addresses that were real, police would take the people in for questioning, and if they matched with any of the missing people they would be arrested, if not they would be released with a fine.

The Albertan government would inform the European countries that they don't want those people, but would state that there is an ongoing investigation into the origins of those people.

The Albertan prisoners at the Drumheller Correctional Facility would be a mix of violent serial killers and political dissidents. Those in jail would encounter prisoners who threaten to snap them like a twig, and those whose only 'crime' was wanting fair elections or for posting online content questioning the government. All prisoners would get 2 meals a day and 1 hour of exercise in a closely monitored yard. There would be very little to no opportunity for escape.

Officer Notley would then ask the Atomic police officers why the phone number in question led to the woman's house, if there is a different number on her line. She would ask their assistance in tracking it down, given that the number is from their region.
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Re: Hey... what's going on here?


Post by English Channel Union »

Albertan Authorities are informed the Atomic Courts have denied a Search Warrant and they are not legally authorized to continue an investigation, no indication in the Alliance has shown nefarious activities at this location and personal information cannot be released further.

The Janitor would continue to be friendly, however, he would start dropping questions like "How do you feel about the Military?" "Should we cooperate with other countries in defending our continent"? These questions would only be presented to those who have shown genuine interest in him and have previously kept minor secrets, he would ask these questions during conversations about other political stances, maybe in Small-talk or when the news provides an update.

The remaining three in High Level would buy the Snowmobiles and make their way into remote communities where they will acquire survival gear and some supplies to construct a cabin, place it on a towed sled, and go into the forest to establish a dwelling. All interactions will be done with a scarf over their faces and no

The one who made it to Chipewyan Lake and acquired a vehicle and survival equipment would begin to make his way as far north into Birch Mountain from the town with as much bedding, heating equipment, and food as he could fit into the vehicle. Once it cannot go any further due to the terrain, he will seek a nice area in the forest and begin to clear an area for a cabin - He will place a winter tarp over the vehicle to disguise it.

Those who purchased a vehicle in McKay would immediately leave for Chipewyan Lake and then do the same as the other individual in Chipewyan Lake.

The Albertan Police would find some Albertan Citizens living in their cabins mixed in with the citizens would be the Operatives, some of the Citizens alike the operatives would claim they grew up in the wilderness and have no ID or proof of citizenship, only the word that they grew up in these woods with generations of their families, a difference, however, would show many of the Albertans have many generations living with them, while some and the operatives are living alone.

The Phone Providers would provide information on falsified Addresses in all of the previous countries, however, the payment for these devices would primarily be linked to Atomic Credit Companies who, if contacted, would request a Warrant from the Atomic Judicial System.
The Europeans confused about what to do with the State-Less individuals continue to hold them in the Airport Cells waiting for one of them to finally reveal their country of origin. Currently, they remain silent.

at the Drumheller Correctional Facility, the operatives inside would begin to crack, as they were not the main team nor the most trained. Eventually, one would approach the guard and start pleading to return to the Alliance and if they asked the government, they could vouch for his citizenship.
The Atomic Officers would begin to stonewall, repeating the Officer requires a Warrant from an Atomic Judge to continue this type of questioning, reflecting him to the Judicial Office's number.
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Re: Hey... what's going on here?


Post by Alanston »

The Albertan authorities escalate the issue to the foreign affairs office, who threatens war against the Alliance if they do not comply with the investigation [for both investigations]. As a show of force, the Albertan government issues a mobilization order, and starts to mobilize its military.

The janitor would notice that the people would avoid all conversations about the military, but would discuss politics and current affairs. Some would be open to the idea of working with other nations, but many would be opposed to the idea, making comments about how Alberta is better alone. Some would comment about wishing they could vote freely, but only in hushed tones and when no one else is around. Most would comment about their love for Albertan independence, and how the rest of Anglo-North America just doesn't get them.

The operatives purchasing snow mobiles and heading to the woods would find little opposition to doing so, provided they paid in cash.

When the Albertan authorities find the people living without ID or proof of citizenship, they would arrest anyone and everyone who failed to provide any. This would include those who have families, and the operatives who were living alone.

The Atomic credit card companies and banks would be warned that failure to comply would lead to an armed conflict. This warning is also sent to the Atomic federal government.

The operative would be questioned about his real name and asked to point out any other operatives working with him. He would be moved to a separate area, and given slightly better treatment. The same would be done for anyone he identified (he wouldn't be moved until after the questioning and after he pointed out those working with him). Meanwhile, the Atomic government is contacted and asked about this person (this is done separately to the threats of war).

[The Albertan military consists of:
95,000 troops, 20,000 of which are currently active
48 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McDonnell ... -18_Hornet
36 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_ ... ns_(F-35A) ]
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Re: Hey... what's going on here?


Post by English Channel Union »

The Janitor would express interest in the Albertan's statements of pride and belief that Anglo-Americans misunderstand them, he would indicate subtly that he believes the Albertans should cooperate with others as a show of how prideful and powerful they can be, such unification could be a shining example across North America under a "free" government, show Anglo-Americans who they truly are.

Those on snowmobiles would've made their way into the woods and established an encampment, avoiding social interaction as much as possible while they avoid detection from immigration, waiting until the search dies down.

Those who have been arrested would plea that they never had an ID and were born in the forest, providing their names and date of birth that was "Privately" documented from home birth.

Once the Atomic Alliance receives the threats from the Albertan Government they will issue an immediate return communication to the Albertan Foreign Ministry
The Atomic Alliance does not recognize the threats from the barbaric Albertan Government and denounces their right to govern the lands of Alberta, the Alliance is in the position that no un-democratic regime may be present in the North American Continent, and any state that defies such must be forcefully removed in the best interest of the North American people.

Following this statement, the Atomic Air Force will mobilize 60 I-12 Phantoms and 100 A-4 Nightfuries into Saskatchewan and the Northwest.

The Atomic Security Forces already stationed along the Albertan Border (5000) will raise the borders barriers and spike strips, closing all entry lanes and indicating any remaining Atomic Citizens in Alberta to evacuate by foot through Border Offices. The ASF will grab their Rifles and take up defensive positions at major/minor crossing stations. the 20,000 Active-Duty personnel in the Alliance will be called upon to mobilize along the Albertan Border, they will begin preparing their vehicles and equipment for the mobilization, the 50,000 Reserve Personnel are placed on High-Alert for quick mobilization, therefor they will also begin to prepare their equipment but not prepare to deploy.

The Atomic Alliance will make an announcement in major/minor cities along the Albertan Border
Citizens of Saskatchewan and the Territories, the Albertan Nationalist Government has made military threats against the Alliance and has breached the North American Shield, the presence of such an authoritarian and undemocratic state cannot be allowed to exist in the Continent, this state had mobilized their Military upon denial in our judicial system to investigate our own citizens, they cannot make such undemocratic and authoritarian demands against the alliance and the possibility that they may do it again is the problem, the item that violates our Shield. I am warning each and every Atomic Citizen to prepare their shelters and listen for the Air Raid Siren for an impending attack, Local Defense Parties have been placed on high alert and the Atomic Security Forces are securing our borders as we speak.

The operative would state his name is Jeremy Ryker, indicating he is unaware of any other operatives names but states he was sent as a decoy with others to distract Border Officials by the Alliance. The Alliance would state no citizen of the such name exists in their records and denies any allegations by the Albertans, relaying the previous message from their threats of war.
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Re: Hey... what's going on here?


Post by Alanston »

Many people would question the janitor's belief of unification, stating that unification would just lead to Albertan resources being taken from them with nothing being given in return, just as has happened in the past. Though some do like the idea of a more free, independent, Alberta.

The government would not care about those born in the forest, and would throw anyone caught in jail. They would then begin operations throughout other forests and sparsely inhabited regions (including mountains) throughout the country, arresting anyone found without valid forms of ID.

Outraged, the Albertan government makes a public announcement from the steps of parliament in Edmonton, with President Brian Jean personally addressing the press. "The Atomic Alliance has been caught providing illegal support towards subversive behaviours in Alberta. Further, they have refused to provide assistance with regards to locating Atomic operatives, who have been actively tracked conducting subversive behaviours within Albertan society. They have the audacity to denounce our government's right to rule, as well as to question our legitimacy, when they themselves have been caught performing covert operations within our lands. These actions are a direct cause for war against our people!" He pauses here as the outrage from the crowd present would be overwhelming. After waiting for the crowd to settle down, he continues. "However, if the Alliance were to publicly take full responsibility for their actions of subversive and covert behaviour, and assist in the full identification and removal of their operatives, we would be willing to allow this issue to pass without armed conflict. Let it the world know that Alberta will not be the one to make the first move!" He finishes his speech to the roaring cheers and applause of the crowd present.

Following his speech, he would release tapes of the questioning of Jeremy Ryker, which would be in accordance with the Geneva Convention, along with proof of people with fake Albertan passports attempting to enter Alberta from the Atomic Alliance. Proof of Atomic credit cards being used for the 'subversive' spam calls would also be released. The Atomic communique would also be released publicly. Information about the stonewalling on behalf of the Alliance in regards to standard requests for information about the covert agents is also released.

Following Jean's speech and the releasing of the information, around 43% of Albertans would publicly voice their support for war against the Atomic Alliance. They would actively petition for defending Alberta against imperialist powers. Another 31% would denounce the Atomic actions, but would urge the government to consider peaceful outcomes. A further 13% question if things are not being blown out of proportion, but wouldn't take further action. Around 3% of people, primarily in Edmonton, would question the government, wondering if perhaps the Atomic Alliance intends to liberate them and install a truly free and democratic government. 1% of this 3% would take to the streets of Edmonton to protest against the current government, requesting free and democratic elections. The remaining 10% would be ambivalent towards the situation, not taking any sides at this time.

The full Albertan mobilization would be complete, with the 95,000 Albertan soldiers being stationed at major border crossings with the Atomic Alliance. The 84 Albertan planes would be prepped for takeoff, and put on standby. AA weapons throughout the nation in key locations are also activated, with the army having several with them at their border points. No Albertans would fire any shots yet.

Following President Jean's speech Prime Minister Lotay Tshering of Bhutan, current leader of the Forum of Nations reaches out to both parties, urging a peaceful outcome to the current situation. In conjunction with Tshering, Emperor Chimalpopoca of the Nahuatl Empire offers to host both parties in Tenochtitlan to discuss a peaceful resolution to the current situation.

Elsewhere, President Gretchen Whitmer of the Great Lakes expresses concern at the overly aggressive warmongering made by the Atomic Alliance. While she agrees with the statements against authoritarian governments existing in North America, she questions whether the Atomic actions have been entirely above board. Facing pressure both within her party and from the opposition parties with regards to Great Lakes relations with the Atomic Alliance, given the new information about their willingness to conduct covert operations with the goal of destabilizing a legitimate government, and their seemingly overly aggressive comments against a sovereign state. Using her clout to buy time, she requests an urgent video call with the leaders of the Atomic Alliance to hear their side of the story.
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English Channel Union
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Re: Hey... what's going on here?


Post by English Channel Union »

Upon hearing many disagreements or concerning responses, the Janitor will step down his questioning a bit. Responding with an indication that he believes Unification wouldn't mean resource abuse but rather involvement in a greater project to improve the entire continent as a whole.

All agents found in forests without IDs would remain silent and firm that they were born and raised in the forest. Those who escape on snowmobiles would not be more discrete in their hideouts and avoid smoke visibility attempting to avoid law enforcement.

A Public Emergency Assembly has been called in Saskatoon of Atomic Counsellors, General Secretary Peterson will be addressing the Council regarding the threats from the Albertan Government and how the state should continue.

Representatives of the Council, the Albertan Government has accused our state of Espionage and has threatened Military Action against us for such. However, the Alliance has not been operating covertly in their territory and these accusations have been made with the only evidence being one individual claiming he works for the Alliance while holding no previous records of a Jeremy Ryker in any Database of the Alliance and no evidence of any other operatives. Alberta is attempting to disrupt the reputation of the Alliance and this must not be allowed to stand, an Authoritarian State such as theirs fails to respect true Democratic Institutions and Judicial Processes, and these threats of war are a clear example of such, they do not think before they act!

Following Petersons' speech, the Council will erupt into debate, the Secretary having to call Order to the room many times as representatives from the Territories and Nunavut argue for complete peace and an apology to be made even if no espionage took place to avoid conflict. Ontario and Saskatchewan are arguing that Alberta must be dealt with immediately to prevent a complete breach of the Shield with Manitoba taking a more neutral stance and stating no action must be taken momentarily and consolidate with allies, this argument made headway with many Ontario Representatives and turned the tables in favor of this decision.

After a long debate, the Council decided to take no immediate action and see if Alberta initiates their threats and they will contact the International Community for discussion on the Albertan Problem.

Commandant Pearson will attend the Albertan Border in the City of Maple Creek where he will address the population of Saskatchewan and the Alliance of Live TV
President Brian Jean has accused us of subverting their government through Covert Agents, I stand here in front of you today to tell you that this is a lie, a fabrication to destroy our reputation. Your Council is currently deliberating on the proper way to deal with the Albertans, but I will tell you this, if they attempt to take one centimeter of our territory we will deliver true democracy to their people.

Spectators will applaud the Commandant, tweeting videos of his speech and many commenting. Those in the Alliance will publically agree with the Government and accuse Alberta of fabricating the accusations and attempting to subvert Democracy, some indicating they may commit war crimes or are similar to the "Mundos" "Nazis". The Alliance would indicate that Atomic Credit Card Companies issue hundreds of Cards and it is possible that stolen cards were used in the commission of crimes or that individuals impersonated/Obtained Atomic Citizens to acquire said cards.

Current Polls;
Positively Support Alberta: 10%
Neutral: 20%
Dislike Alberta: 40%
Albertan Government Officials are "Nazis": 30%

Seeing the mobilization of 85000 troops on the Atomic Border will slightly frighten the Atomic Security Forces (5000). The Active-Duty Personnel will complete the readying of their vehicle and equipment and prepare to mobilize to the border. The 20,000 Units will consist mainly of Artillery Brigades, Heavy/Light Armour, and Engineers. Only approximately 5000 are Light Infantry which is equipped with primarily CBRN equipment.

I-12's and A-4's will still be mobilizing to airfields nearby the Alterban Airfield

The Alliance will agree to a meeting at Tenochtitlan with the Nahuatl Empire (If they are Democratic)

The Atomic Alliance would agree to a meeting with Whitmer from the Great Lakes. Following the Council Meeting General Secretary Peterson will join a Video Call with her.
Hello again Whitmer, how is everything in the Great Lakes?
Democracy thrives with the Atom

The Atomic Seal
Moved from Statescraft to RP Archive on Sat Feb 10, 2024 4:35 pm by Alanston


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