Universal Exhibition Bids

The Universal Exhibition, or World's Fair, is an international exhibition designed to showcase the achievements of nations.
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Universal Exhibition Bids


Post by Alanston »

Following the end of the market crisis, several leading businessmen from around the world have gathered in Jerusalem to discuss plans to help revitalize the world's economy. Inspired by the historic World's Fair, more commonly known as the Universal Exhibition, these men have decided to reintroduce the concept, and revive the Expo. In order to do this, they have founded the Bureau of International Exhibitions, an NGO situated in Jerusalem. To this effect, they have officially announced plans for the next Universal Exhibition, and have invited nations from all over the world to make bids to host the expo. Along with this announcement, they have included a list of information required when making a bid. The Universal Exhibition is introduced as both a cultural exchange, and a way for nations to revitalize international tourism and commerce, by encouraging the exchange of ideas and by promoting the various nations attending the expo.

The bid must include the following information:
  • Name of the country making the proposal
  • The city where the expo will be held
  • Approximate plans for the exhibition centre(s)
  • Approximate cost
  • Other facilities that will be built alongside the exhibition centre(s)
  • Whether other nations can build their own pavilions or not
  • How long the exhibition will last (options range from 3 weeks to 6 months)
  • Unique features/facts about the exhibition/country (what makes your bid/nation stand out from the rest)
  • Whether your nation will call it the World's Fair or the Universal Exhibition
Nations are invited to personalize their bids [ie don't just list your answers, but actually include some RP content], and to have them submitted to the Bureau within two weeks. All questions are to be directed to PR Representative Bardeen Givargidze, who is currently residing in the city of Damascus.
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Universal Exhibition of the Atom


Post by English Channel Union »

Name of the country making the proposal;
The Atomic Alliance
The city where the expo will be held
Toronto, Ontario
Approximate plans for the exhibition centre(s)
To Showcase modern technologies focused on either utilising or studying the Atom
The Expo Centre will be on the Shorefront where Harbour Square Park West and Toronto Quay View are positioned with surrounding buildings being torn down and replaced with an Expo Centre, surrounded by Hotels and a modernized Harbour Square Park along the shoreline. The Expo Centre will have a massive Tokamak Reactor in the centre along with a reserved space for the Alliances Next-Generation announcements. An additional Announcement hall will be available for rent for foreign shows of Atomic Success.
Approximate cost
TBD - Need more research
Other facilities that will be built alongside the exhibition centre(s)
Habourfront Park & Resturaunt
Administration Office
Ferry to Billy Bishop
Whether other nations can build their own pavilions or not
All Democratic States are invited
How long the exhibition will last (options range from 3 weeks to 6 months)
4 Months
Unique features/facts about the exhibition/country (what makes your bid/nation stand out from the rest)
A decade of Focus on the Atom and its uses for Humanity, showcasing Reactors and Alloys used in such, future projects of the Alliance and Near-Future Atomic Proposals. Foreigners will see a major worshipping of the Atom with statues and Placards placed everywhere featuring various Atoms or Compositions
Whether your nation will call it the World's Fair or the Universal Exhibition
Universal Exhibition of the Atom
Last edited by English Channel Union on Mon Apr 17, 2023 11:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Democracy thrives with the Atom

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Re: Universal Exhibition Bids


Post by Republic of Siam »

Kamon Wattana sunk onto her sofa, crisps and dip in hand. The week had been a stressful one, having to attend the final of the World Cup and many other gathering across the city. She needed a little time to herself, to sit back and watch something like the Wall Song, or Takeshi's Castle. Something that required minimal effort. Flicking on the TV, she prepared to turn the news channel over to a less depressing topic, but something caught her eye, making her pause and wait.

"The newly founded Bureau of International Exhibitions announced today from Jerusalem that they have opened the bid for countries to host the World's Fair, or Universal Exhibition, for 2020!"

This piqued her attention. She sat up, movie night forgotten for the moment. Siam could host the first World Cup and the first Universal Exhibition. That would surely gain Siam some clout in the international community. They might not be the most tech focused nation, but being a hub of culture would do wonders for the economy. Especially after the market crash...

Making an executive decision, she pulled out her phone, typing out a quick email to the Cultural Minister for Siam, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Hey. Can we make this happen? ...

Name of the country making the proposal

Republic of Siam

The city where the expo will be held


Approximate plans for the exhibition centre(s)

The central event and main events will be held at the Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre, or BITEC for short. Built in 1997, there are 28 conference/meeting rooms, 10 event halls and 6 convention rooms for countries to show off their wares and promote their culture. There would ideally be an event hall and convention room for each continent, and conference and meeting rooms available to book if need be.

For each individual country's pavilion, they will be allowed to build their own in the newly built "Exhibition Village" centered around the Queen Sirikit National Convention Centre, another centre available more for guests to enjoy and relax in just a 10 minute car journey away. The village is split into 5 "petals" and organised like a stylised Golden Rain flower, the national flower of Siam. The exhibition centre features in the middle.

Approximate cost

$6.1bn, which will be obtained with a combination of public and private investment. We here in Siam are determined to bring the World Exhibition to our home, no matter the cost.

Other facilities that will be built alongside the exhibition centre(s)

No further buildings will be built apart from each country's pavilions. Both of the convention halls will of course be refurbished for the event.

Whether other nations can build their own pavilions or not

As stated above, yes.

How long the exhibition will last

12 weeks.

Unique features/facts about the exhibition/country (what makes your bid/nation stand out from the rest)

  • The theme for Siam's bid is "Little Light, Shine Bright." It highlights the fact that one person can make a lot of changes with just one spark. An idea, an equation, a groundbreaking invention can come from just one person and one spark. It's all about changing the world, one day at a time.
  • There are also three sub-themes, each one getting its own pavilion. They are:
  • Inspiriation (PAST) - The Inspiriation Pavilion will feature displays of some of the most inspiring ideas in history, from works of art, to the internet, to the telephone. It will show how one person can change the world.
  • Innovation (FUTURE) - The Innovation Pavilion will focus on what is yet to come, the cutting edge technologies being thought of each and every day.
  • Community (PRESENT) - The Community Pavilion brings together the meaning of this whole event, coming together to share ideas and understand new cultures, and who knows? You may come away from an exchange with someone you've never met before feeling inspired to innovate.

Whether your nation will call it the World's Fair or the Universal Exhibition

The official title would be "Universal Exhibition Siam 2020" but stylised in alt caps for the logo.

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Re: Universal Exhibition Bids


Post by NCR »

[despite the lenght of the post, please imagine it like those quick and energetic montages. The whole thing should last 2:20 minutes at most.]

<<...and now a special announcement!>> A cheery anchorman proclaims, while the National Anthem of the NCR starts playing in the background.

<<COME TO NEW CALIFORNIA EXPO 2020!>> the anchorman exclaims, his voice only in the background while the best images of New California are shown in the screen.
<<But why in California, you may ask?>> he asks, pensive. <<NONSENSE!>> he cheerfully proclaims.
<<We have NATURE!>> he enthusiastically exclaims while beautiful images of NCR parks, valleys and mountains are shown.
<<We have the best Ocean! The. - G O L D E N . C O A S T . - ladies and gentlemen!>> he explains, as wonderful images of the sunset on the Golden Coast, taken from the beach, are shown.
<<"But Jerry", you may ask, "those things are really the best. But how are we supposed to see everything?">> the anchorman says, while speaking with a squeakier voice. <<Great question, Timmy! NONSENSE AGAIN!>> he proclaims, laughing. <<Did you not know that New California is one of the best connected cities in the world? The entire city is connected, both with itself and the rest of the country, with the modernest train system! Various bus services! And spacious roads should you want to drive your own car!>> Jerry says, while images of the public transport systems are passed. <<But from your city, you can also come by plane and by boat! Isn't New California t h e b e s t?? Trick question, Timmy! It really is!>>
<<"But Jerry", you may observe, "great nature and the best transportation are all fine and dandy in the NCR. But why the 2020 expo should be in New California?">>
<<Great question, Timmy! The answer is NNNOOOONSENSE AGAIN!>> Jerry cheerfully proclaims. <<New California is the center of the NCR! And NCR is the center of worldwide INNOVATION and TECHNOLOGY! Yeah you heard that right, Timmy! This Expo will have I N N O V A T I O N as the key word! And what better place to host such an expo than our beloved home, which is the home of PROGRESS? Trick question, Timmy! No better place!>> he explains, while images of very complex tech-related processes are shown, together with models of stands and padillons focused on innovation, like robotics showcases, interaction with a new AI model, a new airplane design, etc. etc.
<<And OF COURSE the NCR, being the ADVANCEST nation in many things, has decided to showcase to the world our LASTEST pride and glory! ADMIRE, THE SPACE PAVILLON!>> he exclaims, while the model of a pavillon filled with wonderful space related things, and what seems to be an impressive 1:1 model of a Little Bear rocket at the center, is shown on screen.
<<And that's not all! A whole MUSEUM OF SPACE EXPLORATION, ladies and gentlemen, will be built near the installations! Isn't it grrrrreat?? YES; YES IT IS TIMMY!>> He laughs, winking.
<<But the SPACE FEVER isn't over! A new railway segment will be built, connecting New California with the nearest spaceport directly! So you too will be able to bask in the glory of hundreds of tons of metals flying us towards PROGRESS! All from a safe distance, with spectators seats appositely built for your confort! Yes Timmy, that IS INDEED EXCITING!>>
<<Come to New California EXPO2020! Come TO THE FUTURE!>> he concludes.
When the music stops, a beautiful woman in bikini and sunglasses looks directly at the camera, while lying down on the beach; behind her, the ocean and a wonderful sunset. <<In hindsight?>> she says, lowering her sunglasses <<New California is 20/20.>> she concludes the punchline, winking, and smiling warmly.


Additional Informations:

-Name of the country making the proposal: New California Republic
-City where the expo will be held: New California [the capital]
-Approximate plans for the exhibition centre(s): other that what was mentioned in the spot, each private company worldwide will be able to bid for a pavillon spot, to showcase something they consider innovative to the world (great publicity stunt). Other than that, the centre of the expo will be dedicated to the "fixed" partecipants, on the theme of "Innovation and Progress". The centermost spot will be occupied by a fixed, permanent, great building, made in [TBD] as to be artistically gorgeous.
-Approximate cost: [WIP to be reaserched better] 20bln NC$
-Other facilities that will be built alongside the exhibition centre(s): other than what was mentioned in the spot, various infrastructures and a gorgeous statue that will be called "The Statue of Progress", meant to personify the event; design to be established.
-Whether other nations can build their own pavilions or not: Of course, the more the merrier. As previously said, all "fixed" partecipants (like of course participating nations) will also have dedicated space!
-How long the exhibition will last (options range from 3 weeks to 6 months): 6 months.
-Unique features/facts about the exhibition/country (what makes your bid/nation stand out from the rest): errr... See the spot above.
-Whether your nation will call it the World's Fair or the Universal Exhibition: Universal Exhibition.
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Re: Universal Exhibition Bids


Post by Grand Serene Republic »

Name of the country making the proposal
The Enlightened Republic of San Romolo
The city where the expo will be held
New Zena
Approximate plans for the exhibition centre(s)
The Exhibition shall be held in a new part of Nea Zena built for the occasion, this new "neighborhood" shall be built to look like a Wind Rose with the four main Centres placed on the North,South, West and East tips respectively with minors centres and pavillions between them. At the centre of the Wind Rose shall be placed a water fountain that shall rappresenta the Oceans of the world and where all the flagpoles of the partecipants shall be placed
Approximate cost TBD
Other facilities that will be built alongside the exhibition centre(s)
And various hotels

Whether other nations can build their own pavilions or not Yes Nations can build their own pavillions
How long the exhibition will last 6 months
Unique features/facts about the exhibition/country)
The Exhibition shall be themed around the four Pillars of the Sea,Arts, Music and Science, as such many water and sea themed decorations can be expected. The Exhibition shall also try to be as Green as possible
Whether your nation will call it the World's Fair or the Universal Exhibition The Magnificent and Extraordinary Universal Exhibition of the Oceans, Arts, Music and Science

Luciano De La Pira and his companions in the Party were quite in excited state, this proposal shall be remembered as an historic moment! That or it could also be the copious amounts of coffee that they consumed during the all-nighter.

Whatever it was the Spokesman of the Partito Republicano d'Azione was ready to present his masterplan to the National Assembly, and this time not even those damned regressive fools in the Partito Cristianodemocratico Illuminato and in the Lega Liberale can stop him!

San Romolo, New Zena, Palazzo degli Angeli, Assemblea Nazionale 27 of April 20XX

"Brothers and Sisters in the Assembly! I come here to present you with a momentous occasion for our beloved republic! You all have heard of the announcement of the Universal Exhibition and I and my party say that it's the time for San Romolo to use this opportunity to express it's creative genius and show it to the world. As such me and my party have tirelessly worked to this proposa: we are talking about our bid for the Universal Exhibition, which shall be centered around the themes of the Ocean, the Arts, Music and Science! We are gonna build a focus of experimentalidm and a crucibtfor the entire Intellectual world while also simultaneously boosting the image of our Nation and People!"

The speach of Spokesman La Pira would go on for an entire hour, but at the end of the session a vote was held and a decision made: San Romolo shall make his bid for the Exhibition.
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Re: Universal Exhibition Bids


Post by Alanston »

Purwodarminto, Patih of Heritage and Culture for Nusantara, holds a public announcement following the meeting with Subroto. He would be making the announcement from just outside the grounds of Borobudur, and would have a large posterboard beside him. He would be dressed in traditional Javanese clothing, and be well dressed for the occasion.

"Thank you, all of you, for gathering here today. I would like to announce Nusantara's bid for the Universal Exhibition. There has been much debate and preparation for this proposal, and I personally think you are all going to really enjoy it! Unlike other nations, our bit focuses on the cultural and religious history of our nation, focusing on sites such as what you see behind me, the temple complex of Borobudur! He gestures behind him to the temple complex. "As well as other nearby temples and historical sites, such as Prambanan and Sewu, as well as others in the vicinity." At this the screen would cut away to images of the other temples.

"Our exhibition will involve the complete restoration and revitalization of these and other sacred sites in the region. The exhibition will be centred in the city of Yogyakarta, where we will be building several new hotels and an open air exhibition centre specifically for the event. All three sacred sites, as well as many others in the region, are all within less than 30 kilometres of the city, and are all easily accessible as day trips. Of course, to facilitate the exhibition, we would build several light rail transit systems connecting the sites to the city itself. These LRTs would go to the outer edges of the sites, where patrons would need to walk the remaining distances. This is to accommodate the archeological and sacred significance of the sites. All work being done for the restoration and revitalization would also be done with the utmost care and attention being given to the sacred and archeological significance of the sites. That said, we will be ensuring that these sites are restored to their former glory, as is written in our ancient texts. This includes the standard gold and the like.

"The exhibition centre being built will be open air, and consist of several hundred square metres of space. Around a quarter of this space will be dedicated to other exhibitions and displays regarding the cultural history and importance of Nusantara, with artifacts and displays from all reaches of our nation. Ranging from Aceh in the north west, to Brunei in the north, to Papua in the east. The remaining space will be granted to other nations in attendance, where they will be permitted to build their own pavilions to demonstrate and share their own cultural and religious heritage. If our bid is the winning bid, we would encourage other nations to fully embrace the focus on culture and heritage and to display various artifacts from their own history. We assure you that the utmost care and precautions will be taken, and that security is our number one concern here. We will take every step necessary to ensure that, if nations chose to do so, their artifacts will be protected and kept safe. We also plan on having experts in attendance, so tourists are able to find out more about the culture and heritage at their leisure.

"Naturally, we will also build several museums and archeological centres, as well as tourist information booths, at the various sites, with a main one being built near the convention centre in Yogyakarta. With regards to the aforementioned hotels, we will be building several, ranging from high end hotels to budget hotels, to ensure that all who are interested are able to attend. Furthermore, we will be connecting the convention centre to the bus network in Yogyakarta, and to the LRT lines, thus allowing patrons to travel between sites of the exhibition with ease. This will also further allow patrons to explore other parts of the city that are not explicitly part of the exhibition.

"Now for the big question, the cost of this proposal. The initial proposal itself has cost 1.5 million USD, while the restoration work will cost upwards of 500 million USD. The exhibition centre is expected to cost between 100-250 million USD, the LRT lines will cost around 50 million USD, and the hotels will cost 10 million USD each. Museums and archeological centres will cost around 75 million. Other costs are expected to come to around 15 million USD. This makes a total cost of around 1 billion USD, including an extra 25 million for unforeseen costs. Our exhibition is proposed to run for 6 months, to fully allow patrons from all over the world to attend, as well as allowing those who do attend to experience a full range of Buddhist and Hindu ceremonies at the restored temples and sites. This time frame also allows for a full and in depth look at the archeological process itself.

"As for what makes us unique? Borobudur is the largest Buddhist temples in the world, and Prambanan is the second largest Hindu temple in the region after Ankor Wat. Not to mention that these sites represent the rich history of our region from a time before Abrahamic religions or colonial powers. They show the rich heritage of our people and our lands. Furthermore, by focusing on what is already here, rather than on building new structures, we are encouraging a culture of preservation and enrichment, over a more disposable culture. Ultimately, I would encourage all of you to spread word on our bid far and wide.

"But, before I go tonight, I want to reassure all of you that even if our bid does not get approved, we are still investing the money in a complete revitalization and restoration of the aforementioned temples and sites, as well as an archeological museum in Yogyakarta. They may not include all aspects of the proposal, but they will still include at least some parts of the proposal.

"Finally, I wish to leave you with a diagram of what Borobudur likely looked like back in its day, at the peak of its glory. I promise you that it will look like this again one day soon."
Turning, he unveils the posterboard beside him.

Turning back to the camera, he finishes. "I thank you all for your attention today, and I trust that those with the Bureau of International Exhibitions in Jerusalem will make the right choice. If it is not our proposal, then I will accept that, but personally, I think that our proposal might just be the best. Thank you all, and good day."

Following that, the announcement ends, with the full bid being sent off to the Bureau of International Exhibitions in Jerusalem later that day.

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Re: Universal Exhibition Bids


Post by Alanston »

Bardeen Givargidze stands in line at the train station in Damascus, looking over his emails one last time to confirm what they say. Come to Jerusalem, we wish to discuss the bids with you in person. Sighing, he inches forward in the line, moving one step at a time through security to enter the platforms. His thoughts consumed with why the others are changing their plan so late in the game, he doesn't realize that he is at the front of the line. Looking up and blinking for a moment, before replying in Aramaic that he is on his way, he puts his bags on the scanner, and walks through security. Picking his bag up on the other side, he walks at a leisurely pace towards his platform. There, he finds the correct train, and boards, sitting back for the relatively quick hour and a half train ride to Jerusalem. As he boards he nods quietly to himself, this train, one of many that make the regular trip between the capital of the Republic of Mesopotamia, Damascus, and the most important city in the world to three religions, Jerusalem, is relatively empty, a good sign for his trip. Within ten minutes the train departs, only about half full of people travelling to Jerusalem for various reasons.

Just over an hour and a half later, the train arrives in Jerusalem, where Givargidze disembarks and heads towards the waiting taxis, where he takes one to the offices of the Bureau of International Exhibitions. Once there, he heads to the conference room, where he meets with many of the other businessmen behind the Bureau and the current plans for the Universal Exhibition. The meeting, conducted primarily in English to accommodate the businessmen from around the world, does not take long, as a consensus is decided and voted upon quickly. Givargidze is the one given the responsibility of making the statements public. Nodding to himself, he enters his office in Jerusalem, and prepares the email he will send to those who made submissions.
Dear insert leader of nation's name here,

I am writing today on behalf of the Bureau of International Exhibitions with regards to your entry into the Universal Exhibition. Due to the overwhelming number of high quality submissions that we have received, we will be taking input from other nations as we make our final decision. As such, we would like to request that all nations who have made submissions for consideration, please provide your first and second choices from among the other entries that have been received. You may not vote for yourself. I have included the details of all other submissions within this email, for your consideration. Please take into account things such as cost, location, ease of access, as well as potential impact on the economy and on the lives of those living in the region. Keep in mind that the exhibition is to be both a cultural exchange, and a way for nations to revitalize international tourism and commerce, by encouraging the exchange of ideas and by promoting the various nations attending the expo. Those making their votes are encouraged to consider the personalization [ie RP content] of each bid.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to me at your earliest convenience.


Bardeen Givargidze, PR Representative, Bureau of International Exhibitions
The email is sent to @Atomic Alliance @Republic of Siam @NCR @San Romolo and Nusantara.

[You are encouraged to RP your responses]
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Mahapatih Raharjo would receive the email and forward it to Purwodarminto, who was the one responsible for making Nusantara's bid.

Purwodarminto would receive the email from Givargidze and read it over twice, before calling Subroto to discuss it. "Sir, the Bureau of International Exhibitions seems to want us to vote on the bids of other nations. ... No, they don't specify how our votes will influence their final decision. ... No, sir, we can not vote for ourselves. ... Yes, I have the full list here, Siam is the only other Asian nation making a bid, all others reside in North America. Personally, I like the bid from Siam and San Romolo, although the NCR's is quite nice as well. ... The Atomic Alliance? Their bid appears to focus on the glorification of the atom, including the worship of the atom. If you ask me, it seems an awful lot like a cult. Not to mention being completely incompatible with our religious views. ... Yes, I know that others have their own beliefs and cultural differences, just like we have our own, but worshiping the atom? We are a proper God Fearing nation of Shiva-Buddhists, Muslims, and Christians! The latter two of which view such worship as nothing but heretical idol worship. Further, they are only inviting democratic states to attend, which, given the recent economic crisis and its changes around the world, excludes many nations around the world. If the goal of this exhibition is the revitalization of economies, then excluding anyone who does not have a "proper democracy" by their standards, is not going to help that goal. ... Yes, sir, I understand. Who would you recommend voting for? ... San Romolo and the NCR? What about Siam? ... Yes, I understand that they just held the World Cup, but I do like their bid. ... No, I understand. You're right, it is best to give another nation a shot. ... I agree, it is a pity that no one in Europe submitted any bids. I would have liked to have seen what @Hellaskratia would have submitted. ... I understand sir, I will make our votes. San Romolo first, and the NCR second, then? ... Alright, I will make it happen. Good day, sir." WIth that, he hangs up the phone and composes a response to Givargidze.
Dear Mr. Givargidze,

On behalf of Nusantara, I would like to submit our votes as follows:
  1. San Romolo's The Magnificent and Extraordinary Universal Exhibition of the Oceans, Arts, Music and Science
  2. California's Universal Exhibition
I speak with great enthusiasm when I state that many people here in Nusantara are eagerly awaiting the results of your decision. I personally believe in what you are doing, and trust that it will go a long way towards revitalizing the economies of the world.

Go with God,

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Re: Universal Exhibition Bids


Post by Republic of Siam »

It was lunchtime when Kamon received the email about the votes. Reading over the entries carefully, she thought for a bit. Well, going to Jerusalem now was out of the question, with the work she had to do back here. So it would have to be sent from afar. She quickly called a meeting between her and some advisors, which was really just a chance to throw ideas at them.
"Now, it says here that we can't vote for ourselves, so that's out of the question. I think I know what my first choice will be though. Nusantara's bid focuses on the history of their country. Since they are also in South East Asia, that will bring more tourists to them and the countries surrounding them, i.e. us. So it's a no brainer really. It's just the second choice that's stumping me. New California's bid seems very... commercial and showbiz. Not the kind of thing I'd like at a world fair. Then of course there's Atomic Alliance, which is really just centered around the atom. So I suppose it will have to be San Romolo. Their bid is the one that I like most out of the three left."

Later that day, she started to compose the following email, ready to send off to Jerusalem.
Dear Mr. Givargidze,

I am writing to submit Siam's votes for the World Fair. They go as follows:

[indent]1. Nusantara's Universal Heritage and Cultural Exhibition
2. San Romolo's Magnificent and Extraordinary Universal Exhibition of the Oceans, Arts, Music and Science[/indent]

We in Siam look forward to the result of the vote, and hope that you will choose the best country and the best bid for the task. Either way, Siam can't wait to attend the Universal Exhibition.


Kamon Wattana
IC Year - 2020
Prime Minister - Kamon Wattana
Location - Modern Day Thailand, parts of Laos and Cambodia

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Re: Universal Exhibition Bids


Post by Grand Serene Republic »

During a lengthy and quite tedious debate in the National Assembly the various delagted were debating on who should host the Universal Exhibition. A consensus was reached on the fact that one of the votes should go to the New California Republic given the warming relations that were forming between it and San Romolo. However it was the second option that divided most of the assembly with no consensus reached; Many argues that given the prominence of Nusantara it was the natural choice, however their focus on Heritage and Religion stinked of not so veiled Nationalism to many of the Delegates.

The Siam Bid was very interesting and many liked the three pillars of Inspiration, Innovation and Community. But many also argued that at the end of the day was just a watered down version of the Nusantaran bid and as such what was the point of voting for it?

Given the stalemate reached in the assembly it was decided that the People of San Romolo would decide on the matter and a Referendum, as in the Sanromolese Tradition, was quickly and efficiently organised.

As usual the turnover for the Referendum was quite high given that such voting dayss were always a Paid Vacation day with 81% of the voters voting.

When the results came in they were close but decisive with 52.6% voting in favour of Nusantara.

The Doge would the proceed to write a letter (yes a Physical Letter) to the send to Jerusalem.
To be sure the Government also sent a digitalised version via email.
"To The Honourable and Gracious Mr. Givardize

After a long Debate in the Assembly and a Vote by the people of San Romolo we have finally come to a decision on our votes regarding the host of the Universal Exhibition, and as such we cast our votes as follows

1) The Universal Exhibition of California
2) Nusantara's Universal Heritage and Cultural Exhibition

May this letter find you in good health
Illustri Saluti

The Most Enlightened Doge Lorenzo Dofour of the Enlightened Republic of San Romolo
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Re: Universal Exhibition Bids


Post by NCR »

[apologies for the late reply. I've been, and I still am, very busy irl]

The Commitee for the Universal Expo is shattered.

Heated debates, devolving into various shouting matches, all have the same focal point: who to give our votes to?
Every nation has its supporters, but after one hour or so the main 3 factions manage to gather all the other remaining or undecided members:

The first faction supports Nusantara; the reasoning being that showing signs of friendship with such a big nation will surely be beneficial in the future, especially economically, maybe opening new trade agreements.

The second faction supports San Romolo; the reasoning being that it's better to cultivate an already existing, solid, friendship with a close neighbour with established economical ties instead of pursuing vague possibilities with a faraway power.

The third faction supports the Atomic Alliance; the reasoning being that the budding friendship among the two nations could be helped by such a nominee, and that the AA has already shown promising signs for interesting scientific collaborations.

The debate continues deep into the night, until at 4am the session is suspended and adjourned to the following (or, technically, current) day.
When the committee meets again, members are tired but still determined.
They stare at each other while seating, preparing mentally for another exhausting day...

[since I'm also undecided IRL, I'm gonna throw dice to represent the internal struggle of the committee. This will decide both the first and second nomination.]

...and finally, after a whole day spent arguing, fighting, shouting, discussing, and convincing, the two north american factions manage to find an agreement, thus winning a majority vote against the nusantarophile faction. Their argument of building closer ties with neighbours, and having the possibility to create agreements with them should they actually win, also convinced many. The nusantarophile faction, however, manages to add a mention of their preference after the official nominations, thanks to their weight and relevance.

As such, the following official letter is sent:

Dear Mr. Givardize,
we welcome your request of input from the NCR committee. After careful consideration, we want to cast our votes in the following order:
1. Atomic Alliance;
2. San Romolo.
However, the committee is sincerely regretful to not being able to nominate Nusantara as well, due to the great interest in their proposal. As such, should one of the two nation renounce or otherwise lose their candidacy, we ask for our second nominee to be Nusantara.
Thank you and may your business be fruitful,
Committee for New California Expo 2020
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Re: Universal Exhibition Bids


Post by Alanston »

Following the waiting time having elapsed, Bardeen Givargidze meets once more with the various businessmen in Jerusalem to come to a conclusion and end the bid period. After much debate, it is decided to offer the successful bid to the New California Republic. They are requested to host their Universal Exhibition within 6 months time [IRL as soon as possible], and to ensure that it is open for all nations to participate and attend. Failure to meet these requirements will result in the bid being given to another nation, or a new proposal period being held.


[Feel free to start a new thread in this subforum for your Universal Exhibition preparations and subsequent hosting. PM me if you have any questions]
NCR wrote: Fri Apr 21, 2023 11:45 am [despite the lenght of the post, please imagine it like those quick and energetic montages. The whole thing should last 2:20 minutes at most.]

<<...and now a special announcement!>> A cheery anchorman proclaims, while the National Anthem of the NCR starts playing in the background.

<<COME TO NEW CALIFORNIA EXPO 2020!>> the anchorman exclaims, his voice only in the background while the best images of New California are shown in the screen.
<<But why in California, you may ask?>> he asks, pensive. <<NONSENSE!>> he cheerfully proclaims.
<<We have NATURE!>> he enthusiastically exclaims while beautiful images of NCR parks, valleys and mountains are shown.
<<We have the best Ocean! The. - G O L D E N . C O A S T . - ladies and gentlemen!>> he explains, as wonderful images of the sunset on the Golden Coast, taken from the beach, are shown.
<<"But Jerry", you may ask, "those things are really the best. But how are we supposed to see everything?">> the anchorman says, while speaking with a squeakier voice. <<Great question, Timmy! NONSENSE AGAIN!>> he proclaims, laughing. <<Did you not know that New California is one of the best connected cities in the world? The entire city is connected, both with itself and the rest of the country, with the modernest train system! Various bus services! And spacious roads should you want to drive your own car!>> Jerry says, while images of the public transport systems are passed. <<But from your city, you can also come by plane and by boat! Isn't New California t h e b e s t?? Trick question, Timmy! It really is!>>
<<"But Jerry", you may observe, "great nature and the best transportation are all fine and dandy in the NCR. But why the 2020 expo should be in New California?">>
<<Great question, Timmy! The answer is NNNOOOONSENSE AGAIN!>> Jerry cheerfully proclaims. <<New California is the center of the NCR! And NCR is the center of worldwide INNOVATION and TECHNOLOGY! Yeah you heard that right, Timmy! This Expo will have I N N O V A T I O N as the key word! And what better place to host such an expo than our beloved home, which is the home of PROGRESS? Trick question, Timmy! No better place!>> he explains, while images of very complex tech-related processes are shown, together with models of stands and padillons focused on innovation, like robotics showcases, interaction with a new AI model, a new airplane design, etc. etc.
<<And OF COURSE the NCR, being the ADVANCEST nation in many things, has decided to showcase to the world our LASTEST pride and glory! ADMIRE, THE SPACE PAVILLON!>> he exclaims, while the model of a pavillon filled with wonderful space related things, and what seems to be an impressive 1:1 model of a Little Bear rocket at the center, is shown on screen.
<<And that's not all! A whole MUSEUM OF SPACE EXPLORATION, ladies and gentlemen, will be built near the installations! Isn't it grrrrreat?? YES; YES IT IS TIMMY!>> He laughs, winking.
<<But the SPACE FEVER isn't over! A new railway segment will be built, connecting New California with the nearest spaceport directly! So you too will be able to bask in the glory of hundreds of tons of metals flying us towards PROGRESS! All from a safe distance, with spectators seats appositely built for your confort! Yes Timmy, that IS INDEED EXCITING!>>
<<Come to New California EXPO2020! Come TO THE FUTURE!>> he concludes.
When the music stops, a beautiful woman in bikini and sunglasses looks directly at the camera, while lying down on the beach; behind her, the ocean and a wonderful sunset. <<In hindsight?>> she says, lowering her sunglasses <<New California is 20/20.>> she concludes the punchline, winking, and smiling warmly.


Additional Informations:

-Name of the country making the proposal: New California Republic
-City where the expo will be held: New California [the capital]
-Approximate plans for the exhibition centre(s): other that what was mentioned in the spot, each private company worldwide will be able to bid for a pavillon spot, to showcase something they consider innovative to the world (great publicity stunt). Other than that, the centre of the expo will be dedicated to the "fixed" partecipants, on the theme of "Innovation and Progress". The centermost spot will be occupied by a fixed, permanent, great building, made in [TBD] as to be artistically gorgeous.
-Approximate cost: [WIP to be reaserched better] 20bln NC$
-Other facilities that will be built alongside the exhibition centre(s): other than what was mentioned in the spot, various infrastructures and a gorgeous statue that will be called "The Statue of Progress", meant to personify the event; design to be established.
-Whether other nations can build their own pavilions or not: Of course, the more the merrier. As previously said, all "fixed" partecipants (like of course participating nations) will also have dedicated space!
-How long the exhibition will last (options range from 3 weeks to 6 months): 6 months.
-Unique features/facts about the exhibition/country (what makes your bid/nation stand out from the rest): errr... See the spot above.
-Whether your nation will call it the World's Fair or the Universal Exhibition: Universal Exhibition.
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