The Garuda Initiative

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The Garuda Initiative


Post by Alanston »

Following the integration of the remaining Nusantaran lands, Minister of Innovation, Science, and Industry, Cahaya Sucianty Indrajaya, has achieved funding for what she has labelled The Garuda Initiative. This initiative will lead to the construction of several launch pads throughout Nusantara, three main research facilities, several construction sites, and the training of various engineers, scientists, and pilots/astronauts. The Garuda Initiative will also lead to the founding of the Nusantaran Space Agency, or the NSA.

The locations for the launch pads are as follows: Balikpapan, Sandakan, Manado, and Manokwari. The main three research facilities will be located at Palu, Balikpapan, Kuala Lumpur. The construction sites will be located throughout the nation, but primarily focused on Borneo, Sulawesi, and Papua. With funding approved, recruitment initiatives have gone out to select and recruit the best and the brightest of the engineers and scientists throughout the nation, with the NSA partnering with various universities throughout the nation. Temporary facilities will be used as the others are being constructed.

Work on construction would begin almost immediately, with land being purchased and cleared for the main sights throughout the nation. As the researchers and engineers are hired, they would immediately get to work on designing several rocket prototypes, including heavy and light rockets, as well as manned options. Satellite design projects are also started, with the goal being to launch several GPS, surveillance, and communication satellites, in addition to various research satellites. Discussions on manned missions and an eventual space station are also underway. As the astronauts are hired work would commence on their training, with several training missions being planned for the Nusantaran Antarctic Territories, due to its inhospitable climate. Other training missions are organized, with the goal being to fully equip the astronauts for their eventual manned missions to space.
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Re: The Garuda Initiative


Post by Alanston »

Work on the construction of the launch pads continues, with all 4 being worked on simultaneously. Each launch pad will feature an additional training facility and spaceport located nearby, along with appropriate storage facilities for the rockets themselves. Command centres will also be located near the launch pads, as well as near the other research centres, to ensure efficiency and accuracy. Work on the research facilities is also well under way, with the foundations being laid, and engineers and scientists being recruited and trained. Usage of the temporary facilities is proving beneficial, as scientists and engineers make plans and decisions for the rocket and satellite designs.

Work on the design of the satellites is proceeding on schedule, with the first preliminary designs being approved and sent for initial tests. Engineers and researchers are using sophisticated simulation technology to assist in the testing of their rocket and satellite designs. Discussions on manned missions are still ongoing, but initial plans seem promising. Astronauts are still being trained, with several candidates currently in Antarctica for advanced training. To assist with the training, a special base is set up in the Nusantaran Antarctic Territory for the astronauts to use. Researchers will also use these bases for advanced scientific research, connected to the space missions. One of these research stations currently under construction is a neutrino observatory, which will assist in research associated with the cosmos.
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Re: The Garuda Initiative


Post by Alanston »

As work continues on the construction of the launch pads, training facilities, spaceports, and storage facilities, work begins on establishing electrical connections to the sites, as well as road connections. Work on these locations is expected to be completed soon, with the budget having been increased for the project following the first Californian launch. A sense of urgency is felt as work progresses at a slightly faster pace. Work on the research facilities is nearing completion as well, as the skeleton of the buildings are established and electrical work is well underway.

The first designs of the manned spacecraft are released, with work being well underway on the building of the first 2 space shuttles. More are planned for later projects. These space shuttles will be reusable, and research is underway to ensure they work as planned. Work on the rockets, which will not be reusable, at least initially, is also nearing completion, with an initial set of 5 being built simultaneously. Once the new warehouses and construction facilities are completed, this number will be able to be increased to 10 at a time. These rockets will serve as the launch vessels for the space shuttles, as well as for other heavy duty launches (such as laps, telescopes, etc).

The first set of satellites are also announced, and are currently under final testing phases before full construction begins. There will be a total of 12 of these satellites, which will be placed in geosynchronous orbit over the South and East Asian regions, and will provide enhanced GPS capabilities over the region. Several SBIRS satellites are also being constructed, with the purpose of providing military capabilities such as missile warning, missile defense, battlespace characterization, and technical intelligence. There will be around 10 of these satellites, focused over the East Asian, Indian, and Pacific regions. Several STSS satellites are also being constructed, and will complement the SBIRS satellites. Finally, several radar satellites are being constructed, which will be able to take photos of the earth during day and night, as well as during cloudy conditions. Additional military radar satellites are also being constructed, which will serve the various military purposes needed by the nation.

A standard launch vessel is also announced, with work being well underway already. This launch vessel will serve the lighter launch needs, be more cost effective, and be reliable in its launches, while still be able to reach the moon and surrounding areas. An initial order of 24 of these are made, in order to meet the initial satellite requests. 7 are currently being constructed, with an additional 3 starting shortly. Special factories are currently being constructed, which will allow for an increased speed in the construction of these rockets.

Meanwhile, the testing of the rockets through the simulation technology is proving fruitful, and work is done to fix up any mistakes, and to ensure they are ready for launch when the time comes.
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Re: The Garuda Initiative


Post by Alanston »

Work on the research facilities has been completed, with the various scientists and engineers moving in to take up their duties and begin their research and other work. Meanwhile, work on the first group of rockets has been completed, alongside the first set of satellites, with subsequent satellites also nearing completion. The larger rockets and the shuttle are not quite completed yet, but are almost complete.

With the new construction centres completed, work begins in earnest, with several more rockets and satellites being able to be constructed simultaneously, due to the manpower and economic output available to the nation.

Elsewhere, the astronauts have completed their training in Antarctica, and have returned to the main islands to finish up their training, utilizing the newly completed facilities to engage in final training simulations and the like.

Military connections for the proposed satellites are already being established, in order to adequately use them when the time comes.

With work on the launch facilities nearing completion, having only the finishing touches left, the NSA is already preparing for the first launches to be held at the various sites. In order to do this, rocket launch tests are being held, to ensure the rockets meet standards and that the previous testing and simulations were accurate [third test]. Further, during the final stages of construction, the military has arranged for several air defense systems to be installed at the locations, in order to defend the strategic facilities.

The first 3 launches at the three main sites are announced, with six SIBRS satellites being selected as the first payloads, 2 per rocket.
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Re: The Garuda Initiative


Post by Alanston »

Finally, work on the launch pads throughout the nation has been completed, along with the entire first batch of satellites. The second batch of satellites and rockets to accompany them, along with a few spare rockets, are nearing completion. The larger rockets and shuttle are also complete have undergone final testing. As the other rockets are completed they also undergo basic testing.

The astronauts have successfully completed their training on the main islands, successfully passing their training simulations and the like. Following this, a crew is selected for the first shuttle launch. Although the shuttle can hold up to 10 people, only 4 will be accompanying it on its first launch.

Final testing for the rockets has proven successful, and they have passed all safety inspections and are deemed ready for launch.

With the launch pads completed, and the first three rockets loaded with their payloads, the first launch is publicly announced, and all three are loaded up at the launch sites. The shuttle is connected to the larger rockets and is loaded up at the fourth launchpad for its maiden voyage. The launches will each be delayed by around 1 hour, to ensure time to correct any errors that may arise. The three satellite launches will go first, followed by the shuttle's launch.

After having to delay the launch by two days due to inclement weather, the skies clear and launch command gives its 'go'. The count is given, final tests are taken, and the first rocket launches. The gathered crowds cheer, and many throughout the nation would be watching the launch closely.


The other two rockets launch after that, 1 hour for each.

Meanwhile, the shuttle is loaded onto the last launchpad at Balikpapan, and final tests are undertaken. With everything appearing nominal, the launch command is given, and the shuttle goes through its countdown, before makings its maiden launch. The nation cheers as the launch is successful, indicating the first manned voyage into space.


Following the launches, the three rockets would reach their designated orbits and deploy their first sets of satellites, before heading to their secondary orbits to deploy the second set of satellites. After this, they would undergo a controlled reentry burn, burning up over the Pacific.

The shuttle will orbit the earth several times, before making its return.
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Re: The Garuda Initiative


Post by Alanston »

The second batch of satellites have been completed, along with their corresponding rockets. With the design having proven successful, construction picks up and work on their construction continues at a steady pace. Work on the remaining satellites is also proceeding at a steady pace, with another batch set to be completed soon, and the remainder soon after that. Work on the second space shuttle has also been completed, however it will not see manned flight just yet. As the other rockets are completed they would continue their testing to ensure flight readyness.

Work has commenced on designing a manned space station, with researchers and engineers beginning work on the design process. This station will be in MEO, and conduct various scientific studies of the earth and space itself. It will be serviced by the shuttle, with several basic return craft being built to assist in servicing the station in case of emergencies.

Following the first successful launches, another 4 rockets are loaded with satellites. These satellites are the remaining 4 SIBRS satellites, loaded 2 to a rocket, and 6 STSS satellites, which will be loaded at 3 to a rocket.

With some fanfare, these rockets are launched from the four launchpads throughout the nation, with many watching in awe as the rockets soar into space. Once a stable orbit has been achieved, the rockets would deposit their first satellites, adjust their orbits, and follow up with their remaining payloads, before deorbiting in controlled burns over the Pacific.

The shuttle, after having made several orbits around the earth, makes its approach and landing at the Sandakan launch site. Although the original plan was for it to land at Balikpapan, inclement weather caused a change in plans. Regardless, the overall launch is seen as a success, and the astronauts are paraded through the streets as national heroes.

Meanwhile, the shuttle is loaded up and brought to a nearby warehouse, where it is serviced and prepared for the next flight.

Satellites launched:
Quasi-Zenith - 0/12
SIBRS - 10/10
STSS - 6/6
RISAT - 0/6
SAR-Lupe - 0/6
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Re: The Garuda Initiative


Post by Alanston »

Following the first few successful launches, the NSA takes some time to step back and evaluate the information collected. Work on the remaining 17 light rockets and 3 heavy rockets has been completed, along with the remaining satellites. Due to the speed of construction for the rockets some extra time is taken to ensure they meet safety regulations and standards, along with ensuring all 20 rockets are structurally sound.

Meanwhile the satellites in space are run through various test sequences, and brought online.

Work on the space station is progressing at a steady pace, with a design decided upon and construction on the various modules beginning immediately. A secondary manned spacecraft is also announced, with construction beginning on it as well. A smaller rocket is also announced, with construction on it beginning simultaneously with the smaller manned spacecraft. It will be used for smaller payloads and to service the manned spacecraft.

A cargo spacecraft is also announced, with work beginning on it as well. An additional rocket design is also announced, with construction beginning on it also.

A photo of the design for the proposed space station is released:

Several other scientific studies are prepared, with the intent of launching them with the next shuttle launch.
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Re: The Garuda Initiative


Post by Alanston »

With systems checks showing all completed rockets are stable and without flaws, along with the satellites, the NSA loads up the RISAT and SAR-Lupe satellites onto the rockets (3 per rocket) and begins launch procedures for them. Countdowns are given, final tests are run, and the rockets launch into space carrying the satellites. After dropping the first satellites off, they adjust orbits twice, each time dropping off the remaining satellites. Following this the rockets deorbit in a controlled burn over the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

Tests are run on the satellites and they are brought online.

Work on the spacestation modules, the new manned spacecraft, cargo spacecraft, and two new rockets is continuing at a regular pace, although some setbacks have occured with the cargo spacecraft. Regardless, work is well underway.

The scientific studies have been prepared and are undergoing final testing sequences for the next shuttle launch.

Satellites launched:
Quasi-Zenith - 0/12
SIBRS - 10/10
STSS - 6/6
RISAT - 6/6
SAR-Lupe - 6/6
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Re: The Garuda Initiative


Post by Alanston »

After some delays and work to finalize the data, the final set of 12 Quasi-Zenith satellites are launched. These will consist of 3 sets per rocket launch. The space shuttle also makes another manned launch with various scientific studies and the like being loaded for the launch. All four launches go according to plan, and the satellites are placed into their proper orbits, before the rockets do controlled burns over the Pacific. The space shuttle launch is also a success, with it entering a standard orbit, where the astronauts perform various scientific studies and the like, including several spacewalks.

Meanwhile, work on the space station modules is nearing completion, with the modules undergoing final testing. Work on the new rockets has been completed, and they are currently undergoing the first of three phases of tests. Meanwhile, the astronauts are undergoing simulation training for their future time aboard the space station.

Satellites launched:
Quasi-Zenith - 12/12
SIBRS - 10/10
STSS - 6/6
RISAT - 6/6
SAR-Lupe - 6/6
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Re: The Garuda Initiative


Post by Alanston »

The modules for the space station have been completed, with the two lab modules and the core module being loaded onto three of the previously completed Energia rockets. The rockets are launched with much fanfare, and the space shuttle currently in orbit rendezvous' with the three rockets. There, the astronauts work closely and carefully to assemble the station.

Meanwhile, testing for the new rockets enters its second phase, with simulations being run to ensure they pass the second series of tests.

Another set of 10 Energia rockets are also ordered, in order to supply future shuttle missions.

With all satellites in orbit, final tests are run, and they are brought online, effectively providing full military capabilities for the entire East Asian region.
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Re: The Garuda Initiative


Post by Alanston »

[Skipping ahead a little due to the amount of time that has passed]

After the third phase of tests were run successfully on the rockets, they entered into active service, with the first launches of cargo and personal being sent to the new station. In space the shuttle remained docked with the station to receive the cargo pod, which contained the necessary components for human habitation onboard. After a brief period of time the components were brought online and the station officially began active service. Afterwards the shuttle returned to earth, while the personal pod remained at the station with 4 astronauts beginning their first round of service at the station.

Meanwhile, the ordered 10 energia rockets were completed and successfully completed all three phases of tests.

Several additional rockets intended to service the station were also built, and also completed their three phases of tests.

Although nothing further is ordered at this time, regular missions to supply the station and the satellites would be regularly run, with the space program being kept very much alive.
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