The Space Age & the Last Frontier

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Re: The Space Age & the Last Frontier


Post by NCR »

There's a lot of excitement at SANC.
No, there's a lot of excitement in the whole nation. Maybe worldwide.
Today is the day, where mankind will start the journey to set foot on the Moon itself.
Many naysayers don't believe in the feasibility of this glorious mission. Yet, here we are, proving them wrong.
Thousands of people gathered as close as they can to the launchpad, to withness this historical moment.
The astronauts are confident: chosen among those who already flew past the Moon, they already know what's gonna happen... For now, at least.
With a roaring thunder, the HB carrying the brave astronauts starts flying towards the great cosmos.
For safety margin reasons, the whole rocket will be dedicated to the mission, disregarding reusability.
Finally, the HB manages to set an orbital course towards the Moon.

The launch and the voyage are broadcasted worldwide.
During the travel all astronauts will conduct interviews that too will be broadcast worldwide.
Meanwhile, SANC carefully monitors all the data received.

The ordered rockets begin their second stage of testing, to check up that everything is built up to spec.
Last edited by NCR on Tue Apr 25, 2023 11:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Space Age & the Last Frontier


Post by NCR »

A worldwide broadcasting has the world holding its breath.
The astronauts were finally parked in a lunar orbit, and now two of them, after transfering in the heavy duty lander, are finally descending towards the lunar surface.
The descent seems slow to the untrained eye, but the ground approaches very fast.
3, 2, 1... FIRE!
The thrusters of the lander turn on, screaming words of fire towards the surface, slowing the descent.
And then their intensity waned, until the lander's legs gently touched the Moon's surface, thus getting silent.
A roaring cheer thundered in the halls of SANC.
After a while, the external airlock opens, and a man in a spacesuit emerges.
He is Elijah Smith, and he will be the first man to walk on the Moon. He seems to be carrying a flag.
The ladder-ramp is extended, and he walks it down, pausing at the bottom before touching the proper lunar soil.
<<That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.>> he, says. And then, he steps over the lunar soils.
Cheers erupt worldwide.
The other astronaut too exits the lander, and starts walking on the Moon.
Elijah finds a proper spot, and there he plants the flag he was carrying: a beautiful NCR flag, which starts proudly waving despite the lack of air, due to the imprinted kinetic energy. He also places down a little commemorative block, with a plaque on it reciting:
"Here Men from planet Earth first set foot on the Moon, thanks to the efforts of the New California Republic. We come for Progress, Science, and Prosperity."
The date of the landing is inscribed below.
The astronauts conduct a few experiments, and take a lot of samples. They also leaves sampling probes on the surface, to transmit back on Earth additional scientific data.
After that, they return to the lander, and they fly again.
Once in lunar orbit they rendezvous with the other astronauts, transfer back, and then they start leaving the lunar orbit, returning towards Earth.
Returning Home.

The ordered rockets succeed at their third and final stage of testing, ensuring that everything is built up to spec; the rockets are now ready for launch.
Last edited by NCR on Tue Apr 25, 2023 10:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Space Age & the Last Frontier


Post by NCR »

The astronauts finally re-enter Earth, landing down.
At their arrival, they are cheered like heroes; a parade is held in their honor, and the entire New California Republic welcomes them back.
Some of the lunar rocks they carried back home will be exposed for everyone to see into the newborn Museum of Space Exploration in New California.
This brave men, who risked their life for science, will be forever remembered and will inspire generations to come.

After this great success, SANC officially starts the program to build and launch in orbit a modular space station, cementing NCR presence in space.
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Re: The Space Age & the Last Frontier


Post by NCR »

A national tour for the astronauts is organized, so that each major city in the NCR will be able to see the men who visited the Moon itself.
They will also stop in some buildings, like some selected schools and universities.

Meanwhile the development of CSS, the Californian Space Station, advances.
The first module, which is being developed, will serve as the central hub. It will be able to do a litlle bit of everything (eg. power generation, crew space, etc.) but its main purpose will be to grant and manage the connections among the various modules.
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Re: The Space Age & the Last Frontier


Post by NCR »

The first module, the Central Hub of the CSS, is finally launched with an LB. It is put at an altitude of 500 Km.
After delivering its payload, the reusable stage is collected; the check-up tests starts immediately, ensuring the reusability of the rocket.

Meanwhile the second module, the crew quarters, is being developed. It will allow longer permanence in the station.

Lastly a constellation of CMO [closest IRL] satellites start being development for military observation purpose.
The Payload, TC, and Power systems are fitted.
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Re: The Space Age & the Last Frontier


Post by NCR »

The crew module for the CSS is finished, and its thus prepared for launch.

The power generation and propulsion modules start development.

The development of CMO advances.
The Propulsion System (EP) and the ADCS are fitted.
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Re: The Space Age & the Last Frontier


Post by NCR »

The crew module of the CSS is finally launched.
After delivering its payload, the reusable stage is collected; the check-up tests starts immediately, ensuring the reusability of the rocket.
The crew module docks to the central hub, expanding the Californian Space Station.

The CSS power and propulsion modules are finished, and they are thus prepared for launch.

CMO finishes its development, and undergoes the final tests before launch.
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Re: The Space Age & the Last Frontier


Post by NCR »

Aboard a LB rocket, the CSS power and propulsion modules are launched. Once in orbit, they rendezvous with the Station, docking and integrating with it.

Another LB rocket launches carrying CMO, helping the constellation to deploy as much as possible.

After putting in orbit their respective payload, all the reusable stages manage to land and are collected; the check-up tests are immediately started, ensuring the reusability of the rockets.

Since the CSS is now more than ready, a crew of 5 astronauts is prepared to man it. They will be cicled after enough months in orbit have passed.
The launch will bring them and an appropriate amount of supplies (which of course includes a very hefty safety margin) in orbit, docking thee station.

Lastly, a completely scientific and an expanded storage modules are developed for the CSS.
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Re: The Space Age & the Last Frontier


Post by NCR »

CMO is finally fully deployed.

The new crew of CSS boards the crew module on the LB.
They are watched with trepidation and anxiety by their families, from which they will be separated by hundreds of km of space.
Regardless, the LB launches and start flying towards the heavens.
After delivering its payload, the reusable stage is collected; the check-up tests starts immediately, ensuring the reusability of the rocket.
Meanwhile, the astronauts rendezvous with the Station, successfully docking with it.
The astronauts get used to what will be their home in the sky for the following months, familiarizing with the station.

The completely scientific and an expanded storage modules are finished and tested, and thus prepared for launch.
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Re: The Space Age & the Last Frontier


Post by NCR »

The completely scientific and an expanded storage modules are launched with a LB; once they have been docked to the CSS, the crew starts immediately using the laboratory to make more in depth scientifical experiment of larger scope. Details are of course sent to SANC.
After delivering its payload, the reusable stage is collected; the check-up tests starts immediately, ensuring the reusability of the rocket.

Having reached 10 relaunches, the reusable LB undergoes more in-depth tests to grant its fitness to keep operating, and to substitute any degraded component.
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Re: The Space Age & the Last Frontier


Post by NCR »

The tests and substitutions to the LB rocket are concluded, making the rocket operational again.

The life of the brave astronauts aboard the CSS continues, as do the complex experiments on board.
One of the astronauts inaugurates the EVAs with a "space walk" outside the station. The event is of course widely broadcasted.

SANC starts the development of a satellite and a rover to explore Mars: the satellite will be a near-polar orbiter, which will also scout for an appropriate landing spot for the rover [again, think Opportunity 2023 edition].
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Re: The Space Age & the Last Frontier


Post by NCR »

[skipping ahead due to large amount of time passed]

The development of both the satellite and rover starts by implementing the respective payloads and sensors.
Then the TC system is designed, with a working link budget, and capabilities for the orbiter to be used as a repeater for the rover if needed.
The power generation system will be made of both solar panels and RTGs, allowing a substantial increase in power generation independent from sunlight exposure, also without having to fit larger bulkier solar panels. The power system is then completed with the remaining components.
Also, the orbiter is fitted with EP to finalize adjustments and for station keeping, while the rover is fitted with engine and mobility systems.
Lastly, the orbiter is fitted with the ADCS system, while the rover is fitted with the systems needed for safe landing.

The orbiter is dubbed CPMO1, while the rover is dubbed CPMR1.

Finally, the launch is made using a HB rocket.
After delivering its payload, the reusable stage is collected; the check-up tests start immediately, ensuring the reusability of the rocket.
Both CPMO1 and CPMR1 fly towards Mars.

After a long travel, the rocket manages to enter Mars orbit from transfer. In the following days CPMO1 will be parked in the appropriate orbit and CPMR1 will be landed.

As per contract with the New English Republic, a constellation of 31 GNSS satellites [like GPS as asked] starts being designed and built.
Due to the experience acquired in building MAGIC, the NCR own GNSS constellation, work proceeds fast.
After assembling all the satellites they are tested and prepared for launch.
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Re: The Space Age & the Last Frontier


Post by NCR »

Excitement is palpable at SANC. CPMO1 was parked in the right martian orbit, and after having surveyed the best landing spots CPMR1 starts its decend towards the red planet itself.
The rover blazes through the thin martian atmosphere, using its lander's various systems to slow down the fall.
After few intense minutes, with everyone at SANC holding their breath...
CPMR1 successfully landed.
The rover starts surveying the martian surface, relaying its important scientific data and the beautiful pictures of the martian surface back to Earth, togheter with the data and pictures of CPMO1.
The event and the publication of the pictures, in particular, is heavily publicized and cheered by the public.

The NER's satellites are finally launched, using 3 HB reusable rockets.
After delivering their payloads, the reusable stages are collected; the check-up tests start immediately, ensuring the reusability of the rockets.
The rockets, carrying 10, 10 and 11 satellites each, deploy the constellation in an approriate MEO orbit.
After checking again that both parts fulfilled the contract appropriately, the NER mission control is contacted and the constellation is handed over.

[note to self: 3L;R0 | 2H;R6]
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