The new Claws of the Bear

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The new Claws of the Bear


Post by NCR »

For years the Ministry for Defence advocated for an increase in funds for a military expansion.
Finally, they obtained them: secretly, new contracts are drawn with various NCR defence companies to order a new fleet of aircrafts, and a whole fleet of warships. Specifically, the fleet expansion will focus on accomodating the new supercarriers. Lastly, a new recruitment campaign is started, focusing on the benefits that joining the military will grant to applicants, and to uphold the ideals and lifestyle that the NCR represent and stands for.
Last edited by NCR on Sat Apr 29, 2023 11:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The new Claws of the Bear


Post by NCR »

Work on manufacturing the ordered crafts is proceeding fast.
While both aircraft and ships are getting assembled, appropriate training is given to those who will become the pilots or crewmen of those crafts.
While strictly confidential, the ordered crafts are:
2x Supercarriers
5x Ballistic missile submarine
10x Attack submarine
20x Frigates
20x Stealth Bomber
95x Air Superiority
95x Multirole
95x (Multir.) Strike

Additionally the recruitment campaign is paying off, and as such the new recruits will start their rigorous training in batches.
The target number for the army new recruits is 100'000.
Last edited by NCR on Sat Apr 29, 2023 11:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The new Claws of the Bear


Post by NCR »

The assembly of the crafts proceeds.
The expertise of the NCR allows for the construction to be both efficient and speedy, and of course of great quality.
The first models of both aircrafts and ships begins testings.

The recruits continue their training, cycling through the different camps spread around the NCR which will allow to be trained in the multiple harsh terrains present in the nation.

Jenna was walking down the street. Groceries in hand, she was approaching home when she saw something unusual:
A stand with some men talking about defending the values of the NCR by joining the military, and giving people flyers.
Initially, she didn't think much of it. She didn't even take a flyer, since her hands were busy; instead, she returned home and started cooking her launch like she had planned to.
Yet, something was bothering her from the back of her head.
She found herself thinking more and more about those flyers, about the life she gave for granted.
Years had passed since she last felt this emotion, but after a few days she understood what it was: purpose. A sense of purpose. It was in that moment of epiphany that she decided to join.
Last edited by NCR on Sat Apr 29, 2023 12:46 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The new Claws of the Bear


Post by NCR »

The crafts production proceeds well, ensuring timely delivery. The crew and pilots continue their training, both in real crafts and in VR simulators.

The training of the army recruits advances too, with the first batches ready and being integrated into the standing army.

Jenna wished for her death. Well, not literally, but the training they put her through was excruciating.
She never felt so tired in her whole life; before joining, she thought she was pretty fit. Now, she was so wholly achey that she discovered muscles she didn't even know she had!
Regardless, she pushed through. Oh, those recruiter bastards didn't mention this part. But she'd make 'em see, the fuckers! She'd be dead, literally, before abandoning now...
Last edited by NCR on Sat Apr 29, 2023 12:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The new Claws of the Bear


Post by NCR »

The recruitment offices finally reach the desired recruits target.

The first crafts to exit production and testing start being used to conduct mock up battles for the more experienced trainees, granting them pseudo-combact experience.

New batches of recruits are integrated into the army.
The already integrated ones condut mock up battles too for the same reasons.

Jenna was hot. Not the good kind of "hot" either, or at least not right now; it was the I'm-feeling-my-flesh-boil-under-the-fucking-sun kind of hot.
Her squad was being trained in the desert segment. It was so bad, she actually missed the mountain segment; yeah, it was absolutely exhausting, and bringing equipment uphill was a total pain, but at least the air was fresh... In all senses.
Regardless of her feelings, the squad kept being harshly trained in the desert base. They also even learned about all kinds of specific desert ops and situations, like they did for the mountain training. She almost dreaded to know how many extreme biomes they intended to push her through.
Last edited by NCR on Sat Apr 29, 2023 1:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The new Claws of the Bear


Post by NCR »

The first batches of crafts and their pilots or crews finally start being fully integrated into the existing military.
Prouction itself is close to being finished.

The training and integration of recruits into the army proceeds well too.

The appropriate logistical changes are made so to be able to fully supply all the newly integrated units, plus the ones that are expected to be integrated as a result of this expansion.

<<To your right!!>> Jenna screamed to her squad member, while shooting. Well, fake shooting.
Her companion managed to "save" himself, shooting the "enemy" soldier before he could shoot him. <<Thank you, Jenna>> He said.
Their mock battle was going pretty well.
Honestly, she was also having kinda fun. When she wasn't so focused on the simulation she really feared for her life, at least.
She carefully advanced, covered by her companion.
Like hell she'd die. Even if it was fake dying. She shot another soldier, and kept advancing.
While of course training helped, she was kinda a natural with aiming precision. That made her pretty proud of herself.

In half an hour, they had won their mock battle; they of course celebrated by drinking their prize, extra alcohol rations, using all the free time they had avaiable.
Last edited by NCR on Sat Apr 29, 2023 1:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The new Claws of the Bear


Post by NCR »

Finally production of the ordered crafts is finished.
The remaining batches of pilots or crews can finally be fully integrated into the existing military.

The integration of the new troops into the army concludes as well, and a parade is organized in honor of their service.

Jenna felt strange. She coulndn't believe that not a long time ago, she was like those civilians cheering her as the parade passed the streets. And now she was here, the one being cheered. She was proud of herself for pushing through; she was proud of her country for their achievement; she was proud of her countrymen, that in this day applauded her.
<<FOR DEMOCRACY! FOR PROGRESS! FOR PROSPERITY!>> she screamed, togheter with her fellow soldiers, when the music ended.
<<And may our deadly expertise never be needed...>> she added, whispering to herself.
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Re: The new Claws of the Bear


Post by NCR »

After a long and arduous training, finally all new military personnel is not only fully integrated, but also fully operative.
It was a great expansion, but from today the NCR will be safer on the global stage.
With this knowledge, and with the ideals that move the nation, many have hope of a brighter future.

The final numbers of recruited people and built crafts are:
100'000 Troops;
305 Aircrafts;
542'325 Ships Tonnage.
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