Friends in the House of the Rising Sun

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Friends in the House of the Rising Sun


Post by NCR »

The Ambassador of the NCR in San Romolo formally invites the San Romolese government to discuss trade, and the possibility of a FTA, among our nations.
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Re: Friends in the House of the Rising Sun


Post by NCR »

[bump @San Romolo ]
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Grand Serene Republic
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Re: Friends in the House of the Rising Sun


Post by Grand Serene Republic »

The Californian would receive an envelope with the official seal of the Enlightened Republic of San Romolo in which the Doge I saddened to not being able to visit California and sends Foreign Minister Roatta in his stead. The Doge send s his best regards to the Californian Prime Minister and a bar of exquisite Meridian Chocolate as a gift
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Re: Friends in the House of the Rising Sun


Post by NCR »

Prime Minister Emeric Fulminetti personally thanks the Serene Doge for his pleasant gift, stating that he will be still welcome to visit the NCR when his current diplomatic obligations will allow him to do so. He also sends the Doge a bottle of high end Californian wine, and the best wishes for his current endeavours.

Even without the direct presence of the Doge, Roatta and his delegation are welcomed with all the due honors upon their arrival in New California.
In the capitol, specific flower compositions are arranged as a clear reference to the italian heritage that many NCR citizens share with the San Romolese.
The evening starts with a sumptuous dinner, with delicacies from all over the world, while musicians play many of Vivaldi's most famous pieces. To entertain the guests, dancers perform at the center of the hall, which is in turn adorned with the alternated symbols of the NCR and San Romolo to symbolize the friendship between the two nations.

As the evening progresses and pleasantries get exchanged, the Minister for Foreign Affairs Lucifer Morgenstern approaches Roatta, smiling broadly and extending his hand.
<<So, Mr. Roatta, how are you enjoying your welcome in New California?>>
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Re: Friends in the House of the Rising Sun


Post by Grand Serene Republic »

"Well Mr Fulminetti I have to say that my stay here has been quite pleasant, although I doubt you requested this meeting just to show me your charming capital city"

Mr Roatta says while sipping his black tea
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Re: Friends in the House of the Rising Sun


Post by NCR »

Mr Morgenstern smiles and nods.
<<Indeed. I think that both our nations stand to gain a lot by establishing closer ties. For example, I hear there's recent international interest to buy your trains; wouldn't be so convenient if, say, machined parts were to become cheaper? Your companies could manufacture more for less, and be more competitive in the global market. Likewise, our industries would gain by selling more of those parts. As such, I think these >> he says, while presenting some documents <<will surely pique your interest. And make your journey not only pleasant, but very, very profitable.>>

The first document is a draft for a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the two nations. The proposal aims to eliminate all forms of tariff-based trade barriers between the two nations, and to form an agreement for some shared border-control procedures to quicken up the passage through customs.

The second document is a draft for a non-aggression pact between the two nations. It also includes a declaration of mutual friendship between the two countries and their people.
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Re: Friends in the House of the Rising Sun


Post by Grand Serene Republic »

"Well, a Free Trade Agreement would be quite profitable deal but is also a deal that requires a lot of mutual trust. I think at the present moment it would be ... Too long of leap to take.

What we can agree however is to make a more limited version, one regarding a selection of goods and resources: this would still be very quite profitable while allowing the building of relationships at a more reasonable pace"

As he is talking Roatta would stop to take a few sips here and there of his tea
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Re: Friends in the House of the Rising Sun


Post by NCR »

<<Of course you're right>> Morgenstern says, nodding <<this is something that require trust. This is why, to show both parties good will, we also proposed the non-aggression pact.>>
<<However, if you prefer a "restricted" version of the FTA, it's something that surely can be arranged>> he added, smiling.
<<Let's start from your needs ang go from there. What goods would you start by adding, or removing from the complete FTA, to make this agreement palatable?>>
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Re: Friends in the House of the Rising Sun


Post by Grand Serene Republic »

"Well we think that the optimal compromise is to create a FTA on strategic sectors of a modern economy: Microchips, Industrial Machinery, Petrolchimical Products and Agricultural Products.

This would strengthen both our economy and create a solid foundation of trust between us, and it will allow us to have a framework for any future agreements.

Regarding the NAP, we absolutely agree, it will help to ensure stability to the North American Continent"
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Re: Friends in the House of the Rising Sun


Post by NCR »

<<And it is an excellent compromise indeed!>> The minister says, smiling.
<<We agree to this treaty. Let's draft and sign it in the earnest; and in the meanwhile, you will be welcome guests in New California as long as you wish!>> he adds, with great enthusiasm.
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Re: Friends in the House of the Rising Sun


Post by Grand Serene Republic »

" Excellent, unfortunately I cannot remain in your lovely city more time then it is necessary since I have many duties to attend to in San Romolo"

Roatta says after signing the treaties
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Re: Friends in the House of the Rising Sun


Post by NCR »

<<Of course. It was a pleasure, Mr. Roatta.>> the minister says, smiling as well.
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