Show the flag, make freinds

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Kingdom of Sweden
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Show the flag, make freinds


Post by Kingdom of Sweden »

The Marine Nationale has taken delivery of its first nuclear powered aircraft carrier at last. After years of technical problems and delays, the COS Iron Range has completed her sea trials and officially been commissioned into the Atlantic Fleet at a ceremony held at Naval Base Chincoteague. The ship, along with her dedicated escort, the cruiser Duluth are the culmination of the Atlantic Fleet construction program that began in 1965. Intended to deliver the Marine Nationale a true blue water force capable of protecting the Confederations interests across the globe, the Atlantic Fleet program was one of the largest single government funded projects ever completed in Ohio. In order to celebrate this achievement, the government of the Confederation has reached out to the governments of @German Federal Republic @Republic of Carthage @Kingdom of Rome @Qi Empire @California Republic to coordinate a series of courtesy calls as the Iron Range and Duluth set out on a world tour.
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Re: Show the flag, make freinds


Post by Alanston »

Forbidden City, Nanjing

Emperor Zheng Yi is seated in his office, reviewing the latest laws presented by the Palace Secretariat, when there is a knock at the door. Looking up, he nods at the guards, who open the doors. The Chief Steward of Foreign Relations, Ren Yahui, enters the room and bows respectfully before the Emperor, before standing and taking a seat across the desk from the Emperor.

"Welcome Chief Steward Ren, what brings you to my office today?"

"My lord, I have received word that the Ohio Confederation is sending several of their naval vessels on a world tour, and wishes to organize a courtesy call with the Qi Empire." Ren Replies.

Emperor Zheng is silent for a while, pondering this news, before responding. "Do they come as friends, or as enemies?"

"As friends it would seem, my lord. They have also reached out to several powers in Europe, and given that they are reaching out before their vessel arrives, I would presume they have on malintent here."

"I think you are right. Extend an invitation for them to visit Shanghai during their world tour, inform them that Palace Secretariat Kong Wei, and yourself, will be honoured to greet them and provide a tour of the city. It may also be beneficial to hold a parade in their honour, to help boost relations. If they enquire, I give you permission to negotiate other locations for them to visit as well, including Taipei and the Guangzhou region."

"As you wish, my lord. I will see to it that your requests are carried out." With that, Chief Steward Ren stands, bows slightly, before leaving the room.

A short while later, Chief Steward Ren reaches out to the government of the Confederation to discuss their visit to the Qi Empire, offering Shanghai as a stopping point, with an official Chinese delegation prepared to meet them. The response is worded in such a way as to imply that the Chinese are open to discussing other stops, if the Ohioans wish.
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Kingdom of Ireland
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Re: Show the flag, make freinds


Post by Kingdom of Ireland »

Sufet Azrubaʿal Bodmelqart hears a knock at his office door. Undoubtedly his ever-present chief of staff, Maharbal.
As expected, Maharbal entered the room. He adjusts his glasses while keeping a small stack of papers in his hands to present on the Sufet's desk. Bodmelqart looks on, waiting for an explanation of what he has been given.
Sufet, the Ohioans have launched their first nuclear powered aircraft carrier, and wish to take it on a world tour as a celebration. They have reached out to us, among others, for the opportunity to make a stop.
Sufet Bodmelqart ponders this for a moment.
Surely, this cannot be just a celebration. Such a tour is meant to show off the new pride of the Ohioan fleet, and particularly what it can do.
Maharbal stays quiet. He has learned in his working with Bodmelqart that he does his best thinking when he does it out loud... and uninterrupted.
But yet, to deny their offer would show weakness even moreso than allowing their vessel into our waters. Besides, I'd rather have the Muatin Amerikani be on good terms with us, than bad.
Again the Sufet falls quiet in his pondering. Maharbal looks at Bodmelqart expectantly.
We will accept their offer. Have them come to Carthage. Extend an offer for the carrier SRK Adherbal to escort the Ohioans to the city. Offer a flyover as well.
At once, Sufet.
Maharbal exits the room, and begins the series of calls required to enact the Sufet's plans.
The Republic of Carthage accepts the offer of the Confederation of the Ohio. Additionally, the Carthaginian Republican Navy offers for the carrier SRK Adherbal to accompany the COS Iron Range and the Duluth to the port of Carthage, and additionally offers a flyover to accentuate their arrival.
Last edited by Kingdom of Ireland on Sun Jul 30, 2023 2:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Show the flag, make freinds


Post by Mitteleuropa »

Already quite busy on his first day, Chancellor Addler Martell is met with the face of his Minister of Defense Von Leeb, a holdover from the previous Mandred Schmitz administration, of which Martell was also a member of. "Chancellor, we have just received word from Ohio, they have completed a Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carrier, and intend to take it on a worldwide voyage. We have been invited among other nations, the Celts, The Romans and so on, to host a port visit. The invitation seems friendly from one Liberal government to another, and presents a good opportunity to showcase some of our own vessels in escort." The Chancellor, filled with many thoughts on other issues, clears his mind momentarily to answer at once. "We should welcome them with open arms at Hamburg, along the Elbe. I trust you to decide the escorting ships worthy of such an honor, and to work with Minister Erlacher to receive the Ok from Ohio, and plan the visit accordingly. Clear your schedule on the arrival date, the Military Budget doesn't argue for itself." He smiles, reassuring that any pressure on the military budget was simply a joke. The Defense Minister, however, nodded sternly, as if he found the joke closer to his reality of the last 8 years. "Understood, that is all for now."

The German government welcomes the new ship to a warm reception in Hamburg, along with the escort of a pair of German Guided Missile Destroyers, The Leipzig and Emden, should Ohio agree. The German government also requests a meeting between the Reichsminister of Defense, Von Leeb, and the commanding officer of the Nuclear Powered Carrier, during it's stay in Hamburg.
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Re: Show the flag, make freinds


Post by California Republic »

The office of the President of the Republic responds to the Confederation that it would make facilities available in Santa Cruz and Pearl Harbor for a port visit, indicating the ship is free to stop at both facilities if it so desires. Local leadership in both the Republic of Hawaii and the Commonwealth of the San Francisco Bay have held off any formal announcements of ceremonies until confirmation of a visit is made.
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Re: Show the flag, make freinds


Post by Kingdom of Burgundy »

There was a knock at the door to the King's private office, the only place he could attend to matters of state in private, without Dukes and Ministers and whoever else intruding on his thoughts.
"Majestate." His Şambelan greeted from the entrance, bowing slightly. Behind him was the Duke of Attica who is the currently serving Lord High Admiral of Transylvania.
"Yes? Come in, close the door behind you." The Şambelan ushers the Admiral inside and does as he was instructed, closing the door.
Before he can return from this task, the Admiral approaches the King's desk, bows, and begins. "Majestate. The Şambelan has informed me that Ohio has publicly anounced the completion of their long term naval building program, most notably a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, and they are now intending to sail it on a world tour. Visits all over the globe, including several in Transylvania."
"A show of strength?" The King wonders aloud. "To show off their newest and most capable warship to the world."
"That would be my assessment Majestate."
"Then let us welcome them to Transylvania with open arms Admiral, respectfully, with an escort worthy of such a mighty vessel. I trust you can see to the details of that?"
"Of course Majestate, I have some ideas already."
"See it done then. You are dismissed."

The Kingdom of Transylvania welcomes the Ohioan visit, and plans events in Athens, Constantinople, and Constanta. Also arranged is a suitable escort for when the aircraft carrier reaches the Eastern Mediterranean: The cruisers NMS Mărășești and NMS Mărăști.
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Kingdom of Ireland
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Re: Show the flag, make freinds


Post by Kingdom of Ireland »

Have the Carthaginians agreed with this?
Yes, sir. They have no issue with the Ohioan ship arriving in Israel, so long as they agree to the pomp and circumstance in Carthage beforehand.
Perhaps it would be a good opportunity to have Israel be in the news for something other than conflict.
Prime Minister of Israel, Yitzhak Rabin, is having a meeting with his Minister for Foreign Affairs, Moshe Dayan. With the Carthaginian approval, Minister Dayan has informed Rabin they have the go-ahead to invite the COS Iron Range and the Duluth to Tel Aviv-Yafo.
Very well. We will accept their offer to stop in Israel. After they depart Carthage they will dock in Tel Aviv.
The State of Israel formally offers the port of Tel Aviv-Yafo to the Confederation of the Ohio as an additional stop on their tour.
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Holy Roman Empire
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Re: Show the flag, make freinds


Post by Holy Roman Empire »

Admiralty (Morlys) Offices, Portus Adurni

Pencadlys Adurni, the administrative heart of the Llynges Celtaidd, stands as a serene marble edifice between the bustling civilian town and the sprawling naval base of Portus Adurni. A woman adorned with the epaulettes of a captain approaches a set of gilded oak doors at the end of a vaulted hallway. Before the door lies an oak desk occupied by a bookish young lieutenant alongside the looming form of a marine. "Ah, Maeve, what new disaster in Llundain do you bring news of?" The lieutenant sits up in her chair and quickly scans the calendar arrayed at the edge of her desk.

"No disasters today, Enora, something much more exciting." She hands a small note to the lieutenant, "Please let Admiral Ui Neill know it is a most urgent matter."

Maeve adjusts her uniform as the secretary slips through the door, only to return a few moments later, sans note. "The Admiral will see you now, good day, Captain." The captain nods thanks to the marine holding the door as she passes through.

Inside the spacious office, a slightly weathered but broad-shouldered man with thinning grey hair and a long, drooping moustache stands before the windows, surveying the various ships at anchor. "Sending a fleet carrier around the world will be an impressive show of Ohio's new capability to project force. Given their port of departure Iron Range and Duluth will likely make their first calls with us before visiting the Germans and then departing south. We've been instructed to make them feel welcome, but let's not let ourselves be overshadowed in our own waters."

Captain Maeve Kerouac places a thin folder onto the admiral's desk as he comes to sit, "I have prepared a few potential plans, sir, and I've drafted orders to have every vessel at Spithead repainted post-haste."

Admiral Ui Neill scans through the drafts for a few minutes before responding, "Excellent work Captain. Have those repainting orders dispatched immediately, and ensure Cú Chulainn and her escort are prioritised. I want our own carrier group to meet the Ohioans at sea and sail with them into the Channel."
The Celtic Federation warmly welcomes the potential tour by the Ohioan squadron. The federation wishes to plan a major port visit and meeting of delegations at the first potential stop in Portus Adurni, which would see the Cú Chulainn carrier group provide a ceremonial escort from the Western Approaches until the port call. Following Portus Adurni a more social port call can be organised for Yr Hâg before the two Ohioan vessels depart for Germany. On the return trip a third port call in Brest at the tip of Armorica is offered. A pair of frigates will provide escort whilst the Ohioans are in Celtic waters.
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Re: Show the flag, make freinds


Post by Grand Serene Republic »

Rex Aurelian XI was as usual in his office, the tall sleek man was a hard worker, maybe to much according to his wife and his mother with the two women calling him a workaholic. Still the old adage that "The Empire never sleeps" was true. Although technically Roma didn't call itself an empire since the Grand Reformation of the 9th century, but that was irrelevant. There were so many things to work on, foreign politics for example: how to achieve closer ties with Germany and especially make them break with their quite tedious non-interventionist stance, work a more functional relationship with the Celts, and especially find away to contain Carthagenian influence.

As the Rex was pondering on all this matters he heard a knock on his door "You can enter, Consul Valerius" Aurelian recognise the typical knock of his right hand man and best friend Valerius Severus.

For being a diplomat Severus sported quite an impressive physique, large broad shoulders and a squared jaw but his most impressive feature was his red hair, quite the rarity in the lands of the Kingdom

"Meus Rex, the Amerindian nation of Ohio has announced the completion of what appears to be the jewel of their navy: a nuclear powered aircraft carrier, they are asking to stop in our ports as part of their Grand World Tour" The Consul said rather quickly.

"Well, something is stirring up in the new world, very well give them the green light I think they shall find Neapolis quite pleasant"
The Kingdom of Rome agrees to the request of the Ohioans so that their ships shall be able to visit the beautiful city of Neapolis.
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Kingdom of Sweden
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Re: Show the flag, make freinds


Post by Kingdom of Sweden »

"Ah good. Have a seat Admiral."
President Desrosiers gestures to Admiral Revoir as he enters the Presidents office in Milwaukee after the short flight from Naval headquarters in Chicago.
"We've heard back from everyone we reached out to. Regarding that trip of yours? Ill admit im surprised its worked out so well so far. Your plan raised alot of eyebrows around here, but so far so good."

"Well good sir, im glad to hear it."
Revoir was a little surprised himself.
"So they all agreed to it?"

"Even better. It seems like you'll be arriving to a party everywhere you go. Thats less surprising though, everybody wants to make themselves look as good as we are. Many of them even invited us to make more than stop, which we plan to agree to. Im personally assigning you a pair of Cahokias to go with you. Thats an expensive machine your touring around."

"Understood sir, thank you."

"Of course. We've prepared a route for you;
The president places a map on his desk.

"Now listen Admiral. Let your sailors enjoy themselves, embrace the pomp and circumstance, but always keep in mind; Not all of these people are our friends. There are some very real threats on this trip. I dont expect any trouble, but I want you to be ready for it, alright?"

"Of course sir. I understand the risks."

"Good! Now, I have many letters to return. Have a safe trip to Chincoteague."
And with that, the two men shake hands, and Admiral Revoir departs.
Ohio officially accepts the locations put forward by the international community. Stopping first in the Celtic Federation and Portus Adurni, then Yr Hâg on the European mainland. After this, the fleet will make its way to the German city of Hamburg before heading south, back to the Celtic Federation for a brief stop in Brest. From Brest, a busy schedule in the Mediterranean awaits starting in Neopolis in Rome, Carthage, then Athens, and Constantinople. From here, to the Black Sea for the Transylvanian port of Constanta. Then, back to the Med for Israel and Tel Aviv-Yafo, through the Suez Canal and a long trip to China, stopping in Singapore for some shore leave before the party resumes in Taipei, then Shanghai. After this, the Land of the Rising Sun, Seoul and Tokyo. Across the great Pacific to Honolulu, and to wrap up the tour, a stop in The Golden City, San Fransisco, before sailing through Panama and back home.
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Kingdom of Sweden
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Re: Show the flag, make freinds


Post by Kingdom of Sweden »

The fleet, consisting of the Iron Range, Duluth, and Destroyers Topinabee and Cahokia depart Naval Base Chincoteague bound for the Celtic Federation, and the start of the tour.
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Holy Roman Empire
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Re: Show the flag, make friends


Post by Holy Roman Empire »

As Portus Adurni prepares itself for the arrival of the touring Ohioan squadron, the offered carrier battle group escort slips their moorings at Spithead and begins to form up in the Celtic Channel. The destroyer Gáe Bulg with its bulbous radome leads the formation, followed by the looming bulk of Cú Chulainn itself. Two sleek frigates, Ulaid and Silures, fan out to take station to the carrier's beams whilst the destroyer Dundalk skulks in their wake.

The Celtic formation aims to meet with the Ohioans at approximately 30 degrees west before forming up and sailing back through the channel.
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Re: Show the flag, make freinds


Post by Kingdom of Sweden »

Already sailing with the Celtic formation, the mood aboard the Iron Range should be festive. Instead, the only sound aboard the ship is the the many TVs and Radios quietly relaying the Presidents speech on the incident in the Caribbean.
"Sir, its Admiral Vandier"
Admiral Revoir jumps slightly at the words of his radio operator breaking the silence. The commander of the fleet was expecting this call following the presidents speech. The Chef d'État-Major de la Marine was sure to be ordering the formation home.
"Yes sir, understood. We'll make best haste. Goodbye sir"
Revoir hangs up the phone, with a sad look on his face. "Gentlemen. The party is canceled. We've been ordered home. Put me on the phone with the Celtics, we just wasted their time. Id want a phone call."
Admiral Revoir reaches out to his Celtic counterpart aboard the Cú Chulainn
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Holy Roman Empire
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Re: Show the flag, make freinds


Post by Holy Roman Empire »

Rear-Admiral Cathal Ó Murchadha sits in his day cabin just aft of the bridge, sipping on a cup of tea in between writing lines in his notebook. A series of rapid knocks on the cabin door draw his attention, "Enter, please."

A young midshipman swings open the door and salutes once over the threshold, "Beggin' your pardon, sir, the officer of the watch requests your presence on the bridge. We are being hailed from Iron Range by Admiral Revoir, he wishes to speak with you, sir."

"Very well." Admiral Ó Murchadha rises from his seat, donning his cap and jacket as the pair exit.

A moment later the midshipman swings open the bridge door to report 'Admiral on Deck!'. After stepping inside and returning greetings the Admiral briefly speaks with the officer of the watch and comms officer before picking up the receiver as the call comes through, "Admiral Revoir, this is Cúl-Aimiréal Ó Murchadha, to what do I owe the pleasure?"
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