Opperation Taiheiyō no rakurai

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California Republic
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Opperation Taiheiyō no rakurai


Post by California Republic »

In coordination with the Republic of Japan, and to increase the ability of Republican naval Forces to opperate with allies, with the addition of demonstrating exceptional Pacific relations concluding the ending of the Pacific War (1949-1955) fought between the two former rivals, a large scale fleet exercise which will include live fire exercises will be conducted approx 100 nautical miles of the southern cost of the Midway Atoll. The exercise has been named Taiheiyō no rakurai "Midnight Thunderbolt".

The First Naval Squadron, and Second Destroyer Division of the Pacific Fleet will participate, supported by the 31'st naval air wing opperating from the Airship Independence . The ships included in the exercise will be the battlecruisers Congress and Republic, Light Cruisers San Francisco, Sacramento and San Diego [First Naval Squadron], along with four destroyers Bakersfield, Sunnyvale, Phoenix, and La Plaz [Second Destroyer Division]. The 31'st wing is made up of two squadrons of 12 aircraft, making 24 in total. Additionally the second destroyer division includes 12 helicopters of the Second naval Air Wing.

The ships leave San Fransisco Bay and sail under the golden gate towards their exercise area, loaded with a number of training munitions to simulate active live munitions in a dynamic live fire training exercise.

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
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Re: Opperation Taiheiyō no rakurai


Post by The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth »

The Japanese Fleet Dai-Ichi Kidō Kantai, or 1st Mobile Fleet, departs from Tokyo Harbor in its entirety to partake in the exercises while the 2nd Aviation Group of the Nantō Hōmen Kantai, or Southeast Area Fleet, moves to group with them at the halfway point between The Home Islands and Midway Atoll.

Dai-Ichi Kidō Kantai is comprised of 3 Hokkaido-class Guided Missile Cruisers Hokkaido, Okinawa, and Iwo Jima, 2 Seoul-Class Cruisers Seoul and Busan, 2 Tachikaze-class Destroyers Tachikaze and Asakaze, 1 Hatsuyuki-class Destroyer Hatsuyuki, and 2 Ishikari-class Frigates Ishikari and Bungo. The 2nd Aviation Group is comprised of 2 Shirane-class Helicopter Carrier Destroyers Shirane and Kurama and the experimental refit of the flight deck battleship Ise.

The 2nd Aviation Group's air wing consists of 3 UH-60J ASW Helicopters and 13 AV-8 Harrier Jump jets. The Kurama's deck and hangar have been modified slightly to accommodate the VTOL aircraft instead of its standard load of 3 helicopters.

After regrouping and the halfway point, the combined fleet sets sail for the training area 100nm South of Midway Atoll.
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California Republic
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Re: Opperation Taiheiyō no rakurai


Post by California Republic »

Both fleets will be postponed south of Midway Atoll for the exercise, positioned no less than100 nautical miles apart, without knowledge of the exact starting location of the opposing fleet known by either force. The Goal of the two fleets will be the destruction of the other as an effective fighting force in decisive battle. This will include the firing of training munitions including but not limited to cruise missiles with inert warheads which will attack the sea in front of the target, the use of training airburst red phosphorus illumination cannon projectiles, and other means to simulate a combat environment with live Munitions.

The commander of each fleet will be allowed to choose a starting area in a 125 nmi semi sphere of possible locations opposed to the other, with the exact location of each unknown. The exercise will conclude when one side as theoretically eliminated the opponents capabilities to present coordinated resistance.
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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
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Re: Opperation Taiheiyō no rakurai


Post by The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth »

The combined Japanese fleet arrives at the training area, signaling to the combined Japanese and Californian observers that they are prepared and ready to begin the exercise.
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California Republic
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Re: Opperation Taiheiyō no rakurai


Post by California Republic »

Republican vessels arrive in their staging area and notification is sent to all concerned that the group is ready to begin exercises. A TFR is declared around the area to keep civilian aviation out of the exercise zone.
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California Republic
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Re: Opperation Taiheiyō no rakurai


Post by California Republic »

After the start of the exercise the Californian ships immediately begin maneuvers. The Congress takes lead with Republic in line, screening the two battlecruisers in tight formation are the three San Francisco class nuclear cruisers. This formation has been designated "Task Force Center" and the formation starts cruising due west at best possible speed. 50 nautical miles north Task Force North, consisting of two Destroyers steams west-southwest at cruise speeds, 60 nautical miles south Task Force Southern makes flanks speed due west.

25 nautical miles southeast the Airship Independence recovers 1 of its two on station CAP aircraft, to refuel the aircraft. Prior to the aircraft connecting to the airship the airship deploys its two stored F/A-18 Raiders, one is an unarmed scouting variant, while the other is armed with simulated tactical nuclear cruise missiles. These aircraft take an altitude bellow 30 meters and cruise at a speed of 500 knots IAS due west, with the reconnaissance aircraft using its forward looking ground search radar to detect surface vessels.

4 F/A-18 Raiders from the 31'st Wing are 15 minutes from theater armed with a strike package, with an additional strike package lagging 2 hours behind. all 24 aircraft from the 31'st wind have departed Naval Air Station Pearl Harbor, in an interval of 1 4 ship flight per 2 hour period to provide a stream of strike options for the operational commander of the surface action group. The inbound aircraft are cruising at Mach 0.89 at an altitude of 40,000 feet.

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
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Re: Opperation Taiheiyō no rakurai


Post by The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth »

As the exercises begin, the two squadrons of the Japanese navy begin steaming forward, launching a total of 4 AV-8 Harrier jets from the modified Ise and one of the modified Flight Deck Destroyers. The 4 Harriers begin orbiting above the fleet to screen for incoming fighters. An additional two Harriers are launched to begin proceeding East at an altitude of 50 meters at an IAS of 300 knots armed with an air-to-air loadout.

2 Destroyers of the 1st Mobile Fleet proceed about 20nm ahead of the rest of the formation, operating as a scouting force for the remainder of the fleet with their radar systems searching for surface vessels while making irregular movements.
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California Republic
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Re: Opperation Taiheiyō no rakurai


Post by California Republic »

All ships involved in the exercise turn east and make flank speed back to Pearl Harbor, all aircraft start to return home to Pearl, and the Airship supporting them also returns home. An abrupt message is sent to the Red Force.

"we are calling for an immediate exercise halt and returning home due to a crisis in the security situation of the Republic... Count one for the land of the Rising Sun and be ready for a rematch."

Littile further exploration is offered.
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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
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Re: Opperation Taiheiyō no rakurai


Post by The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth »

There's a moment of confusion among the Japanese force, but a radio transmission is sent to the Californian flagship.

"Understood. Know that Japan stands ready to assist her allies in North America if the situation requires. Godspeed and fair seas."

After returning the aircraft to their ships, the Japanese Fleet begins heading back for their home ports to be reloaded with combat munitions.
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