Opperation Righteous Fury

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Opperation Righteous Fury


Post by California Republic »

Two armed RCF/A-5 Raiders from the 33'rd Naval Aviation Wing and opperating from the Airship Shoulders of Giants currently transiting the Caribbean sea on an eastern heading are deployed from the airship. After climbing to their ceiling they are met by an F/A-18 Raider carrying a fueling pack and refuel in air before turning north. Each aircraft is armed with 3 W-18 Thermonuclear warheads, Two Thunderbolt missiles, an EWAR pod, and survalliance equipment. At an altitude of 51,000 feet and speed in excess of Mach 2 they are intercepted by two friendly EF/A-14 Crow's which proceded to join the formation. The four ships of aircraft procede north. Once reaching 20 nautical miles of the coast of the Confederate states of America, well into the Confederate AIDZ but prior to entering their officially controlled airspace, the four ship of aircraft turns east, and follows a path tracing the border of the confederacy, starting from their initial position along the western edge of the confederacy.

The two Raiders start to take high resolution photos of ports, runways, and other areas of strategic military importance along the flight path and as deep as 50 miles into confederate territory. During this flight plan the two remaining F/A-18 Raiders attached to the airship serve as refueling tankers, flying flights back and fourth from the airship to grab fuel and the formation to refuel.
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Re: Opperation Righteous Fury


Post by Alanston »

The Confederate military would be quick to detect the approach of the Californian planes, launching 4 Mirage F1's to intercept the Californian planes. The F1's would depart from a military base in New Orleans, and when in range, attempt to guide the Californian planes back out to sea. Another 8 F1's would be on standby in case of necessity. When contact with the Californian planes is made, they would be asked to leave the AIDZ, or military action will be taken. The interception would come as the Californian planes pass Pensacola.

The rest of the Confederate military is put on alert, with some generals pushing for full scale mobilization. Although the push is ignored, for now.

The Californians are sent a 'polite' reminder of Confederate airspace, and 'politely' asked to keep their planes outside of the Confederate AIDZ.

Californian planes would spot points of military interest at the following locations:
- Air base at Moss Bluff (nuclear capable)
- Training base at Houma (not nuclear capable)
- Silos near Lafayette (also an air and ground base)
- Silos near Biloxi
- Naval, ground, and air base at New Orleans (nuclear capable)
- Naval, ground, and air base at Mobile (nuclear capable)
- Air base at Pensacola (nuclear capable)
- Silos near Crestview
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California Republic
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Re: Opperation Righteous Fury


Post by California Republic »

The F/A-18's procede along their flight path without change to course, they light their afterburners and accelerate to a groundspeed of 1,400 knots, which is beyond the maximum speed of the Mirages tailing them, the two escorting aircraft remain at an altitude 10,000 feet beyond the ceiling of the Mirages, and match the speed of the Raiders.

After some time, a message is dispatched from the airship supporting the operation signed by Admiral Nimitz, reminding the confederacy that international airspace and an Air Defence Identification Zone are two separate concepts, and that the Republic of California maintained the right to operate in international airspace, noting the warning of flights near their airspace, a Customery action in these cases, must have been "lost in the mail".
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Re: Opperation Righteous Fury


Post by Kingdom of Sweden »

A Pair of Mirage 4 aircraft in a reconnaissance configuration take flight from Wright-Patterson Airforce base, accompanied by a single Epicure electronic warfare aircraft. They fly west initially, climbing to their maximum altitude of 65,000ft, making a 180 degree turn at the Mississippi river and flying just north of the border of the Confederate States. Primary targets for reconnaissance are targets of significant strategic importance.
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Re: Opperation Righteous Fury


Post by Alanston »

Realizing pretty quickly that their F1's won't be able to match the F/A-18's, the Confederates launch 4 locally produced Mikoyan MiG-31's from Tampa to intercept the F/A-18's. The would fire some rounds just inside of the F/A-18's flight path, in an attempt to force them out to sea and away from Confederate territory. If those rounds failed, 3 more would launch, and they would keep on the F/A-18's throughout Florida, launching rounds just inside of their flight path in an attempt to push them back out to sea. If the Californians complain, the Confederates would inform them that the Confederates are undertaking military exercises in the region, and if the Californians don't like it, they can fly their planes somewhere else.

A similar set of four Mikoyan MiG-31's would take off from the base in Columbia, Missouri, rushing to intercept the 4 Ohioan Mirage's. They would be flying just inside the Confederate borders, along the same flight path as the Ohioan planes. After Louisville a further 6 planes would take off to join the MiG-31's. A further 6 would join as the Ohioans pass by Huntington, with another 6 joining as they pass Hagerstown. Knowing that they can't do anything about the Ohioans, the jets would just fly alongside them, just inside the Confederate border, as they travel along the length of the border. Border forces would also be put on high alert.

Meanwhile, the Confederates would reach out to their allies in Africa (South Africa, Rhodesia) informing them of the potential need for military support in the near future. Plans for a general mobilization would also be made, in case it became necessary.

- Silos at Panama City
- Ground and air base at Tallahassee [I'm not convinced you could see it though]
- Major naval base at Tampa, with an air base
- Minor naval base at Fort Meyers, including some silos
- Naval base and airbase at Miami
- Beginnings of a space program at Cape Canaveral, including an air base
- There would be a distinct lack of silos in much of coastal Florida

- Military and air base at St Louis, including silos
- Silos at Mt Vernon
- Military and air base at Louisville, including silos
- Military and air base, including listening post and silos, at Huntington
- Military base, listening post, and silos at Parkersburg
- Military base, air base, silos and listening post at Morgantown
- Silos at Bridgeport
- Silos at Davis
- Silos at Cumberland
- Silos at Berkley Springs
- Military base, air base, listening post, and silos at Hagerstown
- Military base at Frederick
- Major naval, ground, and air base at Baltimore, including silos
- Major ground and air base at Washington, including silos
- Major naval, ground, and air base at Norfolk, including silos
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California Republic
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Re: Opperation Righteous Fury


Post by California Republic »

Both Raiders deploy countermeasures chaff and flares and engage in a steep high speed dive while engaging in a sustained 2.5 g 30 degrees southern turn, the two escorting Crow's switch their radar master mode to air to air, Track while Scan, each Crow paints all four Mig-31's with their AN/ASG-18B fire control radars before the weapons bay on the aircraft opens and each aircraft dispenses two AAM-2B Longbow air to air missiles. Approximately 1.5 seconds prior to separation each one of the missiles rocket engines ignites and they accelerate to a terminal speed of Mach 5.4 during their initial loft. The two escort aircraft maintain their altitude but also complete a 30 degrees turn southbound to maintain relative position with the Raiders.

Just as the radar warning receivers light on the Mig-31 aircraft warning the pilots that inbound missiles are decending upon them form superior altitude two F/A-18 Raiders 80 nautical miles southbound and orbiting their Airship immediately turn north to reinforce the four ship flight, which itself is on a southeastern heading at a airspeed of 1,418 knots.

The Airship, which contains the air battle management staff and other C2 components sends an immediate message to Travis AFB, California that it's reconsiance aircraft in international airspace was just fired upon by Confederate aircraft and have engaged in self defence.

Upon receiving this information, the commander at Travis orders the 8th Strategic Bombardment Group to immediately be readied for flight and off the runway, while additionally transmitting this information to the National Command authority, which relies it to the President of the Republic. Without interruption, B-7 Cavaliers will be ready to takeoff after 15 minutes workup.
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Re: Opperation Righteous Fury


Post by Alanston »

Upon seeing the F/A-18's fire the missiles in return, the pilots' smug grins would fade from their faces as they say their final prayers and pull the release in an attempt to bailout of their planes. Two of them would survive, whilst the third is caught up in the resulting explosion, the fourth would be reported as MIA (drowned at sea).

The Californian planes headed south are not followed.

The Confederate Government, frustrated at the recent turn of events, would reprimand the surviving pilots, and order a review of the situation. Following this, they would increase patrols of their borders, both by sea and by air. A mobilization of half the fleet and half the air force would be initiated, whilst only 25% of ground troops would be mobilized for now. The order is given to directly fire upon anything entering their AIDZ, rather than just firing warning shots, with the reason given being that the Californians were given a chance to play fair, and they blew it.

No comment is made to the Californians at this time.

The total military force of the confederates is as follows:

600,000 troops
250 planes (-4)
375,000 tonnes
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Re: Opperation Righteous Fury


Post by California Republic »

Two hours later. Sacremento, Alta California

President Kennedy sits in the Presidents office of the Sacramento House across from Secretary Mcnamara, with whom he had spent the last hour discussing the situation, Kennedy finally stands. "Mr. Secretary, it seems prudent to me at this time to raise our defence posture to 'Fast Pace' and I believe that we should continue the mission in the Region, with best haste to overcome this delay. Now make it so Mr. Security, I believe its time I call Speaker Schwarzenegger and then it will be time to address the Republic...

25 minutes later. Travis AFB, Alta California.

Lieutenant General Billy Mitchell Smiled, he was satisficed on this day to Command the finest Bombardment Force in the world, and proud of their performance in service to the Republic. The 'Mighty Eight" or the 8'th Strategic Bombardment Aviation Group, was First ordered to Scramble 1 hour and 15 minutes ago by the General, and yet in no less than 1 hour and 8 minutes had the first aircraft left the Runway, at this point, 50 aircraft had cleared the Runway, and where orbiting the sight. A significant feat given that these 50 aircraft where B-7's, and the typical run up type for a B-7 is 15 minutes, something that takes a starting engine to be rolled underneath and used to spin up 1 engine at a time, on an aircraft with 6 engines. However, the Mighty Eight had just set a record, not only for a single aircraft, but also as an Air Group. After he enjoys this moment for a second, he then moves to his next task, With the entire Aerospace Force entering heightened Readiness, it was time to let other groups to compete for records in run up times, his new concern was not the 46 aircraft that will be orbiting over the Mojave and the Baja Gulf, it was instead the 4 headed eastbound, headed towards the Caribbean.

1 hour Later. 72,000 feet over the Caribbean Ocean.

First Lt. Andrews salutes the Raider as he passes it by, this was his eight Refueling with the same aircraft, but the final one for this leg of the Mission, the sound of 6 Pratt and Whitney burning a streak in the sky as it Propelled the B-7 Cavalier through the sky past the Raider, which had been flying as a Tanker for this day. The Raider itself was to start its Journey back to the Airship Shoulders of Giants where upon being recovered it would have its pilot and systems officers swapped while its engines are replaced, it is refueled, and it is refit for a Combat Air Patrol. Meanwhile Andrews flies his own Cavalier Constellation through the sky, climbing to 70,000 Feet and a speed in excess of 1,800 Knots, it only takes him a few minutes to cruise across the Atlantic from his redevise point with the Tanker to his meeting with the formation, When he and his four escort aircraft meets with the other B-7, but this one specifically an RSB-7, with no weapons loading and instead carrying surveillance equipment. These two B-7's climb to their ceiling of 74,000 Feet and accelerate to their absolute maximum speed of Mach 3.4, along with the two aircraft is eight escorting aircraft, EF/A-14 Crows, which can maintain formation tight formation at these speeds and altitudes, and travel to the distance at which the engagement occurred, they will then turn east, and complete the course of the last attempted reconnaissance flight. Lt Andrews hopes for an unevental flight as the formation approaches the edge of Confederate airspace...

1 hour later. Sacramento, Alta California.

President Kennedy turns from his desk to the Television Camera, and begins his address to the Republic. "My fellow citizens of the Republic, I have chosen to speak to you tonight in light of a recent attack on the Republic from the forces of the Confederate States, which happened a few short hours ago. During this situation, Airmen of the Republic met the challenge with professionalism and talent which has all but come to be expected for those in Uniform in defence of this Republic. In the ensuing situation, Confederate Aviators where killed, This act of aggression, in which Confederate aircraft fired at Californians flying in International airspace, is beyond reason, and it must be made clear to all those who believe that they can attack, assault, or otherwise endanger aircraft flying in international airspace, or otherwise dictate what aircraft, ships, or otherwise, are allowed to operate, and what time, and by what nature, in international waters, or in international airspace, including the Caribbean, the Republic of California will not back down in the face of aggression or negotiate with terrorists, we will protect our rights to operate anywhere in international airspace, and international waters, and we will protect the lives of our servicemen when they are endangered, just as if we will protect our Republic if it becomes necessary. In light of this event, I will be ordering the Navy and Aerospace Service, as is my power as Commander in Chief, to increase Freedom of navigation acts within the Caribbean, with a corresponding increase in Fleet and air assets in the region, in order to make it clear, that the Republic intends to assert its rights to free use of this globe outside of national territory."
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Re: Opperation Righteous Fury


Post by Kingdom of Ireland »

Normally, in matters of international relations, the Carthaginian Foreign Office would issue a generic statement after being drafted, redrafted, and edited by an army of bureaucrats. The goal of the process is to ensure there are no accidental insinuations or other misinterpretations; to provide the exact phrasing, free of emotion, to ensure the statement is taken from the most neutral and thought-through standpoint as possible when read by other Foreign Offices and the public alike. However, Sufet Azrubaʿal Bodmelqart felt this statement required a personal touch to accentuate the importance of the message. He wrote the statement himself, and had it broadcast to the Carthaginian Public from his office in the Palace of the Sufet.

Citizens of Carthage. It has recently come to my attention that across the great Atlantic Ocean, a tragedy has occurred. The Confederate States of America have acted in aggression against the California Republic. This aggression has backfired against the Confederacy, and as of yet only a handful of Confederate lives have been lost.

The Sufet looks solemn. Anyone watching would see he was preparing himself to say something important. Not anxiety, or apprehension, just an appreciation for the gravity of his words about to be stated.

Citizens of Carthage, make no mistake. The Confederacy is not a nation. It is not a country of people. It is a corruption upon the very land of the earth. The very soil upon which that decrepit necrotic shell of a state lies has been poisoned by the vile, despicable ideology they profess. Do not hold remorse, or empathy for the lost souls of the Confederate military. They are not noble citizens. They are the wicked sentinels standing to defend an empire of the purest, most disgusting evil. Each casualty they receive is a moment closer to the emancipation of their enslaved masses and true freedom spreading across their land. Just as their malevolent state has caused untold death and misery onto millions solely based on the color of their skin, their own perverted hubris has caused them to come in deadly contact with the California Republic in an illegal act of aggression. Should California ask, Carthage will provide military assistance. We cannot pride ourselves on being the oldest continuous democracy, an icon-in-being of freedom and democracy, if we do not help those deprived of even the right to control themselves gain it as well. I dare not involve ourselves where we are not wanted. However, if California would like, the Carthaginian Navy shall sail across the Atlantic. Not in aggression. We could only sail in aggression against a nation. We would sail as exterminators, cleansing the land from the most heinous oppression in the holy fire of liberty.
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Re: Opperation Righteous Fury


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Hearing the news of the Caribbean Incident, President Desrosiers orders a partial mobilization of the Confederation armed forces, activating the National Guard, and putting the nations air and missile defense on heightened alert state. Meeting with his Chiefs of Staff, and Prime Minister Barrande, it is, among other things, decided to recall the Carrier Iron Range, knowing that its presence may soon be needed close to home. In a public statement to the Senate, President Desrosiers said the following;
"Senate of the Republic, People of the Confederation, Nations of the World. This statement is for you all. An incident has taken place in the Caribbean Sea that should be disturbing to everyone. Aircraft of the California Republic, while flying in International waters, were fired upon in aggression by the Armed Forces of the Confederate States of America. They have shown themselves unwilling or unable to respect the rule of law on the world stage, but this should come as no surprise. The Confederate States of America is an Empire of Evil, make no mistake. Their many violations of human rights, and adherence to that vile institution of slavery has already shown the world the sort of people we're dealing with. This act of aggression is simply an extension of their incivility, and uncivilized world view. Let it be known; I intended to stand with our Western friends. I urge everyone here, and indeed the entire world to do the same. Only together can we overcome this threat. Only together can we insure the rule of law, and defend the values of liberty and justice so many of us share. To this end, I have ordered the Iron Range home early from her goodwill tour. To all the nations we intended to visit, I extend my apologies. I hope that in this struggle for freedom we can find the same common ground we intended to promote in the first place. I hope that we can celebrate together in a freer, safer world. So I call upon every freedom loving person, government, nation. Stand with California. Stand with republican values, and the right to liberty we so value. I know we will. Thank you"
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Re: Opperation Righteous Fury


Post by Kingdom of Sweden »

Simultaneously, regular flights of Mirage 4s would fly the border with the confederacy, as well as the Atlantic coast, utilizing TriStar tankers to extend their mission down to the southern coast of Florida. The same priority of reconnaissance exists, but secondary targets include SAM sites, radar stations, cruise missile launch facilities, arms depots, motorpools, and other minor military targets distributed across the confederacy.

The COS Pontiac, accompanied by the Duluth class cruiser Mackinac and a pair Cahokia Frigates leaves port at Chincoteague and begin sailing South.
Last edited by Kingdom of Sweden on Sun Aug 20, 2023 7:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Opperation Righteous Fury


Post by The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth »

In an exceptionally rare television appearance, His Imperial Majesty Akihito addresses the nation of Japan as more information regarding the incident in international airspace comes to light.

Citizens of Japan. It is with a heavy heart that I can confirm that our allies across the Pacific have been aggressed upon, with Confederate States aircraft opening fire on Californian aircraft over international waters. Thankfully, our allies in the California Republic have suffered no losses.

The Emperor looks to be fighting back the urge to say something for a moment, taking a deep breath before continuing.

Our nation has always, and will always stand for the core principle of brotherhood between the nations and peoples of the world in an attempt to forge a brighter future for our children. This is a principle that the Confederate States of America not only doesn't respect, but exists in direct opposition to. The Confederacy is, and will always be an example of the basest form of evil mankind is capable of; and one need look no further than the 'allies' they call upon for support: the apartheid state of South Africa and the spiritually and morally bankrupt state of Rhodesia, both of which confine vast swaths of their populations in chains and slavery, much as the Confederacy does. I cannot in good conscience grieve for the loss of life that our allies have inflicted upon the Confederates. These... people have betrayed the very foundation on which modern civilization is founded.

Should our allies call upon us, Japan will come to their aid. Japan has elected to keep its operations largely confined to our local sphere for the past two decades, and we will be changing that. The existence of such evil necessitates that the free world stand together as one. Effective immediately, any and all vessels in Japanese territorial waters operating out of the Confederate States of America will be confined to port and boarded by the local port authorities. Any souls kept in bondage aboard these vessels as labor will be immediately emancipated and offered asylum in the Republic of Japan. Furthermore, the National Diet has elected to impose a full embargo on all trade with the Confederate States, as well as the most in-depth economic sanctions in our nation's long history, and will be seizing any assets in Japanese territory owned by individuals or state actors within the Confederacy.

I cannot overstate the value of Japanese involvement in this crisis. The free nations of the world stand as one, or fall apart. To our allies across the Pacific and beyond, Japan offers the loyalty of faithful friends. Should you request, I can pledge the support of our armed forces in bringing an end to this empire of evil that has plagued our world for far... far too long.
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Re: Opperation Righteous Fury


Post by English Channel Union »

Following the incidents occurring south of the Atomic Alliance, the General Secretary of the Alliance will appear on live television broadcasting support and hope for the Californians and Ohioien Militaries

People of the Alliance, I stand here today to inform you of a conflict that has broken out just south of our borders in America, not long after our campaign to bring liberty to the Albertan people and reform their governance to introduce democracy, does the Californians launch a mission into the Confederates who trample the name of the freedom by their very existence.

The Secretary pauses for a moment, looking amongst the crowd of reporters in front

Our alliance was forged on the principles of peace, security, and the promotion of human rights. We pledged to work together to ensure the safety and well-being of all our member states and to stand up against any threat that seeks to trample on the dignity and sovereignty of our nations. The Confederacy's actions stand as a blatant violation of these principles.

For too long, the Confederacy has imposed its iron grip upon its minorities, subjecting them to oppression, censorship, and the denial of basic human rights. Innocent civilians have suffered, their voices silenced, and their dreams of a brighter future extinguished. This is a dark chapter that we, as the Atomic Alliance, cannot and will not allow to persist.

Our alliance was born out of a shared commitment to justice and freedom. We have demonstrated time and again that when confronted with injustice, we stand united against those who would undermine the principles that guide us. The time has come for us to take a bold stance in defense of those principles, to extend a hand to the Californian people and show them that they are not alone in their fight for liberation.

Today, I am proud to announce that the Atomic Alliance will lend its full support to the Californian operation aimed at liberating the oppressed and restoring their rightful place as free citizens. We do not undertake this decision lightly, but with a deep understanding that our actions in this critical moment will shape the destiny of a people yearning to be free.

We do not seek war, but we are committed to justice. We do not seek conflict, but we stand firm against tyranny. Our support for the Californian operation is not an act of aggression, but an act of compassion, solidarity, and the unwavering belief that every individual has the right to live in a world free from fear and oppression.

To the brave soldiers who will take up arms in this endeavor, know that you fight not only for the Californian people but for the very values that our alliance upholds. Your sacrifice, your courage, and your dedication will light the path towards a better future, where liberty and justice prevail.

As we move forward, let us remember the weight of responsibility that lies upon our shoulders. Let us continue to stand strong in the face of adversity and united in our pursuit of a world that is safer, more just, and more free. The Atomic Alliance stands shoulder to shoulder with the Californian people in their quest for liberation. Let history remember this moment as one where we chose to be on the right side, the side of justice and humanity.

Thank you.
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Re: Opperation Righteous Fury


Post by Tokugawa Empire »

The Minister of Defence would barge in during a meeting to usher the Führer to private area. Filling him in on the details of the engagement over the Caribbean and any connected events or information prevalent to the situation. Not even an hour later Führer Cruz sat at his desk in the Casa Parlamentaria, ready to address the nation.

"Breaking News!" Covered every television in the nation, right before it cut to the Führer.
"Proud people of The Argentinisches
Reich, I address you now to inform you of an ongoing situation in the Caribbean. Earlier today aircraft from the Confederacy engaged California Republic aircraft in international airspace. The only loses so far are four Confederate aircraft. The situation is tense and I say this to the leaders of the Confederacy and California,
come to the table for talks before its too late. With that being said, I am deploying naval battle group Alpha to the Atlantic to monitor shipping lanes and prevent any escalation from other parties. We will prevent this from starving the continent and our neighbors. Those who seek to escalate this from the safety of other continents seek the wrath of our might!
Prepare yourselves for what may come. May the Gods bless you and may the Gods bless The Argentinisches Reich!"

The broadcast ends with a cheer from everyone in the Casa Parlamentaria and the streets outside. The Navy begins full mobilization as the threat of major conflict in the Atlantic rises.
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Re: Opperation Righteous Fury


Post by Alanston »

A group of 8 Mikoyan MiG-31's would launch in response to the detected approaching Californian planes. They would do their best to match the height and speed, before opening fire directly upon the Californian planes. Learning from before, they would not be as close, and would take evasive maneuvers if fire is returned. They would continue to fire upon the Californian planes until shot down.

Another 12 MiG-31's would be launched to patrol the northern border with Ohio. For the Ohioan planes continuing south along the Atlantic, as soon as they exit Ohioan airspace, they would be fired upon be a second group of 6 MiG-31's, who would take the same precautions as those attacking the Californian planes.

Meanwhile, the Confederate government gives the all clear to initiate full mobilization of the entire Confederate military.

[600,000 troops
250 planes (-4)
375,000 tonnes]

No response is made to the Californian statement. To the Carthaginian statement, they point out that the only international body to make anything 'illegal', the Forum of Nations, is a shell of its former self. They also add that since there are no international police, they can't rightly consider something as 'illegal', since throwing that word around is just one nations opinion which means nothing. No response is made to the Ohioan or Japanese statements.

The Japanese would be able to stop about a dozen Confederate merchant ships to their ports. Aboard these ships would be several slaves, all tasked with basic functions of running the ships and doing other types of manual labour. The slaves would have shock collars, be kept in abysmal conditions, and most would have scars all over their bodies and be missing fingers. When offered their freedom and asylum, most wouldn't even know what the Japanese meant, and would figure the Japanese are just their newest slave owners. All other Confederate vessels in the region would avoid Japanese waters. The Japanese sanctions would have some effects, but not overly much yet.

Shocked at the Atomic statement that the Californians are sending an operation into the Confederation, all Californian and Atomic citizens currently in the Confederation [probably not a lot], would be rounded up and arrested. Meanwhile, they would denounce the illegal Californian operation (whatever it is that the Alliance is referring to), stating that while other nations may not agree politically, the Confederation is still a sovereign nation, and conducting operations against a sovereign nation is itself an illegal act of aggression. They would demand an explanation from California, as well as express very valid questions about why the Atomic Alliance is talking about things that the Californian's themselves have not even admitted to. They would also denounce the Atomic statements, reminding that Alliance of their war crimes against the Albertans when they bombed several border towns in Alberta.

The Argentinian statements would be laughed at, with many commenting how the Argentinians aren't true fascists, and how the recent political shift has corrupted and destroyed the true intents of Hitler and the rest. A call would go out for the Argentinians to rise up and overthrow their government, and to restore true socialist (fascist) ideals to Argentinian society.

Meanwhile, discussions would be had about the next steps, with several discussing using the slaves as cannon fodder. The government in Richmond would also talk about the nuclear option, but would ultimately decide against it, unless the other nations use it first.

In Africa, several planes would take off from South Africa and Rhodesia, bringing about 5,000 volunteers from each nation to the Confederates to help in the war. Around the same time, several vessels would depart Cape Town, carrying another 5,000 volunteers from each nation to the Confederates. The governments of these two nations would make it clear that these are volunteers, and that both governments stand neutral in the coming conflict.

A high ranking South African Christian by the name of Desmond Tutu would smuggle a letter to Carthage from a prisoner in South Africa named Nelson Mandela. This letter would comment on the state of affairs in South Africa, reminding the Carthaginians of the plight of the blacks, and that if anger is held against the Confederates, then it must also be held against the South Africans, or the democracies of the world are little more than hypocrites. Mandela's letter would also contain a statement calling for self-governance of the blacks in the Confederation, stating that if the other nations just conquer the land in order to 'free' the blacks, then they are no better than the Confederates, and would be just enslaving them under a different name. It would also include a comment from Tutu, stating that he supports an economic boycott of South Africa, and stating that just because South Africa is in Africa, does not mean that their plight is any less important than those of the blacks in the Confederation. The letter finishes by encouraging an increase in public awareness, and sanctions against the South African government. The Carthaginians are asked to share the letter publicly.

The Nahuatl government would also issue a strong statement condemning the actions of the Confederate, and begin mobilization of roughly half of their forces. They would reach out to the Californians, and permit them to fly reconnaissance missions through Nahuatl airspace. Though they would be less willing to permit Californian troops to enter Nahuatl territory.
Moved from Statescraft to RP Archive on Sat Feb 10, 2024 4:34 pm by Alanston


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