Soviet Gas...

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Soviet Gas...


Post by Alanston »

Intent on acquiring sufficient goods and services to keep the nation on its feet in case of an emergency, the Palace Secretariat, Kong Wei, reaches out to the @Union of Soviet Sovereign Republics to request a meeting to discuss trade relations. The Soviets are invited to Beijing for the meeting.
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Re: Soviet Gas...


Post by Kingdom of Ireland »

The Soviet Union will send a delegation mainly for two politicians to attend the meeting: Minister of the People's Economy Nikolai Talyzin, and People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs Andrei Gromyko.
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Factbook: viewtopic.php?p=2729#p2729

Re: Soviet Gas...


Post by Alanston »

Nikolai Talyzin and Adrei Gromyko would be met at the airport in Beijing, before being brough to an office in a traditional Chinese building for the meeting. There, Kong Wei would greet them both, offering them some local green tea or coffee. "Welcome to China! Thank you for agreeing to meet with me, please, have a seat and enjoy some tea or coffee. As you know, I invited you here today to discuss trade relations between our nations. I would also like to discuss affairs of a more political nature. But, to start with, I wish to discuss relaxing trade restrictions between our nations, as well as to inquire about the purchase of Russian gas and the installation of some pipelines into the border provinces, and possible further into the Chinese heartland as well. I recognize that these proposals would include the need for Soviet businessmen in China, and we are willing to offer up one city block in Beijing for the construction and opening of a local office for Soviet gas companies. Now, in order to protect local business interests this office must employ at least 75% local employees, and run under Chinese regulations and laws. This means there may be regular checks with regards to our regulations and laws, including with regards to foreign espionage. However we will recognize the offices and business as Soviet owned, and you are free to conduct business as you wish."
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Re: Soviet Gas...


Post by Kingdom of Ireland »

Talyzin and Gromyko take seats next to each other, both looking rather stern and unemotional. Gromyko takes a cup of tea and sips it. Talyzin does not, and speaks first.

Firstly, I would like to ensure we are on the same page. It may be my limited understanding, but I believe you said "companies". I would like to clarify there is one entity: Gazprom. It is a state owned and operated corporation which handles all gas production and transportation in the Soviet Union. I will have to set up a meeting with the board of directors, but establishing a Gazprom subsidiary in Beijing seems a reasonable enough task to accomplish. The pipelines will be built by Gazprom and remain assets of the corporation proper, while the subsidiary set up in Beijing will be entrusted to manage it. Is that agreeable?
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Factbook: viewtopic.php?p=2729#p2729

Re: Soviet Gas...


Post by Alanston »

Kong Wei would look a nod, looking a little embarrassed at his mistake. "Please accept my apologies, I merely misunderstood the situation in the Soviet Union. Here our mineral and resource production is regulated by the government, and although we permit multiple companies, they are all regulated by the government. I think the situation as you have outlined is agreeable. Once you have arranged things with your board, we can begin the process of breaking ground for the new offices and the pipelines. Is there a specific location in Beijing you would prefer for your offices? Do you want it to be closer to the city centre, near the Northern Palace [forbidden city], or near the outskirts where land is cheaper? If you choose nearer to the outskirts, you would be able to build a larger building, but it would be further away from many amenities.

"We would also be interested in discussing mutual border agreements, due to our large shared border, as well as a potential non-aggression pact. I should make it clear that we will also be seeking a non-aggression pact with other major democratic nations, such as the Californians. Our nation is neither communist nor capitalist, and as such, we have no desire to take sides in any ideological arguments between both sides, but rather prefer to take a stance of non-involvement. With regards to border agreements, we seek to establish a clear policy on border patrols and defenses between both of our nations, as well as entry regulations. To a similar extent, we would also be open to the discussion of rail and road links between our nations along our border. Let me be clear, China does not desire to have a heavily militarized border with the Soviet Union. Nor do we desire to become involved in major military conflicts around the world."
Moved from Statescraft to RP Archive on Sat Feb 10, 2024 4:35 pm by Alanston


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