The Phoenix and The Dragon: A New Start

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Re: The Phoenix and The Dragon: A New Start


Post by Tokugawa Empire »

"In exchange we would like to import non-native fruits. We are trying to broaden our agricultural horizon."
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Re: The Phoenix and The Dragon: A New Start


Post by Alanston »

Chief Steward Ren would think for a moment, before replying. "We could be willing to arrange trade agreements for said fruits, but I would need to discuss this with the government in Nanjing. Please, feel free to enjoy your time here in Macao, and I will discuss things with the central government and get an answer as quickly as possible." With that, Ren would stand, and shake their hands, before leaving them.

It would be about two days before the Argentinians heard back. After which Chief Steward Ren would summon them back to the meeting room. "My government would be willing to sign a trade agreement removing tariffs on grapes and grape products in exchange for Asian fruits, with the possibility to discuss further trade in the future. Shall we sign an agreement to this extent?" He asks, producing two copies of a trade agreement, and handing them to the Argentinians to sign.

[Do tell what they do during these two days, and if they discuss anything important in their rooms during this time.]
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Re: The Phoenix and The Dragon: A New Start


Post by Tokugawa Empire »

(During those two days the events in the Caribbean would transpire.)

Foreign Affairs Minister Santos would smile.
"That would be perfect, give the current situation in the Americas."
She says taking the papers and signing for The Argentinisches Reich.
"To peace and prosperity between our people."
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Re: The Phoenix and The Dragon: A New Start


Post by Tokugawa Empire »

(During those two days the events in the Caribbean would transpire.)

It would be early in the morning when Ms. Santos would be awoken by her security detail who would bring her into the living room. They would turn on whatever news network they could find that was giving live updates on the situation in the Caribbean as they filled her in on what was happening back home.

"Mother of God.... What is the the current plan? Are we staying here or heading home? Is it safe to go home?!" Minister Santos says in a panicked state.

Captain Marino, head of her security detail began to calm her down. "The meeting will continue as planned unless stated by the Cabinet. We are not getting involved as of now with the Confederacy. Führer Cruz will be addressing the nation shortly on the ongoing events and our actions to safeguard our nation." He said before taking a sip of his coffee.

She looked at the Captain with confusion and a hint of fear. "Actions to safeguard the nation?! We are getting involved... aren't we?" Her tone was sharp with the Captain whose demeanor shifted at the surprising change of tone in the Minister.

"We intercepted communications between the Confederacy and their allies in Afrika with the intention to drag them into this war if needed. That is something Beunos Aires will draw a line at. Thats why as we speak the Atlantic battle group is being sent out to form a naval blockade. His tone causes the room to quiet as the situation sinks in.

"So, are we just going to stop every South African and Rhodesian vessel that heads for North America? What if they retaliate?" Minister Santos asked as the TV showed Führer Cruz getting up to address the nation.

Captain Marino turns back to Minister Santos.
"We do what we have been training to do for years. Show them our true power and that we are not to be triffled with. His tone filled with the experience of someone who has seen combat and knows the capabilities of his nation.

***Führer Cruz gives his speech and the guard detail can feel the tension. Minister Santos returns to bed.***

Waking up in the morning she is then debreifed on the events that transpired after she went back to bed.

"So the best that the Confederacy could do was stir the pot and try to get Mengele's hardliners to strike back? They aren't the majority anymore. Not after the Inner Circle's plans to start "purifying" the nation were leaked." She sighed as she looked out her window over the city.
"It was Cruz and his wit that caught them in time... and it was his actions that prevented full blown civil war."

Captain Marino sighed, then looked up at her. "It had to be done, and no better way to deal with that then let the Communists kill the whole inner circle. It was us or them, and I sure as hell wasn't going to give up without a fight." He poured Minister Santos a cup of coffee and handed it to her.

"It was brutal, but it was miniscule compared to how bad total war with the Inner Circle would have ended." He too began to look over the city.

"After the meeting with Cheif Steward Ren I'm going to need your help with getting files on Nelson Mandela. He needs our help." Santos said fixing her hair.

Captain Marino nodded and prepared her for the days meeting.
Foreign Affairs Minister Santos would smile.
"That would be perfect, give the current situation in the Americas."
She says taking the papers and signing for The Argentinisches Reich.
"To peace and prosperity between our people."
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Re: The Phoenix and The Dragon: A New Start


Post by Alanston »

"Indeed. We will begin trade arrangements in the near future with regards to what was discussed today. Have a good day, both of you." With that, Ren would sign the copies himself, before handing one copy to the Argentinians and keeping one for himself. Following that, he shakes hands with the Argentinians, before dismissing them. From there the Argentinians are free to return to their hotel room and collect their things, before leaving the city, or staying another few days if they want. The same drivers from before would continue to drive them around as needed.

[Let me know what they do and if they say anything else of interest, especially about this purge by the communists]


The "maintenance crew" would return to clean the office and hotel rooms once the Argentinians leave.
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Re: The Phoenix and The Dragon: A New Start


Post by Tokugawa Empire »

Santos smiles and shakes Ren's hand.
"It has been a pleasure to work with you. We hope that you do visit Beunos Aires sometime to enjoy the culture and food like we have done."
She takes the copy and returns to the room.

They begin packing their stuff but stop as they see reports of more nuclear weapons used in the war between the Confederacy and the rest of the free world.
Captain Marino finishes packing up as he chuckles.
"I bet you that if The Inner Circle was still in command, we'd be attempting to aid them."
Santos looks up at him, a look of anger and fear in her eyes. " You would die for a pointless cause that would have us all killed and I wouldn't have met you or your men. But thats the past, we look forward to the future now."

Captain Marino in frustration snaps back. "A future built with a communist ambush and the arrests of hundreds of Inner Circle supporters!"

Santos turns red in anger as she finishes packing.
"To avoid a full blown civil war! Yes! Führer Cruz would have had his men do it if he knew it wouldn't turn into a blood bath and level the country... She looks down at her hands then up into a mirror at herself.

"I exist because a hard working Argentinian farmer and seamstress loved eachother, we are here because a German decided to get rid of the thing keeping it "Argentinian" or "German". We are alive because a group of Germans and Argentinians who truly care about this nation acted in the interest of said nation. In the interest of The Argentinisches Reich. So yes he fed information to a group of communist that then acted on said information. Which led to the fall of The Inner Circle and death of the communist group responsible. It happened because it was necessary... the alternative was death for us and those we love." The other guards grabbed her stuff and headed to the motorcade. She prepared for the next meeting on the way to the airport in silence as she thought about the events that had led her to this position and the blood spilled for her to not only have it but live.
Moved from Statescraft to RP Archive on Sat Feb 10, 2024 4:35 pm by Alanston


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