The Side Room Meeting

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Tokugawa Empire
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The Side Room Meeting


Post by Tokugawa Empire »

(This takes place after we deal the the Mongol issue.)
Kaiser Luis Müller Hernández would ask one of the event staff and one of the assistants to the King and President of The Swedish Empire for a side room and some drinks to talk about affairs between our two Empires.
@Swedish Empire
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Kingdom of Sweden
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Re: The Side Room Meeting


Post by Kingdom of Sweden »

The King and President would be happy to accommodate the Argentinians, offering one of the many currently unused dinning rooms in the Royal Palace as the temporary venue. Made ready before the meeting, the Swedish and Argentinian flag hang on one side of the room, with a table and drinks available for the occasion.
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Tokugawa Empire
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Re: The Side Room Meeting


Post by Tokugawa Empire »

Kaiser Luis would shake the hands of both the King and President before grabbing a frosted mug of beer and sitting down.
"Gentlemen, I believe together our nation's are capable of great things. Thats why I've asked for this meeting. To discuss our spheres of influence, such as my sphere in South to Central America and your colonial ambition for Afrika."
He said before taking a sip of his beer, suds foaming in his mustache.
@Swedish Empire
Moved from Statescraft to RP Archive on Sat Feb 10, 2024 4:34 pm by Alanston


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