Dungur Burns

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Re: Dungur Burns


Post by Alanston »

Persia hesitantly agrees to Indonesia's request, and opens up the airports in Kandahar and Shiraz to move their troops through. Both airports would be stationed with several Persian troops and military personal nearby, just in case.

Upon their arrival in Baghdad, the Indonesian forces are met by General Zaamil el-Aziz, who is coordinating the fielding of the bulk of the Caliphates' forces. From there, the Indonesian forces would be sent south to Riyadh, with some being sent to Medina. The Indonesians are informed that it is currently unsafe to fly planes any further south, due to the Axumite assault by air and sea. There would be roughly 450,000 Arab troops heading south to Riyadh alongside the Indonesians, with a further 250,000 heading to Medina. Alongside those troops would be a further 25,000 and 10,000 volunteer forces from around the Muslim world, respectively.

A further 250,000 Arab troops would meet up with the 50,000 already station in the oil fields, with the intent of protecting them against potential Axumite threats.

Egypt, seeing the invasion and the movement of Axumite ships, issues a global decree denouncing Axumite and its actions. Although they do not declare the entire nation as a terrorist entity, they do declare the government as one. Egyptian troops, having amassed in the south of Aegyptus, begin their trek south along the Nile towards Axum. An arrangement (bribe) is made with the Christian Nubians, allowing the Egyptians safe passage through the Nubian Confederation. The Egyptian troops, numbering around 250,000 will head south towards Atbara, where they will head directly for the capital of Axum. Alongside the troops are several priests and around 250 Holy Guards from the Coptic Pope in Alexandria. Their goal is to retrieve the Ark of the Covenant from the Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion in Axum and return it safely to a monastery in Aegyptus.

The Omani forces begin gathering at the Axumite border in Yemen, but do not invade yet.

Axumite mines are laid roughly around Socotra in the south, and just north of Jeddah in the north.

Seeing the sheer audacity of Arab civilians in their attacks on the Axumite troops, the order is quickly given for the men to fire on civilians, but not to go out of their way hunting down the civilians. Most troops agree to this wholeheartedly, either buying into the propaganda fed to them by the Axumite government, or simply following orders because that's what good soldiers do. That said, there are several hundred (spread throughout) who do question the orders and refuse to fire on the civilians. These soldiers, if not already killed by the Arab civilians committing suicide attacks, are reprimanded by their commanding officers and either sent back to Yemen or shot on sight - most are shot on sight. After a few of these shootings most get over any remorse they may have and begin opening fire on any and all Arab civilians they see.

A rare sight, however, is the 78th Tigre Mobilized Unit, who encountered civilian forces near Al Mishaliah and were separated from the main attack force. The troops were ready and willing to engage the civilians, seeing them attacking the troops first, but the commander hesitated. Knowing Arabic himself, having come from a mixed family and having an Arabic mother, the commander called out, first in Ge'ez, then in Tigre, and finally in Arabic. He called for a ceasefire and asked to speak with whoever was in charge of the Arabic civilians. Some more firing occurred, but after shouting out his request a few more times, that halted as well. Hesitantly, Arab civilians began to emerge from behind destroyed buildings and cars. A small group of fighters emerged from behind the town's mosque, lead by the local Sheikh. He came forward and the two spoke in Arabic for several minutes, before the commander ordered his troops to throw down their weapons and surrender. The troops complied, and the Sheikh brought them into a nearby school, where they were guarded by the civilians of the village as prisoners of war.

Several other commanders would hesitate upon receiving the order to shoot civilians, however without knowledge of Arabic, and with soldiers more loyal to the cause, these commanders are either shot or arrested. Once word gets out, the military officials threaten and bribe military officers to comply with the orders, and these reports quickly diminish.

Once the order to fire on civilians is given, several party officials also raise questions about the legitimacy of this war. However their voices are quickly silenced as they are charged with treason and promptly executed and their families imprisoned.

With troops now firing directly upon the civilians, and the Arab's surprise of suicide cars and bombers being discovered, the military is able to be somewhat more effective in their push into the Caliphate. That said, they do bleed troops somewhat, especially in villages along the highways, due to their need to keep a supply line open and the fact that much of the civilian population is hostile to them. However, to their benefit is the lack of firearms and bombs in the possession of the civilians, thus allowing them to hold the towns and villages more securely once they have killed the civilians who are attacking them. In some villages, uncontrolled slaughter occurs after civilians attack the soldiers, the news of which quickly spreads, hardening the hearts of some and causing others to lay down their arms to protect their loved ones. The troops continue their northern push, albeit at a much slower pace than initially planned.

Of the remaining 400,000 troops they are split, with 150,000 remaining to protect Axum from the detected approaching Egyptian troops from the north. These troops are sent to the town of Kassala and begin entrenching their position.

150,000 troops are sent into Yemen, where they join the push towards Mecca. 50,000 troops are loaded onto ships and sent to storm the beaches of Jeddah.

The 50,000 troops sent to the Omani border arrive, and begin staring down the Omani forces. Neither side opens fire, yet.

The Axumite planes above the Caliphate continue their assault, trying to force their way through in an effort to reach Mecca. Realizing the suicidal strategy of the Arabs, the order is given for the planes to fall back, while the ground forces open up their AA weapons on the Arab air force, in an attempt to thin out their numbers somewhat. Meanwhile, the second group of 33 & 66 are launched north and across the Red Sea, taking a different route towards Mecca. The goal is utter destruction of the city. The hope is that with the Arab planes occupied in the south, these planes will be able to slip through unhindered. 16 Sukhoi Su-17's are launched and sent to bomb the Caliphates oil fields in the east, these planes fly over Yemen before turning north near the Omani border. The remaining planes (50 Sukhoi Su-17 & 70 Mikoyan MiG-31) are still left on standby, so as not to tip their hand.

The ships in the Red Sea, upon being given the order to fire on civilians, open fire on the Arab fishing vessels, and sometimes ramming them, not heeding calls by the civilians, in their push to reach Jeddah. The mine layers were able to go through ahead of the main ships, and begin laying their mines, whilst the main fleet begins a complete assault on Jeddah's defenses and the city itself. Not limiting their assault to just the city's defenses, the vessels target civilian targets and other targets most likely to cause the most damage and kill the most Muslims.

After a while, they lift the bombardment so the Axumite troops can land in the city. Some vessels remain in the area, but others turn north to face the approaching Arab-Egyptian fleet.

The other half of the Axumite fleet would be stationed just within the minefield being laid near Socotra and the southern Yemen borders. Their goal would be to destroy any approaching Muslim vessels from the south.

In Yemen, the Christian network helping Muslims escape is discovered when someone reports seeing a Muslim in their neighbours yard one night. The Secret Police are quick to respond and discover the Muslim before he can escape. The homeowner is tortured until he confesses the network, and in one sweep, much of the network is disrupted and destroyed.

Work continues on slowly emptying the ghettos and transferring the Muslims to prison camps around the country. Some Muslims protest and fight back, leading to a shooting in the Ghetto of Bosaso, where the troops stationed there kill all Muslims in the ghetto. Elsewhere, in the heavily Muslim city of Galkayo, a revolt breaks out and the Muslims (who had smuggled guns in from a "friend") begin fighting members of the secret police in the streets. Several hundred Christians in the city are massacred by the Muslims during this revolt.

One general, who had been instructed to invest in developing a new tank, pockets a few hundred thousand birr, and sends roughly $2,500,000 USD to an undisclosed source (@People's Holy Tai Empire) to begin procedures to acquire some fancy tanks.
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Several party members, who were not particularly keen on the actions of the state, sequester a few hundred million USD and bribe their way into the "southern nations" that border Axum and Kenya in the mountains to the south. There, these party members purchase a flight to Accra. Once they land in Accra, they begin using that money to settle down into new (wealthy) lives in Ghana.

Finally, to top things off, and in response to the growing situation, the Axumite government has declared a nationwide state of martial law. This has imposed a curfew, restricted people from gathering in groups of more than 4 (outside of immediate family), and prohibited people from doing more than going to work, spending 1 hour in the closest park, and going to the supermarkets. This will also allow swifter action against anyone planning anything nefarious against the government. The government (propaganda) sells this to the people by blaming Muslims for it.

Caliphate forces in the skies over the south fall for the Axumite tricks, and suffer losses at their hands, but would quickly fall back, still intent on defending the city. As the other squadrons of Axumite planes fly in from over the Red Sea, the planes would be ill-equipped and in the wrong location to defend Mecca, especially with the other Axumite planes engaging them from the south. As such, the Axumite planes from the coast would successfully make it to Mecca, where they would begin bombing the city, and especially the Kaaba and pilgrimage sites. Caliphate AA weapons would provide some defense, but it would not be enough to stop the bombardment of the city.

As the Axumite planes go to pull out, the main bulk of the Caliphate's airforce would swoop down from the north east, where they would engage the retreating Axumite planes. This would lead to a dogfight in the skies above Mecca, between the Axumite and Caliphate airforces.

The Egyptian and Arab fleet has joined forces just inside the Suez and has begun its journey south towards the Axumite minefield and fleet.

Thanks to the members of the Associated Press that the Arab Caliphate had brought in, and connections with local Arab press, live footage of the bombings and attacks on Jeddah and Mecca are shared with the world. As are the attacks in Abha and Khamis Mushait, though in these cities the members of the Associated Press would report both the Muslim suicide bombers, and the Axumites fighting back. They would also report on the out of proportion attacks by the Axumites on innocent Arab civilians, as well as the execution of several Axumite soldiers who refuse to fire on civilians. Some of the live footage would end abruptly as Axumites fire on civilians, including members of the press.

Following this footage being released worldwide, every single Muslim nation declares war on Axum, weather they are able of actually sending troops or not. Almost every other nation with some semblance of a decent government issues statements of condemnation against the Axumites, pledging aid and support for the Caliphates and Muslims. A notable holdout is the Argentinian Reich, whose government issues a statement of support for the Axumite cause, actually sending money to support the Axumites.

Korea and Kyushu send troops to Ayutthaya to join in the coalition against Axum, but do not release statements with regards to the Tai crusade. Almost all other nations with Christian populations look questionably on the statement by the Tai pope, with some going so far as to state that "the last thing the world needs right now is more religious fanatics". The Coptic Pope in Alexandria, who is in communion with the Catholics in Rome, remind the Tai Catholics that "the Axumites broke away from our church, we will deal with their priests accordingly". He also strongly urges the Tai Catholics to consider their eternal souls and to return to communion with Rome.
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Re: Dungur Burns


Post by Rhineland »

The Sovereign State of Rhineland continues to observe the unfolding situation with high interest. A small group of intelligence agents are dispatched on a plane to Oman, where they are to slip Yemen unnoticed. From there, their instructions are to cautiously search for any Axumite soldiers willing to flee to the "Soldier's Heaven" of Rhineland, given the recent military-on-civilian violence, as well as to develop a greater understanding of the overall situation regarding said violence.
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Re: Dungur Burns


Post by The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth »

The United States 3rd Fleet begins making way to the Arabian Sea. As news of attacks on civilians reaches the United States, the State Department reaches out to the Caliphate and Egypt to coordinate strikes from the USS Nimitz in support of their ground operations. Egypt in particular is contacted by the local US Consulate, seeking permission for the 21st Marine Expeditionary Unit to carry out operations launched from Egypt's borders.
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Re: Dungur Burns


Post by Kingdom of Sweden »

The 3rd Mexican carrier squadron leaves Subic Bay, joined by the Battleship Bernardino de Sahagún bound for the Arabian Sea. The Mexican government reaches out to the coalition forces in the area, and the government of Egypt, informing them of the presence of the fleet and its intentions to assist in the operation.

The fleet consists of 1 Emperor Maximilian I Class aircraft carrier, 1 Bernardino de Sahagún Class battleship, 1 Manzanillo Class cruiser, 3 Pedro de Alvarado Class destroyers, 2 Miguel Lopez de Legazpi Class destroyers, and 2 Estado Class submarines.
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Re: Dungur Burns


Post by Magnolia League »

The naval forces selected for the intervention would now be fully mobilized and assembled in Jakarta and would contact the Mexican government to suggest linking their respective fleets up in the eastern Indian Ocean and heading toward the conflict zone together.

The INM-AoA General Staff would execute a preliminary, general review of the known combat situation and would issue a memorandum to the Caliphate's military leadership detailing that the somewhat more moderate climate of the coastal regions of Hejaz, combined with the somewhat hilly/mountainous terrain of the region, are much more conducive to a large scale defensive battle than the open desert between Yemen and Riyadh, where any potential assault by the Axumites would likely encounter serious issues with both the arid and desolate terrain, as well as the horrifically high daytime temperatures, and where such an assault could, by virtue of the open terrain, be relatively easily controlled by the Coalition forces through superior airpower without needing to deploy large amounts of land forces. An excerpt from the memorandum reads
/.../ Moving through the empty sea of the Arab Desert, the Axumite soldiers, acclimated to the highland breeze of Yemen and the Ethiopian mountains, would be like starved wanderers, waiting to be feasted on by the vultures of our air forces. /.../
As such the AoA would advise its Arab counterparts to instead direct the bulk of the land forces to the coast, to both halt the Axumite advance where its most dangerous and to lay the seeds for a counter assault into Yemen which would open directly the paths to Sana'a, Aden and the Bab el-Mandeb, through which the invader would be driven out completely from the Arab homelands. In line with the recommendations of the memorandum, Lt. Gen. el-Nawaz would dispatch four of his five brigades to Medina, while the airborne brigade was to be dispatched to Riyadh, along with a squadron of MiG-23s. Nawaz would write to Jakarta in a report on the situation in Arabia requesting further reinforcements as the Indonesian military nears complete mobilization. A further 50,000 troops in ten brigades (5 motorized infantry, 3 mechanized infantry, 1 armored, 1 airborne) would be authorized for deployment to Arabia, along with a further F-16 squadron, two more MiG-23 squadrons, a MiG-25 squadron, and the Indonesian Air Force's only squadron of A-10s. Nawaz would further request, and be approved, extra shipments of reserve arms to be delivered to the Arab army. Once again the Chinese and Persian governments would be contacted for permission to transfer the troops and equipment over their territory.

Setting up its headquarters in Baghdad with plans to migrate to Riyadh once the situation in the air was secured, the AoA General Staff would start to function as an almost political entity, receiving funds from Jakarta which would be used to fund Arab businesses contributing to the war effort, government propaganda programs, as well as providing loans directly to the Arab Caliphate's government (which would likely end up being used to purchase further equipment from Indonesia). Brig. Gen. Raharjo, the head of the AoA's intelligence attachment, would take on essentially the role of "foreign minister" of the army and would contact the government in Persia, requesting a meeting in Persia to discuss some issues tangential to the conflict on the Peninsula. Lt. Gen. Nawaz would author a press column that would be given to Arab news agencies, underlining the threat posed by Axumite air power and calling on all coalition members and all sympathetic Muslim and Arab states to send aerial reinforcements alongside their ground troops to help alleviate the pressure on the Arab frontline. In a discrete telegram to the Arab government he would further request a radio time slot to deliver a speech addressing the Caliphate and the Arab World.
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Factbook: viewtopic.php?p=2729#p2729

Re: Dungur Burns


Post by Alanston »

Following the bombing of Mecca, the Omani troops cross the border with Yemen to engage the Axumite troops. Some cross at highway 47/100 in the south, but most cross along the P-5 in the centre of the border, where the bulk of the Axumite troops are. A few would cross over in the middle of the desert, but not many.

The Omani troops would not directly help the Rhinelanders cross the border, but they wouldn't give them away either, trusting that the Rhinelanders could use the invasion push to sneak through on their own.

Omani fighters and bombers are prepped and prepared to be launched into Yemen to support the ground troops. The Omani fleet joins the Arab and Indonesian fleets, engaging with those fleets as they do.

The Egyptian troops would near Kassala, where they would begin a direct assault on the entrenched Axumite troops, hoping to overwhelm them with sheer numbers. In order to do this, they employ a creeping barrage strategy. Using the terrain to their advantage, they would work to push the Axumites back towards the river.

Egyptian fighters and bombers would also depart to reinforce their invading troops, with the bulk of their airforce being directed to occupy and distract the Axumite airforce. One of the first things the bombers would do upon reaching Kassala would be to bomb the bridge to prevent the Axumites from escaping.

The Egyptian fleet would follow alongside the Arab fleet, engaging when the Arabs do.

The Egyptian government gives full permission to the Americans and Mexicans to launch their attacks from within their borders.

The Axumite advance stalls yet again, having faced initial success due to their order to fire on civilians, but losing their advantage following the destruction of Mecca. From here, the Axumite troops would find defensible positions to prepare for the arrival of Arab Coalition troops. Meanwhile, the Axumite troops would continue attacking civilians throughout the towns and villages they are in, while in other parts of the region they attempt a continued push forwards into Arabia. In the east, just as the Indonesians predicted, the troops are facing difficulties due to the extreme heat and lack of natural resources to draw from, combined with the aggression of the locals. Due to the continued fighting between Axumite troops and Arab civilians in occupied territory, the Axumite troops would not get much sleep, and begin to become quite worn down. This would lead to a larger than expected number of desertions as troops grow tired of the fighting, especially of attacking the civilians.
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At the Omani border the troops would directly engage with the Omani forces, utilizing their entrenched positions to hold their ground for the time being. However, without any air support, it is likely that their position will fall before long.

When the Rhinelander agents begin interacting with the troops on the eastern border, few would show themselves receptive at first, having not had to attack any civilians yet and believing that the orders to attack civilians did not apply to them. Yet there would be a small few, maybe around 2-3 dozen, who would be willing to listen to the Rhinelanders. These 2-3 dozen troops, mostly older generals and soldiers who do not believe that war is about killing innocent civilians, would inquire about what sort of benefits they would gain by moving to Rhineland. Though, being older, they would also inquire about what could be done for their families.

The smaller Axumite force, despite being entrenched, would be slowly overwhelmed by the approaching Egyptian force, especially with the Egyptian use of air superiority over the region. As the Axumites retreat towards the river, the order is given to attempt to retreat back southwards towards Axum. Trapped as they are, however, only around 15,000 Axumites would be able to escape southwards before they are completely surrounded. The rest would slowly attempt to escape towards the south as the Egyptians continue to bear down on them. The fighting would not let up, even at night, as the Axumite troops continue their attempt to escape, being pressed closely by Egyptian troops.

The Axumite fighters and bombers who had made the run on Mecca would be refueled and reloaded with bombs, before taking off again to return to Arabia, this time to bomb Medina. However the approach of Egyptian bombers would stall their plans, forcing them to split their forces to cover the troops near Kassala, with only around half of the initial planes heading towards Medina to bomb that city.

The other Axumite planes over Arabia pull back having suffered heavy losses in their push into Arabia from Yemen. These planes would return to bases in Yemen for refueling and reloading, before heading east to engage the Omani airforce.

Meanwhile, the Axumite fleet, being split between north and south, would be given orders to prepare to open fire on any enemy vessels nearing their waters. Safe in the knowledge that the waters ahead of them are mined, they would not pay too much heed to the orders, with some vessels in the Red Sea having a more relaxed state, whilst those in the south near Socotra are more alert.

Throughout Axum proper, Muslims continue to slowly be moved to the mountain camps, where they are "dealt with" in an appropriate manner. The revolt in Galkayo continues, with open fighting between the secret police and Muslims on the streets of the city. Although the press is heavily censored, and news of this revolt is kept from the international community, Muslims in nearby towns and cities would get word of the revolt, which would inspire them to rise up as well. Christians living in these regions would demand support by the government, who would supply the Christians with basic firearms to fight back themselves.

Several thousand Christians, outraged at the martial law, would attempt to protest in major cities. In response the secret police would begin arresting any protesters. This would quickly quell any of the Christians protesting, and an atmosphere of fear would settle over the population, with many afraid to even speak to their neighbours.

Meanwhile, the Axumite government would release propaganda showing images of the destruction of Jeddah and Mecca, praising their efforts in destroying Islam. They would also show videos of Axumite civilians living a happy life of plenty with lots of food and the like. Other videos are released showing the invasion succeeding, and the "evil atrocities committed by the Muslims". The propaganda they release would be at odds with the media coming out of the Arab Caliphate, as well as being at odds with much of the situation in Axum itself, where in some regions the war has disrupted the food chain, leading to a system of rationing being implemented. throughout the nation.
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Re: Dungur Burns


Post by Alanston »

[Finishing things up this post, with the peace treaty set for next post]

The Axumite troops in the Arab Caliphate are bogged down by the onslaught of the Arab coalition forces, and have not made any progress. This, combined with the ferocity of the locals, has caused many to reconsider their situation, and has resulted in a fair number of troops surrendering. Those these troops are not always treated fairly. The Arab forces would push in on the Axumite forces from two sides (north and east), slowly wearing them down.

In the Red Sea, the combined Arab-Egyptian-coalition fleet was initially delayed by the minefield, but after making quick work of it made a direct engagement with the Axumite fleet, forcing them away from their coastal bombardments and forcing them to begin a slow retreat. Faced with overwhelming numbers, the Axumite fleet would gradually retreat in an attempt to prevent major losses.

In the Gulf of Aden, the other half of the Axumite fleet would meet with the other Arab-Coalition fleet, where they would, yet again, be slowly beaten back. Here, as with in the Red Sea, the Arab-Coalition fleets would be delayed by the minefield, but once it is taken care of they would push hard against the Axumite forces, fighting with a fury not seen elsewhere.

The Axumite airforce would have been surprised by the coalition forces and engaged in a dogfight above the Red Sea.

On the Omani border, the Axumite and Omani forces would not make any real advances against the other, mostly just firing at each other across the borders. However around 5,000 troops would opt to join the @Rhineland troops, and would surrender to them in exchange for a free trip to the Rhineland. Most would be single men from Yemen (ie not black), who would be eager to start a new life. [You need to do an RP for this if you wish to add these men to your military.]

In the north of Axum, the troops facing the Egyptian forces would have retreated south as best they could, before being overrun near Badme, with most being slaughtered by the Egyptian forces. Those not killed would surrender. With nothing holding them back, the Egyptians push on to the capital of Axum, where they storm the city, taking President Theofeleios Tadesse and the rest of his upper cabinet prisoner, alongside all other high ranking military generals.

The Egyptian priests would raid the Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion, where they would secure the Ark of the Covenant, and bring it to Alexandria, where it would be presented to the Coptic Pope, who would place it in a nearby monastery.

With the leaders of Axum held captive, the order is given, and all other Axumite troops surrender. Those in Oman are held by Omani troops, whilst those in Arabia are brought back to Yemen to be held captive, due to the anger of the Arab people.

As Egyptian, Arab, Omani, and Coalition troops enter into Axum and begin securing the country, they are shocked to find evidence of the internment camps and treatment against the Muslims. As the people are freed, images of the camps are spread through international media, shocking many at the atrocities committed by the Axumites against the Muslims. Even more shocking is the evidence of Axumite atrocities taken against the Muslim protesters in cities in the Somali lands, where entire cities were massacred. As evidence of this comes out, many Axumite citizens, who were unaware of these actions, begin speaking out against their own government.

With a ceasefire in place, and the leaders held captive, all participating parties are invited to Damascus for peace talks and a war tribunal. The high ranking Axumite leaders, military officials, and church members are also brought to Damascus for the tribunal.

Axum itself is occupied by the coalition forces - the Arabs controlling Yemen, the Egyptians controlling most of the African lands, and the Somali lands in the east being held mostly by the other coalition forces. Together the various forces work to provide aid and support to the Muslims and the Axumite citizens who suffered most under the regime.
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Factbook: viewtopic.php?p=2729#p2729

Re: Dungur Burns


Post by Alanston »

Following various negotiations and arrangements, the various powers meet in Damascus for peace talks. Present are the leaders of Aegyptus, the Arabic Caliphate, Axum, and various regional and coalition representatives. Members of the Associated Press are also present, taking notes and streaming the conference for live television as well.

For the first portion of the talks President Theofeleios Tadesse, the rest of his leadership team, high ranking government officials, and military leaders of Axum are brought forth. Before the gathered crowds they are given a chance to confess their crimes. Most stay silent, though one or two loudly denounce the Muslims, before being silenced by gags and whips. After their outburst, Egyptian and Arab officials approach the gathered Axumites and present the evidence of their crimes, laying them out plainly:
  • Falsely imprisoning Muslims throughout Axum
  • Murdering innocent men and women throughout Axum
  • Sending Muslims to internment camps where they were systematically executed. Footage of the camps at the time of their liberation would then be shared, to the horrified gasps of many present - it is unclear whether the AP would share this footage in their livestream.
  • Giving the order to kill innocent civilians in their invasion of Arabia
  • The indiscriminate bombing of Jeddah and Mecca
  • The destruction of the Kaaba in Mecca, the holiest site in Islam.
When presented, many present are shocked at the atrocities committed by the Axumites, especially since several parts of it were completely unknown to the world. The 78th Tigre Mobilized Unit, who surrendered near the beginning of the war in Al Mishaliah after refusing the orders to fire on civilians, is mentioned directly and praised for realizing what they were doing was wrong, and refusing to take part. Other Axumite military officials are brought forward to testify to the accusations committed by the Axumite government.

Following this, the various leaders and diplomats present begin presenting the terms for peace to President Theofeleios Tadesse:
  • Axum will be divided thus:
    • Yemen will be ceded to the Arab Caliphate as a protectorate. The Arab Caliphate will work towards establishing a new government in Yemen. The rights of religious groups in Yemen will be protected.
    • Axum's land in Africa will be divided along cultural, religious, and ethno-linguistic lines, with the newly established nations in the north being placed under a temporary Egyptian zone of control. Nations in the east, mostly in the Somalian region, will be placed under a temporary Omani zone of control. The island of Socotra will become an independent nation.
    • None of the new states will be known as Axum, and the Axumite national identity will be erased.
    • Land around the Bab al-Mandab Strait will be granted to @The British Commonwealth to provide security in the region, and to enforce stability amongst the newly created states. [Make a new land claim for this area linking this thread, if you want more land you'll have to start a meeting with the Arabs and Egyptians]
  • Financial compensation will be granted to survivors of the Axumite internment camps.
  • The Axumite church will rejoin the Egyptian Coptic church.
  • The leadership of Axum, being all present here, will be put on trial for their crimes. Any other members of leadership, or possible collaborators, will also be tried for their war crimes. Individual soldiers who were simply following orders and knew no better, alongside civilians who also knew no better, will be pardoned.
  • These new nations will be forbidden from merging together and will be kept independent.
  • All newly established nations will hold democratic elections within 1 year of their establishment, to be overseen by the international community.
As the terms are read, a look of dread and shock passes over the faces of the various Axumite leaders, as they realize that their homeland and all they had been fighting for will be destroyed and will cease to exist. Devastated, one or two would cry out, but the Arabs would look at them dryly, stating that they brought this upon themselves.

The rest of the peace talks would be over fairly quickly, with financial compensation being divvied out to the various coalition forces, before the Axumite leaders are taken out of the room. For a few moments, everyone is silent. Then, the Caliph steps forward, followed by several Imams. Smiling he nods to the Imams, who bring forth an item on a float between them, wrapped in a white cloth. Setting the float down carefully, they remove the cloth, revealing the black stone of the Kaaba. The Muslims in the room, who up until this point thought it destroyed by the Axumites, weep openly and fall to their knees praising Allah, whilst the others in the room are silent in shock, for they too thought it was destroyed. The AP press members take photographs of the Black Stone, whilst panning the video around the room. The Caliph smiles, informing the world that Mecca will be rebuilt, and that it will be better than ever, and that "no filthy heathens can ever destroy Islam and the word of Allah!" He then follows up by stating that until Mecca is repaired, the Hajj will be permitted to go to Medina and Jerusalem for the time being, and that he will announce when it can return to Mecca again.

Discussions continue after this event, but the peace talks would soon wrap up and come to a close. The nation of Axum is no more.
Moved from Statescraft to RP Archive on Sat Feb 10, 2024 4:34 pm by Alanston


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