Southern Tensions

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Factbook: viewtopic.php?p=2729#p2729

Southern Tensions


Post by Alanston »

Due to a rise in anti-Buddhist insurgencies in the southern FSA state of Dali (Yunnan), General Boudewijn Maarse has ordered the border with the @People's Holy Tai Empire in that state to be closed, effective immediately. Border patrols throughout the region are increased in order to put a stop to the rise in anti-Buddhist activities.

Meanwhile, Foreign Affairs Minister Sukarno has also taken the time to inform the Tai government that any attempts to cross the border into Dali will be seen as an act of aggression. His notice also states that any evidence of Tai funding towards these anti-Buddhist insurgents will also be seen as an act of aggression.
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Tokugawa Empire
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Re: Southern Tensions


Post by Tokugawa Empire »

A message is sent to General Boudewijn from Pope Boon-nam himself stating this.
"We seek a peaceful ending to this situation and a close to hostilities. It is up to the Buddhist leadership and population to help bring this peace. Should an outside force seek to inflame these tensions it will be deemed an act of aggression and treated as such. So I ask that you work with us to help stop tensions on both sides.
With the Father, Sun, and Holy Ghost
Pope Boon-nam Chaiprasit"
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Factbook: viewtopic.php?p=2729#p2729

Re: Southern Tensions


Post by Alanston »

General Maarse sends the following response to the "pope":
To the man known as "Pope", Mr, Boon-nam Chaiprasit.

I hope this message finds you well. Buddhist leadership in Dali is not the problem, they are but innocent victims. The real culprits are those who seek to forcibly oppress and incite violence against those very same Buddhists. We find your very suggestion that the local population be the ones to help bring peace offensive. They are the ones being oppressed and attacked. It is communist views like these which lead to the very issues that we are trying to deal with here. Our security forces will do what they are recruited to do, and that is to stop the insurgents by any means necessary.

We respectfully inform you that your offer has been rejected. We refuse to work with communists in any way, whatsoever. Our border will remain closed in this region, and any attempts by your people to cross this border, get too close to this border, or support these insurgents in any way will be seen as an act of aggression and dealt with accordingly.

Respectfully yours,

General Boudewijn Maarse
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Re: Southern Tensions


Post by Tokugawa Empire »

With that fiery response from General Maarse, Pope Boon-nam would call in the highest religious leaders from the Muslim, Jewish, and prevalent non-hostile religions in the country as well as representation from the Jewish Republic of Nias.

He would also ask for non-Christian news agencies to find out exactly what is going on within the so called "Free States of Asia" and what groups are being persecuted. The world has a right to see what's going on against religious minorities within their country.

Primer Songwut would also seek a meeting with representatives from Greater Czechia and USCR.
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The Great Czechia
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Re: Southern Tensions


Post by The Great Czechia »

The Primer Janek Of The Great Czechia sees the Meeting request sending a letter back to the Primer Songwut Agreeing to the Meeting and booking a Jet imidietly to the main city of Ayutthaya waiting for a response
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Re: Southern Tensions


Post by Tokugawa Empire »

Primer Songwut agrees to the meeting and will have security meet Primer Janek at Ayutthaya International Airport.
@The Great Czechia
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Factbook: viewtopic.php?p=2729#p2729

Re: Southern Tensions


Post by Alanston »

The Asian Tribune, the main news agency in the Free States of Asia would make a live broadcasting from the city of Puer, not in response to Boon-nam's request, but in response to the ongoing tensions in the region.

"This is Oliverio Salonga reporting live from Puer, in the State of Dali, where anti-Buddhist terrorists have bombed a Buddhist temple. Behind me you can see the smoke still rising from the scene, while an eery silence hangs over the city this morning. The Free Asian government is meeting with local leaders later today to discuss the situation, and I have it from a good source that the National Guard will be called out to deal with the situation. Today marks the fifth week of rising tensions between anti-Buddhist insurgents and local residents. As of yet, no group has taken responsibility for these attacks, but unofficial word is that many of those who have been arrested are Catholics with ties to the Tai Empire. This news comes as little surprise, given the unconfirmed reports of attacks on Buddhist minorities within the Tai Empire itself. One can only wonder what lies those filthy communists are telling the poor souls in their nation. We will continue our coverage of the Dali Uprisings in the days to come."

The report would then continue, including interviews of shaken locals, footage of the bombed out temple and emergency crews working to save people and stabilize the region. Later that day, the news agency would report on the results of the government meeting, where it was decided that the National Guard would be brought in to assess the region.

Over the coming days tensions continue in the border regions of Dali and the Tai Empire, with around 25,000 FSA troops being brought in to patrol the region and deal with insurgents. Many arrests are made, almost all of them being Catholics, with some reportedly having ties to the Tai Empire. Although this information does leak to the press, the government does not make any public announcements, stating that all arrested terrorists will be tried before the courts in full accordance with the law.

Large anti-communist demonstrations are held in the cities of Hong Kong, Shanghai, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Dali, Zeelandia, Manila, and Jakarta.

Foreign Affairs Minister Sukarno makes a public statement in response to Pope Boon-nam's statements.

"The Pope of the Tai Communist Regime has made sweeping statements accusing our nation of supressing religious minorities and of hiding the truth from the world, when, in fact, this could not be further from the truth. In the Free States of Asia people of all religions are free to worship however they want, without any government interference. Religion is a protected right, and no one is discriminated against on the basis of their beliefs. Unlike in some places.

"There is an ongoing situation involving local insurgents in the State of Dali, and as of yet no group has claimed responsibility. We are still investigating the matter, and have sent in peace keeping forces to stabilize the region. The border between Dali and the Tai Empire remains closed for the time being, and we urge those who do not have pressing business to avoid the border region of Dali. Once we have more information, we will release it.

"To Pope Boon-nam I say this: 'Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.' Let the words of the one you claim to follow be evident for you to hear. Before you make wild accusations against your neighbours, first resolve the affairs of your own nation. Reports indicate that religious minorities are actively persecuted in your nation, especially any who are not Catholic. This is of grave concern to the international community. The Free States of Asia will not be bullied into submission by undemocratic nations that restrict the freedoms of their people."

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