Down South

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Down South


Post by Transamur »

Following the convening of the President's cabnet and Argentina's legislature, a formal invitation for a meeting is requested with the rogue southern provinces. Provincial leaders are invited to Buenos Aires under a cease-fire to discuss the proposition regarding of reentry into the Republic. Accomodations will be provided for any and all provincial leaders that take up the invitation.
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Re: Down South


Post by Alanston »

After receiving the request, the government of the so-called 'rogue southern provinces' would convene in the city of San Luis to discuss the offer. Concerned about the security and safety of meeting in a nation that is actively hostile against them, almost all members present strongly oppose meeting in Buenos Aires. President Alberto Rodriguez Saa instead sends a counter proposal to the President of Argentina: Come for a meeting in the city of San Luis, the capital of the Provisional Republic of Patagonia to discuss terms for a cease-fire. An alternative to meeting in San Luis, was to meet in a neutral land, one not connected with the former nation of Argentina, though it is likely that meeting in a neutral country would give legitimacy to the government of Patagonia.
Patagonia consists of the southern provinces of Argentina, namely:
- San Luis
- La Pampa
- Neuquen
- Rio Negro
- Chubut
- Santa Cruz
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Re: Down South


Post by Transamur »

Recieving the counter proposal, President Marcos Peña accepts to have the meeting in San Luis, regarding the cease-fire as a gesture of good faith between the Republics.
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Re: Down South


Post by Alanston »

[Feel free to skip to meeting]

Pleased with President Pena's decision to meet in San Luis, President Saa would personally meet the Argentinian President at the airport, before joining him on his ride to the meeting room. There would be several soldiers standing guard outside the government building, although in a lax manner. Once inside, he would gesture to a conference table, where he would begin the meeting.

"President Pena, welcome to San Luis. I believe you wish to discuss terms for a cease-fire? I would be pleased to do so. What terms would you like to offer in this regard?"
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Re: Down South


Post by Transamur »

Pena takes a seat at the conference table, a nice smile on his face as he fixes his collar for a moment before turning his gaze back to President Saa and replying.

"Well, friend, I would like to first thank you for agreeing to meet with me. It's been too long since I've been to San Luis. To show some more good faith, I will speak plainly and directly. For the cease-fire, I would like to offer simple terms; we both withdraw most of our forces from the border, stop trying to shoot each other, and have a prisoner exchange to return prisoners of war. I think we can both agree that neither of us wish to expend more Argentine lives for a conflict that should be resolved with words."

Pena continues to speak as he fiddles with his tie.

"Secondly I wish for us to begin working toward a resolution to allow commerce to flow once again and to allow limited border entry between our people. There are many families currently split between our borders and to reopen commercial lines would help mitigate economic woes due to our predecessors. And then thirdly, I wish to bring the idea up, personally, to you considering the peaceful re-entry and reformation of the republic, a goal that I believe can be worked towards. I hope that could be a goal that you may be inclined to work towards too."
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Re: Down South


Post by Alanston »

President Saa smiles, pleased with the terms for the cease-fire. "Gladly, I will give the order for the troops to be withdrawn, and for the prisoner exchange." He nods to one of the nearby soldiers, who leaves the room to make a call. "My general is sending the order now, and our troops should be withdrawn within the hour. The prisoners will be on the next flight to Buenos Aires."

If President Pena were to check, he would find the Patagonian troops withdrawing to a distance of 25km from the border and holding their position.

"As for your second and third point... It sounds like you want two things here, no? You wish for trade and an open border, yet also want reintegration. Those are not two compatible ideas, my friend. Trade and opening the border would imply that you recognize our independence, whereas reintegration and reformation of the republic implies that we are nothing but rogue states to you. I am a reasonable man, and you said you were speaking plainly, so which is it?

"As for me, allow me to speak plainly. Begin to make amends, and recognize the wrongs done by your government in the past, work with our government towards a better future, and we can have a discussion about reunification. Until then, it will not happen."
He places his hands together on the desk in front of him, displaying a man who is at ease with his decisions.
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Re: Down South


Post by Transamur »

I'd like to call it friendly steps toward that brighter future for all Argintines. Though you would be correct in the assuption that immediate reunification is off the table and would be best for a future dialogue once more steps are taken. There is certainly much to be done and I do agree, there are some wrongs to be righted indeed."

"I will tell you what, after we're done here I can begin taking those steps and we can go from there." Pena mirrors Saa, placing his hands together on the desk with a smile. "Perhaps then I can host you in Buenos Aires."
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Re: Down South


Post by Alanston »

President Saa pauses to ponder things for a few minutes, casually drinking a glass of water, before responding. "Very well, I will agree to an easing of border restrictions - to allow families to see one another again, and allow commerce to flow across the borders - subject to random searches. Beyond that... Beyond that we can see how it goes. Perhaps I will indeed visit Buenos Aires in the future."
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Re: Down South


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"I guess we shall see then. That would be everything I had for this meeting, so unless there is anything else needed, that will be all from me."
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Re: Down South


Post by Alanston »

Saa shakes his head, "Not at this time. Just don't go back on your word, or next time we meet it may be on the field of battle." Standing, Saa reaches out to shake Pena's hand, before escorting him from the building. Outside, a car would be waiting to take Pena back to the airport.

After watching Pena leave, Saa turns and heads back into the building and going to his office. Once there, he would open a window, sit down, light a cigar, and pick up the phone. "It went as expected. He offered a cease-fire with no real terms either way, a pledge for the exchange of commerce, and allowing more cross-border traffic. He did hint at possibly beginning to make amends though." He pauses to take a puff from the cigar. "Hmm, yes, I suppose. If he is being truthful it could pose a serious opportunity for reunification. But if not..." He pauses again, a frown growing on his face. "I am being realistic! We need to consider that this may all be a bluff to get me to open up. ... Yes, I know he could be genuine, but... Argh, you're right, you're right. So what should I do? ... No, I can't just shoot his plane down! ... We do have one at the airport on standby, and it's unlikely he is there yet... But, again, we should give him a chance first! I don't want to go back to fighting again." This last sentence he says rather loudly, causing his secretary to peek in with a concerned look on her face, waving her away, Saa returns his focus to the call. "We could always reroute him, say the airport is unsafe, or some excuse like that, keep him here for a few days... Bug his hotel?!? ... Are you serious? If he ever found out we would be in big trouble! ... Hmm, true. ... Alright, I'll make the call. If I'm wrong on this, you're going down with me."

Saa ends the call, takes another two puffs from his cigar, before making another call. After a few words, he hangs up, before making a third call, arranging for Pena to get a special hotel room. Hanging up from the third call, he looks out his window and contemplates just who all he's made deals with.

En route to the airport, only about 6 blocks away, Pena's car would encounter a roadblock. The driver would lean on the horn for a bit, before sticking his head out the window to shout at the soldiers in Spanish. In response one soldier walks up to the car. "I am sorry sir, but this area is closed due to a bomb threat. I am going to need you to turn around and head back into the city." The driver replies that he has the Argentinian president and has to get to the airport, to which the soldier apologizes, and insists that the car be turned around. Shrugging, the driver makes a call to Saa, who directs him to a specific hotel.

As they are driving to this hotel, the driver begins a conversation with Pena. "I tell you, my friend, things are definitely worse here than they used to be. What's all this about a bomb threat, huh? We can't do anything around here without something going wrong these days. Anyways, I'm taking you to a hotel that President Saa has prepared for you. Don't worry, it should be up to your standards, I hear you get the presidential suite, hah."
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Re: Down South


Post by Transamur »

Pena looks up from his phone after checking and sending several messages, confirming the movement of Patagonian troops and then ordering Argentine forces to mirror the movement, moving back 25km from the border with an order for the cease-fire to commence.

"Presidential? How special." Pena would smile as he continues, replying more to the driver. "It is unfortunate to have a bomb threat at a time like this. Though it may just be a good excuse for me to spend a little more time to enjoy San Luis."
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Re: Down South


Post by Alanston »

The driver would frown, "It is rather unfortunate my friend, but we get road closures all the time. The weird part is the bomb threat, usually the blockade is for no reason except the military to get a few Pesos out of you... Hey, if you're looking for ways to enjoy the city, I've got some suggestions for you to check out. I recommend Plaza Pringles, Iglesia Catedral de San Luis, the Historical Museum of San Luis, and Plaza Independencia." The driver pauses for a bit as they drive. "Actually, I would recommend Plaza Independencia first, as it represents our shared history and our independence. I could take you there, if you'd like? It would mean delaying your trip to your hotel though, is that alright?"
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Re: Down South


Post by Transamur »

"To get a quick peak at the Plaza? Yes I find that to be well worth the time, friend." Pena would rub his hands together. "So the military does that often? Must be quite an annoyance."
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Re: Down South


Post by Alanston »

The driver nods as he changes lanes and does a quick u-turn at an intersection, earning him a few yells and honks. "I will take you straight there, my friend! Yes, it is quite annoying when the military does things like that. Sometimes it keeps you from work, or even costs you your job. I am lucky to have this government job, as usually they let me through the blockade without any hassle, not today though, which is strange. Though the Patagonian military not as bad as what the Argentinians used to do to us, no offense, my friend. The Argentinians used to just randomly search houses, arrest people without reason, and would regularly take extra money from us, just because we looked at them wrong." The driver pauses as he makes a quick turn, yelling at a man crossing the street as he does. "Then again, that's what our military does all the time, so I guess there was no real difference. You have to understand, this was a good many years ago though, before the split... Ah, here we are, Plaza Independencia!"

The driver would pull over to the park on 25 de Mayo on the south side of the plaza, before coming around to open the President's door. "Feel free to have a look around, it isn't much, and I am not much of a security guard, but I promise on my wife and kids to keep you safe." The driver crosses himself quickly, before leading President Pena into the Plaza.

The Plaza would be fairly basic, with a few families milling about, and a large tank with 6 soldiers standing around it, keeping an eye out. There would also be a plaque depicting the split, and a photo of prominent people in San Luis burning the Argentinian flag below it. The plaque would talk about how the nasty Argentinians were terrible people and committed so many atrocities and war crimes that it was necessary for the southern provinces to split away. And that the evil Argentinians would not let them peacefully secede, and so declared a brutal military campaign that has lasted to this day. It finishes by saying that it is only by the benevolent rule of the Provisional Government that Patagonia has survived this long.
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Re: Down South


Post by Transamur »

Pena would nod in thanks to the driver before looking around the plaza, taking some time to take a few pictures.

Pena stops and glances at the plaque. "My predecessor really did a number on our beloved nation. Took me a couple years to root out the corruption among his generals and military staff." Pena smiles a little as he looks up at the tank. "Atleast the plaza is well defended. Heh."
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