Provisional Government of Lusitania

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Lusitanian Empire
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Provisional Government of Lusitania


Post by Lusitanian Empire »

Provisional Government of Lusitania
Population: 94,690,960
Languages: Lusitanian
Government: Provisional Council
Head of State, Government, and the Armies: Cássio Dias
Currency: Lusitain Pedaço
GDP: 392.8 billion USD
The Spring of Roses

Throughout the 20th and into the early parts of the 21st century Brazil was a broken nation. While rich in resources, land, and people it failed to create strong institutions. The collapse of the Portugese empire and the Brazilian empire led to a violent history of Civil War, military rule, and failed democracy. In the 80s and 90s, however, a social movement began in the south of the country among poor workers called Democratic Labour. It was a mix of syndicalist, socialist, capitalist, and other economic movements in aims of creating a stable and fair living situation for workers. The workers and supporters of the movement, ranging from impoverished to middle class, organised in local councils known as Consórcios.

In the year 2004, the dock workers of Rio de Janeiro went on strike. The resulting violence from police led to a general revolt of the Consórcios across the southern coastal provinces of Brazil. The Civil War that followed stretched on for 4 years, ending in 2008 with the dissolution of Brazil, the nation succeeded by a number of warlord states as well as the Provisional Government of Lusitain, uniting officially in 2009.

Since its independence, leader of the revolution Cássio Dias has remained a popular ruler, taking the mantle of "Head of State, Government, and the Armies". Disagreements in the government, however, have led to the inability to hold elections until a constitution is passed. This long interregnum period has lead to an uneasy state, as some are worried that the government may return to another dictatorship. With the Consórcios meeting for the 18th time in Curitiba, only time will tell the fate of Lusitania.
Moved from Factbooks to Factbook Archive on Mon Jul 24, 2023 1:08 am by Alanston

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