An Offer You Can't Refuse

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An Offer You Can't Refuse


Post by Kingdom of Burgundy »

The King of France requests a meeting with the Stadtholder of the Netherlands to discuss European unity and developing economic and political ties between the two nations.
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Kingdom of Ireland
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Re: An Offer You Can't Refuse


Post by Kingdom of Ireland »

Stadtholder William IX of the Dutch Republic accepts the request for a meeting. The King is invited to Amsterdam for the talks.

---Skip to Meeting---

"King Henri, to what do I owe the pleasure?"
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Re: An Offer You Can't Refuse


Post by Kingdom of Burgundy »

"Stadtholder William, you owe the pleasure to the need for us to discuss the state of relations between our two great nations. I believe it would be in the best interest of all parties involved to adopt a certain level of unity in regards to economics and foreign policy. The benefits to both parties would be manifold, but especially for the Dutch were they to take up a position similar to that of our shared friends and neighbors in the Confederation of the Rhine."
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Re: An Offer You Can't Refuse


Post by Kingdom of Ireland »

A wave of concern washes over the Stadtholder's face.
"You wish for the Republic to become a vassal? To abandon our independence we have held so dear?"
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Re: An Offer You Can't Refuse


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"I ask only that you tie our economies and foreign policy together, and in return you will gain the protection of the Alliance and all that entails. Free movement of trade and people between our nations, were it to be one nation, would be a great economic boon for both of us, and both of our peoples. What is of more import to you and your people, independence or prosperity and security?"
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Re: An Offer You Can't Refuse


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"Henri, you have put me in an impossible position. I know I will remain, I know my people will remain, but we will no longer be truly Dutch. I appreciate your concern for my people, but it is not as if I share many neighbors. France is my one partner on the continent, and all I have feared is this day. I am of half a mind to abdicate on this very day so my memory is not tarnished, the only reason I do not is I cannot trust the States' General to do the job themselves."
William pauses, exasperated, and takes his head in his hands.
"Tell me Henri, what will become of our government. How much will we be able to continue our way of life and our ability to govern ourselves, as we have for centuries."
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Re: An Offer You Can't Refuse


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"Your way of life will remain, your rights will remain, your autonomy will remain, all largely unchanged, save for paying Royal taxes and following any laws laid down by the National Assembly, in which you will have equal representation to any other Duchy in the Alliance, which includes Aragon and the Confederation of the Rhine. Your economy will be integrated with the Alliance, the Netherlands will adopt the Franc, foreign policy will be taken over by the Alliance." The King counts these various things off on his fingers.

"Along with all the guarantees of safety and security that come with being in the Alliance. How does that all sound?"
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Re: An Offer You Can't Refuse


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William takes a deep breath, struggling to keep composure.
"What is my alternative Henri? Total war? The destruction of the Republic? I obviously have no choice to accept, but I cannot commit to such an act without conferring with the States' General. To sign away our independence without informing them first, I could never betray their trust. Especially as my last act as an independent ruler. I do hope you understand."
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Re: An Offer You Can't Refuse


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"I understand William, I am beholden to the Alliance in the same way. I trust you also understand the consequences if they do not see it the way you and I do?" The King seems to be having no such issues keeping his composure.
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Re: An Offer You Can't Refuse


Post by Kingdom of Ireland »

"Trust me Henri, I understand all too well."


"Absolutely Unacceptable!"
"What a joke!"
"You're a disgrace!"

Exclamations of these and many others echo through the States' General. Stadtholder William IX had just presented the ultimatum to them, and naturally their response had been.... less than accepting.

"Do you believe I would have come to you with this of my own free will?!" William exclaims. The stress of this situation had begun to visibly get to him, and his demeanor over the course of this event had grown increasingly unkempt. "We have no choice, no recourse. The French have come to us with what we all should have known would arrive."

"Then we petition others! Prussia, or Italy for help!"

"And what would become of our homes, our families? Even if we retained our independence, we would be a shell of ourselves. At least by joining the French, we could retain our standards of living and the happiness of our people. It would be total war, and even if we survived we would never win."

"I cannot sit idly by and let our nation die. We must fight!"

"Our Stadtholder makes points. Perhaps we can guarantee our rights enough to keep our culture alive."

"With Henri? The only freedom his subjects have is to be French."

"Let us submit an appeal to the King! A guarantee of our extended autonomy in perpetuity, and perhaps a reduced military of our own to ensure it."


The Francophone Alliance would receive a counterproposal. The Dutch would retain a higher degree of autonomy than the Confederation or Aragon, including a standing but reduced Dutch army usable only within the borders of the Republic, and limited French influence on laws within the Republic. The Dutch would adopt the Franc and allow free trade, and the French would adopt foreign policy for the Dutch with the exception of declarations of war which require agreement from the Stadtholder.
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Re: An Offer You Can't Refuse


Post by Kingdom of Burgundy »

The King of France considers the proposal and returns it with minor amendments:
-A small Dutch army will be permitted, so long as it is integrated into the wider Alliance military and available to the Alliance as any other military forces are.
-Local laws within the Republic will be left alone, but federal laws made by the Alliance National Assembly, on which the Republic will have fair representation on, will stand.
-Declaration of war is a right reserved for the King and National Assembly, on which the Republic will have fair representation, and the Republic will abide by it as such
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Re: An Offer You Can't Refuse


Post by Kingdom of Ireland »

After debate, the States General sends them back with these edits:
-The Dutch Army will be under a separate command structure, holding dual loyalties to the Republic and the Alliance, and should they receive two opposing orders from both sources the orders from the Alliance prevail.
-Omissions from French Laws may be made in accordance to protect Dutch customs, such as language requirements for education
-The third position is accepted.
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Re: An Offer You Can't Refuse


Post by Kingdom of Burgundy »

-Permissible under the conditions that the separate command structure, under Dutch officers, ultimately answer to an Alliance general (And by extension the Alliance and the King). For the purpose of logistics, Dutch formations will be equipped in the same manner as all other Alliance formations.
-Omissions will be permitted in cases in which it does not infringe upon protected rights of Alliance citizens, which will henceforth include the Dutch.

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Re: An Offer You Can't Refuse


Post by Kingdom of Ireland »

-This condition is accepted
-The Dutch specify the importance of teaching the Dutch language, the preservation of Dutch culture, and the teaching of certain liberal arts in public schools, such as history, but note this list is not exhaustive. If these areas are to remain under Dutch purview, then the agreement is accepted by the States General.
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Re: An Offer You Can't Refuse


Post by Kingdom of Burgundy »

All terms, as negotiated, are agreed.
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