[NPC Event] A Gathering of Nations

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[NPC Event] A Gathering of Nations


Post by Alanston »

Following recent events and announcements a general meeting of the Forum of Nations has been called in Thimphu. All member nations are invited to attend. Non-members are also welcome to attend at their leisure. Unlike most meetings, many people expect that things will actually happen at this meeting, and many are eager to see how this impacts the future of the international community.

In addition to the standard member states, the following nations will also be in attendance:
The United Kingdom of Great Britain
Hanseatic League
Tamil Trifecta
Nahuatl Empire
Bantu Federation

The representatives from all member states, and the other nations interested in attending the meeting, are enroute to Thimphu and expected to arrive soon.

Late arrivals would be the Eastern Block, comprised of the Feng Empire, and Mongolia. The representative from Yingzhou would join the three representatives shortly after they arrive.
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Re: [NPC Event] A Gathering of Nations


Post by Sweden-Finland »

The United Kingdom of Sweden and Finland, in a bid to become a member of the Forum of Nations, sent its designated representative to attend the latest general meeting.
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Re: [NPC Event] A Gathering of Nations


Post by PLC »

The PLC sends an Delegation to the meeting to discuss things with other nations like estonia
Last edited by PLC on Mon Feb 20, 2023 4:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [NPC Event] A Gathering of Nations


Post by Holy Roman Empire »

The Australian Republic will send a delegation, partially in a bit to have the Republic recognised as the sole legitimate government in Australia.
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Re: [NPC Event] A Gathering of Nations


Post by Alanston »

Prime Minister Lotay Tshering of Bhutan would welcome all the arriving delegates, directing them to Tashichho Dzong where the meeting will take place. Once those who have announced their attendance have arrived, he would begin the meeting.

"Thank you all for coming. I know it is unusual for us to host a meeting of the Forum of Nations, and for people to actually show up, but given recent international events, I believe that this meeting is of the utmost importance. Recent international events have not gone unnoticed, and as such, I believe this organization must change to reflect the changing times. No longer can we sit idly by while other nations threaten and bully their way around. I would like to propose that our organization grow some teeth, if only for the defensive purpose of weaker nations. We need not always intervene, but if a nation calls upon us, we should be there to help. I am eager to listen to the opinions of those present here today."

Prime Minister of Estonia, Kaja Kallas, would be the next to speak. "Estonia is concerned about recent Polish-Lithuanian statements with regards to war and the direct claim on our land. What will be done to protect our independence?"

President Valerian Petrovich Tolmachyov of Russia speaks next. "If Estonia is concerned, they can always join Russia. Though I must echo his concerns, the PLC has made some rather aggressive claims lately. I would like to hear their representative speak with regards to the reason for these claims, and their purpose for attending this meeting. It seems to me that they are overly eager to go to war with their neighbours, and I tell you plainly that Russia will not take kindly to foreign aggression on our borders."

Emperor Nektarios Sallilis of Pontus adds a comment as well, "Neither will Pontus."

Tshering takes over again before things get out of hand, turning to the PLC delegate. "Well, they have made some strong accusations against you. Would you care to explain your nation's position and perspective in all of this?"
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Re: [NPC Event] A Gathering of Nations


Post by PLC »

*PLC Novic War Minister wants to say something about that* "well these claims that we have claims to different lands are true, just one should finally notice why we are doing this, historically the Polish, Ukrainian and Lithuanian people were from their neighbors We were always oppressed after the first dissolution of our empire, we were treated badly, we were deliberately exterminated and much more, especially the Polish people had to suffer again and again under Russian or German rule and the Ukrainian language was also very strongly suppressed by the Russians, in Estonia We've been keeping an eye out for years, the economy of this country is weak, which is of course not good and that's why we can help with it, there doesn't necessarily have to be a military conflict, but it was clear that the Russian state would get involved again... only years ago Threatening the EU and NATO and now playing the angel as we know it from the Russians, even Ru The ssian state has been divided for a long time and the BDR also has claims to their territory and we are not at all afraid of their nuclear weapons, whoever uses these weapons has clearly proven that they are weak, which is why we will not build any nuclear weapons, and one should also Never trust someone too early like Russia, in the end it will happen that Russia itself invades Estonia as we know Russia historically and the real question remains to me why Estonia should trust Russia, I mean your people were oppressed by them just as often and again and again there were aggressions against you, Russian jets invaded Estonian airspace"
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Re: [NPC Event] A Gathering of Nations


Post by Alanston »

Prime Minister Kallas frowns as she listens to the PLC war minister. "When did Russian jets invade Estonian airspace? And even if they did in recent years, why would we want to be subjugated by you. How are you any better than the Russians? At least they pretend to have democracy! Why would we give up our independence to either you or Russia?"

President Tolmachyov smirks, "That is the purpose of this meeting, no? To ensure you have other options? I still think you should join Mother Russia if you are worried about your neighbours, but we have bigger things to worry about then puny little Estonia." Meanwhile, the president would be making notes about the comments of the PLC war minister, especially in regards to his perspective to nuclear weapons.

Tshering takes over conversations yet again. "Indeed, President Tolmachyov is correct, we are here to discuss situations like this so that nations have options when their neighbours threaten them with war. This organization was initially founded to prevent future wars, and while that clearly failed, it is my hope that we can reform this organization so that such an option exists in the future, should the smaller nation wish to use it. It is my hope that we will not see any smaller nations forced to join a larger nation without a say. Personally I hope the PLC knows better than to follow through on their threats."

Turning to the Swedish-Finnish and Australian representatives, he nods acknowledgement to both of them. "Welcome to the meeting of the Forum of Nations, my friends. Is there anything you wished to discuss at this meeting, or are you both also here to state your land claims to the international community?"
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Re: [NPC Event] A Gathering of Nations


Post by PLC »

*plc minister looks at delegation from estonia as he heard russia refer to estonia* "now you really think russia wants to protect you after all you just insulted your nation and do you really want to rejoin the nation that oppressed you for centuries, robbed and as a garbage dump of your nation?The military actions near Estonia I can understand that it scares you but I assure you that we do not want war, on the contrary we want to make you and Ukraine an offer to join the PLC to triple your economy, the military your rights and prosperity, russia just wants to take advantage of you again, i hope you haven't forgotten what russia always did in your nations, especially the famine in Ukraine, the estonian people wouldn't care Truly rejoining a nation that has practiced oppression for years, we guarantee you freedoms, prosperity and, protection, work, economic growth, integration, education, work and much more, of course it will be difficult to give up your independence, especially to a monarch, but I assure you it will do you good, your people have even changed in some parts already decided why they are part of the PLC, just like the ukrainians and also the belarusians who are supposed to be russia's friend, everyone is happy under the PLC and i assure you they will be too, instead of cutting their country back to landfill we will build up their land and build schools, repair houses, build ports, make good use of farmland and much more, so I offer the Estonians and the Ukraine one more talk so that I can explain to them again what we will give them, it will not be exploited take place and also no pressure the estonians who live in us are super happy and love this state, many of them are also in the P LC Army, of course you can think about it and I hope that we can agree on a meeting again where we can discuss the matter more"
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Re: [NPC Event] A Gathering of Nations


Post by Holy Roman Empire »

The Australian delegate nods and adjusts the microphone before she speaks, "An invitation was sent out, and thus I was dispatched. The primary reason for my attendance is to garner international support for the Federal Republic of Australia as the legitimate governing authority over the Australian continent. We are willing to work with the Forum of nations to ensure international stability and a rules-based global order after we have secured the peace and unity of Australia."
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Re: [NPC Event] A Gathering of Nations


Post by PLC »

*PLC Minister now addresses Australia* "Your claims to All of Australia are endorsed and supported on our part, you can rest assured that the PLC is on your side on this issue, Australia Needs a United State under strong leadership , which the Federal Republic of Australia does perfectly well, they are a stable country and run it very well, the PLC is considering whether we should have talks with them again to maybe give our nations a better relationship and trade"
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Re: [NPC Event] A Gathering of Nations


Post by Kingdom of Ireland »

The South African Delegation, having of course been there the entire time and not suddenly appearing out of nowhere, nods in agreement with the Australian request.
The Australian government has proven itself many times previously of being able to govern effectively. I see no reason to deny them this claim.
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Re: [NPC Event] A Gathering of Nations


Post by Alanston »

Ignoring the PLC's claims on Estonia for the time being, Tshering nods at the Australian delegate. "We could be persuaded to recognize Australia as the legitimate government over the entire continent. However before that happens, I'd like to know some more information on what this would entail? As well as how far your claims extend. Further, Republique d'Australie, Nieuw Hollande, and the Uluru Confederation are all recognized states, with legitimate governments, to what extent would their local rights and cultures be recognized were you to gain control over them."

He pauses for a moment as an aide whispers in his ear. Nodding solemnly, he continues. "I have been reminded that we can not just hand over sovereign territories to another nation. We can, however, host referendums in their nations on joining Australia, but we would expect your government to abide by the results of the referendums."
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Re: [NPC Event] A Gathering of Nations


Post by Kingdom of Ireland »

The South African delegate mumbles something about "civilized" and "uncivilized" nations before speaking again.
"Can we ensure that the Aboriginal states in the rest of Australia can be trusted to run a free and fair referendum? It is my understanding much of the continent is under their administration. "
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Re: [NPC Event] A Gathering of Nations


Post by Tokugawa Empire »

Prime Minister of the Blue Dragon Republic makes his way inside looking at the nation's delegates bickering amongst themselves. He looks to the PLC delegation and nods.
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Re: [NPC Event] A Gathering of Nations


Post by PLC »

*with the arrival of the BDR delegation, the minister nods to them* "I'm glad that you're here too and I hope that we can now have further discussions, your nation is great and I think we can start thinking about new things again and also make sure that some things are now clear“
Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth
Moved from Forum of Nations to RP Archive on Mon Jul 24, 2023 1:12 am by Alanston


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