Member States

The Forum of Nations is the remains of an international community of nations. Although once a powerful entity, today the Forum of Nations has fallen into shambles, and is a shell of its former glory.
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Factbook: viewtopic.php?p=2729#p2729

Member States


Post by Alanston »

The following nations are members of the Forum of Nations:

  • British Commonwealth (democratic)
  • New England (democratic)
  • Minnesota (democratic)
  • The Rust Republic (democratic)
  • The Enclave (authoritarian)
  • The Holy People's Tai Empire (communist)
  • Magnolia League (democratic)
  • Nahuan Empire (nationalist)
  • Mayan Republic (democratic)
  • Diyin Dine'é Nation (theocracy)
  • Dutch Colony 2 (Columbia) (military dictatorship)
  • Mauritsland (north east coast of Brazil) (democratic)
  • Prussian Colony 1 (eastern coast of Brazil) (military dictatorship)
  • English Colony 1 (Guyana and east Venezuela) (democratic)
  • English Colony 2 (west Venezuela) (military dictatorship)
  • Newfoundland (democratic) (neutral)
  • Cumberland (democratic)
  • Western Interior Confederacy (democratic)
  • Louisiana (authoritarian)
  • Cascadia (democratic)
  • Salish Republic (democratic)
  • Sioux Confederation (nationalist)
  • Bloemenland (military dictatorship)
  • Avaria (communist)
  • Greece (nationalist)
  • Bavaria (nationalist)
  • Soissons (democratic)
  • Prussia (imperialist)
  • Wendish Confederacy (democratic)
  • Burgundy (democratic)
  • Hanseatic League (democratic)
  • Deutschlander Peoples Republic (communist)
  • United German City States (democratic)
  • Yugoslavia (communist) (neutral)
  • Scandinavia (Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Iceland, Greenland) (democratic)
  • Armenia (Armenia, the rest of Azerbaijan) (military dictatorship)
  • Novgorod (Russia, the rest of Belarus, the rest of Ukraine) (democratic)
  • Anatolia (nationalist)
  • Chad (military dictatorship)
  • Zaire (communist)
  • Tanzania (communist)
  • Kingdom of Karnata (nationalist) (Madagascar and surrounding islands)
  • Aegyptus (democratic)
  • Maratha Confederacy (democratic)
  • Gujarat (democratic)
  • Ceylon (communist)
  • Tamil Nadu (military dictatorship)
  • Kerala (absolute monarchy)
  • Republic of Ezo (democratic) (Hokkaido)
  • Shogunate (absolute monarchy)
  • Republic of Shikoku (military dictatorship)
  • Daimyo of Kyushu (military dictatorship)
  • Kingdom of Ryukyu (democratic)
  • Arabic Caliphate (absolute monarchy) (Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Israel/Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Gulf States, Lebanon)
  • Oman (absolute monarchy) (neutral)
  • Persian Empire (absolute monarchy) (Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan)
  • Korea (democratic)
  • New Zealand (communist)
  • Australie (democratic) (French/Roman Australia)
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Factbook: viewtopic.php?p=2729#p2729

Permanent Members


Post by Alanston »

The following states are permanent members and are considered founding members of the Forum of Nations. All five nations play key roles in the Forum of Nations and in the maintenance of international peace and security. All permanent members have the right to veto any proposed resolution they do not agree with at any time. If they do not wish to use a veto, they may also choose to abstain.
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