The Chimera Rises: BDR matches PLC deployment.

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Tokugawa Empire
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The Chimera Rises: BDR matches PLC deployment.


Post by Tokugawa Empire »

The President of the BDR announces to the nation and world the good news. "Proud people of the Blue Dragon Republic, I am pleased to announce the creation of a joint miltary and economic alliance with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The "Chimera" will have it's members support each other economically, militarily and financially. The first merchant ships have just departed to the PLC. This convoy will take the same route that the PLC convoy took. This convoy consists of a small auxiliary army of 6 thousand soldiers, Anti-Aircraft platforms, and anti-ship missiles. We would like to show the world that there is strength in numbers and that any nation can join." *He smiled at the camera.* "Thank you, and remember. Forgive but never forget!"
@Japanese State
@South Africa
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Re: The Chimera Rises: BDR matches PLC deployment.


Post by Alanston »

[Seeing as Japan and Dayue don't seem to want to contest your movements...]

As the BDR fleet nears the South China Sea, they would receive a communication from the Nusantaran Naval Authority, sent from one of the Spratly Islands. "Attention, you are nearing sovereign Nusantaran waters. If you wish to travel through our waters, and traverse the Malacca Strait, you must follow the Strait Regulations. A copy is being sent to you, please review it and follow the instructions provided. Failure to respond or turn away from your current course will be seen as an act of aggression and will be dealt with accordingly."
Moved from Statescraft to RP Archive on Mon Jul 24, 2023 1:21 am by Alanston


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