Antarctic Research and more

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Antarctic Research and more


Post by PLC »

*The Minister of Defense announces several military exercises by the Navy in the Caribbean and Asia, these exercises will be carried out in international waters and there the submarines, aircraft carriers and frigates will be tested, and the submarine launcher for long-range missiles will be tested and hypersonic missiles tested, these missiles are fired specifically at the Polish test area, flight maneuvers are also being tested at the same time, 6 frigates, 1 aircraft carrier and 2 submarines left the port of Gdańsk today to reach the international waters of America in several days, you
and hypersonic missiles tested, these missiles are fired specifically at the Polish test area, flight maneuvers are also being tested at the same time, 6 frigates, 1 aircraft carrier and 2 submarines left the port of Gdańsk today to reach the international waters of America in several days, you
und Hyperschallraketen getestet, diese Raketen werden speziell auf das polnische Testgebiet abgefeuert, gleichzeitig werden auch Flugmanöver getestet, 6 Fregatten, 1 Flugzeugträger und 2 U-Boote haben heute den Danziger Hafen verlassen, um die internationalen Gewässer Amerikas zu erreichen mehrere Tage, Sie
and hypersonic missiles tested, these missiles are fired specifically at the Polish test area, flight maneuvers are also tested at the same time, from the port of Gdansk drove today 6 frigates, 1 aircraft carrier and 2 submarines to reach the international waters of America in several days, the Hypersonic rockets gets fired on Special PLC Test terretory, on the same day in the Port of Gdańsk, 6 Fregattes, 2 Submarines and 1 Carrier left target the Caribbean and there the multi-day exercise will take place, after that the route will be taken to the Maldives and exercises will also take place there, while more missiles will be produced and the development of the M3 Abrams will also start, a new model of its predecessor with stronger armor, anti-missile systems , A stronger and more efficient Lower cannon, camouflage technology and radar, the research will take around 3 months, the researchers say, since they are working very intensively on it, a perfect location for the spaceport in the Warsaw crown area was also found, a remote unused area which was once cleared seems perfect to own, the construction work will now begin and one thinks that one will be finished in a year, the magnetic railway routes in the Crown Territory of Posen, Galicia, Warsaw, Kraków, Poland and East Prussia have almost been completed, the old rails are also in the Crown Territory of Lithuania exchanged for magnetic rails for the magnetic trains, the antarctic group Polska 1 reached the antarctic and started to look for a suitable location, they struck gold when they found an area with oil nearby which they will first use as heating medium, the construction was immediately started with specially made cold-resistant snow crawlers, the
the antarctic group Polska 1 reached the antarctic and started to look for a suitable location, they struck gold when they found an area with oil nearby which they will first use as heating medium, the construction was immediately started with specially made cold-resistant snow crawlers, the
Die Antarktisgruppe Polska 1 erreichte die Antarktis und machte sich auf die Suche nach einem geeigneten Standort. Sie wurden fündig, als sie in der Nähe ein Gebiet mit Öl fanden, das sie zunächst als Heizmedium nutzen würden. Mit speziell angefertigten kältebeständigen Schneeraupen wurde sofort mit dem Bau begonnen , Die
the antarctic group Polska 1 reached the antarctic and started to look for a suitable location, they struck gold when they found an area with oil nearby which they will first use as heating medium, immediately the construction with specially made cold-resistant snow caterpillars started, the
Station Polska 1 should be completed in 5 days while the cargo ship started to let the oil drills into the water to get the oil there, luckily the oil is not too deep and therefore no divers have to be sent into the water, they just wait that the new nuclear engine, which was created on the basis of the engine of the nuclear submarines, is ready and can be brought to the Antarctic, we will be surrounded with a special armor that will absorb the heat well and bring it to the heating systems of the base, at the same time the current is kept up, the base has several snow cats with snow shovels, a weather radar which snow door I realize 5 ice augers used for testing, 2 hangers used for storing snow cats, 3 oil augers used for fuel oil and the large complex consisting of kitchen, bathrooms, dormitories and research center, while erection is meticulously done as well Improvement of Warsaw airport into a major international airport progressed, several runways were renewed and flights allowed to all over the world except Italy and Japan for the time being, new aircraft were built and security was improved with military air defense systems and a small air force at the airport*
Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth
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Re: Antarctic Research and more


Post by Grand Serene Republic »

The Foreign Minister of the Enlightened Republic of San Romolo would like to know why the PLC is moving military assets so close to the Republic's border and that if they not leave the Carabeans soon the Republic shall see the PLC as a possible menace and answer accordingly
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Re: Antarctic Research and more


Post by PLC »

*PLC minister explains this situation again* "I don't know what they told you about bringing it so close to your shore... we're doing a military exercise in the Caribbean to learn about the wave action there and shut it down practice, it's not aggression against any nation like san romelo or colombia, we also have no intention of threatening them in any way, besides, we're in international waters then and they can't force us to disappear from there because they don't have any violence over international space As I said, this is not aggression but a purely military exercise to improve the Navy, not aggression against any nation"
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Re: Antarctic Research and more


Post by Grand Serene Republic »

The Republic finds quite perplexing that a country mainly based in Eastern Europe with its coast entirely contained in the Baltic sea has the need to perform Naval Manoeuvres in the Caribbean Sea. As such the Foreign Minister requires explanations regarding such an unusual exercise
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Re: Antarctic Research and more


Post by PLC »

*Since it is in international waters, the PLC does not see it as necessary to explain it but does so anyway* "It is about general training which is important to be able to carry out maneuvers in the Caribbean, we also want to prevent piracy in happens on the world seas, in the future the Polish anti-piracy group will also be established"
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Factbook: viewtopic.php?p=2729#p2729

Re: Antarctic Research and more


Post by Alanston »

Emperor Chimalpopoca of the Nahuatl Empire does not see things the same was as the PLC, and is less willing then the Italians to be patient, and launches a small fleet to intercept the PLC fleet. This fleet contains 14 Constellation Class ships, and 5 Arleigh-Burke class ships. Several other Aztec ships would be readied for potential action, along with several aircraft. The Italians are contacted and the offer is made to make a coordinated response to the PLC's actions.

As the vessels near the PLC ships, they reach out to them via radio. "Attention PLC vessels. Your presence in the Caribbean is unwarranted and unwanted. Please leave Caribbean waters immediately, or face military action. Your continued presence will be seen as a violation of the Necahual Doctrine."

Meanwhile, the Caribbean Commonwealth, whose nation the PLC ships would very close to, would respond to the PLC's request for talks, and offer to have a video call to discuss the current situation. The Italians and Aztec would both be invited to this video call.
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Re: Antarctic Research and more


Post by Grand Serene Republic »

The Republic despite its shaky relation with the Nahuatl Empire agrees to a coordinated response towards the PLC intrusion.

The Foreign Minister Giacomo Roatta accepts the invitation to a video call made by the Carribbean Commonwealth
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Re: Antarctic Research and more


Post by PLC »

*The General on the fleet agrees to the video call and we again state that this is not aggression against any state, the PLC is even willing to transfer money to San Romelo and the Caribbean Commonwealth for the 3-day military exercise to take place, the General will also assure that no other nation will be harmed, the entire convoy is currently on alert due to the threat of military action against them, the frigates and submarines have activated their air defenses and their on-board weapons are also loaded should it happen, none of the weapons are on other ships targeted or even just nearby, on the aircraft carrier aircraft are booted up and sent into the airspace to keep the situation safe, the PLC remains calm despite the aggressions of the other nations to prevent conflicts, they hope that they will see the situation by Diplomacy can reassure and the Caribbean commonwealth will be over-convinced of their ideas*
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Factbook: viewtopic.php?p=2729#p2729

Re: Antarctic Research and more


Post by Alanston »

The Aztecs, whom the PLC has conveniently ignored, would notice the activation of the PLC weapons as a sign of aggression, and would similarly activate their weapons and move into an attack formation, however they would not fire any shots. Meanwhile another 4 Arleigh-Burke class ships are launched from Cuba to further reinforce the Aztec position. Several Aztec aircraft are readied for takeoff. Aztec fleet positions are relayed to San Romolo as part of the agreement to coordinate their efforts.

The message for PLC ships to depart from the Caribbean is repeated, but this time they are told that the Caribbean Commonwealth has opened lines of communication, and to attend the video call to explain themselves.

The Aztec general, Achcauhtli, would attend the video conference hosted by the Caribbean Commonwealth, and would patiently await the PLC's representative.

With all nations present at the video conference, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth, Easton Taylor-Farrell, would be the first to speak. "Thank you all for coming today. I would like to begin by asking the Aztec to cool down, and not start anything they're going to regret. Similarly, I would like to ask the PLC warships to stand down and not escalate anything further. To my friends in Eastern Europe, first, welcome to the Caribbean. Second, why are you here? Surely you could have done military exercises in the Baltic Sea or the North Sea?"
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Re: Antarctic Research and more


Post by PLC »

*lead ship's general replies calmly* "The Caribbean is a very rough sea which is worse than the Baltic or North Sea, the waves here are stronger and more powerful so the Caribbean is the best place to test the stability of warships armed with weapons board are also there to be tested, such as stability in waves, etc., as I said, we have not planned any aggression against any of the American states, we certainly don't want to think so either, the caribbean is only interesting for us at the moment because of the recently recorded wave movements that are a bit stronger, which also led us to the decision to test our new ships right here, we have to test them in several oceans, also here in the Caribbean and as I said we don't want to endanger any of the nations in america with it and they have really fie aztecs should rather slow down before they do something they will regret later, w We have no intentions of war...if you still do not accept this, then so be it our weapons are shut down only our defenses are active at this time through the aggressive actions of your nations"
Last edited by PLC on Sat Mar 04, 2023 8:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Antarctic Research and more


Post by Grand Serene Republic »

"I have to say Admiral I still find your reasoning a bit... Interesting, since your nation is mainly based around the Baltic I thought that your interested lied there and in the North Sea and the European part of the Atlantic. in addition to this I have to say that the PLC could have sent a communication to us to let us now about your intention before making such exercises, you surely can understand that your sudden appearance didn't you any favours." Foreign Minister Roatta calmly replies as he watch the Mesoamerican Giant and the Eastern European Colossus stare at each other
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Re: Antarctic Research and more


Post by PLC »

*The crew of the fleet is very tense because, despite their modernity, a fight would still be bad for all sides* "Well, of course we could have announced ourselves, but as I said, we have no aggressive intentions, just testing our ships for stability in the Caribbean, with the alliance with BDR we now have to be able to navigate the world seas better, the panama canal and over asia it's different than in the baltic sea that's why we have to do this and i assure you we won't attack any nation based in the caribbean " *ships still relying on defenses should anything happen anti-aircraft guns are active but not aimed at anything until nothing happens*
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Re: Antarctic Research and more


Post by Alanston »

Minister Taylor-Farrell frowns at the PLC's explanation of 'stronger waves', "Let me get this straight, you want to see how your ships perform in different bodies of water... after they are built? Would this not be something that is done prior to the manufacturing and operational usage of your vessels? Sorry to say this, but it sounds like your R&D departments are lacking in a few things, not least of which is adequate testing of your vessels." He pauses to think for a moment, before continuing. "Unless, the Aztecs have hinted at, your purpose in our waters is more than just for 'testing' purposes. Or at least not 'testing' in the conventional sense. I find your explanation full of holes. All ships should be tested for different conditions before being put to sea, which either your engineers forgot to do, or you have other reasons for visiting our waters."

General Achcauhtli would now speak up, after glowering at the PLC Admiral. "Now, about your 'claims'. Failing to announce yourselves clearly outlines your hostile intentions, for a refusing to announce your presence could only mean that you hoped to perform covert operations in the Caribbean. Operations, I might add, that imply a clear aggressive intention.

"But, for a moment, let's pretend you are telling the truth. As Minister Roatta said, there should be no reason for your nation, one centred squarely in the Baltic, to have interests here in the Caribbean. You mention your Chimera alliance with the Koreans, fair enough, it's not uncommon for nations to have alliances around the world. But, if we can pull up a map of the world for a moment..."
He pauses for a few seconds while his video switches to a screen share of a map. "You can clearly see that the BDR is located here, in East Asia. And we are here, in the Caribbean. Either you got lost along the way to Asia, or your navigators can't read a map." He switches his screen back to his video, a smug grin on his face.

Minister Taylor-Farrell, hoping to quell any anger the PLC may have, speaks up once more. "You say your purpose here is to navigate the world seas because of your alliance with the BDR, but as has been mentioned, they are in Asia, and we are here in the Americas. Anyone with a map can tell that you must have gotten lost along the way. As for the Panama Canal... You will have to speak with Columbia about that, as it lies squarely within their jurisdiction. But I can say for sure that they won't appreciate your ships showing up unannounced and performing military drills nearby anymore than we do."
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Re: Antarctic Research and more


Post by Grand Serene Republic »

"I have to say Admiral you managed to do an impressive thing: you see San Romolo and the Aztecs always had... Distant relations at best, and yet I have to say I fully agree with General Achcauhtli, you didn't come here in good faith, and as such I think it would be best for all if you called off the exercises surely they cannot be so vital to compromise the PLC reputation with all the Americas"
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Re: Antarctic Research and more


Post by PLC »

the subject of the "lack" of research, a ship is tested by being driven not by using it as a metal hull in a body of water and if you think a little further you can test your own sailors directly with it and we are already in talks with the Colombians don't worry as I said we don't want to trigger any aggression, as I said we all know that this will not end well for our nations so I'd start by asking that you put your guns down and that we agree to meet face to face, general to general Video conference is useless for something like that, you can talk a lot, but you should talk in person, the Navy of the PLC will stay at their point until they would bring me over by helicopter" *the general is deeply relaxed despite everything, a thing that gives him the high rank his 25 years, he was a very calm general and was always calm in situations like this no matter how strong the other nations threaten*

*he was still calm with the news he had an order he will carry out* "I will not go against orders, the only thing at risk here is needless conflict over international waters where you have no control, you might like be restless about something like that, of course, but your threats are pointless, the PLC doesn't object to anything in international waters... just like I can't stop Italy from doing tests in the Baltic Sea, even though they're in the Mediterranean and did it on international territory, they can't do it to me forcing you to leave international waters the caribbean you may not understand what i mean but here it is in short if you think the plc wants to attack you then you are wrong we will shorten our tests to one day as a compromise but more i will don't go down... do you accept? if not, unfortunately I can't do anything"
Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth
Moved from Statescraft to RP Archive on Mon Jul 24, 2023 1:18 am by Alanston


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