National and International Plans of the PLC
National and International Plans of the PLC
*Throughout the radio, TV and cell phone news, the announcement of the PLC's national and international plans is recited by the King's deputy* "Dear people of the Great Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the King of our Beautiful Country has just announced his goals which I I want to lecture you now" *he paused and received the tablet with the Laws and International Ideas from a Royal Guard* "I will now introduce you to the Prawo Krakowskie" *he starts to read the law* "The most important points are these in Poland, religion, sexual orientation, gender and more may live freely, in addition, the PLC should become one of the most modern and progressive countries in the world, not only in the economy, but also in the military, the digital infrastructure and in transport, this should be made possible, Conscription applies to everyone between the ages of 20 and 35, with the exception of people with Disabilities or people who cannot fight for this country due to other problems, these are currently the important innovations, but the PLC wants more internationally, the relationships with Australia, Italy, the Francophone Alliance, Japan, Colombia and Sweden Finland should be very strong improved, the use of one's own raw materials is to be expanded more, the king also has a few territorial claims: southern Ukraine, Crimea, bessarabia, slovakia, moscow, st petersburg, all areas up to the volga, the caucasus and parts of karelia belong to it, also the PLC international more action and help" *he folded the tablet and said goodbye as he went back into the palace*
Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth
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