Camp Athabasca

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English Channel Union
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Camp Athabasca


Post by English Channel Union »

Location: Somewhere south of Uranium City, Sask
Exact Coordinates: Classified

10 Super-Stallion Helicopters can be heard flying across the flatlands of the prairies approaching Lake Athabasca, these helicopters are carrying Heavy drilling equipment and a large battalion of Engineers to conduct a project in the remote wilderness of Northern Saskatchewan, the pilots have been flying around the area searching for the White Flare from the ground team who was supposed to clear a landing zone in the region. Not long after, a bright white flare could be seen 3.5km south of their current position, quickly the Flight Lead relayed the information and instructed the flight to move towards the flare.

Once they arrived at the location of the flare, Stallion One was able to spot three of the Ground Team members signalling the dropzone for the equipment, turning his attention to his Radio he swapped his secondary channel to communicate with the ground team

Rat One this is Stallion One, how do you copy?

Copy Stallion One, I have you 5/5, let's begin the landing procedure for this equipment so that we can start this project!

You got it Rat one ZzzZzt... Stallion One to flight, commence drop procedure.

Shortly after this command, Stallion One is the first to approach the dropzone, making a soft landing for the equipment with the release team quickly climbing atop the equipment to unhook it from the Stallion, once that is completed the ground Signaller gives the All-Clear to the pilot and Stallion One pulls away, this is repeated in pairs of 2 until all 10 Stallions drop their Mining equipment. Shortly after, Stallions 5 through 10 will land slightly to the west of the equipment to drop off their engineers at the worksite to begin the construction of Camp Athabasca
Last edited by English Channel Union on Mon Apr 10, 2023 6:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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The Atomic Seal
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Re: Camp Athabasca


Post by English Channel Union »

Once the engineers are unloaded from the Super-Stallions the ground signaller will provide the all clear indication to Stallions 5 through 10, once the pilots acknowledge the rotors will begin to spool up, beginning to push dust around the camp with many crouching to take cover from the increase in wind speed. Shortly after the stallions would have lifted off from their spots leaving the dust to settle, a final communication is relayed

Good drop stallion one, all equipment appears to have been disconnected without any damage present. Rat one out

The communications team will begin changing frequencies to get in contact with the Atomic Allied command to begin relaying information regarding their position and current status. The information provided is that the equipment has been landed and the engineers have begun preparing our dig site and optimal observation location.

True to the reported fact, the engineers dropped off by the stallions have begun working on where the shafts should be drilled and at what depth will the concrete have to be filled to ensure no debris enter the atmosphere during operation, furthermore another team begins plotting approximate viewing locations for Atomic High Command

Meanwhile, some general labourers have begun preparing the mining rigs for operation once the engineers give the go ahead for the drilling.

Rat one has set up a command tent and a communications tent, two additional contractors have begun setting up an engineers tent so they can work in cover. Occasional security patrols are conducted and brush netting is layer atop all equipment while stationary.
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The Atomic Seal
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English Channel Union
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Re: Camp Athabasca


Post by English Channel Union »

Location: Camp Athabasca
Time: 0800 Hours

Weather: Heavy clouds, light snow

The roar of mining equipment can be heard echoing throughout the Saskatchewan wilderness, drilling deep into the crust of the planet currently at 150m they are aiming for 800m into the planet to minimize any environmental impact from their operation, this was determined to be the optimal depth by the camps engineers and have been approved by the operations commander.

A total of four drilling machines are operating to create four (4) separate test sites, during this process a team of general labourers has begun creating the foundation for the bunkers nearby to monitor the vibrations in the earth's crust and protect them from any hazardous environment that may be created due to the testing

Status Update:
Drilling; 18.75% Completed
Bunker Foundation: 20% Completed
Bunker Superstructure: N/A

Seismic Sensors (x8 Sensors/x2 per mine): 2 Installed
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The Atomic Seal
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English Channel Union
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Re: Camp Athabasca


Post by English Channel Union »

Location: Camp Athabasca
Time: 1800 Hours

Weather: Heavy clouds, Heavy snow

A windy night in northern Saskatchewan created a frigid environment for the soldiers of the Atomic Corp, the forest appears quiet but a distinct vibration can be felt amongst the ground generated by the massive drilling machines operating at the camp, workers at this camp are diligently running these machines to their limit nearly 24/7 taking limited breaks to maintain the drill heads and other critical components.

The bunkers steel wiring has been completed and the labourers have begun pouring the concrete for the bunker

Status Update:
Drilling: 25%
Bunker Foundation: 45%
Bunker Components: N/A

Seismic Sensors: 3 Installed
Democracy thrives with the Atom

The Atomic Seal
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English Channel Union
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Re: Camp Athabasca


Post by English Channel Union »

Location: Camp Athabasca
Time: 0200 Hours

Weather: Heavy Clouds, No Snow

With the bunkers foundation completed the Atomic Alliance will begin installing its monitoring and observation equipment into the building, Electrical Engineers, Programmers and many more specialized workers are now in these bunkers installing the necessary equipment to scientifically understand the tests that will be performed at this location.

Workers on the drill have begun to slow down due to some overheating issues with there machines, however the drilling is nearly completed.

Status Update:
Drilling: 75%
Bunker Foundation: 100%
Bunker Components: 25%

Seismic Sensors: 5 Installed
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The Atomic Seal
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Re: Camp Athabasca


Post by English Channel Union »

Location: Camp Athabasca
Time: 0000 Hours

Weather: Clear Skies, No Snow, Windy Day

The engineers in the bunker have nearly completed their job, finalizing the wiring between the main computers and the sensors along with the displays for observers within the bunker. The drilling team had successfully reached 800m and have begun extracting their drilling equipment and clearing the area to move in the lifting equipment.

Seismic sensors have all been installed and some electricians have begun connecting them to the bunker

Status Update:
Drilling: 100%
Bunker Foundation: 100%
Bunker Components: 75%

Seismic Sensors: 6 Installed
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Re: Camp Athabasca


Post by English Channel Union »

Location: Camp Athabasca
Time: 0930 Hours

Weather: Clear Skies

The bunker has been completed, all sensors and shielding have been completed and it is ready to monitor the test sites within the Athabascas site. With the completion of this camp, the labourers have begun to pack up some of their supplies as 1/3rd of them will be returning home now, and the remaining 2/3rds will remain to prepare the site for testing once the item is ready.

Status Update:
Drilling: 100%
Bunker Foundation: 100%
Bunker Components: 100%

Seismic Sensors: 6/6 Installed
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The Atomic Seal
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English Channel Union
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Re: Camp Athabasca


Post by English Channel Union »

Location: Camp Athabasca
Time: 0100 Hours

Project Prime

Engineers and Scientists onsite at Camp Athabasca has been excited all day, news has reached them that their first official test will be conducted today. Due to this, many are in the bunker preparing the monitoring equipment while a few are watching the designated drill site where this weapon will be tested.

With specialized individuals arriving onsite in protective gear, many security forces and labourers have come to watch the placement, a super-stallion could be heard approaching in the distance and once it clears the tree-line above the test site the experimental device will be visible by the workers attached to the bottom of the transport. Slowly, the stallion will lower the device towards the drill site with the specialized individuals carefully maneuvering it on the ground and one communicating with the pilot. What felt like mere seconds actually took a total of fifteen minutes, but happily the device has been successfully installed.

Shortly after the completion of the install many labourers will be moved outside of the testing zone and back to the habitation area outside the the deemed hazard zone, the specialized workers will join the engineers in the bunker with some Atomic High Command.

With all the sensors providing information showing they are active the base commander gives the order to begin the test, Scientist Rodriguez will announce over the camps radio and bunker PA;

Attention! Attention! Project Prime is commencing please seek shelter and remain until told otherwise

Attention! Attention! Test commencing in… 10… 9… 8… 7… 5… 4… Rodriguez will lift the ignition test cover… 3… 2… Placing his hand atop the trigger… 1… IGNITION

Silence will sweep the room, mere seconds later within the allotted ignition window a muffled blast could be heard quickly followed by tectonic vibrations, scientists are watching their computers monitoring the quick influx of data that is being transmitted.

Everyone, I believe we have a successful test! All the data has indicated such and will assist us in further development, with our previous knowledge of the atom and our scientific data from our first fission weapon test we will truly see a quick increase in our atomic research!

All the data is quickly transmitted to Uranium City, indicating a successful test of the atomic weapon.
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The Atomic Seal
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English Channel Union
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Camp Athabasca


Post by English Channel Union »

Location: Camp Athabasca
Time: 1100 Hours

Project Exterminator

The sound of a Super-Stallion could be heard approaching in the distance, once again Engineers and Scientists will gather while the Specialized Handling Team prepares the testing site for the placement of the device, connecting it to the detonator and nearby sensors they will lower it into the hole, during this process the scientists will make their way to the bunker and prepare the site for testing.

The Engineers will begin to make their way back to camp, taking shelter in their nearby concrete bunker during this test as instructed by the Ministry.

In the Bunker, the Atomic High Command for the project will be present along with its scientists performing their final checks on the sensors, once they confirm everything is operating normally they will relay that information to the Project Commander, with this being done he will give the go-ahead to begin the countdown and detonation.

Attention! Attention! Project Exterminator is commencing please seek shelter and remain until told otherwise

Attention! Attention! Test commencing in… 10… 9… 8… 7… 5… 4… Rodriguez will lift the ignition test cover… 3… 2… Placing his hand atop the trigger… 1… IGNITION

Silence will sweep the room, mere seconds later within the allotted ignition window a muffled blast could be heard quickly followed by tectonic vibrations consistent with 1kt of TNT, scientists are watching their computers monitoring the quick influx of data that is being transmitted. The most interesting data and the most important would be the gieger counters just above the site showing that at 840m the device would be registering 10,000 Rem. (Due to the Non-Reflective shielding and increase in Fusion Fuels producing neutrons and escaping through the non-reflective shielding I multiplied the REM distance by 1.5x)

This Data will be transmitted back to the Atomic Ministry for further analysis.
Last edited by English Channel Union on Mon Apr 10, 2023 6:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
Democracy thrives with the Atom

The Atomic Seal
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English Channel Union
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Camp Athabasca


Post by English Channel Union »

Location: Camp Athabasca
Time: 0500 Hours

Operation Krakatowa

With the installation of the @Majapahit testing device, Atomic Scientists will begin the Pre-Test procedure, testing each gauge and ensuring it is operating correctly, performing a systems check on all monitoring computers to ensure they are gathering and analyzing the data simultaneously with the detonation of the device.

Once the system checks are completed, the Scientists will enter the bunker with the Majaphit delegation where they will meet Site Commander Harvard will greet the delegation and introduce them to the Monitoring Engineers and Scientists who will be analyzing the data from their device. The Commander will inform them the results will be downloaded onto their isolated computers and a copy will be available to the delegation to return home with. Finally, once the introductions are completed the Commander will invite the Majahapit Delegation to stand in front of the Main Screen in the center of the room which will display the Seismic Activity and REM reading of the device, following the test the Computers will present Fireball, Overpressure, and Fallout Simulated capabilities depending on the present detonation altitude.

Once all is given the green light, Harvard will state
Operation Krakatowa is cleared, Rodriguez begins the firing procedure.

Sirens will sound across Camp Athabasca, Labourers will seek shelter in the Basecamps fallout shelter in the event of a disaster, after the Sirens complete their rotation Rodriguez will go over the speakers

Attention! Attention! Operation Krakatowa is commencing please seek shelter and remain until told otherwise

Attention! Attention! Test commencing in… 10… 9… 8… 7… 5… 4… Rodriguez will lift the ignition test cover… 3… 2… Placing his hand atop the trigger… 1… IGNITION

Following the Detonation of the testing device, the Alliances computers will begin quickly analyzing the data and sharing it with the viewers in the Bunker, the data will be analyzed and recorded onto the station's isolated storage devices
Democracy thrives with the Atom

The Atomic Seal
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